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****'s about to get real in South Africa......

Whaddya wanna bet the angle will be the rich, oppressive bankers who will lose their ***** in land loans?
I'm thinking this will be framed as retaliation and overdue justice..
Wouldn't some Western country, like the US, want to grant asylum to these highly productive Africans?


White boy suspended for claiming 'African' prize
By Marcus Warren in New York12:01AM GMT 27 Jan 2004
A white teenager who moved from South Africa to America six years ago was suspended from school after nominating himself for a "Distinguished African-American Student of the Year" prize. Trevor Richards, 16, was accused of "showing disrespect" to black pupils at Westside High School in Omaha, Nebraska. It is thought he is the only pupil to have lived in Africa.

He and two friends put up campaign posters showing him making a thumbs-up sign and all three were suspended.

"The posters were intended to be satire on the term 'African-American'," said one of his campaign managers, Scott Rambo. The phrase is the current politically correct label for black Americans. But the satire misfired, not least because it was aired on Martin Luther King Day, a holiday marking the black preacher's role in the civil rights struggle.

"It's disruptive," said the headmaster, John Crook. "It was offensive to the individual being honoured and to some students."
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I'm thinking this will be framed as retaliation and overdue justice..

The thing is there was no one living in the part of Africa that the Dutch colonized, The Zulu had killed or run off everyone years prior to then coming. So the Boers stole nothing they simply settled on an abandoned piece of dirt.
"The posters were intended to be satire on the term 'African-American'," said one of his campaign managers, Scott Rambo. The phrase is the current politically correct label for black Americans. But the satire misfired, not least because it was aired on Martin Luther King Day, a holiday marking the black preacher's role in the civil rights struggle

I've been following this for a while. An Australian official was under fire for wanting to help resettle them due to their obvious farming success. Anarchy and more anarchy.

In this documentary, some of the Afrikaners say the cost of leaving is prohibitive, but if my survival depended on it, I'd find a way.

Wouldn't some Western country, like the US, want to grant asylum to these highly productive Africans?

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i'm almost sure the good rev al will be looking into having other people buy airfare for these farm snatching misunderstood children of god to come here for educational and empowerment opportunities
The thing is there was no one living in the part of Africa that the Dutch colonized, The Zulu had killed or run off everyone years prior to then coming. So the Boers stole nothing they simply settled on an abandoned piece of dirt.
You know things. The only thing I know about the Boers is from this movie -

Awesome movie, by the way.
Getting rid of the white farmers worked out so well for Zimbabwe....:rolleyes1:


They will take the farms away from the white devil farmers and give them to people who do not know how to farm.

Then the famines will begin.
The sad thing about how history is "discussing" the European Colonization era (1500-1900 A.D.), is that they fail to recognize that violence and mass genocide existing (and would have existed) in all these place whether the "white man" got there or not.

You read real history of native Americans, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Bantus, Zulus, countless other "tribes" and NONE of it was this false narrative "kumbaya" moments in complete peace and harmony with nature. Not once. It was violent and harsh and survival of the fittest. And wars and genocide happened routinely, with or without the white man's involvement.

The logic that "colonialism" would never had happened had white Europeans not been "advanced enough to do it first" is wrong. Colonialism was happening on smaller scales throughout mankind's history. And the idea of "restoration" for something that would have happened naturally (by someone) is a dangerous precedent that I don't think works. Human civilization expansion was never going to be peaceful. What happened in the past is kind of pointless (especially in the way past - like 100 years ago). All we can do is decide what is fair today, right now. And not based on "restitution" for past actions.
You read real history of native Americans, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Bantus, Zulus, countless other "tribes" and NONE of it was this false narrative "kumbaya" moments in complete peace and harmony with nature. Not once. It was violent and harsh and survival of the fittest. And wars and genocide happened routinely, with or without the white man's involvement.

Oh, that's bunk, del. The Aztecs, Mayans, et al. committed tens of thousands of human sacrifices, but only on people who really deserved it.

They will take the farms away from the white devil farmers and give them to people who do not know how to farm.

Then the famines will begin.

That's what free food from the U.S. is for. You can't expect impoverished Africans to grow their own.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Responding to Trump tweet, South Africa says "totally rejects this narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past. South Africa will speed up the pace of land reform in a careful and inclusive manner that does not divide our nation."</p>— NBC News (@NBCNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1032621004063944705?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Your TDS is strong Tibs. It took a leftist network reacting to his tweet for you to add your .02. What took you so long?


Rather than siding with a white vs. black/green/orange/yellow/blue, why don't you stand against genocide? So they're gonna speed up the expropriation because the US has weighed in? Not a well thought out plan imo, Trump is proving he can play the game, and I don't think the ANC wants US involvement. Did you know Russia has shown willingness to help the farmers?


Yeah, the black hearted Ruskies that love to meddle in foreign affairs. Those Russians. Can you imagine the collusion of two super powers working to stop these human atrocities? Why that could give you a case of the vapours.

Tucker Carlson for the second time has brought something to Trump's attention, and drawn a quick response from Trump. First one was Brennan security clearance fyi. His show is really the only one worth watching on Fox anymore (my .02).


