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Schefter says it's a done deal.....

Maybe someone finally had the balls to give Tomlin an ultimatum, because his reeks of desperation. Hell, now if they bring in a pro bowl C, MLB, CB, DL and WR they may just win a wild card game this year.
What is desperate by bringing in a NFL caliper QB with his shown capabilities and resume for 1.2 million dollars, when your going into next season with Kenny Pickett as your starting QB?!?

That's not desperate...thats SMART!
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I'm very confused about this "cancerous Russell" reference.

I've only read that hear. Never followed the banter in Seattle or Denver...
I have heard tads of it beforehand, as in, he had his own "office" in Denver and his own "staff." I'm not sure if that will play in Pgh so much.
What is desperate by bringing in a NFL caliper QB with his shown capabilities and resume for 1.2 million dollars, when your going into next season Kenny Pickett as your starting QB?!?

That's not desperate...thats SMART
Yes, because otherwise it does nothing more than prolong the status quo and sets the team back a few more years. Wilson doesn't make them a title contender, and absent a title it makes zero sense. So what's the benefit of a 1 year contract for a 35 year old QB? To get a playoff win?
This is the type of move you make when all the other pieces are in place and your guy has proven to be incapable, not when you're competing for another winning season and a possible playoff win.
They've pretty much written off another 1st round pick and before his third season. I'm not buying the competition bullshit, you don't sign a QB like this to be a backup. It's Wilson's job to lose or he wouldn't be signing.
Maybe they've written off Kenny because, despite the lip service, they don't think he can hack it. And remember, Kenny was Colbert's pick. Not Omar's. Meaning Omar has nothing invested in Kenny as a first round pick. Moving on from him wouldn't hurt his "ego" or legacy. Tomlin let you know what he thought of Kenny at the end of the season when he went with the "hot hand". And Deuce let you know that he thought Kenny wasn't providing enough "competent QB play" with his little shot across the bow during his end of season presser.
I guess if they felt KP8 was a wasted pick, they could have still went with him as the starter and hoped for a top 10 pick and a chance at a first round QB next year. But, I've been hearing that next year's QB draft is weak.
The only hope is that he brings the attitude of a guy on a 1 year vet minimum prove it deal and carries hunger and humility with him into the building as his baggage
This is the hope I have also. This might allow him to get one more, while not record setting, but decent paycheck in 25.
Now if he brings the Cancerous Russ, I need my own office and am actually making 40 million this year (or whatever it adds up to), I’m the ****, I’m a pro bowler, hand me the keys to MY car attitude into the building it will blow up for sure.
Sometimes people can be their own worst enemies, hopefully this isn’t one of those times. Maybe he can keep it controlled for one year.
Given that the greatest coach ever now has his guy, an accomplished former pro bowl QB, all the more reason to wait to hand him an extension until the two prove they can win a playoff game together.
Yeah, since he has never had that QB almost his whole HC career.
No reason for Rooney to precontractulate again over the greatest coach ever, wait til they both come to that playoff victory together
I would make him play out his remaining year of his contract. If he doesn’t get to at least to the divisional round of the playoffs, then the next guy can start with HIS guy at QB. Instead of like Tomlin, who had to coach with someone else’s QB.
FFS, he’s a nine time Pro-Bowler, likely HOFer and a Super Bowl champ. After not having won a playoff game in nearly a decade, let’s give the guy a chance… for a YEAR.
Are you talking about Wilson or Tomlin? The last sentence confuses me.
Sucks for KP. He will no go on the scrap heap of ruined QB's by piss-poor coaching like numerous QB's in the Clowns organization. He'll never get the opportunity to play for a real OC. Such a shame. Realistically, they don't give him his 5th year option and he never is labeled our QB1 again unless Wilson leaves.
This is true, the Steelers do not have coaches that are willing/capable of “coaching up” players to their full potential. Shades is only capable of TRYING to use the abilities they bring with them. Sometimes those abilities they do bring, are negated by changing them to new positions.
This is probably the worst thing they could have done for the team. So, we have a QB1 for 1 year? WTF does that get us? Where are we in a year or two? You guessed it. Worse off than we are right now.
I think everyone is getting ahead of things. With the way Tomlin operates, Wilson could very well be moved to ILB.
Maybe they've written off Kenny because, despite the lip service, they don't think he can hack it. And remember, Kenny was Colbert's pick. Not Omar's. Meaning Omar has nothing invested in Kenny as a first round pick. Moving on from him wouldn't hurt his "ego" or legacy. Tomlin let you know what he thought of Kenny at the end of the season when he went with the "hot hand". And Deuce let you know that he thought Kenny wasn't providing enough "competent QB play" with his little shot across the bow during his end of season presser.
I guess if they felt KP8 was a wasted pick, they could have still went with him as the starter and hoped for a top 10 pick and a chance at a first round QB next year. But, I've been hearing that next year's QB draft is weak.
Just maybe Tomlin was given an ultimatum. Maybe they are going to have him play out his contract, and EARN another one. Maybe by letting him play out his contract, they are giving him a chance to get the most he can somewhere else. We don’t have a clue what is really going on behind the scenes.

