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Taliban 2, USA 1

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FYI - Xiden was VP during Benghazi.
so he's got quite a goddamned track record of botched evacs
Doesn't seem to be a family of a lost soldier that has an ounce of respect for this disgusting human some call our President.


Chappell wrote on Facebook that she was able to get “5 inches from” Biden’s face and look him “straight in the eyes” and “have words with” him.

Chappell expressed the pain she was experiencing of never again being able to enjoy her son when Biden “tried to interrupt me” with his own “sob story” and she had to tell him “this isn’t about you so don’t make it about you!”

Writing to Biden in the post, Chappell continued [edited for clarity]:

You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how I feel and I let you know that you don’t know how I feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how I feel! You then rolled your f***ing eyes in your head like you were annoyed with me and I let you know that the only reason I was talking to you was out of respect for my son. …

You turned to walk away and I let you know my sons blood was on your hands and you threw your hand up behind you as you walked away from me like you were saying ‘ok whatever!’


Compare that with President Bush. Remember the famous story of the mother of a soldier killed overseas who tore into him?? Bush took it. All of it. Simply said he was sorry, your son's a hero, my condolences, but he took every bit of her venom and never got defensive. Interviewed later, asked why...he said he understood, fully and she had every right to hate him and be that angry.

Classy human v despicable human.
Some irrefutable facts about Biden's royal, unadulterated, stunning ****-up in Afghanistan:
  • Biden abandoned Bagram Air Base, with its much more remote location and massive runway, leaving behind a MASSIVE amount of American military hardware, valued in the tens of billions of dollars.
  • As a result, the Taliban now have more Blackhawk helicopters than Australia.
  • Biden ceded Kabul to the Taliban.
  • Biden ceded security of a civilian airport, Karzai International, to the Taliban.
  • Biden told AMERICANS to stop going to the airport about 24 hours before the last plane left.
  • Biden had to be TOLD by those on the ground to open a gate to allow Americans access to the airport.
  • Biden promised not to leave until all Americans who wanted to leave were taken out of the country.
  • Biden left an unknown number of Americans behind, in large part because (i) he gave up security to the Taliban, (ii) the civilian airport became a madhouse, (iii) Biden had the gates closed to the airport for hours, and (iv) Biden told Americans to stop going to the airport.
  • Biden claims there are a few hundred Americans left in Afghanistan.
  • Those helping Americans escape say that is an absolute lie, as they are receiving vastly more pleas for help than the fake number given by the Biden administration.
  • Private civilians and contractors were able to help hundreds of Americans get out of the country.
  • But Biden claims he is unable to find and help the remaining Americans.
  • But somehow Biden claims he could locate a chief bombmaker or something and have him killed within 24 hours of the suicide attack.
  • The British removed their citizens.
  • The Australians removed their citizens.
  • Biden abandoned American citizens and now is leaving their fate to the Taliban and brave Americans helping Americans escape that shithole.
Biden apologists - go ahead, refute one thing I've noted. ONE.
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Some irrefutable facts about Biden's royal, unadulterated, stunning ****-up in Afghanistan:
  • Biden abandoned Bagram Air Base, with its much more remote location and massive runway, leaving behind a MASSIVE amount of American military hardware, valued in the tens of billions of dollars.
  • As a result, the Taliban now have more Blackhawk helicopters than Australia.
  • Biden ceded Kabul to the Taliban.
  • Biden ceded security of a civilian airport, Karzai International, to the Taliban.
  • Biden told AMERICANS to stop going to the airport about 24 hours before the last plane left.
  • Biden had to be TOLD by those on the ground to open a gate to allow Americans access to the airport.
  • Biden promised not to leave until all Americans who wanted to leave were taken out of the country.
  • Biden left an unknow number of Americans behind, in large part because (i) he gave up security to the Taliban, (ii) the civilian airport became a madhouse, (iii) Biden had the gates closed to the airport for hours, and (iv) Biden told Americans to stop going to the airport.
  • Biden claims there are a few hundred Americans left in Afghanistan.
  • Those helping Americans escape say that is an absolute lie, as they are receiving vastly more pleas for help than the fake number given by the Biden administration.
  • Private civilians and contractors were able to help hundreds of Americans get out of the country.
  • But Biden claims he is unable to find and help the remaining Americans.
  • But somehow Biden claims he could locate a chief bombmaker or something and have him killed within 24 hours of the suicide attack.
  • The British removed their citizens.
  • The Australians removed their citizens.
  • Biden abandoned American citizens and now is leaving their fate to the Taliban and brave Americans helping Americans escape that shithole.
Biden apologists - go ahead, refute one thing I've noted. ONE.

MUST share you know where
87 retired Generals/Admirals.



Dozens of retired generals and admirals have called on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley to step down, accusing them of “negligence” in connection with the disastrous US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The signatories, who claim membership in a group called “Flag Officers 4 America,” claim Austin and Milley “should have recommended against this dangerous withdrawal in the strongest possible terms. If they did not do everything within their authority to stop the hasty withdrawal, they should resign.”

Conversely, the letter adds, if Austin and Milley fought President Biden’s pullout order tooth and nail, they still should resign “as a matter of conscience and public statement.”

The letter had 87 signatories as of Monday night, including retired Navy Rear Adm. John Poindexter, a former national security adviser under President Ronald Reagan; Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), a former Navy rear admiral and longtime White House physician; and retired Army Brig. Gen. Donald Bolduc, a Republican candidate to represent New Hampshire in the US Senate next year.
Knock yourself out. I did not link my sources as that would have made the post too long for Floggy to read.

I didn't tag your MIL....soooooo you'll be allowed to eat dinner tonight. You're welcome.
The hits just keep coming. Damn.


