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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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Oh I get it, I just want to hear Libtards admit it. There are FAR greater issues to protest that will save far more lives.

Oh, there sure are, but the govt. and mainstream media won't dare touch those areas. You know what they are?

Medical "errors" - 115k+
Hospital infections - 45k+
Prescription drugs - 6,880
Veteran suicide - 7,240 or 20 PER DAY

Now, why isn't the govt/MSM wanting to cover these areas very much?

And, oh, BTW, I think maybe 2 Americans die from terrorism a year, but we respond to that threat by pouring 100's of billions of $ on that. That makes total sense, right?
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You probably well know I am not talking about borderline cases here, such as a driver dying because they cops knock them off the road at excessive speeds.

I am only referring to cases where cops used excessive force or killed when not necessary. Let's not make it murky purposefully.

You did that already when you posted that link to the exorbitant amount of deaths of unarmed black men and women at the hands of the police --- and I pointed that out then.
didn't YOU state this, though?

why, yes, you did.
stop trying to make it purposefully murky.

I was merely responding to the fella who said "it's simple. If you don't break laws, you won't be shot."

Speeding is breaking the law. So, under this assertion, you could be shot for it.

What law did Kelly Thomas break, before they beat his head in so badly that he died?
You probably well know I am not talking about borderline cases here, such as a driver dying because they cops knock them off the road at excessive speeds.

I am only referring to cases where cops used excessive force or killed when not necessary.

Bullshit, liar. I provided specific information on the homeless guy who was shot, and where you labeled the police "murderers."

You ignored the facts I cited, and went on one of your many idiotic, juvenile rants about how I have no soul and was a Nazi sympathizer.

So **** you, liar. You are an ignorant **** who knows less about the law than a fat chick who binge-watches Judge Judy.
So next time you are speeding it should be OK for them to shoot you? After all, you would be breaking the law.

When I get pulled over for speeding I'm always polite, never stand-offish. I get mad at myself and my radar detector for getting caught, not mad at the cop for enforcing the law. I don't give them a reason to shoot me by assaulting them, punching them, grabbing for their gun, running away or charging at them. Therefore, I am not afraid of the police.
When I get pulled over for speeding I'm always polite, never stand-offish. I get mad at myself and my radar detector for getting caught, not mad at the cop for enforcing the law. I don't give them a reason to shoot me by assaulting them, punching them, grabbing for their gun, running away or charging at them. Therefore, I am not afraid of the police.

Man, how many times do you get pulled over for speeding? You make it sound like "when I brush my teeth..."
Bullshit, liar. I provided specific information on the homeless guy who was shot, and where you labeled the police "murderers."

You ignored the facts I cited, and went on one of your many idiotic, juvenile rants about how I have no soul and was a Nazi sympathizer.

So **** you, liar. You are an ignorant **** who knows less about the law than a fat chick who binge-watches Judge Judy.

You need anger therapy. I addressed the murdering cops in LA clip, you just chose to ignore it and then rant on like some infant wanting his blankie back.

If 6 burly cops can't control one man on the ground without shooting him 6 times, I'd say the cop who pissed his pants and shot him is at fault. How can six husky cops not be able to control one guy on the ground, and yet, you fall for their bull **** ******* lies.

No wonder you live in LA LA Land. Stay there living in fantasy world.
When I get pulled over for speeding I'm always polite, never stand-offish. I get mad at myself and my radar detector for getting caught, not mad at the cop for enforcing the law. I don't give them a reason to shoot me by assaulting them, punching them, grabbing for their gun, running away or charging at them. Therefore, I am not afraid of the police.

The implied message is every black man shot by the PO PO is doing one of the listed acts above. That is not the case. Oh, and running is no legal reason for cops to shoot, unless you are a known murderer or something. Just running is no reason for them to shoot at you. Look at this guy. He was probably running because he feared of being beaten; I'd run too.

At the very least, If I were the NFL, I would tell players if they don't intend to stand for the anthem, then they must return to the locker room or tunnel for it's playing. We own and control this venue, you cannot use it to stage your personal protest, that is not why we are paying you.

We finally agree on something. The NFL can and does control its product meticulously. How many weeks was Marshawn Lynch fined for not talking to the media? Player & coach availability to the media is mandated to protect and sell the brand. Deangelo Williams was fined because he wanted to wear pink in his hair in honor of his mother dying of breast cancer. Players are fined for wearing the wrong socks. All in spirit of protecting the brand. One could argue allowing players to show these political displays does FAR more damage to the brand than any of that. There are plenty of people who can't tolerate politics and will begin to change channels.

For the NFL to accept this, but not different socks and pink in a player's hair is ludicrous.
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You are an embarrassment to humanity.

Says the board fool LOL. You cannot stay on course, you cannot answer questions, you cannot operate on facts, while instead being swayed by outlier examples and emotions, and you write with the skill level of a rurally educated 3rd grader. Hearing those words from you is indeed rich.
Man, how many times do you get pulled over for speeding? You make it sound like "when I brush my teeth..."