From what I am seeing, it looks to me that 24 is being used to evaluate a number of issues with this team. Kahn is now the GM, and NONE of these people are HIS PEOPLE.

1. Is Tomlin the Head Coach that Kahn wants to hitch his wagon to going forward? My thought is that NO he is not, but Rooney is not really one to cut a LONG TERM individual, even though maybe the GM wants to do so. The compromise could be to let Tomlin play out his contract and let Kahn decide for 25 onwards.

2. Is Kenny Pickett the QB going forward? Bringing in Wilson should give Pickett the challenge that he needs to step his game up, if he can. 24 is still a make or break year for Pickett, bringing in Wilson does not change that at all. Pickett this year will get, by all accounts, a good OC. Maybe the change can be positive, and he shows enough to get that 5th year option and holds on to the QB1 position.

3. If Tomlin, for one reason or another is not in Pittsburgh in 2025, is Smith the guy Kahn looks to to take over? If Smith is an option, he has had a year to see what/who needs to be changed going forward.

All of this is conjecture, since I don’t have the slightest idea of what is really going on behind the scenes. These are just a couple of things that I think, that I think. One small change out of Pittsburgh could completely change my opinion.
Well it drastically changes if he can't get on field.
Not really, if Pickett can not beat out an over the hill, aged on his way out of the NFL QB, then 24 was a “break” year for KP.
Not sure how I feel about the Wilson signing. Sure, he's better than Pickett, at least on paper. In that regard the offense and team as a whole should be improved. I just don't think he's the guy that wins the Steelers another championship. I guess looking like a professional football offense would be a step in the right direction. Playoff win would be a nice bonus.
Not sure how I feel about the Wilson signing. Sure, he's better than Pickett, at least on paper. In that regard the offense and team as a whole should be improved. I just don't think he's the guy that wins the Steelers another championship. I guess looking like a professional football offense would be a step in the right direction. Playoff win would be a nice bonus.

Couldn’t have said it better myself, Sarge. The “looking” like a professional offense made me smile on a really crappy Monday to start the week I needed. Thank you! 🤣🙏
The more I think about it, there are only two good possible outcomes here. They win a SB this year or Tomlin's extension is contingent upon a deep run. I'll hope for both, but wouldn't wager a penny on either.
Not sure how I feel about the Wilson signing. Sure, he's better than Pickett, at least on paper. In that regard the offense and team as a whole should be improved. I just don't think he's the guy that wins the Steelers another championship. I guess looking like a professional football offense would be a step in the right direction. Playoff win would be a nice bonus.
I look at this as a net positive for the team.
1. They were always going to bring in a vet QB to compete/push KP.
2. Wilson is the CHEAPEST vet QB, to accomplish #1 above.

At THIS POINT Wilson has not been anointed QB1. Could it happen, yes. Hopefully the Wilson signing AND the new OC change are what gets KP back on track with his development. Just maybe he turns out to be the QB they were hoping that they got.
The more I think about it, there are only two good possible outcomes here. They win a SB this year or Tomlin's extension is contingent upon a deep run. I'll hope for both, but wouldn't wager a penny on either.
My hope is that this is the chance for Tomlin to retire with a Super Bowl win.
The only hope is that he brings the attitude of a guy on a 1 year vet minimum prove it deal and carries hunger and humility with him into the building as his baggage

Now if he brings the Cancerous Russ, I need my own office and am actually making 40 million this year (or whatever it adds up to), I’m the ****, I’m a pro bowler, hand me the keys to MY car attitude into the building it will blow up for sure.

Given that the greatest coach ever now has his guy, an accomplished former pro bowl QB, all the more reason to wait to hand him an extension until the two prove they can win a playoff game together.

No reason for Rooney to precontractulate again over the greatest coach ever, wait til they both come to that playoff victory together
I can't imagine anyone earning the vet minimum is going to be a cancer...this is pretty much his chance to show what he has in hopes of a future deal.
This is true, the Steelers do not have coaches that are willing/capable of “coaching up” players to their full potential. Shades is only capable of TRYING to use the abilities they bring with them. Sometimes those abilities they do bring, are negated by changing them to new positions.

I think everyone is getting ahead of things. With the way Tomlin operates, Wilson could very well be moved to ILB.
Lol, if Tomlin said "you can start", I hope Wilson was smart enough to clarify at which position.
I can't imagine anyone earning the vet minimum is going to be a cancer...this is pretty much his chance to show what he has in hopes of a future deal.
He's not playing for vet min, he's getting paid over 30 million not to play in Denver. He is only on a 1 year deal, so maybe that will be enough.