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Super Tuesday!


Not sure the source of your little chart, but this article contradicts it. Obama won the college educated and post graduate
vote against McCain and Romney.

You idiot, can you read?

You stated that Trump is appealing to uneducated voters.

The only people who can vote in the Republican primary are registered Republicans (unless crossover voting is allowed).

Therefore, you very clearly suggested that Republicans - those voting for Trump - are uneducated.

I provided you specific data showing you that THE UNEDUCATED (HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR LESS) ARE LIKELY TO BE DEMOCRATS.

Jesus-*******-****-on-a-stick, are you EVER right about anything??
I missed the "How many women on the Supreme Court question". Don't know why I can't remember them. Only Ginsberg seems to talk....

Are you serious about this?

You think voting for Trump or electing Trump is going to lead to the U.S. devolving into ISIS? We're going to start beheading our own? Stone our women?

Yeah... sounds real plausible there Tibs.

You're arguments against Trump are getting wackier and wackier lately. Grasping at straws now.
I missed the "How many women on the Supreme Court question". Don't know why I can't remember them. Only Ginsberg seems to talk....
Me too, got the rest correct. I thought there were only two.

Are you serious about this? You think voting for Trump or electing Trump is going to lead to the U.S. devolving into ISIS? We're going to start beheading our own? Stone our women?
No, of course not. What happens in America if we allow the "darkest forces of the nation" (namely the racist, xenophobic, bigoted underbelly of the country) to elect a demagoue like Trump is completely unknown. But I imagine it won't be pretty.
Welcome to Trump's America!

Neo-Nazis at Trump rally caught on video roughing up black woman: ‘You’re scum, your time will come!’

White supremacists hurled racist and sexist slurs Tuesday afternoon as they pushed a black protester out of a Donald Trump rally in Kentucky.

Videos have circulated of a young woman being pushed and shoved by a screaming man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat at the Trump rally in Louisville, and the protester described the experience afterward in a Facebook video.

“I was called a n****r and a c*nt and got kicked out,” said Shiya Nwanguma, a University of Louisville student. “They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They’re disgusting and dangerous.”

The hat-wearing Trump supporter appears to be white nationalist Matthew Heimbach, head of the Traditionalist Worker Party, according to other protesters who spoke with the New York Daily News.

Trump’s Racism Didn’t Scare Me. Now It Does.

American culture is largely a celebration of white men’s mediocrity—that’s why Ryan Reynolds and Macklemore have any measure of success. It’s also why I haven’t been surprised by Donald Trump’s popularity. He is a self-mythologized success story of unremarkable intelligence who benefited from and subsequently exploited this country’s white supremacist racial hierarchy. He is a beacon of hope to mediocre, aggrieved white men across the nation.

Donald Trump exists as a direct response to the social movements of this moment. In five years’ time, Occupy Wall Street, the Movement for Black Lives, and Dreamers have pushed issues of inequality, police violence, immigration, and criminal justice to the forefront of American politics. Trump is a 1 percenter who threatens violence against black and brown protesters. He speaks directly to the angst of the mediocre white men whose privilege is threatened by these movements. He is the backlash.

We can’t ignore that in the GOP primary race, voter turnout is up, and that has benefited Trump. He is winning a cross-section of Republican voters—“conservatives, moderates, evangelicals and those who are not born-again Christians,” according to The New York Times—but he’s turning out people who don’t believe the South should have freed the slaves after the Civil War, and who do think that the internment of Japanese people during WWII was a good idea and that desegregating the military was a bad one. Trump supporters want to fight race battles old and new.

He hasn’t won them by accident. He has been more nakedly racist than any presidential candidate since David Duke (who is now encouraging his supporters to back Trump). This is the other side of progress—where the entrenched power rallies to its own defense and asserts its right to continued existence. This is the emergence of Jim Crow laws, black codes, and the convict-leasing system in the wake of Reconstruction. This is the attack on abortion rights in a post Roe v. Wade world, and on contraception and reproductive rights more generally in a post–sexual revolution world. This is the culmination of the Tea Party response to the election of Barack Obama.
Black America could get on Trump train

Hillary might look like a shoo-in with African-American voters, but don't be too sure.

With Hillary Clinton racking up more overwhelming victories in Super Tuesday primaries thanks to the overwhelming support of African-American voters, the conventional wisdom is that she has the black vote on lock down. She might be wrong.



