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St. Louis protests reveal mindset


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Here is quick summary -
A silver Buick approached a Church's Chicken in St. Louis on December 20, 2011. Anthony Lamar Smith, a 24-year-old black man, went inside the restaurant twice, but returned to his car with no food. He then ran back to his car as he saw a police vehicle rapidly approach and stop behind the Silver Buick.

Police Officer Jason Stockley, 35, later testified that he thought he saw a "drug transaction," though he did not specify the drug. He and his partner Brian Bianchi exited the car and approached Smith's car, but Smith crashed backwards into the police vehicle and fled the scene, court papers say.

A three-minute chase, at speeds up to 87 miles per hour, ensued on wet roads. Smith drove into oncoming traffic, and Bianchi and Stockley crashed into his car from behind to stop him. After this, Stockley walked up to his car, where a brief conversation took place, and then Stockley shot him five times. Heroin bearing Smith's DNA was later found in the car.


The officer was charged with first degree murder and found not guilty. Not gonna debate the verdict here. What I found interesting was the protest.

This article describes it. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/...cle_e1ae8685-64bc-5833-8785-2859002b1276.html
This caught my attention -
By nightfall, protesters were marching south on Kingshighway toward Highway 40 (Interstate 64), some chanting: "If you kill our kids, we kill your economy!"

Obviously it wasn't a kid. It was a 24 year old who intentionally crashed into a police vehicle and led them on a dangerous high speed chase. The telling part of this chant was where they threaten to "kill your economy". I guess they assume that their lives will not be affected by the health of the economy. Talk about not being remotely interested in being a productive part of society. Here is a voting block the republicans will never touch.
The problem is that the prosecutors overreached in their charges, much like the Trayvon case. In order to appease the masses, they went after first degree murder (in both cases). Had they gone after lesser charges, both Zimmerman and this guy would more than likely been found guilty. Instead, they overreach to shut the people up, and end up with this.
He'd be alive if he didn't run. Well, he'd probably be dead by now but he wouldn't have died that night. And, a black man at Church's Chicken! Stereotype: Confirmed!

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I have no idea how a protest could come out of this. For what part?
It's all about the narrative.



Politically Correct Statue To Replace Robert E. Lee

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (World News Bureau) - New Orleans Mayor "Mitch" Landrieu has approved a replacement for the statue of Robert E. Lee that was removed in May.

Landrieu and his team spent the last two months working to come up with an American historical symbol that would have broad acceptance while incorporating contemporary values. The final choice, titled "Naughty Natives," features preening gay American Indians (below) "symbolizing America's past and future."

The commission for Naughty Natives was awarded to a local artist and is scheduled to be completed early next year.


Robert E Lee Replacement StatueNew Orleans Robert E. Lee replacement statue "Naughty Natives" (City of New Orleans)
Here is quick summary -


The officer was charged with first degree murder and found not guilty. Not gonna debate the verdict here. What I found interesting was the protest.

This article describes it. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/...cle_e1ae8685-64bc-5833-8785-2859002b1276.html
This caught my attention -

Obviously it wasn't a kid. It was a 24 year old who intentionally crashed into a police vehicle and led them on a dangerous high speed chase. The telling part of this chant was where they threaten to "kill your economy". I guess they assume that their lives will not be affected by the health of the economy. Talk about not being remotely interested in being a productive part of society. Here is a voting block the republicans will never touch.

I thought this was going to be about police mindset....oh well should have known better.

And remember kids as the article stated; there was heroin in the car so obviously he needed to get shot, oh and he was black...case closed.

White cop privilege strikes again.
Let's tell the whole story if we're going to tell the story.

Audio recorded by the dash cam during the chase captures Stockley saying he plans to kill the driver of the car they are chasing. The gun that Smith was supposedly reaching for that Stockley gave as the reason he opened fire did not have Smith's DNA on it but it did have a Stokley's DNA on it. Clearly it was planted by Stockley. Clearly this was murder, and clearly this was a case of the state covering for its own agents.let's not try and put a positive spin on official corruption and a bad cop.
9 officers injured in day of protests downtown and in Central West End, mayor's home damaged

ST. LOUIS • About 1,000 protesters surrounded the home of St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson in the Central West End late Friday, breaking at least two windows and throwing red paint at the brick house before some 200 police in riot gear moved in to break it up.

Two of the city police officers were injured by thrown bricks, police said. They were taken to a hospital, with one officer's injuries described as "serious."




I agree, he should not have ran, but he was a drug dealer.

The cop was killing him regardless and that's black & white.

The gun was planted?

How did he get off???

yea, that's the very brief account of what happened or may have, but I have a hard time with the "evidence" presented that you can go up to someone, cop or not and kill him with no consequences.
I thought this was going to be about police mindset....oh well should have known better.

And remember kids as the article stated; there was heroin in the car so obviously he needed to get shot, oh and he was black...case closed.

