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Shots fired at Trump Rally

Does anyone think that unity is possible anymore? Does anyone see this nation lasting much longer? Does anyone think that rioting, killing, and insurrection is avoidable? Go buy ammo today. Stock up on food stuffs and water. Have a plan with your family.
Does anyone think that unity is possible anymore? Does anyone see this nation lasting much longer? Does anyone think that rioting, killing, and insurrection is avoidable? Go buy ammo today. Stock up on food stuffs and water. Have a plan with your family.
yes I do after some pain.
Does anyone think that unity is possible anymore? Does anyone see this nation lasting much longer? Does anyone think that rioting, killing, and insurrection is avoidable? Go buy ammo today. Stock up on food stuffs and water. Have a plan with your family.

The younger generations are not as conservative anymore. So it’s a shock to us. They’ll figure it out much as the generations prior.
I followed my own advice regarding irritants: if something bothers you, ignore it.

Floggy Fatass ignored. Not worth correcting any more.
I hope your advice to “get out of the market now!” was ignored by others.

“I want cheap eggs and gas!” 😂


Here's my take on the members of this particular forum. I don't believe any, save one, would ever initiate a violent action against anyone else. The unnamed member accused me of inciting violence because I suggested that he knows not of what he's saying. In this particular situation where there was an attempt on the former President's life, and where a husband and father did lose his life, as well as a second person injured, this individual chose to deflect to January 6th, rather than show any sense of empathy toward the victims of this event. In each setting one person did lose their life, on January 6th it was a 95 pound unarmed woman at the hands of a Capitol police officer. In each case, the lone board member seems to be supporting the shooter, although that's just my opinion and thankfully I don't know him to be certain, but it is enough of a reason to cast him to the ignore file where he can spew his hate all to himself.

As for myself, I would never promote violence. I would only resort to such action in a defensive situation. Even though it's been over 50 years since I was forced to point a weapon at another human being, push comes to shove, I'm still capable of doing so.

As other's have said, 90% of the time, it's the Dims pushing the issue.
Failure to condemn violence is essentially promoting it. Defending or dismissing it is absolutely promoting it. Mocking violence is promoting it. You hypocrites refuse to reflect on what you have done that very well may have contributed to this tragedy.
Does anyone think that unity is possible anymore? Does anyone see this nation lasting much longer? Does anyone think that rioting, killing, and insurrection is avoidable? Go buy ammo today. Stock up on food stuffs and water. Have a plan with your family.
I will bet on the USA figuring it out.
But it is a bit Ironic that after an article talking about the overenergized hyperbolic rhetoric, the authors page has a blurb about how tge Dems winning would be the end of the country .... 🤣
Yes. The quote from the Dem Congressman was spot on, the article clearly political positioning, with a poorly crafted conclusion.
Having watched the assassination attempt again, I'm less critical of the secret Service, at least in their response to the shooting.
I feel like they covered Trump up and essentially the delay was that they were waiting to determine that the known shooter was killed.

Now I won't get into why it took them so long to locate and return fire on the shooter, or why he was allowed to get on that building in the first place.
I'm no expert but I would expect the sniper is looking not just at the one roof top the shooter was on but any others in the area that had a line of sight to the stage. He would be scanning in a pattern looking for signs of a shooter. There is a video of this and you can see when Trump reacts to the shot that hit his ear, the sniper takes his eye off the scope, spots the shooter and then shoots him in the head.

My issue is why the couldn't just have a rookie cop sitting on the rooftop that close with a clear view of the stage and why the agents outside the arena didn't react quicker to the people shouting about a man with a gun

and for whoever posted about the shots being 6-10 feet low...the shooter was in an elevated position, so he was shooting down at Trump
Or, why doesn't the sniper have a spotter partner behind him doing a wide sight scan of all buildings, while the sniper is more intently focused on discreet scans?
Does anyone think that unity is possible anymore? Does anyone see this nation lasting much longer? Does anyone think that rioting, killing, and insurrection is avoidable? Go buy ammo today. Stock up on food stuffs and water. Have a plan with your family.
I not so sure unity is really that important. Have we ever, for long periods of time, been really unified? How long did "unity" last after 9/11? I remember after seeing that thinking things were really gonna change, we gotta come together and figure this stuff out. Not much did at the end of the day, except the government took more control. We have always had major disagreements. If you know about Presidential elections in the past, they got real dirty. In 1828, the opposition to Andrew Jackson ran stories pretty much calling Jackson's wife a *****, because they claimed she wasn't officially divorced when she wed Jackson. We fought a Civil War. There has been opposition to every war we ever fought, even the "good" ones. I think part of what makes us unique is our ability to disagree but maintain as a country...up till now, anyway.

One thing that concerns me is everyone will get all caught up in this unity thing, which really means that Trump better play nice, but no one else will have to. Also, this unity thing is convenient to avoid some real questions that need to be asked. And answered. The whole thing seems fishy, how this kid could be up there and nobody did anything, yet after he fired, they killed him in seconds. To me it seems like it can only be a set-up or gross incompetence. But if this kid isn't a patsy, remember, he went through the stupid asss Covid lockdowns of schools. What impact did or did not that have? What, if any, meds was this kid on throughout his young life? Studies are showing the impact Ritalin and Aderall, for example, are having on these kids, and it isn't good. The stupid gender crap. It's endless and they are relentless. I am so glad I am in my late 50s. I wouldn't want to be a 20 year old young man in today's society. We were allowed to be boys yet in my youth and do the stuff boys do, within the law.

