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Seething liberals vow revolution in Democratic Party


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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The End of the Democrat Party?


The Republican civil war was supposed to start this week.

Instead, a ferocious struggle has erupted on the left over the smoldering remains of the Democratic Party.

Liberals are seething over the election and talking about launching a Tea Party-style revolt. They say it’s the only way to keep Washington Democrats connected to the grassroots and to avoid a repeat of the 2016 electoral disaster, which blindsided party elites.

Progressives believe the Democratic establishment is responsible for inflicting Donald Trump upon the nation, blaming a staid corporate wing of the party for nominating Hillary Clinton and ignoring the Working Class voters that propelled Trump to victory.

Liberals want to see establishment Democrats targeted in primaries, and the “Clinton-corporate wing” of the party rooted out for good.

The fight will begin over picking a new leader for the Democratic National Committee.

Progressives are itching to see the national apparatus reduced to rubble and rebuilt from scratch, with one of their own installed at the top.

And there is talk among some progressives, like Bill Clinton’s former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, about splitting from the Democratic Party entirely if they don’t get the changes they seek.

“The Democratic Party can no longer be the same, it has been repudiated,” Reich said on a conference call with members from the progressive grassroots group Democracy for America.

“This has been a huge refutation of establishment politics and the political organization has got to be changed...if the Democratic Party can’t do it, we’ll do it through a third party.”

To some liberals, that means a wholesale purging of the “corporate dominated” wing of the party.

“They’ll hold on to the party mechanisms until you rip it out of their dying hands,” said Jonathan Tasini, a Sanders surrogate. “It’s all about power and money and influence for them.”



Tear it down! Abolish the Democrat Party!

WOW - Fantastic!

All the coverage has been on the national election, but Dems have lost power in record numbers all up and down the ticket, and 26 Dems seats are up for grabs in the Senate in 2 years.


Democrats Breaking Records: Control Fewest State Legislatures in History

Local Democrats will only control all the levers of power in five states: California, Delaware, Oregon, Hawaii, and Rhode Island. In comparison, the GOP will enter 2017 holding trifectas in half the country’s state governments, trifecta control being when a single party controls the governor’s mansion and both legislative chambers.

Poor things. What they need to kill is the progressives which is just a cute term for commie pinko.
Liberal on liberal hate. A liberal war on liberals. Whatever, love it!

Michael Moore got it right a second time when he said..,"You have to accept that millions of people who voted for Barack Obama - some of them once, some of them twice - changed their minds this time. They're not racists".

Let him battle it out with other libtards.
The country is going to continue to change whether people like it or not. People have to decide if they want to be prisoners of the moment while gloating or while whining and finger pointing but either way there is not a legion of conservatives coming up. There just isn't. The Republicans still have a problem on their hands with building their party with that generation and it could still be a lost generation for them. So laugh it up all you want but staying in this stupid "liberal" vs "conservative" mindset like it's right vs wrong or good vs evil is ridiculous looking on both sides. They are competing ideologies with much to offer from both sides. Stuck in there on both sides is privilege, entitlement, identity biases, GREED......a whole bunch of weak minded divisive ****.
Liberal on liberal hate. A liberal war on liberals. Whatever, love it!

Michael Moore got it right a second time when he said..,"You have to accept that millions of people who voted for Barack Obama - some of them once, some of them twice - changed their minds this time. They're not racists".

Let him battle it out with other libtards.


You know Wall Street and the Silicon Valley billionaires have no intention of giving away their power in the Democrat Party to radical snowflakes.

This is going to be great fun to watch!
The country is going to continue to change whether people like it or not. People have to decide if they want to be prisoners of the moment while gloating or while whining and finger pointing but either way there is not a legion of conservatives coming up. There just isn't. The Republicans still have a problem on their hands with building their party with that generation and it could still be a lost generation for them. So laugh it up all you want but staying in this stupid "liberal" vs "conservative" mindset like it's right vs wrong or good vs evil is ridiculous looking on both sides. They are competing ideologies with much to offer from both sides. Stuck in there on both sides is privilege, entitlement, identity biases, GREED......a whole bunch of weak minded divisive ****.

