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****'s about to get real in South Africa......

My black wife and kids wish these ******** would just go away. Across the board. South African *********, Antifa shitholes, any rioting black community.. all the black Americans I know just want to be people without some ****** up stigma that they have nothing to do with.
When you do foreign policy by watching FoxNews (pushing far right conspiracies)...bad things are going to happen.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dear <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/American?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#American</a> friends.<br>I am a White South African living in South Africa.<br>I promise you the governement is not taking white owned land<br>nor is there a white genocide being perpetuated here.<br>Your president is a ******* loon,.<br>Thanks<br>Matt</p>— Matt Horn (@maxui) <a href="https://twitter.com/maxui/status/1032518595694211072?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
When you do foreign policy by watching FoxNews (pushing far right conspiracies)...bad things are going to happen.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dear <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/American?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#American</a> friends.<br>I am a White South African living in South Africa.<br>I promise you the governement is not taking white owned land<br>nor is there a white genocide being perpetuated here.<br>Your president is a ******* loon,.<br>Thanks<br>Matt</p>— Matt Horn (@maxui) <a href="https://twitter.com/maxui/status/1032518595694211072?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Dear Matt Horn,

You are a liar.
Your Hungarian pen pal is insane.
**** off.

Starting to miss the peacenik, peace, pot, and microdot, going to California with a flower in my hair brand of liberal. Yeah, no I'm not.

And the drama is far from over. In today’s South Africa — dangling precariously between dueling factions inside the A.N.C. — the nation’s new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, is struggling to assert his authority and fulfill his pledge to root out corruption. He now stands knee-deep in a very messy fight to wrest the tax agency from the legacy of his predecessor, Mr. Zuma, and win back the confidence of an angry nation.

With corruption and political warfare gutting the agency, more and more South Africans have simply stopped paying their taxes, a dangerous turn in a nation where tens of millions depend on government services that are already enfeebled by graft and misrule. In the eyes of many experts, the government’s — and the country’s — ability to right itself is at stake.


When even the paper of record can't hide facts. Lol.

Did you know the ANC identifies as democrat socialists Tibs? You know, like Bernie and hyphen? What could happen if you run out of people to pay the bills? Quandary isn't it?

Both sides are spinning this story pretty well...

The government is absolutely taking land without paying for it... even in the articles defending them they admit this, though they claim its just going to be the unused portion of lands... however that includes fallow land that is used but not in use, and there are no assurances that the law won’t be used to take whatever they want... some are advocating using it as payback for apartheid...

But the white farmer murders are probably just mathematically representative of the percentages of farmers that are white... farmers are easy targets and crime is up there. The percentages of farmers that are white is very high..... it’s probably not government driven at all as some are suggesting...

But the tweet above is absolutely not true out of ignorance or willful deflection... the land siezure is happening...
But the tweet above is absolutely not true out of ignorance or willful deflection... the land siezure is happening...

Remember the source. You're dealing with Tibs who knee-jerk react-posts everything he sees while scrolling through Facebook. He's a propagator of fake and false news. The tool even believes the words of the SA Government. Now that **** is downright scary.

Regardless of the nuances and details of exactly what is happening in South Africa, I think we can all agree that country is headed in the wrong direction and has been for some time.

Things for EVERYONE (whites and blacks) in that country are going to get much worse and much more violent before they get better regardless of this. You can see it happening right before our eyes if you pay attention. There is rampant corruption. There is no effective policing. Economy is ****. Currency problems. All signs point to the rise of authoritative governments and violent revolutions because not one person believes in their Constitution and basic human rights. They all just ignore it.
Libs are giddy over killing whites

PBS Host: ‘I Get Really Excited About White Genocide’


When you do foreign policy by watching FoxNews (pushing far right conspiracies)...bad things are going to happen.

Man Tibs what I'm really glad of is Trump not being a racist......

Why in the hell is he interested in the internal politics of another nation only because white people there might suffer some injustice?

It is so glaringly obvious that he is pandering to the Alt-Right base since he is losing every other demographic......sad, what a pathetic little worm he truly is.

The to top it all off of course is that it's just a lie according to the BBC and other sources. Par for the course.

Regardless of the nuances and details of exactly what is happening in South Africa, I think we can all agree that country is headed in the wrong direction and has been for some time.

Things for EVERYONE (whites and blacks) in that country are going to get much worse and much more violent before they get better regardless of this. You can see it happening right before our eyes if you pay attention. There is rampant corruption. There is no effective policing. Economy is ****. Currency problems. All signs point to the rise of authoritative governments and violent revolutions because not one person believes in their Constitution and basic human rights. They all just ignore it.

