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Scoop: PresidentTrump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal

Yet another issue (the list is long) that Trump and his supporters are so wrong about. Point blank wrong.

Leaving the Paris Agreement Would Be Indefensible

The president evidently intends to follow his own misguided calculus. A decision to withdraw would be indefensible. It is important to understand why and to consider what we need to do next.

Would be well worth your time to read the entire article here, at least for the few of you that aren't completely down the rabbit hole on climate change > https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/05/paris-agreement-trump/528621/
Yet another issue (the list is long) that Trump and his supporters are so wrong about. Point blank wrong.

Leaving the Paris Agreement Would Be Indefensible

Would be well worth your time to read the entire article here, at least for the few of you that aren't completely down the rabbit hole on climate change > https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/05/paris-agreement-trump/528621/

Worth my time ? Your spell check is off...waste my time it should read. I got as far as ....

I was Obama’s chief climate negotiator. Whether to stay in the agreement is not a close call.

If that wasn't a deal choker, then this was all I could handle.

Along with many others, I have tried to defend and preserve the U.S. role in Paris not because of the personal blood, sweat, and tears that my team and I invested (well, mostly not), but because we understand the climate threat, we recognize what’s at stake, and we know the giant step forward that the Paris Agreement represented.

And he throws in the force multiplier....the veiled reference to the open civil war we are fighting....

All over the United States and all over the world we must resolve to defeat the Trump administration in its effort to toss climate change overboard.

Here is the other side of the coin Tibs, at least this author signs her name to the article.

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One positive of pulling out of the Paris accord, is the US will not be a part of the world bank system for carbon credits. This is why there is a shitstorm. If they don't get their money, they're going to demonize Trump. I'm a fiscal radical conservative, and anything that limits world bank/Fed reserve power is a positive move in the right direction.

If the US still continue to make emission improvements on their own, this Paris accord is unnecessary, and the World Bank tax will be avoided.
One positive of pulling out of the Paris accord, is the US will not be a part of the world bank system for carbon credits. This is why there is a shitstorm. If they don't get their money, they're going to demonize Trump. I'm a fiscal radical conservative, and anything that limits world bank/Fed reserve power is a positive move in the right direction.

If the US still continue to make emission improvements on their own, this Paris accord is unnecessary, and the World Bank tax will be avoided.


Remember, the carbon trading system was set up by Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm in Cali, working with one of their political hires.........drum roll please..........The Gorical!

Yes, ManBearPig is behind all this unmitigated bullshit.

Read Tibs article, then ask how many facts it contained. You will need less than one hand.
anyone else notice that elfie calls everyone here stupid, dumb, retarded, etc., but the **** is too ignorant to edit his own post(s) so it looks like he/she/it is arguing with one of his/her/its multiple personalities?
anyone else notice that elfie calls everyone here stupid, dumb, retarded, etc., but the **** is too ignorant to edit his own post(s) so it looks like he/she/it is arguing with one of his/her/its multiple personalities?
Just seems stupid generally, so the typos don't stand out for me.
The whole Paris agreement is just smoke and mirrors anyhow. I don't know why liberals are making such a big deal out of it. It's symbolic only. Doesn't do anything constructive and is just a method of global tax/spend policy for the 1st world countries.

Look, the U.S. has been so incredibly steady in it's carbon footprint since 2000 it's almost scary:


No law that is going to get passed through congress is going to change this. In fact, the natural process of supply/demand and energy innovation (as long at the government does it's job and ensures a fair playing field) will push our carbon footprint down over the next century.

I don't know what India and China and Southeast Asia decide to do but that is up to them. Asia is dumping 3-4 times the total carbon as North America now so why does the U.S. even have to participate? Makes no sense.

Every industrialized society goes through a period of low-importance to human life and the environment. Europe did it. We did it. Japan did it. China is coming out of it. India is in it right now. Africa will do it.

The environment will survive. It can never "stay the same". And yes, thousands of species die off and ecosystems are ravaged and have to reconstruct themselves. That's what man does when we number 8 billion people of which half live within 2000 miles of Hong Kong.

This idea of "do as I say, not as I did" parenting from Western Countries to budding economies is just ludicrous. Sure, we can be examples of some things not to do. We can tell them cleaning up pollution is a lot more costly than the economic advantages of creating it but even that might fall on deaf ears.

