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Realistic FA options

Things that give me reason for optimism; His rookie year 4th quarter ratings and performance under pressure ratings, his propensity for comebacks and late game heroics until later this season, his 7-2 record this year in games started and completed. His ability to not turn over the ball, although to a large degree it also is what hindered his ability or willingness to throw over the middle and deep until late in games.
I think that coaching is what has caused his issues with not throwing a lot of TDs in that he was so brainwashed to avoid turnovers that it caused him to regress and become tentative in his reads in the middle of the field. There is a fine line between playing smart and playing scared, the lack of a cohesive NFL level scheme caused him to overthink throws in the middle even when open. Hopefully we can get this out of his head.
We now wait to see if Arthur Smith is that guy, and will he surround himself (assuming he has control) by hiring assistants that can actually coach and develop players.
I think one of the 3 quality centers will make to pick #51, Jackson-Powers, Frazier or Van Pran. I'm hoping they take a right tackle in round 1 and move Jones to left tackle
Jackson-Powers is the obvious choice, but I don't see him there at 51, so I would consider taking him with 20.
Doing that however, means missing out on a OT to anchor the right side for the next decade.
Maybe Chicago wants to trade again.
I think one of the 3 quality centers will make to pick #51, Jackson-Powers, Frazier or Van Pran. I'm hoping they take a right tackle in round 1 and move Jones to left tackle
Definitely on the table as an option....
Jackson-Powers is the obvious choice, but I don't see him there at 51, so I would consider taking him with 20.
Doing that however, means missing out on a OT to anchor the right side for the next decade.
Maybe Chicago wants to trade again.
I don't follow college centers closely enough to make a real informed decision here but I have read the scouting reports available and there doesn't seem to be that much of a difference between the 3 of them. Some reports have Frazier as the #1 and others have Jackson-Powers, none that I saw listed Van Pran as the #1 but that doesn't mean he isn't worthy of the 2.52 pick. I'd be happy with trying any of them as the center for the next 8-10 years (barring injury of course) and hope it works out. Plus, rarely, do centers go in the 1st round. Too many needs and not enough 1st round picks. :)
I think one of the 3 quality centers will make to pick #51, Jackson-Powers, Frazier or Van Pran. I'm hoping they take a right tackle in round 1 and move Jones to left tackle
There are a few solid OCs that should be there at round 2, maybe even 3. And YES to drafting a RT and moving Jones back to natural LT position. ENOUGH with the Steelers moving players out of their natural positions already! Or did they learn nothing from the Green experiment? It's one thing to take a smaller college DE and turning them to a 3-4 OLB, at one time that was done through necessity as not many college teams ran a 3-4. But Pgh thinks they are so much smarter than they are with moving players around. Look at Leal, still don't know where to play him.

At QB, id like Brissett.. the right mix of cheap and good enough to start if Pickett doesnt show growth. Cosins and Tannehill will be out of tgeir price range..

We probably get Dobbs... lol..
I was wanting Brissett when they went out and grabbed Trubisky. Figured he was an obvious choice from his previous experience with Canada.
Thinking if he was an option it would’ve been 2 offseasons ago