I agree with some of what you are saying. But Trump has the chance to swing the Supreme Court towards conservatives for the next 50 years with the right appointments.
I agree with some of what you are saying. But Trump has the chance to swing the Supreme Court towards conservatives for the next 50 years with the right appointments.

True. I actually think that's not a bad thing either. I'd rather have the conservative flag down there than in congress where nothing is getting done. I'm tired of this bullshit ideology politics. That's harder to do in the Supreme Court because you actually have to argue your case in a law abiding, detailed and grounded way. Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia, and Anthony Kennedy were all Reagan appointees. Only one is left on the court. That wasn't 50 years ago. Chief Justice Roberts has been remarkably fair. If Hillary would have won he would have become the first chief judge in decades to preside over a court that has a majority with an opposite ideology. Now it'll shift back to where it's been for the most part. Go do some research on the court and don't just take what's thrown out.

Oh and then there's this....

Redistrict this Dems - counties Hillary won

Progressives are itching to see the national apparatus reduced to rubble and rebuilt from scratch, with one of their own installed at the top.

Was listening to Fox News on XM while I working in the yard and the Democrat pundit was saying much the same,also that a leading candidate to head the DNC is Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Muslim, who is farther Left than Bomma and Hildebeast. That's gold Jerry, GOLD! Please, please, bring that.

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Yeah they're urban areas with massive populations. Your point is?

crime rate is a rate per 1,000 and, therefore , somewhat population neutral.

however , even considering it might not be? why would pepole that live in areas full of Democrats need to commit crimes? aren't those utopian ?
Facebook post from a bud of mine who is on the local Democrat committee. I'm on the Republican committee. We're people who actually do work for our parties. He came over to our side for a while but went back to the Dems. The GOP is too far right for his taste but the Dems are too far left. For example, he loves Sen. Joe Manchin, D-Coal Mine.

The party will bounce back you guys won you have your president now lets see how much of what he said comes true. Because I truly believe he pulled the wool over the eyes of so many. Democrats need to get back to the basics and to stop letting a extremist wing control it. Run better candidates. Remember what brought us here the common man the working class and being moderate and working with everyone. If we remember that we will succeed again. Until then we will continue to lose elections. We need to talk about our vision and not what the other guy didn't do. I know this message is all for nothing because guys like me will be banished from the party.
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Democrats Breaking Records: Control Fewest State Legislatures in History

Local Democrats will only control all the levers of power in five states: California, Delaware, Oregon, Hawaii, and Rhode Island. In comparison, the GOP will enter 2017 holding trifectas in half the country’s state governments, trifecta control being when a single party controls the governor’s mansion and both legislative chambers.

In my county the Dem registration advantage is 2.7-to-1 but they've been scorched the last few years. The GOP took most of the courthouse offices last year for the first time in 60 years, another Democrat incumbent state rep lost, which leaves exactly ONE Democrat state rep (my rep) in west central PA and that's only because he's in a safe gerrymandered area that was set up that way to protect other Republicans. He was interviewed in the local paper and said that the Dem party has abandoned the blue collar class, moved too far Left, and their one size fits all strategy doesn't work here.
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The really funny thing is they believe easy-B would have won by a landslide.
Poor things. What they need to kill is the progressives which is just a cute term for commie pinko.

.... while conservative is just shorthand for " closed-minded knuckle-dragging Neanderthal that can't get over the fact that the '50's ended a long time ago that can't understand that not everyone wants to live by their "principles" that they get from their first century book of Jewish fairytales written by a bunch of nomadic desert dwellers that thought the best way to ensure a good harvest was to bleed a goat on a smooth rock and the best way to keep a building from falling down was to bury a child alive under its foundation.
.... while conservative is just shorthand for " closed-minded knuckle-dragging Neanderthal that can't get over the fact that the '50's ended a long time ago that can't understand that not everyone wants to live by their "principles" that they get from their first century book of Jewish fairytales written by a bunch of nomadic desert dwellers that thought the best way to ensure a good harvest was to bleed a goat on a smooth rock and the best way to keep a building from falling down was to bury a child alive under its foundation.

