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Report: NFL covered up facts regarding Deflategate that might have exonerated Tom Brady, Patriots

JP -

Are you able to provide a citation which shows specific examples of this supposed cheating that the Pats did and the NFL swept under the rug?

Just today there was more than one person here trying to claim that the sanctions against the Pats was "evidence" that they cheated.
Just this week you appeared to care given your incessant claims of the Pats "cheating". Now a new report surfaces just today that would further discredit your promotion of fallacy and libel and you are asking for that reported to be suppressed?
Since there is no verifiable evidence of this (in fact, there's now a report that the NFL actually covered facts that would exonerated Brady / Pats), so the burden of proof would be on you since you are trying to claim something that there is no evidence for.

ss - Would it be fair to say that you love lies?
Guilt debate
Not at all. I'm just of the belief that this "report" that you claimed likely came from the diary of one of your former flames, not an NFL website.
they had a guy whose nickname was "the deflater" and when questioned Brady destroyed his phone. Then there was the Pats ridiculously low fumble rate. I don't give a **** if the particular balls tested that day were inconclusive, they were guilty. Only idiots and Pats fans think differently.

Florio capitalizing on sucker pats fans with a book that they will buy to make themselves feel less guilty.
Brady destroyed the phone because he was involved in a other cheating things at the time…. The current revelations change absolutely nothing about what we heard about deflategate…

that it was a veiled attempt to punish brady and the pats for their continued cheating without actually calling out what they were really doing

We know Goodell was opposed to punishing him and the a plurality of the owners forced his hand… we also know he destroyed the phone and was absolutely engaged in something nefarious with his lackies… had that not been true, they would have sued and won when fired by the team….

The other thing that Whorio isn’t pointing out was thst while it is scientifically reasonable that balls deflate in the cold, they do so in a relatively uniform fashion

The colts balls were deflated to an average over 12 psi… all the pats balls were in the 10 to 11 range…

It was a pretty big difference for one half and niether group of balls kept in a different climate

Also pats dipshits always fail to acknowledge that the league was tipped off to it going on, the pats staffers joked about it… broke rules taking them out of sight and into the bathroom

And that the initial complaint from the colts was not just that they were deflated but also being coated with a grip enhancing substance
Just this week you appeared to care given your incessant claims of the Pats "cheating". Now a new report surfaces just today that would further discredit your promotion of fallacy and libel and you are asking for that reported to be suppressed?

Reason for cell phone destruction ?

Salute the nation
Why is anyone responding to this guy? Go debate with a brick. You'll be more successful.

He is a cheaters fan who wants his savior to look good. Don't waste your time.

(he comes back with "I'm not a cheaters fan . . . " in 5, 4, 3, 2, . . . . )
Reason for cell phone destruction ?

Salute the nation
Marcia’s attorney’s claimed privacy matters, but the commission stated that the transcripts would be read in the presence of he and his lawyers only. Anything not relevant to the investigation would have been sealed from public release. Some investigation specialists hypothesized that the destruction of his phone was a deliberate attempt to prevent other individuals to be identified, i.e. Belichick, Team equipment manager and/or acquaintances. Some even state that there may have been content related to Guerrero and possibly illegal enhancements as Bill mentioned earlier in another thread.
Marcia’s attorney’s claimed privacy matters, but the commission stated that the transcripts would be read in the presence of he and his lawyers only. Anything not relevant to the investigation would have been sealed from public release. Some investigation specialists hypothesized that the destruction of his phone was a deliberate attempt to prevent other individuals to be identified, i.e. Belichick, Team equipment manager and/or acquaintances. Some even state that there may have been content related to Guerrero and possibly illegal enhancements as Bill mentioned earlier in another thread.

Thanks Ike but I meant it more in a metaphorical sense, "Boobie in the Area" was referring to no cheating and I was referring to then why the cell phone destruction.

t*mmyb*y is a convicted cheater so there is no if's and's or but's unless you count Boobie in the AREA as a butt.

Salute the nation

7 years later, Deflategate is in the news again: Report suggests NFL covered up facts that might have exonerated Tom Brady, Patriots​

Deflategate is the gift that keeps on giving. The NFL-manufactured scandal that accused the New England Patriots and quarterback Tom Brady of illegally tampering with the air pressure inside footballs to gain a competitive advantage — an accusation that was later disproven by basic science — dominated news cycles throughout 2015 and 2016.

Now, it is back. A new book by Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk shines a light on the league office’s role in the scandal and how it actively worked against the Patriots.

Two pieces of information were recently shared in a quasi-excerpt from the book: who was responsible for the erroneous tweet by ESPN’s Chris Mortensen claiming that 11 of 12 Patriots footballs were two pound per square inch (PSI) below the league’s air pressure range (12.5-13.5), and how the NFL handled measurements conducted during the 2015 season.

As for Mortensen’s tweet, its source reportedly was NFL vice president of football operations Troy Vincent:

Vincent played a key role in the whole Deflategate affair, being present during measurements at halftime of the 2014 AFC Championship Game between the Patriots and the visiting Indianapolis Colts. The Colts had alerted the league about a rumor originating with the Baltimore Ravens that New England would tamper with the footballs; the NFL tried to catch the Patriots in the act and measured the footballs at the half.

