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Scoop: PresidentTrump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal

Yeah baby! We are out of that horrible waste of money and job killing agreement. Way to go President Trump!

Anyone who is for the Paris Accord is clearly anti-America.

TRUMP: "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris." Beautiful.
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I'm a firm believer we're right in the middle of an interglacial period. It would not make any difference if we kiss the world's *** or not. What will happen will happen. And if people in Europe don't like it they can kiss my crippled, white ***.

Sent from my iPad using Steeler Nation mobile app
That was truly an awesome speech and defined again how horrible a president that Obama was for America.
That was truly an awesome speech and defined again how horrible a president that Obama was for America.

Trump mentioned Pittsburgh twice.
Any time you take a bunch of money out of people's pockets they are going to tantrum. Not surprised in the least.
Thank you President Trump! MAGA!

Ha! LMAO at typical liberal meltdowns and over reaction! All is lost!!!! All is lost!!!!
Our last legitimate president chimes in.

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” Obama said in a public statement. “I believe the United States of America should be at the front of the pack.”

“But even in the absence of American leadership; even as this Administration joins a small handful of nations that reject the future; I’m confident that our states, cities, and businesses will step up and do even more to lead the way, and help protect for future generations the one planet we’ve got,” he added.

As Obama pointed out, the U.S. is lonely in its decision to not join the Paris agreement. The only other nations to not join the Paris accords are Syria and Nicaragua.

Absence of American leadership is right. What a pathetic, FUBAR moment in our history. The office of the presidency is at its lowest point ever. I'm afraid it will continue to sink even lower at the rate Trump is going. Sad times indeed for all Americans, even those that are too obtuse to understand what's happening.
Thank you President Trump! MAGA!


Ironically, that pic is a screen shot from that TV show about humans disappearing from Earth, and what Earth would look like at various time intervals. So, this is a depiction of Washington with effectively no human contributions to climate change. LOL.
Thank you President Trump! MAGA!

LMAO! Back under the bed Tibs. Go hide there under your bed behind your wall. It might protect you from Climate Change! Lemmings. The Earth is Flat, the Earth is Flat!

Ironically, that pic is a screen shot from that TV show about humans disappearing from Earth, and what Earth would look like at various time intervals. So, this is a depiction of Washington with effectively no human contributions to climate change. LOL.

That is ironic. I was looking for an image of a wasteland cityscape to signify Trump's assault on the environment, ie gutting the EPA, mindless deregulation, ignoring accepted facts on climate change and now pulling the US out of an internationally agreed upon set of parameters that was supported by basically everyone but his most inner circle and of course, loopy Trump fanboys. My bad.

Steve Bannon is gleefuly rubbing his hands together right now. His apocalyptic vision is slowly but surely materializing. What will be left of the country - and the world - is anyone's guess.
There was more migration in the U.S. as the result of air conditioning than anything the environment will throw at us over the next 50 years.

If anything it will tell those fools that flocked and moved to Florida, Arizona and Southern California to ******* wake up and realize their environment can't support that many people. Maybe they'll move back to the rust belts. It's rained like crazy up here in the Northeast. We don't have earthquakes, drought, floods (if you don't live in a FLOODplain) or tornadoes.

In general, the Rust Belt is one of the most environmentally friendly places to live. All you have to do is put up with a little snow (oh, the horror!).

We have the workers, plenty of affordable commercial and industrial property and (if Republicans get elected) good, business-friendly laws. Come on back.
ignoring accepted facts on climate change

97% of Scientists agree...that we might be warming, without any warming for 15 years, or we might be headed for an ice age, or the polar caps would be gone by 2014.

Facts. LOL
That is ironic. I was looking for an image of a wasteland cityscape to signify Trump's assault on the environment, ie gutting the EPA, mindless deregulation, ignoring accepted facts on climate change and now pulling the US out of an internationally agreed upon set of parameters that was supported by basically everyone but his most inner circle and of course, loopy Trump fanboys. My bad.

Steve Bannon is gleefuly rubbing his hands together right now. His apocalyptic vision is slowly but surely materializing. What will be left of the country - and the world - is anyone's guess.

Holy ****, you're off your rocker Tibs. It must really suck to be you.
In all honesty, the U.S. is already headed towards a net zero carbon footprint between 2050 and 2100. There is no way China and India will do it and their false promises are worth nothing but the paper it's written on.