Long story short, SA is the single most important topic facing the world. Have we really come far enough in modern history to stop this Tibs?
...a leftist network reacting to his tweet

For the love of God, the reaction came directly from the government of South Africa. Will you Trump apologists ever realize how unhinged you've become?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">South Africa totally rejects this narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/landexpropriation?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#landexpropriation</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/PresidencyZA?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@PresidencyZA</a></p>— South African Government (@GovernmentZA) <a href="https://twitter.com/GovernmentZA/status/1032507810460909568?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
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You avoided Smash's direct question to you about the threat of genocide in SA.

Do you condone these threats of atrocities from SA government officials?

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Tibs, You avoided Smash's direct question to you
You don't give two ***** about what I have to say, why bring it up? Besides proving yet again your bizarre obsession with me on this board.

Do I condone threats of genocide? You must be out of your ******* mind. You may want to see someone about that.
Tomato/tomatah, 6 or one half dozen. I don't feel unhinged, just the opposite. Rhodesia is a road map to this very moment.

Now would be the time to intervene.
As always is the case with Trump, timing is everything.

The truth about white farmers in South Africa - and why the right is obsessed with them


Why is the right so concerned with the issue?

Quite why Fox News chose this precise moment - when all of their major rivals were covering the fallout from the Manafort and Cohen trials in Virginia and New York - to suddenly push a story on this long-running issue, is an interesting question.

Mr Trump is known to be a keen viewer of the channel, particularly their morning show Fox and Friends, and its output is widely understood to influence his thinking. He is even rumoured to speak with Fox’s star anchor, Sean Hannity, on a nightly basis.

Politically, the president ordering his secretary of state, former CIA director Mike Pompeo, to investigate the issue allows him to signal to his core white nationalist support base that he is committed to fighting for white rights.

The situation in South Africa, as the international far-right see it, is a nightmare scenario of murder and colonial revenge being played out on a national scale, threatening the very stability of post-Apartheid South African society, with frightening ramifications for the wider world.

In truth, though violence is a tragic reality of life there, especially in isolated and impoverished rural areas, there is little evidence to support the fear that this is part of a systematic bid to target Boers on the part of vengeful black South Africans.
his core white nationalist support base that he is committed to fighting for white rights.

Anyone that supports Trump is a white nationalist. Even the black guys. I wonder of any of them are related to Clayton Bigsby.
This would be our former ambassador to South Africa.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The President of the US needs political distractions to turn our gaze away from his criminal cabal, and so he’s attacking South Africa with the disproven racial myth of “large scale killings of farmers”<br>This man has never visited the continent and has no discernible Africa policy</p>— Patrick Gaspard (@patrickgaspard) <a href="https://twitter.com/patrickgaspard/status/1032595127993286657?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
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So let me get this straight. South Africa says “South Africa totally rejects this narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past."

We should believe the Government of South Africa. A Government long run by the Mandelas, infamous for having made their way to power by killing their opponents - many by the brutal method of "necklacing" where the victim had a gasoline soaked tire wrapped around their bodies, arms made immobile, and it was lit on fire leaving the victim to burn to death in agony.

So we are to take their word......ok.


Carlson in the Tuesday segment charged that the South African government was racist, telling The Hill on Thursday that "proposing to take people's land away not because these people have committed crimes but because those people are the wrong color" is "totally wrong."

Trump then tagged the Fox News host on Wednesday in a tweet saying he was directing his administration to look into "the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers."

South Africa tweeted: "South Africa totally rejects this narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past. "

"That's just pure propaganda. It's totally dishonest. Seeks to divide? If there are South African farm owners who committed fines or stole their land, the land should be taken from them immediately and given to the rightful owners," Carlson fired back in conversation with The Hill. "But that's not what they're talking about. They're proposing to take people's land away not because these people have committed crimes but because those people are the wrong color."

In 1994, the South African government implemented a policy after apartheid ended that permits the government to purchase white-owned farms for redistribution to black citizens when the seller is willing to cooperate.

Last month, however, leaders in the ruling government party announced plans to amend the country's constitution to allow land to be confiscated without compensation. Methods for such confiscation, and what lands would qualify, are still under debate.

"The reason apartheid was bad in the first place is because the government persecuted people on the basis of their race," Carlson argued. "That was the whole reason that the U.S. government correctly opposed apartheid. Thank heaven they did. And so to see the replacement for apartheid doing the same thing. I don't know why everyone wouldn't be offended by that."

Whites in South Africa hold an estimated 72 percent of individual-owned farms in the country but comprise of about 9 percent of the population.

According to Reuters, 47 farmers were killed in South Africa 2017 and 2018. The outlet notes that farm killings are at a 20-year low.

"If my house gets broken into, I don't want someone who looks like the burglar to be arrested and imprisoned," Carlson added. "I want the burglar to be arrested and imprisoned. I don't want the children of the burglar to be arrested and imprisoned. They didn't do it. It's literally that simple. And no one has been able to explain why it's not that simple: Why racism is wrong except sometimes it's right because, why?"

Love me some Tucker. Right to the damned point.
Just like I perdicted

All white people are murderers!

South African Ruling Party ANC Tweets Out: White People Are Murderers


“The biggest mistake we are making is to consult murderers. White people are 9% of the population, they own 79% of land"
