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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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I do not believe that these things are just a statistical anomaly. I believe that much police misconduct is unreported and covered up.I don't think that all cops are bad but I think that there are more bad cops than you give credence to and that police unions cover for them the same way teachers unions cover for bad teachers.

We believe differently. These instances are mere statistical anomalies that are expected (every group has bad apples).

I think that a % of priests were bad. I believe more than we knew engaged in pedophilia than ever were caught. I still know that the ultra-vast majority of priests are good, holy men.
I think that a % of teachers molest students. I believe more than we know engage in this and aren't caught. I still know that the ultra-vast majority of teachers are fantastic, giving people.

I could go on.

You have your beliefs and that's what they are, because the facts right now say otherwise. There is no burgeoning problem with police brutality towards a specific race. Just sensationalized, outlier cases that get crazies like Pop all up in arms.
I'm not aware of anyone who has ever been shot by a cop while being polite and compliant. Fighting a cop is a battle you cannot win. Take it to court if you have to. Meanwhile, some poor old man watering his lawn in Chicago the other day got robbed and shot by a couple thugs in broad daylight. Those ******* bring police brutality on themselves and I'm all for it.

Colin Crappershit and Meghan Rappin'Ho won't be kneeling for that.
What I am saying Tim is this:

1 ) No Police agency should investigate its own employees or sworn officers.

2 ) Instead of giving more military surplus equipment to police forces the Feds should sell it for scrap and put the proceeds toward bodycams and hand those out instead.

3 ) LEOs should have to purchase their own bonds that civil settlements are paid out of for officer misconduct. That way when officer bad apple fires himself when he can no longer get an insurance bond.

4 ) End the drug war and retrain all our cops out of the "Us Against them" mindset of the Drug Warrior cop and get them trained back into being "Peace Officers",

5 ) End for profit policing and prisons.

6 ) All police unions should be abolished.

I do not believe that these things are just a statistical anomaly. I believe that much police misconduct is unreported and covered up.I don't think that all cops are bad but I think that there are more bad cops than you give credence to and that police unions cover for them the same way teachers unions cover for bad teachers.

1. Agreed
2. I don't know. I just don't like what may get caught up in the wash. The government gets to scraping things, they start cutting up pieces of history like M1 Garands as they did in the '90s.
3. OK.
4. Disagree. The negative possibilities of this idea have always, IMO, outweighed the potential positives. Heck, drugs are so easy to get now. Just in the past two weeks there have been a number of heroin overdoses around here. And we want to take the gloves off? Perhaps fear of getting in trouble with the law keeps some people from messing with drugs.
5. OK.
6. If you are to abolish police unions or teachers unions, why not abolish them all? Why only them? One could argue that because of unions a lot of our goods and services have suffered.
I'm not aware of anyone who has ever been shot by a cop while being polite and compliant. Fighting a cop is a battle you cannot win. Take it to court if you have to. Meanwhile, some poor old man watering his lawn in Chicago the other day got robbed and shot by a couple thugs in broad daylight. Those ******* bring police brutality on themselves and I'm all for it.

The problem with your last statement is that it flies in the face of due process.

I can think three people off the top of my head who have been shot by police while being polite and not resisting in just the last few months off the top of my head. They were all big news this summer.

Philando Castile

Charles Kinsey

Before I talk about the last one I am going to address Tim because the last name on my list ties into what he posted earlier. Like Tim I believe the vast majority of LEOs are good people who deal with the public in a professional and good faith manor. But Tim even you admit that there probably are more bad cops than we know. The issue I have is that you and many others are being lead down the path by "experts" who are telling you to ignore what you can see with your own eyes and trust the police to investigate their own. Basically accepting things and maintaining the status quo because you feel safe and it hasn't happened to you and yours yet.

The last name on my list....

Mary Knowlton

Shot by Punta Gorda Florida Police officer Lee Coel while roleplaying the part of the bad guy at a Citizens Police Academy "Shoot, Don't Shoot" demonstration. Now this at first sounds like a unfortunate and sad accident so I am going to explicate it further.

1 ) Officer Coel is a K9 officer with the PGPD who just two months prior was involved in an excessive force incident where he had his police K9 maul a drunk man at a traffic stop to the point that the dog actualy ATE LARGE PORTION OF THE MANS TRICEP MUSCLE. The man was on his knees and not any physical danger to Officer Coel but Coel gave repeated commands for the K9 to re-bite the man. Coel was cleared of wrong doing by the department cleared back to duty. Civil litigation is pending and most lawyers here in Florida agree its going to cost the taxpayers in Punta Gorda hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars.