The only thing us pulling out of the "agreement" does is stop U.S. taxpayers sending billions of dollars to corrupt, third world dictators that "say" they will use the money for clean energy but will 99% likely just pocket the money and burn coal anyhow.

It just is mindboggling that Tibs thinks sending money to African dictators is going to do a damn thing to protect our planet or resources. What a ******* fool.
Holy ****, you're off your rocker Tibs.

Who's off their rocker?

Majority of Americans in every US state supports Paris climate deal Trump is poised to withdraw from

Nearly 70 per cent of Americans, including a majority of people in all 50 states, support the Paris climate deal that Donald Trump is expected to withdraw from this week.

Large corporations including Microsoft, Google, Walmart and Exxon have also expressed support for the US staying in the agreement.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If Trump is pulling out of Paris, he is turning his back on the public in every single US state. <a href="https://t.co/OueA4HsqkW">pic.twitter.com/OueA4HsqkW</a></p>— Sierra Club (@SierraClub) <a href="https://twitter.com/SierraClub/status/869895319047331840">May 31, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
It just is mindboggling that Tibs thinks sending money to African dictators is going to do a damn thing to protect our planet or resources. What a ******* fool.

It is mindboggling how limited your grasp is of complex issues. Much like Trump, his supporters insist on breaking everything down to the level of a third grader. I used to think you were a pretty smart guy deljzc. Sadly, you've succumbed to this phenomena of dumbing-down relevant issues and are now on the level of IndySteel and others. Well, maybe not quite on that level, not yet at least.

Oh, and **** you too!
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Trump mentioned Pittsburgh twice. #winning


The mayor of Pittsburgh just owned Donald Trump so hard

There's just one problem: The citizens of Pittsburgh are strongly supportive of climate action. According to a recent study from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, 68 percent of adults in the Pittsburgh metro area support strict limits on carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants—a key element of the US commitment under the Paris deal. For Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh, that number is 74 percent. For Pennsylvania's 14th Congressional District, which also includes Pittsburgh, it's 78 percent.

Roughly two-thirds
of Pennsylvanians—and Americans as a whole—believe the United States should remain in the Paris agreement, according to the Yale research.

There doesn't appear to be any data on the popularity of the Paris agreement within Pittsburgh itself, but it's worth noting that the city's mayor, Bill Peduto, actually traveled to Paris during the 2015 negotiations to help press for an agreement. "Pittsburgh and other cities are on the front lines of the climate change crisis, and it is our responsibility to address the deep challenges it is creating for us, our children and our grandchildren," he said in a statement at the time, according to the Pittsburg Post-Gazette.

Peduto took to Twitter Thursday to express his displeasure with Trump's comments:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">As the Mayor of Pittsburgh, I can assure you that we will follow the guidelines of the Paris Agreement for our people, our economy & future. <a href="https://t.co/3znXGTcd8C">https://t.co/3znXGTcd8C</a></p>— bill peduto (@billpeduto) <a href="https://twitter.com/billpeduto/status/870370288344674304">June 1, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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In all honesty, the U.S. is already headed towards a net zero carbon footprint between 2050 and 2100. There is no way China and India will do it and their false promises are worth nothing but the paper it's written on.

The only thing us pulling out of the "agreement" does is stop U.S. taxpayers sending billions of dollars to corrupt, third world dictators that "say" they will use the money for clean energy but will 99% likely just pocket the money and burn coal anyhow.

It just is mindboggling that Tibs thinks sending money to African dictators is going to do a damn thing to protect our planet or resources. What a ******* fool.

That is the point that is being purposely buried in this hysteria. The US, on it's own, is already far ahead of most nations in reducing emmissions.

This treaty is nothing more than a shakedown.

They just want the US to fork over money to deadbeat nations who will use the money to try to squeeze out a few more years of their socialist programs before they go bust like Greece.

Of course Obama loved it. He thinks America is illegitimate and must pay reparations to the rest of the world. He is in favor of the US going into debt to bail of failed socialists.
The Sierra Club came up with that map eh... Go figure.

Hey if it helps me bring more money home in my paycheck or keeps me from paying more money for my electric bill I'll be a happy camper. Anyone here occasionally check their tax withholdings throughout the year? Tibs I know you don't since you don't pay US Income Taxes. Well I make about 60K a year. I'm doing a little better than average for folks my age but when you take into account taxes and how much the high cost of living where I live, things get tight. What makes me sick is that so far ol' Uncle Sam and the state of VA has deducted about $6600 from my paycheck and we are only into June. That's a considerable chunk of change that could go to the purchase of goods that would help employ more people. Then guess what, they'll pay their share of the taxes. So check your paystub each pay period and think about subjects like this and how some want us to pay even more to help fund whatever cause.

