If someone wants to say "But Trump..." that won't play well even on their side because then you're saying that your guy couldn't come up with a better plan than the hated Orange Man.I have to be honest. It truly disgusts me that anyone would defend Joe Biden on this. This was an unmitigated disaster. They have tried to sell this as Trumps plan, and even if you believe that (and I can't imagine how you could, aside from partisan politics), Biden had an additional three months to get **** right and still ****** it all up. Who in their right mind collapses the entire force into one small airport? The minute that happened, they were sitting ducks. It was a totally stupid strategy, and if the "Generals" signed off on it, they should be relieved immediately for being ******* retards. Any Soldier worth his salt KNOWS you don't leave yourself without options and escape routes, you know, in the event some ******** decide they are going to mingle amongst the people trying to escape and blow themselves up. I am still in disbelief at the stupidity. It's even worse that people are ok with any of the way this played out.
Reading this thread and some of the **** on twitter, there are a whole lot of people that need to just renounce their citizenship. You know who you are and you aren't American. you are the antithesis of American. Politics has so permeated every level of American society, institutions, even the military that we are no longer a functioning civilization. I mean, when you read the ways that this administration ****** up this whole surrender, and your first reaction is "but Trump" you are the ******* problem. America should be disgusted right now, but only a portion actually is, because politics.
In the end, quite possibly hundreds of Americans are going to be left stranded in Afghanistan waiting for the Taliban, ISIS-K, Haqqani Network or Al Qaeda to kill, torture or exploit them. And the same people yelling "but Trump" will be blaming those stranded. You can bank on it. I give it a week.
Hundreds of Americans are stranded. Biden is just saving face, trying to make up for the goof he did.I have to be honest. It truly disgusts me that anyone would defend Joe Biden on this. This was an unmitigated disaster. They have tried to sell this as Trumps plan, and even if you believe that (and I can't imagine how you could, aside from partisan politics), Biden had an additional three months to get **** right and still ****** it all up. Who in their right mind collapses the entire force into one small airport? The minute that happened, they were sitting ducks. It was a totally stupid strategy, and if the "Generals" signed off on it, they should be relieved immediately for being ******* retards. Any Soldier worth his salt KNOWS you don't leave yourself without options and escape routes, you know, in the event some ******** decide they are going to mingle amongst the people trying to escape and blow themselves up. I am still in disbelief at the stupidity. It's even worse that people are ok with any of the way this played out.
Reading this thread and some of the **** on twitter, there are a whole lot of people that need to just renounce their citizenship. You know who you are and you aren't American. you are the antithesis of American. Politics has so permeated every level of American society, institutions, even the military that we are no longer a functioning civilization. I mean, when you read the ways that this administration ****** up this whole surrender, and your first reaction is "but Trump" you are the ******* problem. America should be disgusted right now, but only a portion actually is, because politics.
In the end, quite possibly hundreds of Americans are going to be left stranded in Afghanistan waiting for the Taliban, ISIS-K, Haqqani Network or Al Qaeda to kill, torture or exploit them. And the same people yelling "but Trump" will be blaming those stranded. You can bank on it. I give it a week.
Like Sarge said, everything is so politicized now. It’s created such a huge divide to where even our own are at combat with each other. It truly sucks to see actual freedoms and democracy fading away cause people cannot put politics aside anymore. Parties are defined no longer by character but by political stereotypes which has backfired both way and is creating a bleak and I mean very bleak future.If someone wants to say "But Trump..." that won't play well even on their side because then you're saying that your guy couldn't come up with a better plan than the hated Orange Man.
So then President Vegetable can reverse the border wall, immigration policy, and the Keystone Pipeline, but as Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces he can't change military orders?
Yeah, that doesn't wash except among the hardcore Kool-Aid drinkers.
At least Twitter might finally ban Isis and the Tally Bon if they make Vegetable look bad.Hundreds of Americans are stranded. Biden is just saving face, trying to make up for the goof he did.
