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Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Ral


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2014
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Dirty Tricks Operative Unwittingly Provides Dark Money Trail to the DNC and Clinton Campaign

Violence at Trump Rallies Traced to Clinton Campaign and the DNC Through Process Called Birddogging

Shady Coordinated Communications Chain Between DNC, Clinton Campaign, Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC and Other Organizations Revealed

Key Clinton Operative: “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this ************”



In other alt-right news headlines:

CONservative "scientists"(in their off time from proving man made global warming is a hoax) have made a link between inbred rednecks getting abducted by bigfoot piloted ufo's and the Hollywood leftists......

Because " ya'll seen star wars....that Chewbacca felller can drive one them things!
In other alt-right news headlines:

CONservative "scientists"(in their off time from proving man made global warming is a hoax) have made a link between inbred rednecks getting abducted by bigfoot piloted ufo's and the Hollywood leftists......

Because " ya'll seen star wars....that Chewbacca felller can drive one them things!

Very cogent and substantive reply ... from a guy who admits he will vote for Hillary, despite her financial shenanigans, paranoid delusions, lies, corruption, cover-up, denials, two-faced statements, delusion, and history of failure as Secretary of State.
What? The election is being rigged?

In other news, water is wet. Conspiracy Wig may have been mentioning for awhile now that we don't really HAVE elections. Just pageants to take our mind of what' really going on.
What? The election is being rigged?

In other news, water is wet. Conspiracy Wig may have been mentioning for awhile now that we don't really HAVE elections. Just pageants to take our mind of what' really going on.

Video evidence of the people and firms directly 'contracted by the DNC and Hillary's campaign' doing all these nefarious deeds is the story. These video admissions, in case you didn't watch it, is pure ******* gold for Trump and his campaign.
The leftists are extremely violent lot when you threaten their power. Just watch what they do outside of rallies at opposing parties. It's gotten way out of hand.
The leftists are extremely violent lot when you threaten their power. Just watch what they do outside of rallies at opposing parties. It's gotten way out of hand.
Just watch what they do on college campuses when a conservative speaker is invited. It is pure fascism.
Just watch what they do on college campuses when a conservative speaker is invited. It is pure fascism.

You can blame that on the communist professors pissing on the United States,capitalism and the founding fathers. You can throw in our media who are damn near state run like the old PRAVDA of the Soviet Union.
Video evidence of the people and firms directly 'contracted by the DNC and Hillary's campaign' doing all these nefarious deeds is the story. These video admissions, in case you didn't watch it, is pure ******* gold for Trump and his campaign.

Considering the lengths to which the DNC and even the white house will go to secure this election, and considering the fact that "they" have the media completely tucked into their pockets, do you believe for one moment that this video or any other will make an ounce of difference? Do you believe it will receive any airtime on a national scale? Wikileaks was ******* shut down, Julian Assange is full on in hiding. Hillary Clinton compelled the director of the FBI and the Attorney General of the United States Justice Department to lie on her behalf. Just what do you honestly expect is going to happen here?

No really? I'm interested? What part of this entire ******* show do you not get? What does the woman have to do for the world to even BEGIN to consider any other option? The Republican party nominated the most odious man they could possibly find and he's STILL more likeable than Hillary Clinton. So the media has been in full on "destroy Trump" mode for months. Sexual Assault victims are suddenly lining up accusing him out of nowhere, Billy Bush's career was destroyed in order to make an 11 year old tape seem more shocking. The Republican Party at one point considered actually dropping out of the ******* presidential election.

And yet nothing sticks to Clinton. She deflects every criticism, every scandal, every conceivable weakness. At every turn she comes out appearing at least fine if not stronger. Never mind that everything we're shown is a sham. Ignore the fact that we're being lied to and rail-roaded mercilessly. There's an agenda here and by GOD we WILL have a woman president for the sake of it. And she will be the most liberal, most "forward thinking" president we've ever seen.

And how this country will suffer for it. But to pretend that the script isn't written - well that's just wishful thinking.