Ben Carson says no 'path forward' after primary losses, will not attend GOP debate

New VP candidate?


Donald Trump Overwhelms G.O.P. Rivals From Alabama to Massachusetts

Donald J. Trump won sweeping victories across the South and in New England on Tuesday, a show of strength in the Republican primary campaign that underscored the breadth of his appeal and helped him begin to amass a wide delegate advantage despite growing resistance to his candidacy among party leaders.

Mr. Trump’s political coalition — with his lopsided victories in Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts and Tennessee, and narrower ones in Arkansas and Virginia — appears to have transcended the regional and ideological divisions that have shaped the Republican Party in recent years.

“I am a unifier,” he told reporters at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., after the winners of about half the day’s contests had been declared. “Once we get all of this finished, I am going to go after one person: Hillary Clinton.”



all aboard!

Trump will slaughter Hillary - her crime family has it's fingerprints over everything

How Putin’s Russia Gained Control of a U.S. Uranium Mine: Hillary approved it after donation

Since 2013, the nuclear energy arm of the Russian state has controlled 20 percent of America’s uranium production capacity.

Rosatom’s acquisition of Toronto-based miner Uranium One Inc. made the Russian agency, which also builds nuclear weapons, one the world’s top five producers of the radioactive metal and gave it ownership of a mine in Wyoming.

The deal, approved by a committee that included then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also followed donations from Uranium One’s Canadian chairman to the Clinton Global Foundation, the New York Times reported on Thursday.

In an interview with Bloomberg News, Ian Telfer, the former Uranium One chairman and current chairman of Goldcorp Inc., said he pledged a donation of $3 million to the Clinton charity in March 2008, “when it was never contemplated that at some point in the future the Russian government would become a major shareholder of Uranium One.”

Why black people hate Bernie

How Bernie Sanders Lost The Black Vote Long Before Super Tuesday

Bernie Sanders didn’t lose the black vote on Super Tuesday—he lost it a long time ago.

Last summer, one of the most telling and memorable moments of the still-nascent Democratic presidential race took shape when two protesters affiliated with the "Black Lives Matter" movement interrupted the Vermont senator at a Social Security rally in Seattle, demanding his microphone and overtaking him at the podium. Despite the chorus of boos from a disappointed crowd, organizers failed to regain control of the event, prompting Sanders to cancel the speech and leave the premises.

The disruption only lasted four and a half minutes, but that’s all it took for Sanders—to become "just another out-of-touch old white dude" in the eyes of many African Americans.

Nice...the GOP is clearly expanding its base, bring 'em all in under the hood.

Donald Trump Campaign Issues Press Passes To White Supremacists

Recently, it was discovered that the Trump campaign issued press credentials to a white nationalist radio show called The Political Cesspool. Over recent weeks Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has been fighting off accusations that his campaign has ties to white supremacist groups and political figures such as former Klu Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke.

The Political Cesspool is hosted by James Edwards, a white nationalist who describes Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream as “our nightmare.” He also says that “interracial sex is white genocide,” and that “slavery is the greatest thing to ever happen to” black people.

Edwards said in his blog that he “attended a Donald Trump rally in Memphis on Saturday night as a fully credentialed member of the media and enjoyed the unique experience of being able to air a live broadcast of The Political Cesspool Radio Program from inside the press pen while the event was in full swing.”

Here’s a full statement from Edwards about the event.

‘I must admit that this rally lived up to my expectations. I’ve been saying for years on the radio that the majority of Americans fundamentally agree with us on the issues and that the neocons were generals of a phantom army. I am being proven right. Our people just needed a viable candidate and they’ve identified Trump as that man. There is no doubt that Trump’s populism and nationalism is galvanizing our nation and may change the course of American history for the better right before our very eyes.

After getting my start in politics with Pat Buchanan in 2000, Donald Trump will be the first Republican nominee that I have ever voted for. Buchanan was a man ahead of the times and Trump is his vindicator. With family men like myself, it can be argued that Trump is now growing the party because there isn’t a chance that I would have ever considered voting for any of the other cuckservatives[sic] that made bids for the White House under the GOP banner this year. I also predict he’ll do better with minorities than either Mitt Romney and John McCain, as results in states like Nevada have already suggested.

