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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Every player and coach on the Yankees & Nationals took a knee before the national anthem tonight in D.C.<br><br>(via <a href="https://twitter.com/MarkZuckerman?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MarkZuckerman</a>)<a href="https://t.co/PrPKv4Gs1Z">pic.twitter.com/PrPKv4Gs1Z</a></p>— FOX Sports: MLB (@MLBONFOX) <a href="https://twitter.com/MLBONFOX/status/1286439030888914945?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 23, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
dude, necro bumping? lame

Didn't want to start a new thread, shoot me. Err, actually on this board I shouldn't be so loosey goosey with that phrase. Nevermind.
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Every player and coach on the Yankees & Nationals took a knee before the national anthem tonight in D.C.<br><br>(via <a href="https://twitter.com/MarkZuckerman?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MarkZuckerman</a>)<a href="https://t.co/PrPKv4Gs1Z">pic.twitter.com/PrPKv4Gs1Z</a></p>— FOX Sports: MLB (@MLBONFOX) <a href="https://twitter.com/MLBONFOX/status/1286439030888914945?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 23, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Tibs, I assure you....like with 1,000 percent certainty...NO ONE....I mean literally NO ONE....is surprised you cheer any person or group of people that disrespect America, the Anthem and her Veterans.

Did you expect us to be shocked in some way?
Tibs, I assure you....like with 1,000 percent certainty...NO ONE....I mean literally NO ONE....is surprised you cheer any person or group of people that disrespect America, the Anthem and her Veterans.

Did you expect us to be shocked in some way?

How did these two teams disrespect American, the Anthem, and Veterans?
Tibs, I assure you....like with 1,000 percent certainty...NO ONE....I mean literally NO ONE....is surprised you cheer any person or group of people that disrespect America, the Anthem and her Veterans. Did you expect us to be shocked in some way?

Show me how I was 'cheering' anything at all, in any way, shape or form? You're seeing ghosts. I simply posted the fact these MLB players, including the coaches, were kneeling tonight. I found it interesting, given the controversy re Kap. Again, please be kind enough to point out precisely how I was cheering anything. I didn't write a single word, one way or another, just posted the news clip.

I take it you're a mind reader now. Very impressive, seperated by so many miles of open land and sea.
Tibs, you can’t even lie well. Aside from sucking at life you can’t even pretend that you’re not an America-hating socialist. You can’t even fake it. Maybe you can get some pointers from whoever you share a bed with. He’ll probably help you out.
Tibs, you can’t even lie well. Aside from sucking at life you can’t even pretend that you’re not an America-hating socialist. You can’t even fake it. Maybe you can get some pointers from whoever you share a bed with. He’ll probably help you out.

Indy never misses an opportunity to let his true colors shine. As often as you project your latent homosexuality, you should just come out, right here on the board. Seems that's all you have on your mind is sucking ****. No doubt you're an expert at it. It don't bother me none, to each his own. Just be yourself and go with it.
How did these two teams disrespect American, the Anthem, and Veterans?

Exactly. We'll wait for the members of the good ol' boys club to explain. I'm sure they'll find 10,000 ways how this is such a travesty and outrage.
Seems that's all you have on your mind is sucking ****. No doubt you're an expert at it.

From the guy who says "learn some basic manners".

From the guy who says "learn some basic manners".

I stopped having any form of normal interaction with Indy 6-7 years ago, maybe longer. I don't pretend I want to either. I have too much self respect for that, unlike yourself.
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code">
Every player and coach on the Yankees & Nationals took a knee before the national anthem tonight in D.C.

(via @MarkZuckerman)pic.twitter.com/PrPKv4Gs1Z
— FOX Sports: MLB (@MLBONFOX) July 23, 2020
<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

report i saw said that they all took a knee before the anthem then stood while the anthem played. I didn't see it. I planned on watching until i saw it was on ESPN.

They did have a BLM logo on the mound. I wonder how the large number of Latin players would feel about supporting a communist organization.
How did these two teams disrespect American, the Anthem, and Veterans?

I think it's rather simple, but I'll explain via analogy, one I've used before.

If a white person were to call a black person the "N" word then say "I mean no disrespect," it wouldn't fly would it? The white person could say "I meant it in a brotherly way" or in a "rap way you know?" Not permissible. Why? The word is offensive. Why is it offensive? It's offensive because blacks/African Americans are offended by it. We need no other reason. We really do not.

