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Somebody has to say it


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Interlachen, Florida
Indy will probably mail an incendiary device to my computer but I just can't help it. Trump has achieved a long list of great things for this Country but I am getting tired of the blatant failures along the way. Too many boisterous crooning promises have fallen by the wayside and too many prognostications have been made when action should have preceded them, to be successful that is. Let me take a minute and vent some of my frustrations.

Number 1 has got to be the debt but immigration is a close second.


One of the reasons I thought he would be good for the Country was that he was a business man. Every business has at least 5% of it's employees that are either below standards or just unnecessary. Instead of cutting the fat, we are still outspending our budget by a **** ton. They are predicting a Sept groveling for more money already.....which is two months ahead of their own predictions. Our Gov't is so bloated that I wonder if it were cut in half, we would even see a difference. Cutting spending across the board has to be done whether it's politically prudent or not, the life of the Republic depends on it.

Number 2 is the joke that is immigration. Not only has Trump failed to curtail the illegal flow but it has in fact gotten worse...much worse.
During the month of June, Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol agents apprehended 43,197 migrants — an average of 1,440 per day

I'm not sure if the resistance is that strong or the administration is that incompetent but one thing is fur shur, it ain't workin.

Along those lines is this deportation ...(what ever it's called). So we are gonna round up all the illegals that have had their day in court and ship them home. OK, and why is it necessary to broadcast all the details to the hated media beforehand ? Cause it works so well doing it thata way ? Yeah...right dumbass.

So as to keep this rant below several pages, let me just list some of the failures I see from the promises he made. My most egregious in bold.

Build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it
Cancel all funding of sanctuary cities
Establish a commission on radical Islam
Have mandatory minimum sentences for criminals caught trying to enter the United States illegally
Remove criminal undocumented immigrants
End birthright citizenship
Defund Planned Parenthood
Repeal Obamacare
Enact term limits
Impose death penalty for cop killers
Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton ( recent appt of Barr but results are to be determined )
Eliminate Common Core
Impose a hiring freeze on federal employees
Place lifetime ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections
Close parts of the Internet where ISIS is
Bring back waterboarding
Allow individuals to deduct health care insurance premiums from taxes
Create a health savings account
Administer Medicaid through block grants

OK that's enough, there is more but you get the picture and I know what yunz are gonna say...it's not all his fault, right. Well, maybe he should learn to shut his big mouth 'till he has the situation under control..no ?

Look, I'm not a Lib troll, I like the guy and he has done a lot for the economy but the reason I voted for him was not all about the economy..ya know ?

And no I won't be voting for anyone else that I see running at present. Democratic Socialism clashes with my upbringing.

you are right, he should not be as load mouthed as he is. but that is part of what makes him, him.

most of those issues will be address in term 2.
Indy will probably mail an incendiary device to my computer but I just can't help it. Trump has achieved a long list of great things for this Country but I am getting tired of the blatant failures along the way. Too many boisterous crooning promises have fallen by the wayside and too many prognostications have been made when action should have preceded them, to be successful that is. Let me take a minute and vent some of my frustrations.

Number 1 has got to be the debt but immigration is a close second.


One of the reasons I thought he would be good for the Country was that he was a business man. Every business has at least 5% of it's employees that are either below standards or just unnecessary. Instead of cutting the fat, we are still outspending our budget by a **** ton. They are predicting a Sept groveling for more money already.....which is two months ahead of their own predictions. Our Gov't is so bloated that I wonder if it were cut in half, we would even see a difference. Cutting spending across the board has to be done whether it's politically prudent or not, the life of the Republic depends on it.

Number 2 is the joke that is immigration. Not only has Trump failed to curtail the illegal flow but it has in fact gotten worse...much worse.

I'm not sure if the resistance is that strong or the administration is that incompetent but one thing is fur shur, it ain't workin.

Along those lines is this deportation ...(what ever it's called). So we are gonna round up all the illegals that have had their day in court and ship them home. OK, and why is it necessary to broadcast all the details to the hated media beforehand ? Cause it works so well doing it thata way ? Yeah...right dumbass.

So as to keep this rant below several pages, let me just list some of the failures I see from the promises he made. My most egregious in bold.

Build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it
Cancel all funding of sanctuary cities
Establish a commission on radical Islam
Have mandatory minimum sentences for criminals caught trying to enter the United States illegally
Remove criminal undocumented immigrants
End birthright citizenship
Defund Planned Parenthood
Repeal Obamacare
Enact term limits
Impose death penalty for cop killers
Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton ( recent appt of Barr but results are to be determined )
Eliminate Common Core
Impose a hiring freeze on federal employees
Place lifetime ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections
Close parts of the Internet where ISIS is
Bring back waterboarding
Allow individuals to deduct health care insurance premiums from taxes
Create a health savings account
Administer Medicaid through block grants

OK that's enough, there is more but you get the picture and I know what yunz are gonna say...it's not all his fault, right. Well, maybe he should learn to shut his big mouth 'till he has the situation under control..no ?