A fellow traveler remarked to me in private that the ingredient in Trump’s historic rise that makes it so delicious is that it’s nuclear powered. It is unstoppable. It is impervious to foot-shuffling, complaints, whining, hysterical cries of “racism” and so-called “white supremacism.” Trump supporters don’t care and there is something undeniably infectious about Trump’s masculine attitude. He is a prototypical alpha male.

We don’t have to agree with everything Trump says and he doesn’t need to agree with everything we say. I firmly believe that everything for which I stand is both natural and healthy, but it wouldn’t bother me if Donald Trump himself denounced me and all of my friends. He can denounce me until the cows come home so long as he follows through on his pledge to build a wall and ensures that the aliens self deport. I am supporting him because immigration is the single biggest problem that our nation needs to solve. Demographics is destiny. He doesn’t need to support me.

The bottom line is that Trump is the only candidate who gives us a chance at having a fighter who will put America first. He’s the only candidate who isn’t owned and operated by special interests. With Trump, America has a chance to regain her identity.

A new day is dawning and it’s a beautiful sight to behold. Vote Trump. [ThePoliticalCesspool.org, 3/1/16]’

The radio show has faced criticism from various civil rights groups for its support of Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites, and white supremacists, like David Duke. The show describes itself as a “pro-white” program on its website and states its mission is “to revive the White birthright above replacement level fertility.”

The Political Cesspool is set to air an interview with Donald Trump Jr. on Saturday.
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Nobody gives a **** about paid disrupter thugs
The real question is why aren't these paid disrupters going to a Bernie rally instead of sticking their noses in a Trump rally?

Besides the money they get paid, oh right - black people hate Bernie, they wouldn't actually care what some wrinkled old socialist Jew has to say
No wonder Bernie can't find any black friends. Bernie fans are racist.

Bernie Sanders Fans Slam Black Voters After South Carolina Defeat

Dozens of aggressive threads and comments emerged after Hillary Clinton won in South Carolina with 74 percent of the vote—and with support from 86 percent of black voters,

Many called South Carolina “backwards” and labeled its residents “confederate flag waving bigots.” Others wondered why black voters didn’t turn out for Sanders, and blamed them for voting against their own interests.

Hillary puts them in their place


She conforms to an ideology that subjugates women, kills gays, takes slaves, and treats non-followers as second class citizens............so why does anything she says have any relevance here, and what gives here any moral authority?
And you wonder why the Donald wants to keep them out? Sheesh.
Hillary puts them in their place

There is some evidence that Hillary has a bit of a quick temper. It will be interesting to see if she ever loses her cool when confronted by Trump.

I could definitely see a scenario of an "event" where Hillary loses it between now and November. She might have health issues. If Trump loses it, it's part of his MO. But Hillary? Keeper her cool might be the hardest thing for her to do against someone like Trump. And could also decide the election.
Hillary can scream all she wants in prison....getting ready for an indictment?

Justice Dept. Grants Immunity to Staffer Who Set Up Clinton Email Server

The Justice Department has granted immunity to the former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email server, a sign the FBI investigation into possible criminal wrongdoing is progressing.

As the FBI looks to wrap up its investigation in the coming months, agents will likely want to interview Clinton and her senior aides about the decision to use a private server, how it was set up, and whether any of the participants knew they were sending classified information in emails, current and former officials said.

I think debates between Trump and Hillary will be HILL-*******-larious. Both will be super nasty to each other... I wonder If billy boy can have them both offed to make his life simpler? Tons of dirt is coming up in this one if it holds as is...
She is such a ******* imperious arrogant condescending *****. How in the world does anyone like her? Baffling.

It will make for some interesting debates between these two. She will wipe the floor with him in terms of being able to intelligently (albeit dishonestly) discuss issues, on the other hand she has proven herself so immensely unlikable time and time again, even Trump will look appealing next to her.
The cold, hard truth: it's game over for Bernie Sanders

It’s time for some cold hard truths in this presidential election.

Here’s an ice cold one: winning a landslide victory in the mighty state of Vermont is not a foundation for success. Especially if Vermont has been your home since the Jurassic age of politics.

Here’s another: if you hold a victory rally before most of the states have been called, you’re not fooling anyone. When your victorious supporters have emptied the hall before the TV pundits have barely warmed up, you’re actually throwing a consolation party.

... it’s only a matter of time before Sanders stops perpetuating his own hoax and looks at the data of the delegate count.