Again, this is all inevitable. The carbon is there. We produce more than can be "consumed" and no acceptable change to our lives will alter that fact. All these agreements are just feel-good, politically charged, debates about nothing.

The only possible way out of the carbon production cycle is for industry (based on financial incentive and in a free and fair economic market) finds a much cheaper source of energy than fossil fuels. That's it. Incentives, restrictions by governments, laws, whatever, will not do it.
You know how you can tell the Paris agreement and man-made global warming and is a hoax?

Look at all the exemptions that a grants. If man-made global warming was an issue there's no way that they would allow China and India to continue polluting like they do.
Worth my time ? Your spell check is off...waste my time it should read. I got as far as ....

If that wasn't a deal choker, then this was all I could handle.

And he throws in the force multiplier....the veiled reference to the open civil war we are fighting....

Here is the other side of the coin Tibs, at least this author signs her name to the article.


This comes from NOAA and was used by an insurance company in a report (Munich RE).

The reason they take AGW seriously is because they insure things....the more disasters there are the more they have to pay out.

It's a simple concept even a brain addled ditto head (like you chip )can grasp....I mean really, look at the graph it's sort of like a cartoon.......


Are you still going to hang on to the childish idea that it's a hoax?

Of course you are......of course.
This comes from NOAA and was used by an insurance company in a report (Munich RE).

The reason they take AGW seriously is because they insure things....the more disasters there are the more they have to pay out.

It's a simple concept even a brain addled ditto head (like you chip )can grasp....I mean really, look at the graph it's sort of like a cartoon.......


Are you still going to hang on to the childish idea that it's a hoax?

Of course you are......of course.
Yes, very cartoonish. So an insurance company used this data to justify raising premiums? No way.
Read Tibs article, then ask how many facts it contained. You will need less than one hand.


Okay, let's do that. Let's count the factual statements in the article. Make sure you count out loud, feel free to use your fingers as well:

1. Trump himself has tweeted that he will make an official announcement in the coming days.
2. The truth is, Paris was a landmark achievement, establishing a durable global climate regime for the first time since the original “framework convention” was agreed to in 1992.
3. The Paris Agreement is ambitious, universal transparent, and balanced.
4. It brings China, India, and other developing countries fully into the regime.
5. It combines strong, aggregate goals with a “bottom-up” structure in which countries decide their emissions targets for themselves and then continually update those targets on five-year cycles.
6. Paris (agreement) boxes no one in; all are urged to aim high, but targets are not legally binding.
7. It succeeded with strong U.S. leadership every step of the way.
8. The entire world has signed on, save only Syria and Nicaragua.
9. It appears that the president now means to expand that group of two to include the United States of America.
10. Pulling out of Paris would cause serious diplomatic damage.
11. The countries of the world care about climate change. They see it as a profound threat.
12. They recognize there is no way to meet that global threat without an effective global regime.
13. And they understand that the Paris regime cannot work in the long run if the world’s indispensable power has left the table.
14. The president’s exit from Paris would be read as a kind of “drop dead” to the rest of the world.
15. As Ronald Reagan’s secretary of state, George Shultz, said recently about Paris, “[g]lobal statecraft relies on trust, reputation and credibility, which can be all too easily squandered. …f America fails to honor a global agreement that it helped forge, the repercussions will undercut our diplomatic priorities across the globe.”
16. Such a decision would fly in the face of nearly across-the-board support for Paris among top American companies, in sectors ranging from oil and gas to retail, chemicals, utilities, agriculture, finance, information, and autos.
17. Business leaders know climate change is real.
18. They know Paris is an agreement they can work with.
19. They know having U.S. negotiators at the table to protect their interests on matters like intellectual property and trade is crucial.
20. They know that the transition to clean energy is one of the biggest economic plays of this century, that climate change is a major driver of this transition, that the United States is perfectly positioned to lead with our unmatched culture of innovation
21. Opting out of Paris will undermine this opportunity to expand markets, create jobs and build wealth.
22. The withdrawal crowd has offered up bogus legal arguments that misunderstand the agreement, but they are just excuses.
23. The real reason for their opposition is that they reject the importance of containing climate change in the first place.
24. Remember OMB Director Mike Mulvaney’s words: “we're not spending money on [climate change] anymore; we consider that to be a waste.”
25. But we are far past the point when we should be discussing whether climate change is a live risk.
26. The Pentagon calls it a “threat multiplier” in vulnerable regions of the world.
27. The National Intelligence Council says climate change “will almost certainly have significant effects, both direct and indirect, across social, economic, political, and security realms during the next 20 years.”
28. Firms like BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Shell, among others, have produced serious climate reports focused on the transition needed to meet the goals of Paris.
29. Weather-related losses have tripled since the 1980s.
30. There is no significant outside constituency arguing for America to leave.
31. There is a massive outside constituency—world leaders, Fortune 100 CEOS, civil society—urging us to stay, even if the price for Trump staying is a downward adjustment of our target.
32. Around the world, I believe countries will stay in the Paris climate agreement and work to build it into a regime that will enable us to meet the climate challenge.