Likewise, when someone kneels during the national anthem or burns a flag, a Patriot or a Veteran feels offended.

This is where the analogies stop. See, the Patriot or the Veteran stands up and says "this offends me, it is disrespectful." Instead of people saying "I get you," SJWs and the media and others say "We didn't mean it that way, we don't mean disrespect to the flag, or the country, we are peaceful protesting so DON'T TAKE OFFENSE." They literally order that the offended should not be offended. They tell those OFFENDED they have no right to feel that way, that they are misinterpreting the meaning. Bizarre, is that not?

I cannot do this I use a racial slur. I don't get to tell an African American "Hey man, I mean no offense to you when I use the N word, I mean it in another way, DON'T TAKE OFFENSE, you're misinterpreting how I meant it."

It doesn't work that way.

Same for homosexuals, Asians, or any other slight used towards them. The offender doesn't get to tell the offended **** off or dictate how the offended is supposed to feel.

That IS what is happening with the kneeling during the anthem. They are offending a large part of our population. They are entitled to be offended and rightfully shouldn't be told that their offense is unfounded. But that is indeed what is happening.

Thankfully, the NFL and ESPN and other sports are suffering. Americans rightfully are letting it be heard with their wallets and their eyes.

If you still disagree with me, go ask a military veteran or a Patriot if they are offended when athletes, afforded freedoms from their sacrifice, kneel during the playing of our National Anthem.
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That IS what is happening with the kneeling during the anthem. They are offending a large part of our population. And rightfully, they are entitled to be offended and rightfully shouldn't be told that their offense is unfounded. But that is indeed what is happening.

Thankfully, the NFL and ESPN and other sports are suffering. Americans rightfully are letting it be heard with their wallets and their eyes.

If you still disagree with me, go ask a military veteran or a Patriot if they are offended when athletes, afforded freedoms from their sacrifice, are not offended when they kneel during the playing of our National Anthem.

The players on the Yankees and Nationals did not kneel during the National Anthem. So I'll ask again, how did these two teams disrespect American, the Anthem, and Veterans?
The players on the Yankees and Nationals did not kneel during the National Anthem. So I'll ask again, how did these two teams disrespect American, the Anthem, and Veterans?

Apologies, I heard they knelt during the playing of the anthem.

That said, just wait. They will be. Wait till the NFL starts.

When (and it is when) athletes kneel during the anthem, will you find it disrespectful?
I don't have a problem with groups who want to kneel before the anthem and then stand when it's played. That's actually a pretty constructive way to draw attention to what you are trying to say.
Apologies, I heard they knelt during the playing of the anthem.

That said, just wait. They will be. Wait till the NFL starts.

When (and it is when) athletes kneel during the anthem, will you find it disrespectful?

Let me put it this way...I personally would not kneel yet I recognize the intent of those kneeling isn't to offend veterans. I also understand why some would be offended. However, at this point both sides have exhausted me from caring about the issue. Stand, kneel, whatever. I'm just waiting for the kickoff.
Let me put it this way...I personally would not kneel yet I recognize the intent of those kneeling isn't to offend veterans. I also understand why some would be offended. However, at this point both sides have exhausted me from caring about the issue. Stand, kneel, whatever. I'm just waiting for the kickoff.

Just haven't exhausted you enough to have strong opinions about it and type about it on a bulletin board.


Their intent many not be to offend...but they do. Instead of trying to find another peaceful means of protest, they instead tell everyone offended "**** off we'll do it this way anyway." They don't care about those they offend, in the least.

Per my prior post, it's quite the double standard.
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Just haven't exhausted you enough to have strong opinions about it and type about it on a bulletin board.


Asking you a question to learn more about your perspective why it was disrespectful to kneel before the National Anthem qualifies as a strong opinion? Maybe you're right. I have a pretty firm stance right now of not caring if anyone stands or kneels as I only care about watching the game for entertainment.
Sorry if this is a repeat ... can't remember where i first saw it .... mighta been here somewhere:

There ya go. “Why didn’t you kneel, you must be racist”

Giants reliever Sam Coonrod explains why he didn't kneel for Black Lives Matter moment before opener

We told everyone this WOULD happen. Didn't take a rocket scientist to understand it would happen.