So the more I hear liberals flip out over **** that takes money out of their pockets because whatever bullshit cause is no longer being subsidized, (and that's really all its about for most of them at the end of the day) the more I know we are on the right track to sending ordinary John or Jane Q (American) Working Public home with more money to do with what they want.
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Okay, let's do that. Let's count the factual statements in the article. Make sure you count out loud, feel free to use your fingers as well:

Lets actually see what facts are:


<header class="luna-data-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">noun</header>1.something that actually exists; reality; truth:Your fears have no basis in fact.

2.something known to exist or to have happened:Space travel is now a fact.

3.a truth known by actual experience or observation; something knownto be true:Scientists gather facts about plant growth.

4.something said to be true or supposed to have happened:The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.

5.Law.. Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, asdistinguished from its legal effect or consequence.Compare question of fact, question of law.

1. Trump himself has tweeted that he will make an official announcement in the coming days.
FACT! Trump 1, Tibs gets credit for listening to POTUS
2. The truth is, Paris was a landmark achievement, establishing a durable global climate regime for the first time since the original “framework convention” was agreed to in 1992.
Opinion of writer. Not a fact. see 4 above
3. The Paris Agreement is ambitious, universal transparent, and balanced.
Opinion of writer. Not a fact. An attempt at a description, clearly biased by role.
4. It brings China, India, and other developing countries fully into the regime.
Incomplete. Not until after 2030 as mentioned in article.
5. It combines strong, aggregate goals with a “bottom-up” structure in which countries decide their emissions targets for themselves and then continually update those targets on five-year cycles.
No wonder so many agreed. Everyone gets to make their own rules. This is a FACT! Good catch Tibs, you noticed the part that makes the entire agreement useless.
6. Paris (agreement) boxes no one in; all are urged to aim high, but targets are not legally binding.
As above, the opinion of the writer is that the agreement is not legally binding --- what is the point then, eh?
7. It succeeded with strong U.S. leadership every step of the way.
Derp. Opinion of biased writer.
8. The entire world has signed on, save only Syria and Nicaragua.
You can fool all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Thanks President Trump!
9. It appears that the president now means to expand that group of two to include the United States of America.
Opinion of writer, but demonstrates functionality with simple math, absent from rest of his discussion.
10. Pulling out of Paris would cause serious diplomatic damage.
Opinion, speculation, etc. OR was this about Steelerfan and Paris Hilton?
11. The countries of the world care about climate change. They see it as a profound threat.
Opinion of writer, countered by 5 & 6 above. Poor, circular argrument structure.
12. They recognize there is no way to meet that global threat without an effective global regime.
Opinion of writer. Speaking for entire world community now. Not the least bit arrogant.
13. And they understand that the Paris regime cannot work in the long run if the world’s indispensable power has left the table.
Opinion of writer, clearly contradicting 5&6 above.
14. The president’s exit from Paris would be read as a kind of “drop dead” to the rest of the world.
Opinion of the writer. Clearly political.
15. As Ronald Reagan’s secretary of state, George Shultz, said recently about Paris, “[g]lobal statecraft relies on trust, reputation and credibility, which can be all too easily squandered. …f America fails to honor a global agreement that it helped forge, the repercussions will undercut our diplomatic priorities across the globe.”
Tricky one. What Shultz said was factual in that he said it, but clearly his opinion. Lets score one FACT for Tibs!
16. Such a decision would fly in the face of nearly across-the-board support for Paris among top American companies, in sectors ranging from oil and gas to retail, chemicals, utilities, agriculture, finance, information, and autos.
Opinion of biased writer, based on clear political aims of his boss whilst in power for 8 years.
17. Business leaders know climate change is real.
LOL. Biased opinion of biased writer based on zero working models.
18. They know Paris is an agreement they can work with.
Another arrogant opinion about knowing what "they" know. Yeesh.
19. They know having U.S. negotiators at the table to protect their interests on matters like intellectual property and trade is crucial.
Uh, irrelevant. What does IP and trade have to do with climate? Plus the whole "they know" opinion of biased writer thing.
20. They know that the transition to clean energy is one of the biggest economic plays of this century, that climate change is a major driver of this transition, that the United States is perfectly positioned to lead with our unmatched culture of innovation
Trifecta! three "they know" statements attributing much to others. Biased opinion.
21. Opting out of Paris will undermine this opportunity to expand markets, create jobs and build wealth.
Irrelevant and clearly biased opinion of writer.
22. The withdrawal crowd has offered up bogus legal arguments that misunderstand the agreement, but they are just excuses.
No linkage to facts; just more biased opinion.
23. The real reason for their opposition is that they reject the importance of containing climate change in the first place.
FACT!!!!!!!!!!! So he does understand!?!?!
24. Remember OMB Director Mike Mulvaney’s words: “we're not spending money on [climate change] anymore; we consider that to be a waste.”
FACT!!!! Notice any trends in the facts?
25. But we are far past the point when we should be discussing whether climate change is a live risk.
Biased opinion. Based on a complete lack of verification of global warming models, including rather embarrassing counter-evidence. What is "live risk"?
26. The Pentagon calls it a “threat multiplier” in vulnerable regions of the world.
Many who work/served for the Pentagon have noticed many other "threat multiplier"s that have been politically ignored: see Manchester, San Bernadino, Phillipines, Indonesia, Egypt, etc.
27. The National Intelligence Council says climate change “will almost certainly have significant effects, both direct and indirect, across social, economic, political, and security realms during the next 20 years.”
Reality check: I didn't know what the National Intelligence Council was, so please read the link, first I found in my search about what they really said about climate when Obama was POTUS:
Clear biased misrepresentation attempt by writer. Thanks for catching this Tibs! -1
28. Firms like BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Shell, among others, have produced serious climate reports focused on the transition needed to meet the goals of Paris.
It is all about the money. Follow the money. See Davenport's spot on comments about same issue with insurers.
29. Weather-related losses have tripled since the 1980s.
Counting these damages has changed significantly; not factored into to biased reports meant to sell insurance. Clear misunderstanding of business by writer.
30. There is no significant outside constituency arguing for America to leave.
FACTUALLY INCORRECT. The significant constituency is the same as those who caused the Electoral College to select TRUMP as POTUS.
31. There is a massive outside constituency—world leaders, Fortune 100 CEOS, civil society—urging us to stay, even if the price for Trump staying is a downward adjustment of our target.
This is how things get negotiated. Just read the line again. The new POTUS can cut a better deal and that will still make all happy/agreed. This DEMONSTRATES that the author, the chief US negotiator of the Paris Accord, did a poor job for the US, at best. Why the hell would anyone rely on anything this clearly ineffectual person has to opine? FACT that ruins credibility of writer.
32. Around the world, I believe countries will stay in the Paris climate agreement and work to build it into a regime that will enable us to meet the climate challenge.
And my biased opinion is that the Steelers will go 19-0; just like every year at this time.