Dobbs would be a cool story, wanted to keep him around when he left.
Plus, rarely, do centers go in the 1st round. Too many needs and not enough 1st round picks. :)
Most of our illustrious OCs were not 1st round draft picks. Webster was a 4th or 5th. Dawson was a 2nd rounder. Pouncey was a 1st rounder (but I think the most overrated of the top C group). Hartings was a former 1s rounder who we traded for, was an OG for Detroit. He may be the most underrated of the group.
Dobbs would be a cool story, wanted to keep him around when he left.
Mixed emotions on Dobbs, had a spurt of success last season, then midnight struck and he turned back into a pumpkin. I know, I know, rocket scientist and all that.
Mixed emotions on Dobbs, had a spurt of success last season, then midnight struck and he turned back into a pumpkin. I know, I know, rocket scientist and all that.
I like Dobbs as the backup role cuz he can help tell our weak processing QBs what they are actually seeing and he’s a cheap backup plan-would have been way better than throwing that money at T-biscuit
I like Dobbs as the backup role cuz he can help tell our weak processing QBs what they are actually seeing and he’s a cheap backup plan-would have been way better than throwing that money at T-biscuit
Yea, remember when the team narrative was "Canaduh's system didn't work with sedentary QBs" blaming old Ben for the offensive woes? I do. And about half the fans on the Internet bought that cracked excuse. I didn't. I knew then we had two more years with crappy OC Canaduh, because the next excuse would be that "Kenny was a rookie." And sure as s--t, that was the next excuse. And if the offense is still anemic this year, it will be because "It was Kenny's 1st year with the new offense." You autmatically get a free pass your 1st year in Pgh as a new OC. Now, why is it that other teams demand, and receive, improved offensive play when they hire a new OC right i the middle of the season? Happens all the time (see the Bills this year), but in Pgh your entire 1st year is a freebie, no results needed.

Tug boat Steelers: Everything takes 5x longer to figure out.
Tannyhill shouldn't command much plus he has ties to the new OC. I wouldn't be shocked if he is signed if Rudy doesn't return.
just an honest question--do we really want Tannihill? He seems to be a decent to good QB but that is it. We need to find someone special. Some think it still could be Kenny. If so, then give him a shot with the new OC. Or see if Russell Wilson will come here at the league minimum and try to win NOW while Kenny still learns. Or see what Mason can do if he is given the keys to the offense and has the full support of the team. But IMHO, signing Tannihill (sp?) is just accepting mediocrity for another few years. Oh he might win a couple more games, but we need a franchise QB to lead the team for the next 8-10 years. With all the craziness with Canada's sophomoric offense plus all of us have seen how badly the OLine has played at times over the past 2 years which rendered the offense one dimensional or maybe no dimensional. Teams would just throw the kitchen sink at KP and sack him at will almost.

Why not see if the OLine has gotten better with Broderick Jones in his 2nd year and drafting the other tackle from Georgia? Why not see if Kenny can be that QB? He has shown flashes of brilliance but also the opposite. '

I just dont think Ryan Tannihill is the answer even if ASmith loves him. Surely PIT can do better than that. But just my take. I could be 100% wrong. Who knows?
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just an honest question--do we really want Tannihill? He seems to be a decent to good QB but that is it. We need to find someone special. Some think it still could be Kenny. If so, then give him a shot with the new OC. Or see if Russell Wilson will come here at the league minimum and try to win NOW while Kenny still learns. Or see what Mason can do if he is given the keys to the offense and has the full support of the team. But IMHO, signing Tannihill (sp?) is just accepting mediocrity for another few years. Oh he might win a couple more games, but we need a franchise QB to lead the team for the next 8-10 years. With all the craziness with Canada's sophomoric offense plus all of us have seen how badly the OLine has played at times over the past 2 years which rendered the offense one dimensional or maybe no dimensional. Teams would just throw the kitchen sink at KP and sack him at will almost.

Why not see if the OLine has gotten better with Broderick Jones in his 2nd year and drafting the other tackle from Georgia? Why not see if Kenny can be that QB? He has shown flashes of brilliance but also the opposite. '

I just dont think Ryan Tannihill is the answer even if ASmith loves him. Surely PIT can do better than that. But just my take. I could be 100% wrong. Who knows?
Tannyhill would be a charlie batch kind of signing. I'm not expecting him to be our starter for the future.
just an honest question--do we really want Tannihill? He seems to be a decent to good QB but that is it. We need to find someone special. Some think it still could be Kenny. If so, then give him a shot with the new OC. Or see if Russell Wilson will come here at the league minimum and try to win NOW while Kenny still learns. Or see what Mason can do if he is given the keys to the offense and has the full support of the team. But IMHO, signing Tannihill (sp?) is just accepting mediocrity for another few years. Oh he might win a couple more games, but we need a franchise QB to lead the team for the next 8-10 years. With all the craziness with Canada's sophomoric offense plus all of us have seen how badly the OLine has played at times over the past 2 years which rendered the offense one dimensional or maybe no dimensional. Teams would just throw the kitchen sink at KP and sack him at will almost.

