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Senate announces probe of Loretta Lynch behavior in 2016 election


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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The Senate Judiciary Committee has opened a probe into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s efforts to shape the FBI’s investigation into 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, the committee’s chairman announced Friday.

In a letter to Ms. Lynch, the committee asks her to detail the depths of her involvement in the FBI’s investigation, including whether she ever assured Clinton confidantes that the probe wouldn’t “push too deeply into the matter.



There is plenty of evidence too. If they really want to, they can make this very made for her.
I wonder if she will plead the fifth at any point..

Bwahahaha....now that **** is funny.

Loretta Lynch is 'pleading the fifth' to dodge questions about $1.7 billion payments made by the United States to Iran, two members of Congress have claimed.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...stions-1-7bn-payments-Iran.html#ixzz4krL8tawe

Loretta Lynch Ducks 74 Questions From Congress: "Avoiding Appearances Of Impropriety Or Protecting Hillary?"

Did Attorney General Loretta Lynch lie about or obfuscate her role in clearing Hillary in the investigations concerning the handling of classified emails on her private server?

Is there a quid pro quo among the two women, in which Lynch could have been promised a role in the next Clinton Administration in exchange for her help in calling off potential criminal charges that might derail Hillary’s campaign.

Lynch claims there is no such relationship. But she also refused to answer at least 74 of Congress’ questions about her private meeting with former President Bill Clinton and her relationship with the Clintons and/or their staff.



Unlike the large majority on this board, I say it should be open season on all corrupt, criminal politicans, regardless of party.

Anyone breaking the law or acting against the interests of the country in a treasonous manner should be investigated and prosecuted. Don't care who it is.

I have yet to read a single Trump supporter on here share that sentiment. You guys keep running and hiding under his skirt, the partisan hacks that you've become.
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Unlike the large majority on this board, I say it should be open season on all corrupt, criminal politicans, regardless of party.

Anyone breaking the law or acting against the interests of the country in a treasonous manner should be investigated and prosecuted. Don't care who it is.

I have yet to read a single Trump supporter on here share that sentiment. You guys keep running and hiding under his skirt, the partisan hacks that you've become.

Dumbass, the whole premise of Drain the Swamp is to get rid of all the corruption. Trump is the swamp drainer, not part of the problem. ******* idiot...

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Unlike the large majority on this board, I say it should be open season on all corrupt, criminal politicans, regardless of party.

Anyone breaking the law or acting against the interests of the country in a treasonous manner should be investigated and prosecuted. Don't care who it is.

I have yet to read a single Trump supporter on here share that sentiment. You guys keep running and hiding under his skirt, the partisan hacks that you've become.
WTF are you going on about?
Unlike the large majority on this board, I say it should be open season on all corrupt, criminal politicans, regardless of party.

Anyone breaking the law or acting against the interests of the country in a treasonous manner should be investigated and prosecuted. Don't care who it is.

I have yet to read a single Trump supporter on here share that sentiment. You guys keep running and hiding under his skirt, the partisan hacks that you've become.

First there would have to be evidence of Trump doing something wrong you stupid Hungarian.
Tibs, I agree. Prosecute them all.

But let's go in chronological order, just to make sure the ******* system is working, okay?

Obama - Holder - Clinton - Kerry - Lynch - Comey

Those ******* were as corrupt as hell. Brought all the Chicago corruption right with him. Turned almost every executive branch agency into a liberal arm to punish conservative. The IRS. The EPA. The Intelligence Agencies. The DOJ.

Once I see them prosecuted for their crimes, then I say have at the Trump administration all you want (if you can prove it).

But the hypocrisy of the left to point fingers and yell "obstruction of justice", "corruption", "nepotism", "oligarchy" at the Trump administration after only ******* 4 months while at the same time just ignoring it under the Obama administration for EIGHT YEARS (in fact, they advocated it was NECESSARY!) is something I'm just not going to forgive.

Again... the left is too left for me now. I voted for Obama in 2008. I've always been a believer in the pendulum swinging back-and-forth between the parties. I'm not as conservative as many here on health care or the environment. But I am never voting democrat again. You guys are just standing for stuff that is hell bent on a very failed attempt at making us Europe.
...while at the same time just ignoring it under the Obama administration for EIGHT YEARS

deljzc I agree with you in principle.