Looks like us knuckle draggers have kicked out the commie pinkos across the board. Thanks for playing.
.... while conservative is just shorthand for " closed-minded knuckle-dragging Neanderthal that can't get over the fact that the '50's ended a long time ago that can't understand that not everyone wants to live by their "principles" that they get from their first century book of Jewish fairytales written by a bunch of nomadic desert dwellers that thought the best way to ensure a good harvest was to bleed a goat on a smooth rock and the best way to keep a building from falling down was to bury a child alive under its foundation.

Closed minded... That usually means you refuse to hand over your money and your rights to eggheads that have never done anything in the real world and have no expirience outside of theory in academia.

If Dems lose ONE more state legislature, GOP could push Constitutional Amendments unopposed!

One of the more interesting results of the shocking 2016 election is that Dems have lost control of so many state legislatures that we’re within just ONE more of being able to start a “Convention of States” unopposed.
This is the process provided by the Founders in Article 5 of the Constitution whereby three quarters of the states can vote to propose and ratify amendments to the Constitution. This is how the ever expanding power of the government into our lives could be stopped and rolled back to what the founders intended as the balance of power between the states and the federal government.

Mark Levin explains here how a Convention of States is Constitutional and could reverse the unending growth of the federal government. We also have a great FAQ about the Article Five Convention process here.
Let the city people watch their cities burn by their own hand

We could also stop selling them food and fixing their cars.
The country is going to continue to change whether people like it or not. People have to decide if they want to be prisoners of the moment while gloating or while whining and finger pointing but either way there is not a legion of conservatives coming up. There just isn't. The Republicans still have a problem on their hands with building their party with that generation and it could still be a lost generation for them. So laugh it up all you want but staying in this stupid "liberal" vs "conservative" mindset like it's right vs wrong or good vs evil is ridiculous looking on both sides. They are competing ideologies with much to offer from both sides. Stuck in there on both sides is privilege, entitlement, identity biases, GREED......a whole bunch of weak minded divisive ****.

No. There is nothing liberals can offer. If every ****** liberal/ democrat/progressive, whatever your calling yourselves these days, left this country we would thrive. If every conservative left this country it would go to hell in a handbasket if left to run by liberals.

There was a time in this country when Republicans vs. Democrat merely meant a difference in ideology, each having different opinions and ideas on the way things should get done. The Democrat party was actually good and did some good things at one time.

Not today. It's come down to right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, and liberals /democrats/progressives are pure evil.

Conservatism is the mechanism by which the Republican party is SUPPOSED to be guided by. The same conservative principles have always existed. They go on unchanged.
Conservatism is not an ideology, it is a disposition.

Progressivism is progressive alright...progressive like cancer.

An infinite number of examples can be given about how the left has tried to destroy or discredit these Conservative principals:

• Freedom
• Faith
• Family
• Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life
• American Exceptionalism
• The Founders’ Wisdom and Vision/ The Constitution
• Lower Taxes
• Limited Government.
• Peace Through Strength
• Anti-Communism
• Belief in the Individual

Liberals believe the greatness of this country was ill-gotten and illegitimate, do not believe in American exceptionalism.
Liberals believe third world countries exist because of America.
Liberals believe the Constitution is an outdated document and the Founders were just a bunch of rich slave holding white men.
Liberals believe white men invented slavery.
Liberals are purveyors of:
Class warfare, race baiting, name calling and man-hating—all with a singular goal: to get themselves in power by promoting and exploiting divisiveness. Of course, once this divisiveness turns into frenzy, these same people suddenly act as if they actually want to solve a problem that didn’t even exist before they did everything they possibly could to create it.

Liberals want to control your speech. Liberals favor the fairness doctrine and "localism" ecause talk radio is conservative and it gets an alternative viewpoint out.

Liberals hate men like Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson. Because they're successful, who don't see themselves as victims, complain incessantly about racism, or believe that they need liberals to succeed.