Why not see if the OLine has gotten better with Broderick Jones in his 2nd year and drafting the other tackle from Georgia? Why not see if Kenny can be that QB? He has shown flashes of brilliance but also the opposite. '

I just dont think Ryan Tannihill is the answer even if ASmith loves him. Surely PIT can do better than that. But just my take. I could be 100% wrong. Who knows?

I think he is teetering on retirement. But I don't make the decisions.
Tannehill will be coming in to be QB2 or QB3 depending on what Rudolph does. He's not coming here to be QB1. I can definitely see the Steelers take a flyer on a QB if they drop enough. The FSU QB would have been a top 10 QB but who knows with his injury. There are a couple of others if they slide to the 4th or later, they may go for. They do need a QB3 unless Rudolph and Tannehill sign.
I am quite sure he already has a chip on his shoulder. He played very well in the first game after Canada was fired played pretty well in the cards game with70% completions until the bad play he was hurt on. Everyone is totally discounting all of that and ******** on him now. I am sure that is more than enough to motivate him. I never have questioned his work ethic anyway. I think he will be fine with the new OC.
He's not a franchise QB. When you have receivers open all over the field (High School offense or not), and you can't find one...you are not the guy. This explains his terrible TD to pick ratio in college and now here. He can't read defenses well and he ends up just flinging it. And because he's aware of this he then reverts to being conservative and breaks the pocket to run.

The rumor from Ian "PaRappa the Bulllshit Rapper" Rapoport is that they are bringing in Tannehill to pair him with Smith. I don't have that much faith in the Steelers FO. Not that Tanny is the long term answer either, but I would see it at least as a move to try and accomplish something with TJ and the D we have now.

Going with Mason and Kenny is just asking for more of the same. Mason has a ceiling we've all seen don't be fooled by the two games against bad teams. Speaking of Mason the Tannehill rumor may just be a ploy to get him to sign. Mason of course could also be playing that game by saying he's "interested in a fresh start" blah, blah. Dude would be stupid to go somewhere else unless someone is dumb enough to give him way more money than he is worth as going that route probably means he's done in the NFL in a few years. He's a backup....be a backup. Think Charlie Batch...the long game. And Mitch is done...enough said.

Tanny is familiar with Smith...he's getting long in the tooth, but with the right parts around him he can get you to and win in the playoffs. Familiarity with Smith and his offense is a BIG +. Again I'll believe it when I see it from Art, Mikey ,and the Keystone Cops " Steelers Way" the front office swears by.
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We now wait to see if Arthur Smith is that guy, and will he surround himself (assuming he has control) by hiring assistants that can actually coach and develop players.
And Smith is also anchored by Shades, who has shown no skill in developing QBs.
He's not a franchise QB. When you have receivers open all over the field (High School offense or not), and you can't find one...you are not the guy. This explains his terrible TD to pick ratio in college and now here. He can't read defenses well and he ends up just flinging it. And because he's aware of this he then reverts to being conservative and breaks the pocket to run.

The rumor from Ian "PaRappa the Bulllshit Rapper" Rapoport is that they are bringing in Tannehill to pair him with Smith. I don't have that much faith in the Steelers FO. Not that Tanny is the answer either, but I would see it at least as a move to try and accomplish something with TJ and the D we have now.

Going with Mason and Kenny is just asking for more of the same. Mason has a ceiling we've all seen don't be fooled by the two games against bad teams. Speaking of Mason the Tannehill rumor may just be a ploy to get him to sign. Mason of course could also be playing that game by saying he's "interested in a fresh start" blah, blah. Dude would be stupid to go somewhere else unless someone is dumb enough to give him way more money than he is worth as going that route probably means he's done in the NFL in a few years. He's a backup....be a backup. Think Charlie Batch...the long game. And Mitch is done...enough said.