Sounds like a great home for Trump and his tards.

Just like what they our doing to our country and our constitution.
SA is just like the USA? I'm sure the opportunities and quality of life there are comparable to what we experience here. /sarc

What a terrible comparison! Maybe you'd like to rethink that?
Typical Trump ****...this Fat Orange Anus lipped blowhard is constantly deflecting or throwing out **** grenades that his cult base chews up. This is yet another clue hes lost his **** (and chases stories introduced by revisionists and of keen interest to the White nationalist base) and has no foreign policy compass. (of all the things that impact our country and things that are impactful on the planet abroad, he chose South Africa and its white minority farmers mythical genocide story...why ? Again, look no further than the vine attached to his base and it demographic, its IQ and its agenda)

Hes about to send Pompeo to a place where there might be land reform disagreement and conflict but not centered on hyped up conspiracy theory ****. Its happened before with the voter election fraud BS that resulted in what ? Not a goddamn thing !!! I often wonder if someone (Wizard of Oz) behind the blue oval office curtain is ****** with him...playin his fool *** because he will bite on the shiniest **** bait, re-tweet BS.

Heres something to think about. We have...no...HE has a national intelligence agency..actually a few of them, at his disposal. He could validate or dismiss this story by consulting intel. But he wont. Let his send Mike on a wild goose chase...I hope he does it too. When he comes back with absolutely no story, this will be yet another dead-leaf-cast-to-the-wind episode.
When he comes back with absolutely no story, this will be yet another dead-leaf-cast-to-the-wind episode.

Ahh yes, because you know the truth. Your PRESIDENT could not. Of course, he's not as smart as our resident womanizer. No....

You and Liberals are all now "South Africa is great!"

Yes, South Africa. The country to be trusted. By god if they say they aren't killing farmers - even though 47 have been killed in the past two years, then by God it must be true....RIiiiighhht??

Yes South Africa, where the Mandela's loved to use this method of extinguishing their political opponents as they strove to reach power. South Africa is as corrupt a country as there is on the planet for a lot of reasons. But you keep on drinking your HuffPo Kool-Aid that South Africa is Mr Rogers and Disneyland because MUST HATE TRUMP. TDS reigns.



I would invite our board leftists to return to page 1 of this thread and note that Sarge made reference to SA on March 2, 2018. Your President reacted to the topic on August 23, 2018. So your deflection doesn't change the matter at hand.

Malema wants to cut the throat of "whiteness". You haven't heard that from your news sources, so I linked to the video in an earlier post. Again I'll say, this tragedy has played out before, and it has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with humans. At what point do we challenge racism in any form? Your preferred leaders don't have the guts to stand against this, do you?
The Trump effect.

Yet leftist, self-styled “fact-checkers” were glibly claiming that was incorrect. One went so far as to claim that “no farms have been seized,” which overlooked the fact that even the Daily Mail and Newsweek acknowledged the violence, and which badly misconstrued the seizure situation. The South African government was, indeed, beginning the process of seizing white-owned land, a process that started with the government offering to buy land at about 10 percent of its value, and, if the owner did not sell, simply seizing it.

And, lo-and-behold, the South African government has, itself, confirmed that not only were the conservatives and libertarians right, President Trump was correct when he sounded an alarm about the land seizures last week.

As Tal Axelrod reports for The Hill, the South African government is halting its forced-buyout/seizure of predominantly white-owned farms until the national Supreme Court can look at the law.


Obviously the gun grab is disconcerting for historical reasons, but I can't help but smile at more winning. :)

ha ha

South Africa 'unexpectedly' slides into recession as agricultural production plummets

Gee, who could have possibly anticipated that threatening to steal (that is, expropriate without compensation) land from farmers who have worked it for generations would cause farmers to cut back on planting? Thus, we have Bloomberg telling us, "South Africa's economy unexpectedly shrank for the second consecutive quarter in the three months through June."

The recession, based on a second-quarter decline in GDP of 0.8%, is entirely due to a steep decline in agricultural production: "the agriculture market fell back by 29.2 per cent, taking 0.8 per cent off GDP."

Now just wait one cotton pickin' minute...

The GOVERNMENT of South Africa told us white farmers aren't being killed.


This is from Newsweek before any of the resident Liberals go screaming FAKE NEWS after posting in this very forum that this isn't happening.



Activists say South African authorities are tacitly approving attacks on the country’s white farmers, with one being murdered every five days, and the police turning a blind eye to the violence.