2 ) Officer Coel's record is spotty at best. He has his arrests thrown out about 1/3 of the time for procedural errors like chain of custody errors and illegal searches.

3 ) PGPD is not the only police force Coel has worked for. He worked for Miramar Florida, a city in the Miami-Dade metro area. He was fired from Miramar because he did not successfully complete the FTO/Probationary period because he had numerous excessive force incidents.

4 ) The shooting of Mrs Knowlton happened because Officer Coel did not check to insure that the weapon he was using in the shoot, don't shoot drill was indeed loaded with blanks.

Punta Gorda Police department hired another departments disciplinary cast off when clearly Officer Coel lacked the mental capacity and temperament for work in law enforcement. This happens a lot all over the country where bad cops are fired or allowed to resign and then hired by another agency. That is a problem and its just one among many and they all need to be addressed. Instead of just accepting it we need to open up about it and find a way to make our police officers and police departments better. No it isn't a racism thing it is a burgeoning tyranny thing.
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If the Pacific Northwest wasn't a bastion of Libtardism I'd say get all the fans to walk out if they do that.

Just saw on espn that the Seacocks will stand after all. Still the seacocks to me. Just the political correctness behind these small actions divides people. Like some have stated, these guys are in a position to use their status to make a change within their communities. Utilize those resources. Not liking the drama headlines behind this at all
The problem with your last statement is that it flies in the face of due process.

I can think three people off the top of my head who have been shot by police while being polite and not resisting in just the last few months off the top of my head. They were all big news this summer.

Philando Castile

Charles Kinsey

Before I talk about the last one I am going to address Tim because the last name on my list ties into what he posted earlier. Like Tim I believe the vast majority of LEOs are good people who deal with the public in a professional and good faith manor. But Tim even you admit that there probably are more bad cops than we know. The issue I have is that you and many others are being lead down the path by "experts" who are telling you to ignore what you can see with your own eyes and trust the police to investigate their own. Basically accepting things and maintaining the status quo because you feel safe and it hasn't happened to you and yours yet.

The last name on my list....

Mary Knowlton

Shot by Punta Gorda Florida Police officer Lee Coel while roleplaying the part of the bad guy at a Citizens Police Academy "Shoot, Don't Shoot" demonstration. Now this at first sounds like a unfortunate and sad accident so I am going to explicate it further.

1 ) Officer Coel is a K9 officer with the PGPD who just to months prior was involved in an excessive force incident where he had his police K9 maul a drunk man at a traffic stop to the point that the dog actualy ATE LARGE PORTION OF THE MANS TRICEP MUSCLE. The man was on his knees and not any physical danger to Officer Coel but Coel gave repeated commands for the K9 to re-bite the man. Coel was cleared of wrong doing by the department cleared back to duty. Civil litigation is pending and most lawyers here in Florida agree its going to cost the taxpayers in Punta Gorda hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars.

2 ) Officer Coel's record is spotty at best. He has his arrests thrown out about 1/3 of the time for procedural errors like chain of custody errors and illegal searches.

3 ) PGPD is not the only police force Coel has worked for. He worked for Miramar Florida, a city in the Miami-Dade metro area. He was fired from Miramar because he did not successfully complete the FTO/Probationary period because he had numerous excessive force incidents.

4 ) The shooting of Mrs Knowlton happened because Officer Coel did not check to insure that the weapon he was using in the shoot, don't shoot drill was indeed loaded with blanks.

Punta Gorda Police department hired another departments disciplinary cast off when clearly Officer Coel lacked the mental capacity and temperament for work in law enforcement. This happens a lot all over the country where bad cops are fired or allowed to resign and then hired by another agency. That is a problem and its just one among many and they all need to be addressed. Instead of just accepting it we need to open up about it and find a way to make our police officers and police departments better. No it isn't a racism thing it is a burgeoning tyranny thing.

These are reaches. Except for the dog incident, these were cases of police ******* up. Sure, put them under the umbrella of "police brutality" but this is not the type of brutality we are talking about. They are quite different from that cop in NC shooting a guy in the back, or ******* up a dudes face so bad he is hardly recognizable.

The cop who shot Castille was sobbing like a baby after what he did, not going around giving high fives. He got antsy when Castille reached for the glove compartment while telling the cop he was carrying.