Tanny is familiar with Smith...he's getting long in the tooth, but with the right parts around him he can get you to and win in the playoffs. Familiarity with Smith and his offense is a BIG +. Again I'll believe it when I see it from Art, Mikey ,and the Keystone Cops " Steelers Way" the front office swears by.
And I forgot to add that with emphasis on the run game with Najee and Warren asking Tanny for the occasional big play is not asking too much. The dude's accuracy #'s are excellent. He hits the mid range and deep stuff well, something none of the 3 we have now have shown. Mason did on a couple of mid range throws, but missed badly on a few as well. I think Mason is what he is.

O-line has to be slightly better though....obviously.
I would go after the Jets punter. Top ten in punt average and solid in dropping inside the 20.
How about bringing a guy like C Cushenberry plus a top rookie? Of course this means Cole is gone.
Maybe Smith brings the Falcons FA Center to give the rookie time to adapt to the NFL strength and speed
If you're taking Jackson Powers-Boothe it will have to be 1.20. Chargers are going to need a center badly. Linsley was on IR with a heart issue and is looking at possible retirement. Titans and Eagles are also looking at Center. Zach Frazier is looking like mid 2nd round. Van Pran from Georgia is late 2nd or early 3rd. After that, it is a pretty good drop-off. Bebee from KSU and Barton from Duke are both guards but have looked good at Center when they had the reps. As far as FA. Connor Williams from Miami, who tore an ACL in November is a very good center. Cushenberry from Denver would be a nice pickup. If it were me I would sign Cushenberry and draft an OT (Mims, Fuaga) or CB if Arnold, Wiggins, Mckinstry, or Quinyon Mitchell from Toledo. I also wouldn't mind getting my hands on Sweat or Byron Johnson from Texas if they last until 2.51.
How about bringing a guy like C Cushenberry plus a top rookie? Of course this means Cole is gone.
Maybe Smith brings the Falcons FA Center to give the rookie time to adapt to the NFL strength and speed
I think the the Falcons C is a ERFA. And he was a backup....
If you're taking Jackson Powers-Boothe it will have to be 1.20. Chargers are going to need a center badly. Linsley was on IR with a heart issue and is looking at possible retirement. Titans and Eagles are also looking at Center. Zach Frazier is looking like mid 2nd round. Van Pran from Georgia is late 2nd or early 3rd. After that, it is a pretty good drop-off. Bebee from KSU and Barton from Duke are both guards but have looked good at Center when they had the reps. As far as FA. Connor Williams from Miami, who tore an ACL in November is a very good center. Cushenberry from Denver would be a nice pickup. If it were me I would sign Cushenberry and draft an OT (Mims, Fuaga) or CB if Arnold, Wiggins, Mckinstry, or Quinyon Mitchell from Toledo. I also wouldn't mind getting my hands on Sweat or Byron Johnson from Texas if they last until 2.51.
I don't think the Toledo kid will get a lot of consideration due to where he played...
I don't think the Toledo kid will get a lot of consideration due to where he played...
He was the best player at the senior bowl on defense. 6ft 190lbs 4.35 40 and very, very sticky in press coverage. He was beaten once by Roman Wilson who made a Pickens-like catch. Early reports are mid to late first rd. If he blows up the combine he could rise past some of the higher-ranked CBs
He was the best player at the senior bowl on defense. 6ft 190lbs 4.35 40 and very, very sticky in press coverage. He was beaten once by Roman Wilson who made a Pickens-like catch. Early reports are mid to late first rd. If he blows up the combine he could rise past some of the higher-ranked CBs

I've already seen him ranked as the top CB by some. This would be a very un-Steelers-like move as they draft P5 colleges in the first round. There are just so many good CBs early, they could have a lockdown duo for years to come with the right pick. Also, since you mentioned Roman Wilson, that is a receiver I'd be looking at. Although maybe a little undersized, I think he fills a void on the WR depth chart and would add a little of the old-school toughness this group has been missing.
just so y'all know, Chase Claypool is a UFA.