But will those questions get asked? Or will all the powers that be just run around yelling unity to shut people up from questioning?
She was actually a secret service agent assigned to the VP's detail. Doesn't necessarily qualify her as Director, but let's not pretend that she NO experience.
DEI almost got Trump killed. The female agents around the car fumbling with their sunglasses looked like the 3 Stooges. A 5'5" woman has no business in the security detail of a 6'3" POTUS when they can't even provide an adequate human shield.
I not so sure unity is really that important. Have we ever, for long periods of time, been really unified? How long did "unity" last after 9/11? I remember after seeing that thinking things were really gonna change, we gotta come together and figure this stuff out. Not much did at the end of the day, except the government took more control. We have always had major disagreements. If you know about Presidential elections in the past, they got real dirty. In 1828, the opposition to Andrew Jackson ran stories pretty much calling Jackson's wife a *****, because they claimed she wasn't officially divorced when she wed Jackson. We fought a Civil War. There has been opposition to every war we ever fought, even the "good" ones. I think part of what makes us unique is our ability to disagree but maintain as a country...up till now, anyway.

One thing that concerns me is everyone will get all caught up in this unity thing, which really means that Trump better play nice, but no one else will have to. Also, this unity thing is convenient to avoid some real questions that need to be asked. And answered. The whole thing seems fishy, how this kid could be up there and nobody did anything, yet after he fired, they killed him in seconds. To me it seems like it can only be a set-up or gross incompetence. But if this kid isn't a patsy, remember, he went through the stupid asss Covid lockdowns of schools. What impact did or did not that have? What, if any, meds was this kid on throughout his young life? Studies are showing the impact Ritalin and Aderall, for example, are having on these kids, and it isn't good. The stupid gender crap. It's endless and they are relentless. I am so glad I am in my late 50s. I wouldn't want to be a 20 year old young man in today's society. We were allowed to be boys yet in my youth and do the stuff boys do, within the law.

But will those questions get asked? Or will all the powers that be just run around yelling unity to shut people up from questioning?
One side is implacable and emotionally crazed or continually on the edge of it. Not a recipe for a happy, long term marriage.
The Dems, losing everything after their failed opposition to civil rights, built a hodgepodge coalition of groups that ideologically clash, and bound them together using fear and hate... not saying the repubs dont use fear and hate.... but repubs tend to be two groups... social conservatives and fiscal conservatives...

they arent trying to back the broad segment of the American Jews, Muslims, Homosexuals, Hispanics, And the African American population into one party when their individual ideals are often clash within those groups.

Thats why they always need a giant boogyman to scare them into voting "for the lesser evil"

It just finally is starting to swing too far and have consequenses
Don’t forget Greenies and Labor. Diametrically opposed.
Republicans are bad because they want to take away your free ****.
More hate incoming. The documents case was dismissed.
The Democrats must feel like they just lost to back to back 2-10 teams and they're moving forward with Matt Canada and Kenny Pickett at the helm with Obama and Shades really running things on offense.
I not so sure unity is really that important. Have we ever, for long periods of time, been really unified? How long did "unity" last after 9/11? I remember after seeing that thinking things were really gonna change, we gotta come together and figure this stuff out. Not much did at the end of the day, except the government took more control. We have always had major disagreements. If you know about Presidential elections in the past, they got real dirty. In 1828, the opposition to Andrew Jackson ran stories pretty much calling Jackson's wife a *****, because they claimed she wasn't officially divorced when she wed Jackson. We fought a Civil War. There has been opposition to every war we ever fought, even the "good" ones. I think part of what makes us unique is our ability to disagree but maintain as a country...up till now, anyway.

One thing that concerns me is everyone will get all caught up in this unity thing, which really means that Trump better play nice, but no one else will have to. Also, this unity thing is convenient to avoid some real questions that need to be asked. And answered. The whole thing seems fishy, how this kid could be up there and nobody did anything, yet after he fired, they killed him in seconds. To me it seems like it can only be a set-up or gross incompetence. But if this kid isn't a patsy, remember, he went through the stupid asss Covid lockdowns of schools. What impact did or did not that have? What, if any, meds was this kid on throughout his young life? Studies are showing the impact Ritalin and Aderall, for example, are having on these kids, and it isn't good. The stupid gender crap. It's endless and they are relentless. I am so glad I am in my late 50s. I wouldn't want to be a 20 year old young man in today's society. We were allowed to be boys yet in my youth and do the stuff boys do, within the law.

But will those questions get asked? Or will all the powers that be just run around yelling unity to shut people up from questioning?
Congratulations, America has been fundamentally changed.
I've got the Microsoft news feed on one of my computers, and it's entertaining to look at the comments that the stories invoke.
Suddenly though, all of the comments have been turned off, much like Morning Joe being muzzled.
I've got the Microsoft news feed on one of my computers, and it's entertaining to look at the comments that the stories invoke.
Suddenly though, all of the comments have been turned off, much like Morning Joe being muzzled.
The Democrat technicians at times do have some sense of how to control or moderate the craziest among them. They learned after '68 to put the Super Delegate rules in place to rig their primaries against the excesses of youth and we of course also saw them screw and muzzle Bernie and his followers. Incidentally which seems to have led to Seth Rich and the wikileaks dump.
Wendy Bell just reporting that MSNBC will not air Morning Joe this morning due to the risk that one of their hosts will make an inappropriate comment. :D
Wendy Bell just reporting that MSNBC will not air Morning Joe this morning due to the risk that one of their hosts will make an inappropriate comment. :D
You can't make this stuff up.
Help me understand. Who took out the killer? It appears the two SS sniper team both flinched when the killer fired off his rounds. Did they regroup and take him out, or did it come from another team? I think the deranged killer got 5-8 rounds off.

The younger generations are not as conservative anymore. So it’s a shock to us. They’ll figure it out much as the generations prior.
The Chinese Cultural Revolution had it figured out too.