The guy is incapable and too old too strategize the mishap. I’m all for getting the troops out, but you have to make sure everyone is collected before take off. Now we have hundreds of our own probably being beaten and beheaded as I type
Now the left eats their own. I doubt it though.At least Twitter might finally ban Isis and the Tally Bon if they make Vegetable look bad.
Hmmm ... seems Bush for 2 terms, Obama for 2 terms and now Biden have all been in office when our men and women are killed in that ****** nation.
I think that is all the Presidents since the United States entered Afghanistan, right? I don't know, I might be missing somebody there.
Let me see, let me see ...
Sixty-four American troops died in Afghanistan under Trump’s watch yet you sat silent. Most of you didn’t care. Now that Biden is President you care all of the sudden?
It has nothing to do with our troops, but rather your politics. You should all be ashamed. But you won’t be. Because the past four years has turned you into a cynical, nihilistic lot.
Yeah, our politics.
You won't even comment on this. Biden is a ******* insensitive asshat. At least he showed though. Obama couldn't be bothered to be at Dover when a general was killed in Afghanistan and brought home.
But Biden was so busy he checked his ******* watch.
Tell me how great this idiot is Tiblio?
Joe Biden Actually Checked His Watch During Transfer of Bodies at Dover and He Wasn't Even Subtle About It
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were at the Dover Air Force Base Sunday morning for the dignified transfer of 11 of the 13 service members who lost theirtownhall.com
Who the **** does this? It wasn't some accident, he gave them the city that we could have kept. ******* guy should be in prison.
GOP Senator Rages After A New Report Shows How One Horrific Decision By The Biden Administration Gave Them 'Complicity For A Terrorist Takeover'
They should all be in prison.conservativebrief.com
It's a rather superficial analysis to make this a 'but Trump...' issue. That it's all about shifting blame from Biden to Trump.
As I stated early in this thread *everything* happening now is on Biden. He's the President, the Commander in Chief, responsibility lies with him.
The daggers are out, everyone's piling on Biden. Fair enough. This draw-down and evacuation has been anything but orderly or well-planned. The death of our troops is devastating. Nobody is denying any of that. They ****** up big time.
That can all be true, and it still can be commendable that our troops have managed to evacauate 100k+ folks in the span of weeks. The fact that Americans remaining in Kabul are in the *few hundred,* not the thousands as earlier. Is it not possible to see that as good news? Is the goal here not to get everyone out safely? Or is the goal to bash the sitting President while this is playing out in real time?
While holding Biden's feet to the fire, is it not possible to have a conversation in good faith about how we got to this point?
To think you can take a scalpel and remove the specific events that led to this chaotic exit is disingenuous. Why would anyone do that? It's become taboo to discuss the Trump admin's role in this, spanning four years. Why is that?
Foreign policy, if anything, bridges Presidential administrations. It's American foreign policy, regardless who's in the WH. Presidents negotiate and make deals on behalf of the country, not themselves, or their political parties.
What's happened in this thread, is an expectation that American foreign policy be frozen in time. Why has this become the Right's sacred cow? Untouchable, can't bring it up. If you do, you have full blown TDS and are *blaming* Trump.
That's neither genuine nor accurate. Biden didn't negotiate this exit, nor did he embrace the Taliban, cut the Afghan government out of the process, release 5,000 hardened terrorists from prison, nor did he set a deadline for the exit. If you truly believe none of this led to the events unfolding today in Kabul, you're not being honest with yourself.
Things have become too binary in American political discourse. It's only about *blaming* one or the other.
Last thing that'll ever happen on this board is an open, even-keeled discussion. Nothing new or out of the ordinary on that front.
Biden is a piece of ****. There's no way around it. It doesn't matter party affiliate.What a feeling it must be right now for Americans stuck in that country hearing the president of The United States will abandon them.
A callous corrupted illegitimate dirty old man incapable of leading who turns his back on you.
Look at your watch Joe, time for you to go.