I had never heard the word “doolally” until this morning. If you hadn’t either, it turns out to mean exactly what you’d think it means.

I also hadn’t heard last week that that word was being thrown around in British cabinet meetings about Biden, but apparently the UK’s Sunday Times reported it eight days ago. The Washington Post picked it up in a story published the same day. And if you believe the Daily Telegraph, the news didn’t go unnoticed in the Biden White House.

The Sunday Times story was published 48 hours or so after he made this laughable comment at a White House presser:

That was the same day that a British diplomatic memo mysteriously leaked indicating that Biden had told U.S. allies at the G7 in June that America would secure Kabul so that all partner nations would be able to evacuate their locals before a Taliban takeover. Two months later, the U.S. has been reduced to announcing that it and scores of other countries have reached a delicate agreement with the Taliban to keep evacuating foreign nationals and friendlies after our last troops are withdrawn.

So you can understand why the Brits’ opinion of Biden might have turned dim lately. There was even a claim, denied by Boris Johnson’s office, that the prime minister had taken to referring to him as “Sleepy Joe.”

Biden has read all of those reports and won’t soon forget this, a source told the Telegraph today. Except he probably will forget it, though, no? That goes with the territory of being “doolally.”

“The Brits have their view. But they should be careful. What’s been said is offensive and he will remember it. He actually has a long memory,” a US source told the Telegraph.

“It’s always been his way that if somebody says something really bad to him, or about him, he doesn’t speak to them again. He does bear grudges. Boris Johnson should know that.”

The source added: “The president is not ‘gaga’. He’s actually picked up his game quite a bit since the campaign.”…

[A White House insider] said: “Quite frankly, it bodes poorly for the relationship with the UK. The special relationship is very much in danger at this point.

Members of Biden’s own party can’t go around calling him “gaga” or “doolally” but they can try to put some distance between themselves and the Kabul fiasco — and they are trying, Axios notes. Nothing reveals how feeble the White House’s “biggest airlift in history!” spin is than the fact that other Dems want nothing to do with the operation:

Rep. Susan Wild (D-Pa.) said in a statement that it’s “long past time” to end U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, but added: t appears that the evacuation process has been egregiously mishandled.”

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.), a former CIA officer who focused on counterterrorism efforts in the Middle East, spearheaded a bipartisan statement from the Problem Solvers Caucus calling on the administration to reconsider Tuesday’s withdrawal deadline…

Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) distanced herself from the president as he reiterated his commitment to the withdrawal date: “We must complete this mission, regardless of any arbitrary deadlines.”

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) told a local station in Las Vegas earlier this month that she “asked this administration [about its Afghanistan plan], never received anything. And so yeah, I do have questions. What happened? It’s devastating what we’re seeing right now and we need to have answers.”


“Feeble-Brained”; Trump Releases Scathing Statement On Biden’s Handling of Afghanistan​

Josh Cohen August 30, 2021 BREAKING NEWS No Comments



On Monday, former President Donald Trump released a statement that had some predictably barbed, but nonetheless entertaining, words for gaffer-in-chief Joe Biden over his incompetent, burgeoning on impeachable conduct of Afghanistan.
In a statement bursting with Trumpian whimsy and wit, Mr 45 stated that “Never in history has a withdrawal from war been handled so badly or incompetently as the Biden Administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. In addition to the obvious, ALL EQUIPMENT should be demanded to be immediately returned to the United States and that includes every penny of the $85 billion dollars in cost. If it is not handed back, we should either go in w/unequivocal Military force and get it or at least bomb the hell out of it. Nobody ever thought such stupidity, as this feeble-brained withdrawal, was possible!”
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“The Brits have their view. But they should be careful. What’s been said is offensive and he will remember it. He actually has a long memory,” a US source told the Telegraph.

“It’s always been his way that if somebody says something really bad to him, or about him, he doesn’t speak to them again. He does bear grudges.”

Wonder how he'd do in a certain text thread among "friends."
Xiden GAVE the Taliban $85 BILLION worth of military equipment. Why hasn't he been charged with treason yet?

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I'm refusing to believe that even though Diaper Doofus doesn't know what day of the week it is, that anyone else in that administration is this absolutely incompetent. Maybe a backhanded arms deal for even more nefarious reasons? Why? How? How could they possibly get that much equipment by mere accident?
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If there aren't firings and resignations over this **** show, it will be a disgrace.

The Washington Post is reporting that some Democrats are privately expressing their concerns about the handling of the Afghanistan crisis and would like to see top Biden administration officials fired over the debacle.

“In private discussions, some House Democrats have raised the prospect of whether Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan — two of Biden’s most trusted aides — should lose their jobs,” the Post revealed this past weekend.

Seems like a reasonable proposition considering the botched withdrawal of US forces in Afghanistan, culminating with last week’s suicide bombing which claimed the lives of 13 American soldiers and as many as 170 civilians.

I'm refusing to believe that even though Diaper Doofus doesn't know what day of the week it is, that anyone else in that administration is this absolutely incompetent. Maybe a backhanded arms deal for even more nefarious reasons? Why? How? How could they possibly get that much equipment by mere accident?
I mean its not like they loaded planes with cash and sent them to Iran, and then those bad guys went and bought rockets or guns or anything like that....this was a simpler transaction: US government buys weapons and toys and just forgets them in country.
What a cluster ****. The Pentagon and the White House on completely different pages, reporting totally different messages to Americans.


All talk.

Gee, what a shocker.

Gee, what a shocker.

All I got is anger and disgust. Nothing our government could do would surprise or shock me anymore.

Unfortunately they keep proving me right in showing they absolutely do not give a **** about the average citizen and can't be trusted.
And they are openly mocking us and our allies.