But you have to admit Clinton-Benghazi was investigated through the roof by a GOP led inquiry. The amount of time and money invested was getting ridiculous by the end. Also the FBI, for better or worse, determined Hillary broke no laws with the email server. All that proved was her complete lack of judgement and inability to think or act clearly, not strong points for someone running for president.

What does need to be looked at is the Clinton Foundation. Seems shady as **** to me too. Also agree on Lynch.

As far as Comey, it seems clear his role as FBI director and his firing by Trump are very much a part of Mueller's investigation. If there's a sense Comey broke any laws with leaks or otherwise or failed to fulfill his responsibilities, he'll be investigated as well.

All of that aside, I remain surprised so many here have rejected - and continue to reject - the Russian-Trump investigation out of hand. Based on the flimsy premise this entire thing is a crock of **** made-up out of thin air. Or worse, that it's a conspiratory witchhunt /wild goose chase to go after Trump. I understand many of you feel that way. I just don't understand why.

I've always said if Trump is innocent then clear his name without further ado. Mueller should wrap this up as soon as possible and report to the American people.

Problem is, if Trump was a decent, stand-up man and President he would not be carrying himself the way he does. He would come clean and make a serious, point blank statement about Russian interference in the election. He would explain what happened, maybe even apologize for what he got wrong. Again, if he is clear and innocent of any wrong doing. That's how presidents act. Or at least that's how they should.

Instead we get his outlandish behavior, disoriented tweets at 4 am, boisterous public statements...it's like watching a stumbling drunk trying to steer a ship on rough, stormy seas.

Does that prove collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice? No. But it makes it damn hard to root for the guy, or even believe a single word he has to say.

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I have yet to read a single Trump supporter on here share that sentiment. You guys keep running and hiding under his skirt, the partisan hacks that you've become.

I'm not a "Trump supporter," so maybe it does not count, but some time back, I specifically wrote that we should wait for the investigation to take place and see what shakes out, and not go berserk like the vast, vast majority of (D)'s have done.

I am pretty sure I made that comment even before the special prosecutor was appointed and the investigation at that point was the Congressional inquiry.

So there's that.
I've always said if Trump is innocent then clear his name without further ado. Mueller should wrap this up as soon as possible and report to the American people.

Won't happen. The objective of the Dems and media is to keep this in front of people to 1) hurt Trump's reelection chances and 2) make Congressmen in purple states afraid to back Trump's agenda. This is why winning one crummy seat in Georgia was important, so Congress sees that candidates can win by backing him.
Seems this **** could get real real for Cankles.


Senate probes improper communication between former AG and Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch could be jailed for up to ten years if found guilty of misconduct, Judge Andrew Napolitano claimed Monday.

If emails exist between Lynch and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz improperly discussing the Clinton email investigation, the former attorney general could be charged with “misconduct in office,” a felony carrying five to ten years in jail, the Fox Business contributor stated.

“It is alleged, this document has not seen the light of day if it exists, that there are one or several emails between Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Loretta Lynch concerning the behavior that Loretta Lynch will take to further the DNC interests while Mrs. Lynch was attorney general,” Napolitano stated. “That, if it happened, would be ‘misconduct in office.'”

“It’s a felony. Depending upon exactly what they charged her with, it could be five or 10 years in jail. It’s very serious. It’s the equivalent of obstruction of justice. It’s the same allegation they are making about the president.”

In a letter to Lynch last Thursday announcing a Senate probe into her conduct while in office, Sen. Chuck Grassley asked if she’d ever communicated with Schultz.

“During your time in the Justice Department, did you ever have communications with Rep. Wasserman Schultz, her staff, her associates, or any other current or former DNC officials about the Clinton email investigation?” Grassley’s letter read, with another question asking if “any of your Justice Department staff or your other associates” had similar communications.

Grassley’s inquiry followed testimony from former FBI Director James Comey earlier this month claiming he felt “queasy” after Lynch asked him to refer to the FBI’s probe of Clinton’s emails as a “matter” instead of an “investigation.”

This “terminology,” Napolitano stated, “may be indicative of a mindset on the part of Attorney General Lynch that she was going to do whatever she could to prevent Mrs. Clinton from getting indicted.”
Who wins a cankle-off, Loretta or HIllary?


You gotta give it to Lynch here. Her cankles begin at the toes, and run right up to below the knee.

Besides, Clinton's cankles stink of white privilege.