A lot. I drive fast. But recent years have been good to me, knock on wood. My radar and instinct are working well and I have no points on my license. I've learned how to bypass that and pay the courts directly.
A lot. I drive fast. But recent years have been good to me, knock on wood. My radar and instinct are working well and I have no points on my license. I've learned how to bypass that and pay the courts directly.

I drive fast, a lot. Many tickets/warnings in my past, but like you, no points at present.

ALWAYS go to court. Always. Just showing up, you get a full pardon, a partial, etc. It's a money, racketeering game, and by showing up, they almost feel the obligation to give you a break if not let you go...AND if everyone went to court over their citations, it would financially break the system. It's not geared for everyone to protest.

Judge: "How do you plead?"

Me: "Guilty with explanation Your Honor. My wife was at work, I was commuting home. My youngest son, 13, called me after school, complaining of stomach cramps, a fever and dizziness. As you can expect, I was worried and in a hurry to get home. I forgot how fast I was going."

Judge: "I'll waive the points, make this a non speeding infraction, but you will be responsible for court costs [$75]."

Me: "Thank you your honor."
There are 12 million arrests in this country. There are probably 25 million citations. To capture 10-20-100 police acts on video that are "wrong" and out of place is not statistically significant no matter what POP or whoever says. This is not the epidemic the left and BLM movement is spinning it to be. This is not about race. It's about the culture of being a police officer in a world of ****. And sometimes you lose perspective. It happens.

Go ahead and come down hard on these police officers. What is that REALLY going to solve? The world of ****? No it won't and POP and all the BLM protesters know it.

It amazes me that small government conservatives will give so much power to the agents of the state that they will not even question the methods of actions of those agents. Does any of you that are apologists for police brutality even wonder why police officers that are in situations where non-lethal options could be used go for deadly force first? I am convinced that most of you are content to lick the boot on your throat so long as it is a right boot.
I drive fast, a lot. Many tickets/warnings in my past, but like you, no points at present.

ALWAYS go to court. Always. Just showing up, you get a full pardon, a partial, etc. It's a money, racketeering game, and by showing up, they almost feel the obligation to give you a break if not let you go...AND if everyone went to court over their citations, it would financially break the system. It's not geared for everyone to protest.

Judge: "How do you plead?"

Me: "Guilty with explanation Your Honor. My wife was at work, I was commuting home. My youngest son, 13, called me after school, complaining of stomach cramps, a fever and dizziness. As you can expect, I was worried and in a hurry to get home. I forgot how fast I was going."

Judge: "I'll waive the points, make this a non speeding infraction, but you will be responsible for court costs [$75]."

Me: "Thank you your honor."
I agree. I always go to court and have always gotten points removed.
We finally agree on something. The NFL can and does control its product meticulously.

For the NFL to accept this, but not different socks and pink in a player's hair is ludicrous.

I understand the NFLs reasoning for not allowing players to make personal changes to their uniform. They don't want to have to mange what is ok and what is not. (Although, I think a "socks only" policy might be fun.)

I suspect the reason the NFL is letting Kapernick get away with this has more to do with his cause and its racial sensitivity than it does his rights. He doesn't have a right to use his job and place of employment to stage a protest.

If his cause was "veterans and their sacrifice for this country are way over-rated, **** the National Anthem" I think the NFL may be taking a different approach.
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It amazes me that small government conservatives will give so much power to the agents of the state that they will not even question the methods of actions of those agents. Does any of you that are apologists for police brutality even wonder why police officers that are in situations where non-lethal options could be used go for deadly force first? I am convinced that most of you are content to lick the boot on your throat so long as it is a right boot.

As Del said, the number of times this happens is a statistical anomaly. They are outlier examples, not the norm. When we see that we have a rampant problem, I suggest we go fix it. I also don't see anyone here apologizing for police brutality. I call myself a realist. As I told my son the other night, the cop that shot the African American man while running in SC is a murderer, end of story. But as I also told him, just as with any segment of our population, some small % will be bad apples - even in churches.

As far as questioning their methods, are you suggesting some form of citizen oversight? I echo the thoughts and views of this police veteran:

Why are police in charge of investigating themselves during abuse of power investigations?

Christopher Hawk, 20-year police patrol veteran

Many agencies will not investigate their own incidents, including anything from a car crash involving a squad car up to a use-of-deadly-force incident. If there is more than one agency working in a particular area, it is just "good business" to bring someone from another agency in to do the investigation.

In smaller agencies, or in very rural areas, there simply may not be any other agency immediately available to do the investigation. While this may make things difficult in lesser cases (such as a fender-bender with a squad car), it works against the agency in high-profile cases. Not only are there recognizable conflict-of-interest issues involved with investigating your own people, but the smaller agencies may not be technically equipped to handle a significant case. Even many middle-sized departments will call in State or Sheriff's Department investigators to assist with these types of investigations.

Many people, however, will say they don't trust any police agency investigating an incident involving any other police agency. While the days of the Blue Wall and Thin Blue Line may not be completely erased, there are still issues involved in bringing in someone with no police experience at all to "investigate" an allegation of "abuse of power."