Dirty Tricks Operative Unwittingly Provides Dark Money Trail to the DNC and Clinton Campaign

Violence at Trump Rallies Traced to Clinton Campaign and the DNC Through Process Called Birddogging

Shady Coordinated Communications Chain Between DNC, Clinton Campaign, Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC and Other Organizations Revealed

Key Clinton Operative: “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this ************”



Gee, wouldn't it be karma to see some Trump backers pay these fine fellas an impromptu friendly visit ? What's good for the goose and all that.
Very cogent and substantive reply ... from a guy who admits he will vote for Hillary, despite her financial shenanigans, paranoid delusions, lies, corruption, cover-up, denials, two-faced statements, delusion, and history of failure as Secretary of State.

It's a brilliant post when you keep it within the context of comedy. No copy and paste like cartoon man or the other riders in the S.N. clown car. This one is pure elfin goodness.
O'keefe tweeted earlier that tomorrow's video will be one the MSM (I know, ha!) can't ignore...

James O'Keefe ‏@JamesOKeefeIII 2h2 hours ago
Tomorrow's video is so damning, we'll have the corporate media forced to cover this. Even if they're dragged kicking and screaming. #Veritas
Newt discussing the video on Hannity's show. Noticing a lot of websites reporting on this of course Breitbart being the first. Hope O'keefe is right about tomorrow's big release catching some MSM coverage.

Obama's corrupt regime leads the way

FBI Agents Say Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Email Investigation

FBI agents say the bureau is alarmed over Director James Comey’s decision to not suggest that the Justice Department prosecute Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information.

“This is a textbook case where a grand jury should have been convened, but was not. That is appalling,” an FBI special agent who has worked public corruption and criminal cases said of the decision. “We talk about it in the office and don’t know how Comey can keep going.”

The agent was also surprised that the bureau did not bother to search Clinton’s house during the investigation.


Gee, wouldn't it be karma to see some Trump backers pay these fine fellas an impromptu friendly visit ? What's good for the goose and all that.[/QUOTE

At some point this crap needs to be shut down. The democrats are scary corrupt. Hildabeast sits at the top of this garbage heap. She is going to make 8 years of Barry seem like a walk in the park.
At some point this crap needs to be shut down. The democrats are scary corrupt. Hildabeast sits at the top of this garbage heap. She is going to make 8 years of Barry seem like a walk in the park.

Scary corrupt is putting it mildly. The co-ordinated effort put forth by the left is finally at a point where it can be labeled blatantly criminal and the public, lacking concern, will ignore the eventual consequences.

It's a brilliant post when you keep it within the context of comedy. No copy and paste like cartoon man or the other riders in the S.N. clown car. This one is pure elfin goodness.

Clinton is running her campaign exactly like Richard Nixon ran his political operation.

President Nixon targets the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Lawrence O’Brien, for surveillance. Nixon worries about O’Brien, a canny political operative, and especially O’Brien’s ties to Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), whom he believes to be by far the biggest threat to his re-election, even after Kennedy’s involvement in the Chappaquiddick tragedy (see July 18, 1969). Nixon orders his Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman, to have veteran campaign operative Murray Chotiner (see 1950) put together an “Operation O’Brien” to discredit the chairman. “Start with his income tax returns,” Nixon orders.

President Nixon gives antiwar demonstrators a chance to physically protest the Vietnam War during a campaign rally in Michigan, hoping for favorable press coverage that would denigrate the protesters. According to notes taken by chief of staff H. R. Haldeman, when the demonstrators “tried to storm the door” of the auditorium “after we were in,” they “really hit the motorcade on the way out.” The notes also say: “We wanted some confrontation and there were no hecklers in the hall, so we stalled departure a little so they could zero in outside, and they sure did. Before getting in car, P [Nixon] stood up and gave the ‘V’ sign, which made them mad. They threw rocks, flags, candles, etc, as we drove out, after a terrifying flying wedge of cops opened up the road. Rock hit my car, driver hit brakes, car stalled, car behind hit us, rather scary as rocks were flying, etc, but we all caught up and got out. Bus windows smashed, etc. Made a huge incident and we worked hard to crank it up, should make a really major story and might be effective.” The local police chief says only “an act of God” allows Nixon to escape; the Secret Service goes into an assassination alert. Nixon is so excited and pleased by the events that he nearly burns down his house in San Clemente, California, trying to light a fire in the fireplace. Laughing, Nixon refuses to leave the house, saying he likes the smell of smoke, and retells the story of the rally over and over to his aides.


