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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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My guess would be from among the likes of Greg Warren, BJ Finney, Zach Mettenberger and Anthony Chickillo. Perhaps they all kneel together or raise a fist in solidarity as a group. Another guess would be coach Munchak or QB coach Fichtner. I could see either one of them, or both, making a strong statement tonight.

Now THAT made me laugh out loud Tibs. Good one.
Spoken like only a true Trump deplorable could, congrats.

How is he wrong? Many of us can say something similar. If it wasn't for America, I might not be here, as in on the earth, as most of the one side of my family would probably have been dead from famine.
It's clear we need to send cops to yoga and anger management classes. Control-freak 'roid rage is off the charts...

Civilian injuries by cops are up nearly 50 percent

'Harvard University researchers say that police and security officers have contributed to an almost 50 percent increase in the numbers of serious injuries requiring emergency room visits. An article detailing that finding, which analyzed emergency room visits from 2001 to 2014, was published this month in the Journal of Urban Health. The data the researchers looked at were ER visits “following ‘legal intervention’ – defined in this study as a wound inflicted by police officers or private security guards.”

In the 14-year period examined, the rate of these injuries per 100,000 people increased by 47.4%. The analysis is one of few that can provide a longitudinal study of police use of force over time, according to lead author Justin Feldman.

The article also concluded that black civilians, and particularly black men, are significantly more likely to be injured by police than their white counterparts, a trend carried over in numerous analyses of police killings and fatal shootings. Black people were injured and sought treatment at a rate 4.9 times higher than whites, according to the research.

In the 14-year period studied, the majority of injuries – 64% – were categorized as “struck by/against”, and stemmed from a physical interaction with officers. Non-fatal firearm injuries caused just 1% of the estimated 683,033 injuries.
Jesus chimes in. I'm sure many here would agree.

At a high school football game, pastor says anyone not standing for national anthem should be shot

In McKenzie, Alabama they love their God. They love their God and they love their football. They love their God and they love their football and they love their flag. On Friday, Pastor Allen Joyner addressed the crowd at a high school football game, and he had this to say:

“If you don’t want to stand for the National Anthem, you can line up over there by the fence and let our military personnel take a few shots AT you since they’re taking shots FOR you,” Pastor Allen Joyner said before a game in McKenzie, Alabama, according to a now-deleted Facebook post that was preserved in a number of places online.

That’s the post, which has since been pulled down.
How is he wrong? Many of us can say something similar. If it wasn't for America, I might not be here, as in on the earth, as most of the one side of my family would probably have been dead from famine.

Its that much oft knee jerk reaction of feelings and emotions before reason and logic are processed. Vey common amongst libs.
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It was nice to see all the Steelers standing and being respectful during the anthem.

Yep, and other teams like the Bills. I would venture say that most black football players can see past this bullshit that is this black lives matter bowel movement. This ******* protest over a false narrative.
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I have two military in my community. one is a Marine who was in Afghanistan and took fire a few times. Another is in the Army, and I've not head what he's seen.

However, I asked their opinions on this.

Both state they agree with his utilizing his First Amendment right. Neither agree with his venue, nor do they agree with the message. The black guy (Army) stated he can't support BLM since it is not what they say it is - citing Chicago as an example.
This ******* protest over a false narrative.
There is nothing false about the narrative, keep telling yourself that.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshaunking%2Fvideos%2F1139198286119088%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
"I'm embarrased for those companies. They don't believe in racial justice or racial equality." Because they don't agree with or support the disrespect of the flag being used to make their point?
There is nothing false about the narrative, keep telling yourself that.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshaunking%2Fvideos%2F1139198286119088%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

There's a lot wrong with the false narrative. And just because Colin keeps believing and repeating the lies, it doesn't turn the lies into truths.