In 2011 there were 62,900,000 cases of contact between citizens and police in the US.
Approximately half, 30 million were traffic stops, the other half were calls by citizens requesting police assistance.
I don't care how many cases of police brutality you manage to conjure up ...the amount of actual cases of police brutality are miniscule.
These are reaches. Except for the dog incident, these were cases of police ******* up. Sure, put them under the umbrella of "police brutality" but this is not the type of brutality we are talking about. They are quite different from that cop in NC shooting a guy in the back, or ******* up a dudes face so bad he is hardly recognizable.

The cop who shot Castille was sobbing like a baby after what he did, not going around giving high fives. He got antsy when Castille reached for the glove compartment while telling the cop he was carrying.

In 2011 there were 62,900,000 cases of contact between citizens and police in the US.
Approximately half, 30 million were traffic stops, the other half were calls by citizens requesting police assistance.
I don't care how many cases of police brutality you manage to conjure up ...the amount of actual cases of police brutality are miniscule.

Ummmm. No.

The statement was that Indy could not think of any instances of people being shot by police while being polite and not resisting. These are all cases where police shot citizens for no reason. Either through malice or incompetence the police officers chose to go directly to deadly force rather than assess and deescalate the situations in two of the situations and ignored basic range safety proceedures and common sense in one. I don't care how many excuses you conjure up....There are more cases of police brutality and misconduct now than ever before and it is because we as a society have abdicated too much power to police agencies with out questioning their motives or methods.
The NFL is in damage control mode and is desperately trying to make themselves appear patriotic. Anyone else see the 9/11 remembrance commercial today? They might as well have had Uncle Sam marching across the field waving Old Glory. It was one player and coach after the next talking about how great America is and how thankful the NFL is for all the people who fight to keep our country safe. I think the tag line at the end is, The NFL is America" in front of an American flag back drop. My first thought was of a bunch of execs sitting in a room going, "Holy ****, we have to come up with something patriotic NOW before people start boycotting because of these idiot players".
The NFL is in damage control mode and is desperately trying to make themselves appear patriotic.

They'd better be in damage control mode since they've torqued off a lot of fans with their PC bullshit since Rog has been the Commish.
It'll be a damn shame if players don't choose to put aside this protest for a day and stand for the Anthem on the anniversary of 9/11.
If a Steeler happens to take a knee during the anthem at anytime during the season, who is your guess ?
The NFL protest against American injustice is now 14 players strong.

The NFL protest against American injustice is now 14 players strong.


Lol "American injustice" . Poor fellas. They're thinking if it wasn't for "American injustice" they'd be in Africa right now living in grass huts and chucking spears.
Lol "American injustice" . Poor fellas. They're thinking if it wasn't for "American injustice" they'd be in Africa right now living in grass huts and chucking spears.

Spoken like only a true Trump deplorable could, congrats.
I wish the Steelers would play Lee Greenwood God Bless the USA right before the national anthem and have the words displayed on the jumbotron. And the players not standing security should take them off the field as a security risk and detain them until after the game.
Spoken like only a true Trump deplorable could, congrats.

Except that is still true for many parts of Africa. Think about this, only about 10 percent of the population in most African nations has indoor plumbing and there are several tribes that still subsist by slash and burn farming and hunting with spears, bows and arrows.
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I wish the Steelers would play Lee Greenwood God Bless the USA right before the national anthem and have the words displayed on the jumbotron. And the players not standing security should take them off the field as a security risk and hang them from the rafters upside down with their guts hanging out. That'll show 'em.
Fixed 'er for ya.
If a Steeler happens to take a knee during the anthem at anytime during the season, who is your guess ?

Do you really want to know?

Bell embraced the hip-hop culture. This culture views the police with open antipathy. I'm not sure if he'll be on the sidelines or not, but he's my guess. And I hope he doesn't. He'as already in hot water.

Pouncey is my other guess.

Now for a long shot, but one who if you know his activism suggests he might. Mike Tomlin. Tomlin has been critical of the Rooney rule. He's also a major liberal supporter who had a Hillary Clinton fundraiser in his house. So for him, this narrative fits.

Just don't Mike. Please even if your 100% this will be a distraction for the team that won't go away.
If a Steeler happens to take a knee during the anthem at anytime during the season, who is your guess ?

I'd say the smart money would be on Pouncey since the Doobie Brothers won't be playing.
If a Steeler happens to take a knee during the anthem at anytime during the season, who is your guess ?

My guess would be from among the likes of Greg Warren, BJ Finney, Zach Mettenberger and Anthony Chickillo. Perhaps they all kneel together or raise a fist in solidarity as a group. Another guess would be coach Munchak or QB coach Fichtner. I could see either one of them, or both, making a strong statement tonight.