That's a lot of set of hands Confluence. Nice try yet again to wish a problem away, or simply ignore real world issues. It's what makes Trump supporters so precious.

So lets score this Tibs:
Facts: 6
1. for correctly following Trump's tweets.
1. for correctly identifying that the Paris accord has no teeth.
1. for correctly reporting the opinion of another prominent Republican.
1. for correctly identifying that "they reject the importance of containing climate change in the first place"
1. for correctly identifying another Republican's words "OMB Director Mike Mulvaney’s words: “we're not spending money on [climate change] anymore; we consider that to be a waste.”
1. for correctly identifying that the writer did a poor job, for the US, in his negotiations, clearly demonstrated by the understanding that the new POTUS could cut a better deal for US.

But when we add in the nonfactual stuff:
-1 for misidentifying the constituency that wants to leave all climate agreements
-1 for clearly misconstruing what the National Intelligence Council, during the time of Obama, said about the climate.

So that is four net facts for the article. Three came from Republicans, including Potus, leaving the single, net FACT being that the writer of the article, in his own words, fesses up that he did a poor job, compared to Trump, in negotiating the US position for this agreement.

And Chip figured this out in the first couple paragraphs!!!

Thanks for the clarity Tibs!!

The mayor of Pittsburgh just owned Donald Trump so hard

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Well, good. Sounds like we don't need the agreement, then?<iframe title="Twitter analytics iframe" id="rufous-sandbox" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" style="padding: 0px; border: currentColor; width: 0px; height: 0px; display: none; visibility: hidden; position: absolute;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>