Hillary Clinton ... Richard Nixon with a vagina.
No copy and paste like cartoon man

I guess this means I have hit the big time, my own slander name and everything. Time to ask for some special benefits maybe ?

She loves me, I know it.
Clinton is running her campaign exactly like Richard Nixon ran his political operation.

President Nixon targets the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Lawrence O’Brien, for surveillance. Nixon worries about O’Brien, a canny political operative, and especially O’Brien’s ties to Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), whom he believes to be by far the biggest threat to his re-election, even after Kennedy’s involvement in the Chappaquiddick tragedy (see July 18, 1969). Nixon orders his Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman, to have veteran campaign operative Murray Chotiner (see 1950) put together an “Operation O’Brien” to discredit the chairman. “Start with his income tax returns,” Nixon orders.

President Nixon gives antiwar demonstrators a chance to physically protest the Vietnam War during a campaign rally in Michigan, hoping for favorable press coverage that would denigrate the protesters. According to notes taken by chief of staff H. R. Haldeman, when the demonstrators “tried to storm the door” of the auditorium “after we were in,” they “really hit the motorcade on the way out.” The notes also say: “We wanted some confrontation and there were no hecklers in the hall, so we stalled departure a little so they could zero in outside, and they sure did. Before getting in car, P [Nixon] stood up and gave the ‘V’ sign, which made them mad. They threw rocks, flags, candles, etc, as we drove out, after a terrifying flying wedge of cops opened up the road. Rock hit my car, driver hit brakes, car stalled, car behind hit us, rather scary as rocks were flying, etc, but we all caught up and got out. Bus windows smashed, etc. Made a huge incident and we worked hard to crank it up, should make a really major story and might be effective.” The local police chief says only “an act of God” allows Nixon to escape; the Secret Service goes into an assassination alert. Nixon is so excited and pleased by the events that he nearly burns down his house in San Clemente, California, trying to light a fire in the fireplace. Laughing, Nixon refuses to leave the house, saying he likes the smell of smoke, and retells the story of the rally over and over to his aides.


Hillary Clinton ... Richard Nixon with a vagina.

That's great except for the problem of Haldemen being a proven liar.

Add to that the fact that O'keefe has been caught doctoring videos before and we see why the MSM hasn't reacted yet. It's not part of some leftist agenda, it's simply the difference between legitimate news organizations and Sean Hannity.

The internet has done nothing if not make CONservatives and conspiracy wackos more ignorant and wackier than ever.

Again; whydid the leftist media not report Trumps sexual escapades for months ?
Think that through Elfiero. Why indeed?

Could it be that the greatest possible impact would occur if the reports came out late? C'mon. You're much smarter than that.

As for reporting Haldeman a liar and suggesting that O'Keefe has doctored videos - Seriously. They're hidden camera interviews. You know there's nothing to be done about it. Although admittedly - "Voter fraud!" I'm shocked. Who could have imagined the DNC is committing voter fraud on behalf of Hillary Clinton and has done so for other congressional and senatorial as well as presidential candidates for decades? I'm shocked! appalled!

It's just another thing you Clinton supporters will willfully ignore. Look, you're doing it now. See how easily you waltz right into your pre-defined caricature?
That's great except for the problem of Haldemen being a proven liar.

Add to that the fact that O'keefe has been caught doctoring videos before and we see why the MSM hasn't reacted yet. It's not part of some leftist agenda, it's simply the difference between legitimate news organizations and Sean Hannity.

The internet has done nothing if not make CONservatives and conspiracy wackos more ignorant and wackier than ever.

Again; whydid the leftist media not report Trumps sexual escapades for months ?

(1) The information about Nixon's tactics comes from numerous sources, a lot of which were vetted and proven accurate.
(2) The media reported Trump's sexual escapades as soon as they came to light. The better question is, "Where were these women 25 years ago? Or 20 years ago? Or fifteen, or ten, or how about DURING THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION??

I repeat my theory - some of these accusers are going to be linked to Democrat sabotage camps, which are loosely affiliated with Hillary Nixon.

(3) Finally, blowing off the videos is self-serving but not intellectually accurate. Were those guys blowing smoke to increase their status? Maybe. But paying people to demonstrate and initiate verbal confrontation is a tactic that the Democrats have used for years. Using that tactic to incite violence is hardly something that is difficult to believe.