Look, I'm not a Lib troll, I like the guy and he has done a lot for the economy but the reason I voted for him was not all about the economy..ya know ?

And no I won't be voting for anyone else that I see running at present. Democratic Socialism clashes with my upbringing.


Almost all of the issues can be summed up very succinctly, **** CONGRESS!.
I don't blame him for not being able to do certain things that even cowardly Republicans in Congress haven't been willing to do, but I do blame him for allowing the left to seize the narrative on immigration, race, healthcare, taxes and other things because he's so incredibly inarticulate on them.

Yeah the bottom line is our choice is vote for him or vote for a leftist socialist (or the handsy clown who's the only somewhat moderate Dem). Once again it's the lesser of two evils.
Even with some failures along the way I don't see how anyone could make the claim that he hasn't been wildly more successful getting things done compared to any other President in recent history. It isn't even close.
I don't blame him for not being able to do certain things that even cowardly Republicans in Congress haven't been willing to do, but I do blame him for allowing the left to seize the narrative on immigration, race, healthcare, taxes and other things because he's so incredibly inarticulate on them.

Yeah the bottom line is our choice is vote for him or vote for a leftist socialist (or the handsy clown who's the only somewhat moderate Dem). Once again it's the lesser of two evils.

Things like this is what make me hot for OFTB. I've never met her in person, but I know what she looks like, where she lives and what side of the bed she sleeps on...wait, don't type that...backspace backspace backspace...no, don't type backspace you idiot...don't Send...I said DON'T send, not Send..ahhh ****. **** you Alexa...I gotta go!
Let's not forget about the numerous Obama leftovers throughout all levels of the government who have been working against him and leaking **** to the press on every turn. It's truly amazing that he accomplished as much as he has.


I really wish Steve Bannon was able to stay aboard. He played a big part in keeping Trump on point for all those promises you mentioned.

Once again it's the lesser of two evils.

It always is, for me personally.

Although not since Reagan has there been a clearer choice. I can over look his lack of speaking skills, knowing his intentions are for the good of our country.
I always knew you voted for Hillary
The vast majority of federal spending is entitlements and service to the debt. Dems want to add trillions more in entitlements. Any Dem who complains about spending needs to STFU.
The vast majority of federal spending is entitlements and service to the debt. Dems want to add trillions more in entitlements. Any Dem who complains about spending needs to STFU.

21STEELERS21 will be along shortly to explain to you just how important the deficit and debt is NOW.
Is Fed spending a serious problem? Of course.

Did Obama vastly hide the depth of his spending with artificially low interest rates, reducing payment of the debt by billions? Absolutely.

Is Trump still benefiting from the crazy-low interest rate (effectively zero percent during the majority of Bammy's tenure)? Of course not.

So spend less. Agreed.

As to Trump's other failures to implement his policies - give him another five years and he gets most of it done. Tax cuts? Done. Regulations drastically reduced? Done. Defeat ISIS? Done. Get rid of Obamacare penalty on Americans? Done. Rework terrible trade deals? Done and in process. Redo Obama's Cuban policy fiasco? Done. Ask allies - NATO, Japan - to pay more for their defense? Done. Place lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign government? Done. Nominate credible candidates for the District Courts and Supreme Court? Done.

Keep it rolling. Build the fence, deport dangerous illegals, protect the borders.
Until the US dollar isn’t used for oil we’re fine.
Until the US dollar isn’t used for oil we’re fine.

This is why the Chinese are investing so much in blockchain currency development---just like FaceBook.

The ultimate global economic leveling tool would be a global currency that brought greater confidence than one backed by 7 aircraft carriers. Ending USD hegemony is the globalists dream. A new global currency would cause a waterfall event for those essentially backed by USD, which is most of the western world and oil states.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
I don't blame him for not being able to do certain things that even cowardly Republicans in Congress haven't been willing to do, but I do blame him for allowing the left to seize the narrative on immigration, race, healthcare, taxes and other things because he's so incredibly inarticulate on them.

Yeah the bottom line is our choice is vote for him or vote for a leftist socialist (or the handsy clown who's the only somewhat moderate Dem). Once again it's the lesser of two evils.

This right here very closely sums up my feelings on Trump. For all the good he has done, he has allowed the Democrats to set the narrative on several major important issues. That said, having the media challenge everything thing you say and do while giving those that oppose you a pass doesn’t help. An honest media in this nation would solve a lot of problems.