Here is the rub...We dont know what Trump's plan was compared to what Biden's team executed. Based on Biden's actions with other Trump plans and policies I believe it's safe to assume that he scrapped Trump's exit strategy as well. But, we don't' know.It's a rather superficial analysis to make this a 'but Trump...' issue. That it's all about shifting blame from Biden to Trump.
As I stated early in this thread *everything* happening now is on Biden. He's the President, the Commander in Chief, responsibility lies with him.
The daggers are out, everyone's piling on Biden. Fair enough. This draw-down and evacuation has been anything but orderly or well-planned. The death of our troops is devastating. Nobody is denying any of that. They ****** up big time.
That can all be true, and it still can be commendable that our troops have managed to evacauate 100k+ folks in the span of weeks. The fact that Americans remaining in Kabul are in the *few hundred,* not the thousands as earlier. Is it not possible to see that as good news? Is the goal here not to get everyone out safely? Or is the goal to bash the sitting President while this is playing out in real time?
While holding Biden's feet to the fire, is it not possible to have a conversation in good faith about how we got to this point?
To think you can take a scalpel and remove the specific events that led to this chaotic exit is disingenuous. Why would anyone do that? It's become taboo to discuss the Trump admin's role in this, spanning four years. Why is that?
Foreign policy, if anything, bridges Presidential administrations. It's American foreign policy, regardless who's in the WH. Presidents negotiate and make deals on behalf of the country, not themselves, or their political parties.
What's happened in this thread, is an expectation that American foreign policy be frozen in time. Why has this become the Right's sacred cow? Untouchable, can't bring it up. If you do, you have full blown TDS and are *blaming* Trump.
That's neither genuine nor accurate. Biden didn't negotiate this exit, nor did he embrace the Taliban, cut the Afghan government out of the process, release 5,000 hardened terrorists from prison, nor did he set a deadline for the exit. If you truly believe none of this led to the events unfolding today in Kabul, you're not being honest with yourself.
Things have become too binary in American political discourse. It's only about *blaming* one or the other.
Last thing that'll ever happen on this board is an open, even-keeled discussion. Nothing new or out of the ordinary on that front.
The only way to really win Afghanistan is to stay there for another 20 years and keep educating the people while the Tally Bon slowly gets eliminated or dies of old age. Similar to the Democrats' philosophy of changing America to Socialism.I’m sure there is plenty of blame to go around regarding how we got here. The historians can sort that out. With regards to what’s happening right this minute, we’ll never know how this final act would have played out under Trump, or anyone else, but we certainly know how it’s playing out under Biden and by all accounts it seems like one of the biggest clusters in our nation’s history. It’s difficult to imagine Afghanistan not turning into an AirBnB for terrorists, which is counter to what I thought was one of the primary reasons we went there in the first place. It all feels like a huge waste of time, lives & resources and the damage seems to extend far beyond Afghanistan. I don’t think we would be anyone’s first pick right now when partnering up to go kick someone’s a$$. I would have rather stayed forever than leave like this and maybe that’s the price you have to weigh when you choose to invade.
As I stated early in this thread *everything* happening now is on Biden. He's the President, the Commander in Chief, responsibility lies with him.
That can all be true, and it still can be commendable that our troops have managed to evacauate 100k+ folks in the span of weeks. The fact that Americans remaining in Kabul are in the *few hundred,* not the thousands as earlier. Is it not possible to see that as good news?
Is the goal here not to get everyone out safely? Or is the goal to bash the sitting President while this is playing out in real time?
While holding Biden's feet to the fire, is it not possible to have a conversation in good faith about how we got to this point?
To think you can take a scalpel and remove the specific events that led to this chaotic exit is disingenuous. Why would anyone do that? It's become taboo to discuss the Trump admin's role in this, spanning four years. Why is that?
Things have become too binary in American political discourse. It's only about *blaming* one or the other. Last thing that'll ever happen on this board is an open, even-keeled discussion. Nothing new or out of the ordinary on that front.
Or is the goal to bash the sitting President while this is playing out in real time?