The white nationalist lobbying group AfriForum says that when lawmakers passed a motion last month which could see land being seized from farmers without compensation, it sent a message that landowners could be attacked with impunity.

It said there have been 109 recorded attacks so far in 2018 and 15 farm murders, meaning that this year, one white farmer has been killed every five days.

In a statement, Ian Cameron, AfriForum’s Head of Safety said: “Our rural areas are trapped in a crime war. Although the South African government denies that a violence crisis is staring rural areas in the face, the numbers prove that excessive violence plague these areas.”

Gabriel Stols, 35, told the Independent how his younger brother Kyle, 21, was shot dead by four people on a game reserve near Bloemfontein.

“What is happening to us is torture, it is slaughter, it is brutal, it is revenge. The world doesn’t know what is happening in South Africa,” he said.

Hannetjie Ludik, 56, from Pretoria, told the paper that three armed men broke into her family’s house, stole money and raped her.

South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa said the government did not condone attacks or the the seizure of white-owned farms and insisted there would be no repeat of what happened in Zimbabwe a generation ago.

But AfriForum says that the parliament’s bill has led to a culture of revenge among those spoiling for a redistribution of land in a country where some 80% of people describe themselves as black African, but only 1.2% of that community own the country’s rural land.

The policy was proposed by the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Julius Malema who says redistributing land can correct historical injustices.

While there is broader political support for the move, a more measured approach is being called for by Kenneth Meshoe, the head of the African Christian Democratic Party, who told The Independent he believes in land distribution, although he says it should not be taken without compensation

“People like Malema who are promoting hate speech should not be allowed,” he added.

Thousands of people have signed a petition asking Donald Trump to let white people in South Africa to migrate to the U.S.

Meanwhile, Australian Home Affairs Minister, Peter Dutton, said he would push for his country to grant visas to white farmers, should they be displaced.

He provocatively said that such people could be helped from “a civilized country like ours”, sparking anger from South Africa’s Foreign Ministry which called for a retraction.

The fact-checking website, Africa Check, concluded in May 2017 that getting an accurate statistic on the country’s farm murder rate, which it estimated at 0.4 murders per 100,000 people, was “near impossible”.

Gareth Newham from South Africa’s Institute for Security Studies, told the Guardian there was no evidence white farmers were targeted any more than anyone else.

ha ha

South Africa 'unexpectedly' slides into recession as agricultural production plummets

Gee, who could have possibly anticipated that threatening to steal (that is, expropriate without compensation) land from farmers who have worked it for generations would cause farmers to cut back on planting? Thus, we have Bloomberg telling us, "South Africa's economy unexpectedly shrank for the second consecutive quarter in the three months through June."

The recession, based on a second-quarter decline in GDP of 0.8%, is entirely due to a steep decline in agricultural production: "the agriculture market fell back by 29.2 per cent, taking 0.8 per cent off GDP."


Gee, less farming happens when farmers are murdered and their land stolen by people who 1) don't know how to farm and 2) aren't really interested in working and think food appears by magic. Who'da thought?
Gee, less farming happens when farmers are murdered and their land stolen by people who 1) don't know how to farm and 2) aren't really interested in working and think food appears by magic. Who'da thought?

How hard can it be?

You just have to stick seeds in the dirt.

Who needs farms? When they are hungry and killing each other, planes filled with food fly overhead. Massive crates full of free food then parachute gradually to the nice people below.
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Typical Trump ****...this Fat Orange Anus lipped blowhard is constantly deflecting or throwing out **** grenades that his cult base chews up. This is yet another clue hes lost his **** (and chases stories introduced by revisionists and of keen interest to the White nationalist base) and has no foreign policy compass. (of all the things that impact our country and things that are impactful on the planet abroad, he chose South Africa and its white minority farmers mythical genocide story...why ? Again, look no further than the vine attached to his base and it demographic, its IQ and its agenda)

Hes about to send Pompeo to a place where there might be land reform disagreement and conflict but not centered on hyped up conspiracy theory ****. Its happened before with the voter election fraud BS that resulted in what ? Not a goddamn thing !!! I often wonder if someone (Wizard of Oz) behind the blue oval office curtain is ****** with him...playin his fool *** because he will bite on the shiniest **** bait, re-tweet BS.

Heres something to think about. We have...no...HE has a national intelligence agency..actually a few of them, at his disposal. He could validate or dismiss this story by consulting intel. But he wont. Let his send Mike on a wild goose chase...I hope he does it too. When he comes back with absolutely no story, this will be yet another dead-leaf-cast-to-the-wind episode.

You said Trump was a blowhard?