New England’s balls were measured first, and only one of the twelve was more than 2 PSI below the threshold; the others ranged from 1.8 to 0.2 PSI below but still within a scientifically explainable range. Yet, Mortensen’s tweet remained online and the basis of much of the talk about Deflategate.

Obviously, the league’s field study conducted during the 2015 season would have helped exonerate the Patriots and their quarterback after their were heavily penalized for their alleged involvement. However, NFL hid the numbers, reportedly at the behest of league counsel Jeff Pash:

The fact that the NFL league office built an expensive case against New England and eventually conspired to keep unfavorable evidence hidden is nothing new. The league never releasing the testing numbers after the 2015 season was sufficient proof of that already.

Now, however, we know who played a key role in the process that eventually cost the Patriots two draft picks — a first- and a fourth-rounder — and led to the NFL suspending Tom Brady for four games: Troy Vincent either knowingly or not feeding wrong numbers to a receptive journalist, and Jeff Pash covering up facts that would have proven the NFL’s case to be based in fiction rather than fact.

Ultimately, however, none of it matters. Those who believe the Patriots have been guilty of whatnot will still do so, while their two stripped draft will not return. Likewise, this serves as further proof that Vincent and Pash tried to hold onto the conclusions that were drawn in the Gillette Stadium locker room in January 2015.

At the end of the day, Deflategate remains a full success for the NFL as Pats Pulpit’s own Alec Shane wrote in 2016:

Florio’s new book will not change any of that.

Tapes were destroyed for Spygate, what was on them? If it wasn't a bad, bad look for the league, then why would they destroy them? Roger said there wasn't anything on them to see, but yet destroyed them. Riddle me that, and we can talk about deflategate.


7 years later, Deflategate is in the news again: Report suggests NFL covered up facts that might have exonerated Tom Brady, Patriots​

Deflategate is the gift that keeps on giving. The NFL-manufactured scandal that accused the New England Patriots and quarterback Tom Brady of illegally tampering with the air pressure inside footballs to gain a competitive advantage — an accusation that was later disproven by basic science — dominated news cycles throughout 2015 and 2016.

Now, it is back. A new book by Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk shines a light on the league office’s role in the scandal and how it actively worked against the Patriots.

Two pieces of information were recently shared in a quasi-excerpt from the book: who was responsible for the erroneous tweet by ESPN’s Chris Mortensen claiming that 11 of 12 Patriots footballs were two pound per square inch (PSI) below the league’s air pressure range (12.5-13.5), and how the NFL handled measurements conducted during the 2015 season.

As for Mortensen’s tweet, its source reportedly was NFL vice president of football operations Troy Vincent:

Vincent played a key role in the whole Deflategate affair, being present during measurements at halftime of the 2014 AFC Championship Game between the Patriots and the visiting Indianapolis Colts. The Colts had alerted the league about a rumor originating with the Baltimore Ravens that New England would tamper with the footballs; the NFL tried to catch the Patriots in the act and measured the footballs at the half.

New England’s balls were measured first, and only one of the twelve was more than 2 PSI below the threshold; the others ranged from 1.8 to 0.2 PSI below but still within a scientifically explainable range. Yet, Mortensen’s tweet remained online and the basis of much of the talk about Deflategate.

Obviously, the league’s field study conducted during the 2015 season would have helped exonerate the Patriots and their quarterback after their were heavily penalized for their alleged involvement. However, NFL hid the numbers, reportedly at the behest of league counsel Jeff Pash:

The fact that the NFL league office built an expensive case against New England and eventually conspired to keep unfavorable evidence hidden is nothing new. The league never releasing the testing numbers after the 2015 season was sufficient proof of that already.

Now, however, we know who played a key role in the process that eventually cost the Patriots two draft picks — a first- and a fourth-rounder — and led to the NFL suspending Tom Brady for four games: Troy Vincent either knowingly or not feeding wrong numbers to a receptive journalist, and Jeff Pash covering up facts that would have proven the NFL’s case to be based in fiction rather than fact.

Ultimately, however, none of it matters. Those who believe the Patriots have been guilty of whatnot will still do so, while their two stripped draft will not return. Likewise, this serves as further proof that Vincent and Pash tried to hold onto the conclusions that were drawn in the Gillette Stadium locker room in January 2015.

At the end of the day, Deflategate remains a full success for the NFL as Pats Pulpit’s own Alec Shane wrote in 2016:

Florio’s new book will not change any of that.

...The Animals We Ate...


I haven't laughed this hard at a football related thread in a while.
Dollars to donuts Lunar found some kick-*** way to incorporate clamato or tomato juice into some rum.

Actually, that sounds so disgusting I don't think even he could pull that one off.
Thanks Ike but I meant it more in a metaphorical sense, "Boobie in the Area" was referring to no cheating and I was referring to then why the cell phone destruction.

t*mmyb*y is a convicted cheater so there is no if's and's or but's unless you count Boobie in the AREA as a butt.

Salute the nation
Bob in the Arena went bye bye from Justin according to Coolie. Coolie was going to tell Bob’s mother he’s been stealing Wi-Fi access from Walmart parking lots.
Bob in the Arena went bye bye from Justin according to Coolie. Coolie was going to tell Bob’s mother he’s been stealing Wi-Fi access from Walmart parking lots.
Bob will be back under a different username he just can't help himself.