I’m sure there is plenty of blame to go around regarding how we got here. The historians can sort that out. With regards to what’s happening right this minute, we’ll never know how this final act would have played out under Trump, or anyone else, but we certainly know how it’s playing out under Biden and by all accounts it seems like one of the biggest clusters in our nation’s history. It’s difficult to imagine Afghanistan not turning into an AirBnB for terrorists, which is counter to what I thought was one of the primary reasons we went there in the first place. It all feels like a huge waste of time, lives & resources and the damage seems to extend far beyond Afghanistan. I don’t think we would be anyone’s first pick right now when partnering up to go kick someone’s a$$. I would have rather stayed forever than leave like this and maybe that’s the price you have to weigh when you choose to invade.
I will admit my own relatively minor failure: I voted for invertebrate-con Mitt Romney in 2012 and have spent the last nine years regretting it, but now I look at the saps who checked the box for that crusty old pervert who’s busy flushing our country down the crapper and I feel really bad for them. Well, at least for those Biden voters who weren’t dead when they cast their ballots.
They thought that mean tweets and dating Playboy models was so outrageously awful that they needed to exchange him for a half-wit plagiarist with busy hands and a slothful mind. He was no prize before he put the “d” in “dementia.” Prior to allegedly being elected president, this dork was, as Democrat Robert Gates famously put it, “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." The same genius who thought capping Bin Ladin was a bad idea also thought ditching Bagram was a good one. Well, at least he’s consistent.
Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.
This is your failure.
Own it.
Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country.
That’s a bitchslap with a mic drop.Particularly since every important part of the surrender was Biden's decision - abandoning Bagram, leaving behind more than a billion dollars in equipment, abandoning the embassy, giving security over to the Taliban, giving Kabul to the Taliban rather than keeping it under US control, deciding to use Karzai airport for the surrender rather than Bagram (which has a very large runway capable of handling the largest planes in the US fleet), the decision to use an airport in a heavily-populated urban area now controlled by the Taliban rather than a military airport 30 miles from Kabul), giving up Bagram without telling the Afghans, giving up Bagram without telling allies in the country or in Europe, setting the August 31 deadline (that was Xiden's decision), and on and on.
This is Biden's doing. Every single thing I referenced above - Biden's and his alone.
Who is criticizing those in-country and doing their best to evacuate Americans? But every single important point about how this was done was done woefully, and decided by people who so far have suffered no consequences - Biden, Austin, Milley. Every goddamn one of them should be put out to pasture.
Biden lit the hotel on fire. The firemen are doing their damndest to save the people from the fire Biden set. Criticizing Biden does NOT equal criticizing the firemen.
You think the two are mutually exclusive? Why? Seriously, doing our best to evacuate the Americans Biden abandoned can be done concurrently with lambasting the guy who is responsible.
It is not possible to have such discussion with somebody suffering a near-fatal level of TDS and who blames Donald Trump for more than a dozen Biden decisions.
The Biden administration is the dumbest, softest, most incompetent group of morons ever to pollute that great office. You get that those dullards and their quisling bootlickers in the media blame Donald Trump for terrible crises created 100% by Biden - the disaster on the southern border and the surrender in Afghanistan?
I listed Biden's sole decisions about the surrender above.
Which one of those belongs to Trump?
You should read any one of about 5,000 posts you authored between November, 2016 and January, 2021. Just read a few. Look at your dire predictions, your blaming Trump for every thing that went bad, your refusal to give Trump credit, your prediction of catastrophe and a schism with our allies in Europe, Russia's unstoppable rise to dominance, and on and on.
And you have not offered a syllable of criticism for the guy who encouraged more than 1 million illegals to walk into the country, an estimated 250,000 with ******* Covid, no job skills, no money, no vetting, to be dumped in red states to try and slow their progress as a stark contrast to the failing and decrepit true blue California, Oregon and New York, or his myriad of unbelievably bad decisions about Afghanistan I have referenced above.
Not a syllable.
But Trump and Covid? Hoo-boy, it's on.
correction:This lays on Biden, Trump, Obama and Bush. Call it out for once. Americans suffered for 20 years for bs. All because of lies. Biden could’ve handled it better