For instance, most Average Citizens don't have much knowledge or expertise in "Search and Seizure" (a general, broad topic involving search warrants, Fourth Amendment protections, seizure of property pursuant to {or without} warrants, etc). Search and Seizure is constantly evolving through various statutes, case law, etc. How do you make sure that a Citizen's Review Board understands the intricate nuances of Search and Seizure when they're trying to determine whether an officer "abused his power" by searching some particular person or place without a warrant?

Use of Force is another area where there are many, many complaints about police tactics. It also encompasses a wide array of other legal intricacies, and usually involves issues that are not quite as cut-and-dry as many people think. Just in Quora, we'll see huge disparities in how people may view a particular video or react to a particular new story, and they may form very strong opinions on law enforcement just from those stories. Unfortunately, it's not usually as easy as just watching a video and saying, "That was wrong," or, "That cop should be in jail." If the people who are investigating an incident can't separate their emotional responses about the incident from a review of the actual legalities involved, they shouldn't be involved in that investigation.

I will be the first to say I support the concept of Citizen Review Boards, as long as the people involved are willing to take the time to study police tactics and legal doctrine. I also believe that Blue Walls and Thin Blue Lines should be eradicated.

Officers who truly abuse their authority shouldn't be cops -- they make my job harder. But the unfortunate, ugly truth of policing is that it's not always "Officer Friendly" activity. Police have a very specific, difficult job to do. They are usually present when someone is experiencing some sort of crisis event and there are lots of things happening that influence how police respond to any particular situation. Until humans are taken out of the equation, there will occasionally be mistakes made by the people involved, but there will always be someone who is unhappy with the results.
I understand the NFLs reasoning for not allowing players to make personal changes to their uniform. They don't want to have to mange what is ok and what is not. (Although, I think a "socks only" policy might be fun.)

I suspect the reason the NFL is letting Kapernick get away with this has more to do with his cause and its racial sensitivity than it does his rights. He doesn't have a right to use his job and place of employment to stage a protest.

If his cause was "veterans and their sacrifice for this country are way over-rated, **** the National Anthem" I think the NFL may be taking a different approach.

The NFL is making an exception and your last sentence is exactly the point - the NFL is allowing this because the media has sensationalized this and made this a hot button issue and the NFL has been suckered into believing it. If the point of protest were ANYTHING else, they'd disallow it.

Protesting something and standing in support of something are quite simply the same thing. They are shows of support for a position or a cause. Colin's "show of support" is for the oppressed, and he does this through protest. The Dallas Cowboys' show of support is for the Police, by wearing an emblem on their helmets. Deangelo Williams' show of support is for women suffering from or lost to breast cancer and he keeps the tips of his hair pink all season long. The NFL allows one, not all of these shows of support. Funny, that selectivity eh?
So the SeaCocks of Seattle are planning something in protest too? Drama headlines
So the SeaCocks of Seattle are planning something in protest too? Drama headlines

If the Pacific Northwest wasn't a bastion of Libtardism I'd say get all the fans to walk out if they do that.
What I am saying Tim is this:

1 ) No Police agency should investigate its own employees or sworn officers.

2 ) Instead of giving more military surplus equipment to police forces the Feds should sell it for scrap and put the proceeds toward bodycams and hand those out instead.

3 ) LEOs should have to purchase their own bonds that civil settlements are paid out of for officer misconduct. That way when officer bad apple fires himself when he can no longer get an insurance bond.

4 ) End the drug war and retrain all our cops out of the "Us Against them" mindset of the Drug Warrior cop and get them trained back into being "Peace Officers",

5 ) End for profit policing and prisons.

6 ) All police unions should be abolished.

I do not believe that these things are just a statistical anomaly. I believe that much police misconduct is unreported and covered up.I don't think that all cops are bad but I think that there are more bad cops than you give credence to and that police unions cover for them the same way teachers unions cover for bad teachers.
What I am saying Tim is this:

1 ) No Police agency should investigate its own employees or sworn officers.

2 ) Instead of giving more military surplus equipment to police forces the Feds should sell it for scrap and put the proceeds toward bodycams and hand those out instead.

3 ) LEOs should have to purchase their own bonds that civil settlements are paid out of for officer misconduct. That way when officer bad apple fires himself when he can no longer get an insurance bond.

4 ) End the drug war and retrain all our cops out of the "Us Against them" mindset of the Drug Warrior cop and get them trained back into being "Peace Officers",

5 ) End for profit policing and prisons.

6 ) All police unions should be abolished.

I do not believe that these things are just a statistical anomaly. I believe that much police misconduct is unreported and covered up.I don't think that all cops are bad but I think that there are more bad cops than you give credence to and that police unions cover for them the same way teachers unions cover for bad teachers.

That was way too logical and true for Timmy to admit to. I agree with everyone of your points.
I'm not aware of anyone who has ever been shot by a cop while being polite and compliant. Fighting a cop is a battle you cannot win. Take it to court if you have to. Meanwhile, some poor old man watering his lawn in Chicago the other day got robbed and shot by a couple thugs in broad daylight. Those ******* bring police brutality on themselves and I'm all for it.