Liberals have no problem with IRS workers who audit you for being conservative, or the politicians who declare you a racist for disagreeing with them.

Liberals believe we should have a populace that is controlled by the government, not a government that is controlled by the populace.
...and on and on.

Liberals are evil period.

Like we did to Japan in WWII we need to do to democRATS/liberals/progressives....destroy them first, then talk about coming together.
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No. There is nothing liberals can offer. If every ****** liberal/ democrat/progressive, whatever your calling yourselves these days, left this country we would thrive. If every conservative left this country it would go to hell in a handbasket if left to run by liberals.

There was a time in this country when Republicans vs. Democrat merely meant a difference in ideology, each having different opinions and ideas on the way things should get done. The Democrat party was actually good and did some good things at one time.

Not today. It's come down to right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, and liberals /democrats/progressives are pure evil.

Conservatism is the mechanism by which the Republican party is SUPPOSED to be guided by. The same conservative principles have always existed. They go on unchanged.
Conservatism is not an ideology, it is a disposition.

Progressivism is progressive alright...progressive like cancer.

An infinite number of examples can be given about how the left has tried to destroy or discredit these Conservative principals:

• Freedom
• Faith
• Family
• Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life
• American Exceptionalism
• The Founders’ Wisdom and Vision/ The Constitution
• Lower Taxes
• Limited Government.
• Peace Through Strength
• Anti-Communism
• Belief in the Individual

Liberals people believe the greatness of this country was ill-gotten and illegitimate, do not believe in American exceptionalism.
Liberals believe third world countries exist because of America.
Liberals believe the Constitution is an outdated document and the Founders were just a bunch of rich slave holding white men.
Liberals believe white men invented slavery.
Liberals are purveyors of:
Class warfare, race baiting, name calling and man-hating—all with a singular goal: to get themselves in power by promoting and exploiting divisiveness. Of course, once this divisiveness turns into frenzy, these same people suddenly act as if they actually want to solve a problem that didn’t even exist before they did everything they possibly could to create it.

Liberals want to control your speech. Liberals favor the fairness doctrine and "localism" ecause talk radio is conservative and it gets an alternative viewpoint out.

Liberals hate men like Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson. Because they're successful, who don't see themselves as victims, complain incessantly about racism, or believe that they need liberals to succeed.

Liberals have no problem with IRS workers who audit you for being conservative, or the politicians who declare you a racist for disagreeing with them.

Liberals believe we should have a populace that is controlled by the government, not a government that is controlled by the populace.
...and on and on.

Liberals are evil period.

Like we did to Japan in WWII we need to do to democRATS/liberals/progressives....destroy them first, then talk about coming together.

Wow. I'm not even going to bother with most of this. I'm able to actually be free today because somewhere along the line principled liberals AND conservatives actually stood up for the rights of all of it's citizens. While you were making your little outline here you forgot to mention that the conservative moment has been hijacked and exploited just as much. That is my point. It's reach now in ideology is cultish and dogmatic. It's divisive in nature by embracing the tenants of anti intellectualism and promoting zealotry.
And please tell me your interpretation of the tenants of anti-intellectualism and zealotry? I am an intellectual person. I may not have perfect grammar or sentence construction. However,for someone with a 9th grade education, I got a 31 on the ACT exam at 17 years old. I went on to college taking computer science and made honor role twice and the dean's list once. I am an IT Manager respected by my peers. And yet for some reason because I support the values that Trump has presented in his campaign, I am a racist, uneducated, hateful person.

I have struggled for the last few days with the clear position of the Dems that I am not free to make whatever choices that I want to in that voting booth. That the shame of my choice is unbearable. Bullshit!!! That is not my country!!!
I don't know. The only zealots I see anymore are liberals out burning cities and destroying property in a hissy fit because their candidate lost. And none of the ones I have seen interviewed seem especially "intellectual."
Anti-Intellectual means not accepting it when some Neo-socialist hack tells you some convoluted explanation of why you are a racist simply for being white, why you are greedy for wanting to keep the money you earn and why the government can make better decisions on raising your kids than you can.