White cop privilege strikes again.

Strawman privilege strikes again...the irony eh?

The privilege to post any simpleton comment you wish because you can.
I agree, he should not have ran, but he was a drug dealer.

The cop was killing him regardless and that's black & white.

The gun was planted?

How did he get off???

yea, that's the very brief account of what happened or may have, but I have a hard time with the "evidence" presented that you can go up to someone, cop or not and kill him with no consequences.

I just read the judge's verdict. The prosecution theory that he planted the gun was not proven. Yes, his DNA was on it, but he admitted picking up the gun and unloading it. There is no video evidence or witness testimony of his having planted the gun. He very well could have planted it, but could have is not the standard. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard.

If he didn't plant the gun, the rest of his story checks out on witness statements and video evidence. The guy (who had already intentionally smashed into several cars and almost the officer himself) was told to get out of the car, show his hands, etc. numerous times. He didn't do that. We can't see what he did do. He very well could have been reaching for a gun, or looked like he was reaching for a gun. We don't know. Reasonable doubt.
I just read the judge's verdict. The prosecution theory that he planted the gun was not proven. Yes, his DNA was on it, but he admitted picking up the gun and unloading it. There is no video evidence or witness testimony of his having planted the gun. He very well could have planted it, but could have is not the standard. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard.

If he didn't plant the gun, the rest of his story checks out on witness statements and video evidence. The guy (who had already intentionally smashed into several cars and almost the officer himself) was told to get out of the car, show his hands, etc. numerous times. He didn't do that. We can't see what he did do. He very well could have been reaching for a gun, or looked like he was reaching for a gun. We don't know. Reasonable doubt.

How does the part where he said "I'm going to kill this motherf*****" check out with you?

Here let me save us some time: " Oh..it was an emotionally charged situation...we can't judge him by his words...blah...blah.."

Now if it was a black civilian making those comments.....................................................enough said.
How does the part where he said "I'm going to kill this motherf*****" check out with you?

Here let me save us some time: " Oh..it was an emotionally charged situation...we can't judge him by his words...blah...blah.."

Now if it was a black civilian making those comments.....................................................enough said.

That's not what he said exactly, and as the judge states in the verdict the rest of the conversation is garbled so we have no context. This is a drug dealer who intentionally smashed into three cars, almost hit an officer and then led them on a 90 mph car chase with a bunch of heroin in his car. You honestly think there's no chance he reached for a gun?

In any case, I'm not saying the cop is innocent. I'm just saying they didn't prove their case. It can't be "here's what we think happened", there has to be proof. Read the verdict. I know looking at facts and evidence and logic and reason isn't what people like you enjoy, but try it sometime.
How does the part where he said "I'm going to kill this motherf*****" check out with you?

Here let me save us some time: " Oh..it was an emotionally charged situation...we can't judge him by his words...blah...blah.."

Now if it was a black civilian making those comments.....................................................enough said.

Many use the language "i'm going to kill this _________." in times of anger, and not literally meaning it. I am probably guilty of saying it at odd times, and I have yet to go out and kill a black man. Figure that one out.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, and suggest that this guy has been a low life, ghetto thug most of his life, making many bad decisions along the way. The latest bad decision was his last.
He didn't even say "I'm going to kill this ************". He said "We're killing this ************ don't you know". Which could be interpreted in any number of different ways. In any case, they didn't go up to his car and shoot him, they gave him numerous orders to get out of the car and show his hands, which he ignored. I guess they have to wait til this guy who has already put their lives and many other lives in danger to actually shoot one of them before acting.
He didn't even say "I'm going to kill this ************". He said "We're killing this ************ don't you know". Which could be interpreted in any number of different ways. In any case, they didn't go up to his car and shoot him, they gave him numerous orders to get out of the car and show his hands, which he ignored. I guess they have to wait til this guy who has already put their lives and many other lives in danger to actually shoot one of them before acting.

And you have the nerve to call me mentally ill? You are one twisted human being, so xenophobic that you will do anything to defend those in charge of keeping the status quo when it comes to oppressing those you fear so much........SICK. So now you are going to argue semantics? 'I'm going to kill him' or 'we're going to kill him'........REALLY?

At 9:50 Stockley goes for the throw down gun and hides it on himself, at about 12:00 he plants the gun in the car but, watch the cop in the cap as he tries to continuously keep eyes on Stockley, he even goes around to look through the back window because he's seen this movie before.....OBVIOUSLY. He then walks away...."didn't see nothing."

A lesson in institutionalized racism at the local level by a resident.

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Did you see the video? By the way he flagrantly and uncontrollably fled the scene in his car it was clear injury or death to the officers was his intent.
A lesson in institutionalized racism at the local level by a resident.

When our authority on any particular subject is an overweight , bearded redneck, recording a Youtube video while sitting in his car, ......we know end of times is near.