All of this is built upon a false narrative Tibs. I have posted the FBI facts on this. This "problem" is not an epidemic as the media is trying to make you believe.
  • Police officers are 18.5 times more likely to be killed by an African American, than an African American is to be killed by a police officer.
  • 50% of fatal police shooting victims are white, 26% are black - DESPITE blacks committing the wild preponderance of violent crimes (in some cities and counties up to 70% of them).
  • Based on these stats, officers around the country show MORE restraint to blacks than they do whites and hispanics. Since blacks commit upwards of 70% of the crimes, the 26% number should be FAR higher than it is.

These are facts. So Colin's narrative, that there is police oppression and brutality targeted at blacks is a false narrative when you realize there is more brutality and oppression of whites by the police and when you consider blacks kill police more than police kill blacks.

Seriously, does anyone know Colin's IQ? Listening to him speak is painful, like listening to Hillary or fingernails being drug across a chalkboard. He constantly sounds like someone struggling to form basic sentences. He speaks in the vague, never with fact - just conjecture. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Couple other thoughts...

He's protesting while on the job. Shame on the NFL for allowing this. If I worked for AT&T or Morgan Stanley and took my protest into the workplace, I'd be fired. You know what Colin? Instead of being a social justice warrior who's no longer a starter and using this issue to keep yourself relevant and in front of the cameras because you're sliding into obscurity, DO SOMETHING in your real life to make a difference. Your protest involves no work and no effort. When I see you spending your weekends in a soup kitchen or caring for African American's in need, I'll bat an eye. Until then, you are a talking head doing this for self gain.

And I find it funny that he's angry that two companies dropped their endorsements of Brandon Marshall. News flash Colin, this happens all the time when companies' values differ with their client's. Disagree? Ask Curt Schilling, as one example. Funny, how intolerant views only apply when those views mirror your own value set.
I hate the Cowboys but good job Jerry.

Jerry Jones went into the locker room before the Cowboys Giants game yesterday. He looked around at all the young men and addressed them as a group. “Regardless of your personal opinions, this is a sacred day that we recognize the sacrifice and pain that so many have endured. When the National Anthem is played by a lone trumpet player in a few minutes you WILL stand and you WILL put your hand over your hearts.” Jerry waited a second and made eye contact with several players to make sure his words had sunk in. He knew he had there undivided attention and proceeded. “You gentlemen are world class athletes, but you are also actors. You perform on a stage that is 100 yards long. Today, you play the role of a patriotic super hero. You will play this role well because you know that millions of children will be watching and looking at your example.” Then his inner fire started to shine through as he said quietly “but most of all I want you to remember, you are the actors, but this is MY stage and you will play the role I tell you to.”
This is how you respond

CenturyLink is terminating agreement with Brandon Marshall

“We completely respect Brandon Marshall's personal decision and right to take an action to support something in which he strongly believes. America is anchored in the right of individuals to express their beliefs. While we acknowledge Brandon's right, we also believe that whatever issues we face, we also occasionally must stand together to show our allegiance to our common bond as a nation. In our view, the national anthem is one of those moments. For this reason, while we wish Brandon the best this season, we are politely terminating our agreement with him.”

This is Helter Skelter

Armed Protesters March Through St. Louis, Chanting "Who Killed Darren Seals?"

"We came out here to represent for D Seals," protester Dhoruba Shakur said in a Facebook Live video. "The man was assassinated by the police, attacked by the state."

Video footage shows a group of some 20 to 30 people walking along residential streets on their way to the area's bustling business district, chanting "Who killed Darren Seals?" and "Defend black lives." Several people carrying rifles and shotguns openly declared their affiliation with Revolutionary Black Panther Party. Clad in black tactical vests, the heavily armed cadre added chants of "**** the pigs" and "Free us — or you die cracka."


Colin Kaepernick Won


The big news out of the NFL this weekend wasn’t about who threw which touchdowns or which teams won which games. Under the thumb of Roger Goodell, the league has been maddeningly good at keeping the world focused on the events that happen in between the lines. Brain injuries, extra-judicial powers, quack doctors—very little of it has been able to slice through the NFL’s pomp and circumstance. But this week, that changed.