But it's here. Now, you must kneel before every event or have your life cancelled. Aye Komrades, bet on board.
Most people, I hope, don't even know what Black Lives Matter actually officially stands(or Kneels) for. I support the idea that black lives matter(as do everyone else's lives) but absolutely don't support the BLM organization. Even some BLM local groups have divorced themselves from the national official group due to their Marxist ideas. Similar to how the original Tea Party movement was strictly a fiscally based movement that morphed or was corrupted into a too far right social movement in my opinion.
Look, this ENTIRE thing has been politicized and inflamed for gain by everyone involved. Politicians, media, Kapernick, right wing, left wing.... EVERYONE.

There is one simple truth. A majority of sports fans DO NOT LIKE POLITICS when watching sports. They don't want to be lectured by Bob Costas about guns. They don't want cameras focusing on players kneeling before anthems. They don't want announcers referencing political issues. They don't want it talked about during half times or breaks in the action.

Politics in this case is ANY ISSUE right now in american that is polarized between left and right, no matter HOW RIGHT YOU THINK YOUR POSITION IS. Or how important you think it is.

A majority of fans didn't like Tommie Smith and John Carlos raising black fists in the air during the 1968 Olympics. Most people didn't like Muhammad Ali turning Islam to avoid the draft/war. Most people didn't like Costas lecturing about guns. And MOST people most certainly did not like Kapernick, who was LOSING being the center of attraction (being benched) having the spot light shown back on him for polarizing political opiinions.

In truth, we want to see sports and the spotlight shown on sports for ONE REASON ONLY: performance. Winning and losing. Excelling between the lines, where only one thing matters. There are no opinions on sports. Games are decided. One side wins. One side loses. Sports is an escape from all the opinion based nonsense because no matter your opinion, it will be decided for you on the field. There is nothing quite like sports to give you ammunition to "shut up the other side". If your team wins, you get to say "shut up" to the losers. That doesn't exist in anything else. Sports isn't voting.

There are drastic ramifications for anyone who wants to bring too much politics into sport. You WILL lose viewership and interest. It WILL effect the bottom line.

If the percentage of people that want the NFL to "stand" for a political position that is under debate and somehow manages to convince the NFL that it is okay to do this, there are going to be ramifications that you alienate the "other side". If the NFL has adopted a policy of allowing it's players to represent themselves in the NFL's work environment, then those positions WILL BE PRESUMED to be what the NFL stands for.

It is why in almost every other walk of life and particularly in media ONE PERSON'S political opinion is always preceded by the phrase "The opinion expressed by this person do not reflect the opinions of the corporation, it's management or stock holders." I doubt we now get that phrase ahead of every NFL football game.

This is not a free speech issue. It never has been. Kapernick does not have any first amendment protection once he puts on the uniform and performs on camera under a contract between the NFL (representing 30 individual corporations) and a broadcasting network. Things that are done and said during the time of games can be restricted by ownership and the NFL. There is no "gray area" on this.

The truth is Kapernick used the VALUE of something negotiated by his employer (media and TV exposure) to profess HIS POLITICAL OPINION. And let's face it.... it is a dividing and polarizing position, no matter what you think of it.

The NFL had every right to stop it. Every right to say "that is too polarizing to do during games". If you want to express your opinions on that, you have to do it off company time.

But they are caving to popularist and radical pressure, which they are certainly entitled to do. The NFL and NBA and MLB can all allow any political issue to be presented if they so choose.

But the fans are not going to like it. We don't watch sports for this reason. And it really doesn't matter what side is taken. Fans would reject or be turned off if teams allowed players to be overly religious, promote gun rights, wear anti-abortion messages (or pro-life messages), or promote political candidates during elections. This is no different.

And they WILL see the effect on their bottom line. It will happen. There is a fine line with fans about lecturing to them or about changing the rules. Fans don't like change. They want to see what they've always seen. Competition in as pure a form as possible. Mano y mano. Team vs. team. Winner vs. loser. Get in the way of that purity of sport and you risk the wrath of your fans.

What Kapernick is doing has NOTHING to do with that. What the NFL and NBA and MLB are doing has NOTHING to do with that.