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Roll Tide


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Thank God, there is still hope for the country. Alabama speaks loud and clear in assessing Trump’s presidency and putting a racist pedophile in his place.

Shame on Bannon and Trump for getting on the Moore bandwagon. They were served notice tonight, as were whatever remains of the Trump base. Time to wake the **** up, folks.
I expected him to lose. Not somebody I want in congress anyway. I just don't believe the same things he does.
Thank God, there is still hope for the country. Alabama speaks loud and clear in assessing Trump’s presidency and putting a racist pedophile in his place.

Shame on Bannon and Trump for getting on the Moore bandwagon. They were served notice tonight, as were whatever remains of the Trump base. Time to wake the **** up, folks.

He barely won against a giant douche what does that tell you? I think you might be a bit wrong in your analysis. If an ******* like Moore can almost win anyway I like our chances against Dems with decent candidates.
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Moore was a horrible candidate. Even before all the accusations. I mean, the Dems put up a horrible candidate for President and lost. You would think that both sides would know by now that bad candidates just don't win. Republicans need to quit sleep walking and quibbling over everything. Unite on a platform, put up candidates that believe in it, and win. Democrats are doing enough to **** themselves on a daily basis. You can't give them gifts like Roy Moore.
I think going forward, you are going to need candidates that are socially liberal and fiscally conservative. You can't ridicule gays, minorities and say **** like "Our Lawyer is a Jew" and expect to win. Do I think that sort of thing is silly? Yep. But it is what the voting base is conditioned to look for. I think the perfect candidate in 2018 America is socially sensitive and wants to shrink government. That guy wins in a landside. Unfortunately, neither side can or will provide that do the extreme sects of their bases.
He seems like he stepped straight out of 1940 and into 2017. Who knows about all these accusations but he certainly seems like a bizarre character, so I wouldn't think anything is out of the question.
Only a 2 year fill in seat. Doug Jones loses in a landslide 2 years from now.

McConnell: Strange to stay in Senate until end of current session

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) signaled on Tuesday that the winner of the Alabama Senate special election will not be sworn in before the Senate wraps up its work for the year.

"Sen. Strange is going to be here through the end of this session," McConnell told reporters, referring to Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.), when asked about the Senate race's impact on the timeline for tax reform.


How salty are those tears?

First Democratic senator to come out of Alabama in two decades.

In the reddest of red states, Trump threw down the gauntlet and it bounced back and exploded in his face. Remember everything was at stake here.

On Twitter and in speeches, Mr Trump lauded the candidate and warned that electing his Democratic rival, Doug Jones, would undermine the Republican agenda in Congress.

“The people of Alabama will do the right thing,” Mr Trump predicted in an Election Day tweet. “Doug Jones is Pro-Abortion, weak on Crime, Military and Illegal Immigration, Bad for Gun Owners and Veterans and against the WALL. Jones is a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet. Roy Moore will always vote with us. VOTE ROY MOORE!”

Yet another humiliating defeat for Trump. At this stage if you're a GOP candidate and Trump gets behind you, look at it as the kiss of death. He has an inverse Midas touch. Everything he touches turns to crap. In this case, Moore was already crap, Trump just threw a few more shovels of horseshit onto the steaming pile.

One year in the Trump train is belching steam, leaking oil and going off the rails. This will not end well.
Tibs, you have been in Hungary too long. Your lack of understanding of the political climate here is stunning. The voters of Alabama rejected Roy Moore, probably because they didn't want the Democratic hysteria and distraction for the next 2 years. Be advised, in 2 years, Doug Jones will be a distant memory, an asterisk in Alabama politics. If you think the state flipped blue because the Democratic siren was too attractive, you are delusional.

Having said that, the people of Alabama have spoken, and Moore needs to go away.

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Can't wait to see Trump's hysterics today. Who will he throw under the bus? Ivanka? Bannon? McConnell? Hillary? Obama? Mueller? The failing, lying media?