Colin Kaepernick’s protest of the national anthem, enacted to call America’s attention to police brutality carried out against black citizens, was not just a preseason concern. This week, Kaepernick was joined in that gesture by players across the league, starting with Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall on Thursday and ending with a few of his Rams opponents late Monday night. Many of them, emboldened by Kaepernick’s resistance, took the protest one step further: Marcus Peters of the Chiefs; Martellus Bennett and Devin McCourty of the Patriots; Jason McCourty, Jurrell Casey, and Wesley Woodyard of the Titans; Kenny Britt and Robert Quinn of the Rams; and Antoine Bethea and Eli Harold of the Niners didn’t kneel during the anthem, but instead raised their fists, echoing the iconic images of John Carlos and Tommie Smith at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City.

The fears—or, more to the point, the hopes—that Kaepernick would be isolated by the NFL machine and expelled from the league as an example of what happens when players speak their minds about social issues now appear to be unfounded. In fact, the opposite has happened. Kaepernick alone could have been cut and blackballed, but with a dozen or so players, many of them stars, behind him, the league has been forced to bend in his direction.

As a team, the Chiefs, like the Seahawks, chose to make a rather meaningless statement about “unity” by locking their arms during the anthem. Peters broke away from that by raising his black-gloved fist, and after the game he told reporters that head coach Andy Reid had said it was “okay if I wanted to express my thoughts.” Reid himself told the press that “what the players are doing right now is important.” After Marshall of the Broncos knelt on Thursday night, the team said: “While we encourage members of our organization to stand during the National Anthem, we understand and respect it being a personal decision.”

Across the field in Seattle, Arian Foster, Jelani Jenkins, Michael Thomas, and Kenny Stills of the Dolphins took a knee during the anthem. The team immediately released a statement on Twitter that tacitly backed the players, saying in part: “We also recognize that it’s an individual’s right to reflect during the anthem in different ways.” In the locker room after the game, team owner Stephen Ross was effusive, saying, “These guys are making a conversation about something that’s very important topic in this country. I’m 100 percent in support of them.” They’re all following the Niners, who affirmed Kaepernick’s right to protest back when he started.

The NFL and its constituent teams are famously conservative and risk-averse. The acknowledgement from owners and coaches that the protests were valid, and that the message behind them is important, signals that Kaepernick has beaten the Blue Lives Matter crowd in the court of public opinion. This was never more clear than this past Friday, when the Santa Clara Police Officers’ Association backed down from its threat to not help police Niners games this season. On Monday night, when a man sprinted onto the field during the game, there were plenty of cops around to haul him away.

Still, the true impact of Kaepernick’s protest won’t be clear for a few weeks. The players who joined him will presumably continue their protests. They will likely be followed by others. Eventually, the protests will cease to be front-page news. They instead will have been absorbed into the fabric of the NFL, and by extension society itself. The Overton window will have been shifted, if even ever so slightly.

The onus to make good on Kaepernick’s protest—to turn conversation into action that lessens the oppression of black lives—falls on some vague notion of “us,” and it’s fair to be skeptical of that happening. But Kaepernick has done his part, and so have the other players he inspired. The NFL had no choice but to respect it.
I wonder if people know that I have no idea what I am talking about.

Will Kap refuse to play against the Patriots?
Will Kap refuse to play against the Patriots?

The 49ers blew it yesterday. They put Kaepernick in the game, late in the 4th quarter, but failed to order him to take a knee. I would have told him to take a knee - "Hey, it's apparently the only goddamn thing you can do will any more, so ******* have at it."
Yep, and other teams like the Bills. I would venture say that most black football players can see past this bullshit that is this black lives matter bowel movement. This ******* protest over a false narrative.

You obviously don't actually KNOW any black men. They constantly get pulled over for no legit reason, other than their skin is not white.