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Shots fired at Trump Rally

JFC Biden in trying to explain his bullseye remark away says he has never engaged in hateful rhetoric. The gloves are back off *******. Would have a commercial on tonight with all his hateful **** and wanting to take Trump behind the woodshed and all his other hate speech. What a lying sack of ****.
And it gets repeated with the media parroting the latest derogatory term. They are all to blame.
Best comment was anyone that has ever played Call of Duty would know to protect that roof top.
I thought the best takeaway was the relationship between the Kennedy assassination and how he was going to cut off the Vietnam war in its tracks. Trump will do the same with Ukraine and dry up the military sea of money. As always, follow the money
Was just reading that Crooks bought ammo and a ladder the morning of the shooting. He lived an hour away. How the hell would he know he would need a ladder? Or how tall of a ladder he would need? Or that he’d be able to get one onto the grounds of the venue? Something is really ****** about this.
According to the video that Steelr4evr posted, that building has a permanently attached ladder leading to the roof.
My current favorite is getting him convicted in a kangaroo court of some bogus crimes and then screaming “But but but he’s a convicted felon!!!” Like we all don’t know that case would never have been brought against anyone else in a million years.
"Trump is not above the law" is another one of their knee jerk responses when being critical of the case brought against him. Puhleeze.
Fun fact, the actor John Cazale only appeared in 5 films before he died of cancer at 42. All 5 films were nominated for Best Picture
The Godfather
The Conversation
The Godfather 2
Dog Day Afternoon
The Deer Hunter
Only actor to have every film he appeared in be nominated for or win Best Picture.
He was primarily a stage actor. Very heavy smoker, that's why lung cancer got him.
According to the video that Steelr4evr posted, that building has a permanently attached ladder leading to the roof.
From the picture I saw ,that was a ladder that had to be placed,it wasn't fixed.

The biggest question in all of this for me? How did that kid know the building wouldn't be secure and he could climb up on it with a rifle?
and you hypocrits on the left refuse to admit that the bullshit spewed by liberal politicians (includiing the current President) and the liberal media (which is almost all of it) have had more to do with this tragedy. Trump has been abused by them all since he began running for President. HE has been demonized daily

The conservatives are not perfect, but the left has divided this country and plays a huge part in the actions of that misguided liberal ********
Just remember which side riots and loots on a yearly basis.

Nothing else needs to be said. The lefts actions speak enough volumes for what they are
How do people find this stuff? If it's legit. That kid was in a Blackrock advertisement.

Suddenly, the conversation shifted away from Joe Biden's alarming cognitive decline...
Suddenly, the conversation shifted away from Joe Biden's alarming cognitive decline...
Well they're down by 4 touchdowns,with 5 minutes left in the 4th qtr, and the backup qb doesn't know a lick of the playbook.
Well they're down by 4 touchdowns,with 5 minutes left in the 4th qtr, and the backup qb doesn't know a lick of the playbook.
True, but when we've had so many Joe Pisarcik's on our side with uncanny ability to snatch defeat from victory, I guess you never relax!

We truly need a landslide not only as a firewall against certain fraud, but also to tamp down at least temporarily the unhinged craziness of the Democrat Party. A mandate "might" make them at least retreat strategically for awhile.