This is why the Chinese are investing so much in blockchain currency development---just like FaceBook.

The ultimate global economic leveling tool would be a global currency that brought greater confidence than one backed by 7 aircraft carriers. Ending USD hegemony is the globalists dream. A new global currency would cause a waterfall event for those essentially backed by USD, which is most of the western world and oil states.

Bwahaha....Damn I wish I would have been born smarterer

you are right, he should not be as load mouthed as he is. but that is part of what makes him, him.

most of those issues will be address in term 2.

Most of those issues we expected to be addressed in this term.

Meanwhile we get gut punch after gut punch....

Really ?? Trump's team can't get a question ( that has been on the census in years past ) about citizenship onto the census form and we should feel comfortable about that ? Oh, he'll get it next term ?

Trump called Oakland mayor a 'disgrace' for revealing ICE raids. Then he did the same thing.

And again we warn the illegals that ICE is coming

Trump says ICE raids to start Sunday, emphasizing purge of criminal immigrants


Now that I think about it, the analogy about Trumps's successes and failures can be associated with Tomlin, to a lesser degree. Lotta wins..no titles.

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Those of you bitching about Trump seem to think a president can do anything they want if they aren't named Obama. They can't. Trump has done a lot of things that presidents have promised for years and couldn't get done. Hell he's appointed so many conservative judges the 9th circuit is almost moderate. He's cut taxes and cut red tape on businesses. The economy is booming and unemployment is at record lows. The wall is being built and if those RINOs in congress would have helped him he would have sealed it by now.

Seriously if you people can't see what he's done in less than 3 years time then go vote for another Bush and see how that works out. Trump is far from perfect but he's done a lot of what he has promised. He isn't God so he can't do everything. And if he had any help from congress he would have been a lot further along. He's done more with less than any president in my life time and I've been around since Nixon.
The House of Representatives controls the purse. If you tell people the truth that everything in the federal budget has to be cut to include every social program you don’t get elected to The House of Representatives. If you try to make real cuts while you are in the House you don’t get re-elected. This is why I think the only way things will get better is through a collapse. A hard reset where we end both the welfare state and universal suffrage is the only thing that fixes our budget. There will be strife, war and bloodshed so be ready to Dosido when the Boogaloo starts.
The House of Representatives controls the purse. If you tell people the truth that everything in the federal budget has to be cut to include every social program you don’t get elected to The House of Representatives. If you try to make real cuts while you are in the House you don’t get re-elected. This is why I think the only way things will get better is through a collapse. A hard reset where we end both the welfare state and universal suffrage is the only thing that fixes our budget. There will be strife, war and bloodshed so be ready to Dosido when the Boogaloo starts.

Yeah, I'm glad to be so old as to be beyond the age that I will see this collapse.....but my kiddies will, fur shur.
Yeah, I'm glad to be so old as to be beyond the age that I will see this collapse.....but my kiddies will, fur shur.

You will see it. It’s maybe 2-3 years away at most. Somebody will dump a couple of mags into a group of AntiFa Goons soon. Then the police will try to arrest them and their neighbors won’t let that happen Ala the Bundy situation only this time a bunch of cops a Feds will get shot up into gobs if meat.
You will see it. It’s maybe 2-3 years away at most. Somebody will dump a couple of mags into a group of AntiFa Goons soon. Then the police will try to arrest them and their neighbors won’t let that happen Ala the Bundy situation only this time a bunch of cops a Feds will get shot up into gobs if meat.

I can see that happening and I also wonder how long it will take for "some people" to get tired of the big mouthed anti-American politicians and start poppin' caps on them too.

Maybe it's just wishful thinkin'

Well if ur going to judge u have to I clyde all the facts. 1. You cant just shrink the gov over night specially with a democratic house. Spending is still growing because we still have bs programs democratic house keeps open. You think spending high now wait and see what happens if liberals get elected. 2. Immigration has gotten worse cause liberal democrats keep promising illegals free everything and try and block Trump at ever step...vote dems out and that changes. 3. Trump acted in defunding sanctuary cities and was blocked by courts until just last week when they said he could so watch out.

Also what else do you have out there? Who among the 20 dems do u recommend??

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I don't blame him for not being able to do certain things that even cowardly Republicans in Congress haven't been willing to do, but I do blame him for allowing the left to seize the narrative on immigration, race, healthcare, taxes and other things because he's so incredibly inarticulate on them.

Yeah the bottom line is our choice is vote for him or vote for a leftist socialist (or the handsy clown who's the only somewhat moderate Dem). Once again it's the lesser of two evils.
Agree anyone who cant see that is a dumb ***

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