That's a lot of set of hands Confluence. Nice try yet again to wish a problem away, or simply ignore real world issues. It's what makes Trump supporters so precious.
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Yes, very cartoonish. So an insurance company used this data to justify raising premiums? No way.

I thought you guys were pro business?

So insurance companies should payout to the point of bankruptcy by not increasing premiums so that you can maintain your delusion?

My.....my.....the contortions....mind bending contortions one must engage in to hold on as a CONservative....
I thought you guys were pro business?

So insurance companies should payout to the point of bankruptcy by not increasing premiums so that you can maintain your delusion?

My.....my.....the contortions....mind bending contortions one must engage in to hold on as a CONservative....
Speaking of contortions, it's incredible that you are trying to correlate that to AGW. By the way, it's generally accepted that there was no warming at all from 1998 - 2014, so you'll need to find another factor for 50% of that increase.
Trump is a national embarrasment, nothing more, nothing less.


EU leaders are now openly mocking Donald Trump's ignorance

EU leaders have launched a scathing attack on Donald Trump as he prepares to announce his decision to remove the US from the Paris climate accord. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker accused the US President of ignorance, claiming “he doesn’t get close enough to the dossiers to fully understand them.” Speaking in Berlin, he revealed it could take as long as three to four years to leave the agreement, meaning the US would only be removed from the pact after the next presidential election.

“This notion: ‘I am Trump, I am American, America first and I’m going to get out of it it,’ that won’t happen...the law is the law and it must be obeyed. Not everything which is law and not everything in international agreements is fake news and we have to comply with it.”

Plans to “forge ahead” with measures to “lead the energy transition” are expected to be announced in a joint statement from EU leaders and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Brussels on Friday.
Trump is a national embarrasment, nothing more, nothing less.


EU leaders are now openly mocking Donald Trump's ignorance
Sniffy liberal idiots thinking they are intellectually superior when they are just sniffy liberal idiots. Go figure.

Yep. As I said, 97% of scientists agree...but, well actually, scientists don't agree on ****. So much consensus eh? Like those global warming temps that have been absent for over 15 years.


David Dilley, who runs the Global Weather Oscillations website, says that Earth has a pattern of warm and cool phases and that we are now entering a cool phase. According to Dilley, Earth has a natural cooling phase every 230 years, during which we experience a mini ice age for about 60 to 100 years. After that, the planet warms up again. He thinks we are about to enter a cooling phase that will see the Arctic freeze and expand, and coat northern Europe in ice. Not glaciers, but certainly enough ice to create significant problems.

One of the culprits, solar activity, has already appeared. Solar activity is at one of the lowest levels in recorded history.

Astronomers monitor solar activity by counting sunspots, and within the last solar cycle sunspot counts have reached virtually their lowest level in history. The lack of sunspots correlates with solar output, and this means less radiation is hitting Earth. Historically, such low solar activity means lower temperatures on Earth.

The last time such an event occurred was known as the Maunder Minimum, which ran from 1645 to 1715. During that time, sunspots became rare. Some conclude the Maunder Minimum was a contributor to the Little Ice Age which lasted from about 1600 to 1850.

Oooh, scary ****! Scientists have been pulling your leg...well forever.

Trump is a national embarrasment, nothing more, nothing less.

EU leaders are now openly mocking Donald Trump's ignorance