Oh, how the world tosses and turns under this president.
Let's see.....a bowl of diarrhea soup, or a **** sandwich. Which one do you pick? That's what Alabama was faced with. I think the accusations against Moore are pretty bogus, and it sucks that the political process has come down to accusations, smears, and whatever else either side can think of. It's very telling that up until yesterday, the liberal media was saying how uneducated, redneck, and backward Alabama is. After last night, they are the most gracious, caring, accepting state in the Union. If I live in Alabama, I'm pissed.
I have a hard time trying to connect the dot with this election to the "pulse of the nation" but I guess I'll let Tibs have his fun in the sun. Normally he's all clouds and rain and "sky is falling" liberalism.
Look for this to be the main tactic of the left for the forseable future. False accusations of sexual misconduct will be used to torpedo every republican candidate until the tactic stops working.
Let's see.....a bowl of diarrhea soup, or a **** sandwich. Which one do you pick? That's what Alabama was faced with.

Really? Sorry Lyn, seems like you're either not paying attention or just being coy

You had a hard time differentiating between batshit-crazy, religious nut Roy Moore from this?

Jones, 63, is a former U.S. attorney who cast himself as a law-and-order man. He is skilled at muting his liberal stands on such issues as abortion and gay rights — a necessity in one of the South’s most conservative states.

Jones also carries not a whiff of scandal, a major asset in Alabama after a spate of corruption scandals.

<aside class="trb_ar_sponsoredmod" data-v-ntidd="1069574" data-adloader-networktype="nativo" data-withinviewport-options="bottomOffset=100" data-load-method="trb.vendor.nativo.init" data-load-type="method"> </aside>It didn’t hurt that Jones also supports gun rights.

“He turkey-hunts, he deer-hunts, and he believes strongly in the 2nd Amendment,” said Lowell Barron, a former Democratic leader in the state Senate.

Overwhelming support from African Americans was crucial for Jones, who is best known for prosecuting and convicting two Ku Klux Klansmen for the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, an attack that left four girls dead.

He also prosecuted Eric Rudolph for the 1998 bombing of a Birmingham abortion clinic, which killed an off-duty police officer and blinded a nurse.
Ike Taylor could have beaten Moore, Tibs could have beaten Moore. Al Frank. . . nevermind. Anyway, this is a ho-hum moment.
Ike Taylor could have beaten Moore, Tibs could have beaten Moore. Al Frank. . . nevermind. Anyway, this is a ho-hum moment.

Yup, nothing to see here.

Remember that Trump won Alabama by 28 points 13 months ago. A Democrat hadn't won a Senate race in the state since 1992
Exhibit A: the words of a bitter, spineless, shameless man without standards, morals or even a shred of dignity. Winning!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election. I was right! Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/940904649728708609?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 13, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Personally I think Roy Moore would have been a poor choice and a total distraction in Washington, as if we need more of that.

However, what now needs to happen in Alabama is for his accusers to take him to court and prove their allegations, because in this country that's how it's supposed to work.

If found guilty, great, it not, those that accused him should face the penalty for it. But that will never happen because that wasn't the purpose for it.
Really? Sorry Lyn, seems like you're either not paying attention or just being coy

You had a hard time differentiating between batshit-crazy, religious nut Roy Moore from this?

I will never vote for a Democrat. Ever. They are all part of the plan to destroy America from within. So no, I’m not being coy.
Yet another humiliating defeat for Trump. At this stage if you're a GOP candidate and Trump gets behind you, look at it as the kiss of death. He has an inverse Midas touch. Everything he touches turns to crap. In this case, Moore was already crap, Trump just threw a few more shovels of horseshit onto the steaming pile.

One year in the Trump train is belching steam, leaking oil and going off the rails. This will not end well.

I don't know, I think this had less to do with Trump than it did the sexual misconduct claims. And even at that it was razor thin.
I believe its 3 years. Isn't Sessions original term up in 2020.
I will never vote for a Democrat. Ever. They are all part of the plan to destroy America from within. So no, I’m not being coy.

I can't say that. I voted for Obama the first time. There are still 2 or 3 Democrats that haven't completely embraced fascism.
Thank God, there is still hope for the country. Alabama speaks loud and clear in assessing Trump’s presidency and putting a racist pedophile in his place.

Shame on Bannon and Trump for getting on the Moore bandwagon. They were served notice tonight, as were whatever remains of the Trump base. Time to wake the **** up, folks.

Lucky timing, but I'm glad Moore did not win as he would be an easy target. Jones will be out in the next election in 2018. Brace yourself Tibs, a red wave is coming AND Trump still has a majority.