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Target Down 5 Billion Since Embracing Trans Bathroom Policy

really? seems that you just answer concerns with questions.

There wasn't one question in that post.

The questions I ask are to encourage you to think rationally and deal with your hysteria and paranoia.
but how do you know that YOU are the one acting rationally? what makes you think that Tim, myself and others are in hysterics and paranoid?
Appreciate the story. Painful situation. I feel for these people and these families.

And since I don't hate transgenders... (for the 937th time)

Can we get back to the issue of these laws and Obama's dictatorial mandates allowing predators unfettered access to women's restrooms, showers and locker rooms?

Jake still doesn't have a **** though and needs to use the women's room.
There wasn't one question in that post.

The questions I ask are to encourage you to think rationally and deal with your hysteria and paranoia.

You're a minority thinker in this country on this issue.

I'm completely rational on this issue. In fact, I'm clear as a bell and utterly resolute that this movement is wrong and dangerous. It's obvious this is going to cause a ripple effect of many problems that make life for all of us worse.

Some people are going to be victims.

The rest of us are being forced to conform to a new norm.

Women who've born children, conscious of their stretch marks and wanting privacy now have none, as they must use communal showers alongside men (oh sure, they can be relegated to the back of the bus and wait for the man/woman to leave) if they aren't comfortable exposing themselves to them.

Adolescent teen girls, bodies just changing, often very self conscious and dangerously subject to life long problems if ridiculed, now must undress in high school next to males.

Parents may move their daughters into college only to find that their daughter's room mate is a male.

Parents may show up at school to drop their daughter off for the overnight band trip, and not know (because they can't be told) that their daughter that night will be sharing a hotel room with a male and will only learn about it when she calls them or upon her return.

These are just a few examples. This movement is happening - they tell you but I know better - because of the feelings of transgendered people. If you really and truly were compassionate, and you really and truly felt for other human beings, then likewise you'd have feelings for these moms in showers, self conscious and concerned; for these daughters at high schools, self conscious and concerned; for these teenagers, off on their first over-night trips, scared but excited; for these brand new freshmen girls...for all of them.

By choosing this one side you have - the feelings of transgenders - you simultaneously disregard the feelings and rights of today's women and girls.

As I've said, as experts have said - this is a battle in the war on women. Women nation-wide are being stripped of their comforts, protections, norms and rights for the feelings of a minuscule scant few. You are one of their soldiers.

That Trog, isn't hysteria. It's plain. It's obvious. It's evident. It's logical. As easy to see as the nose in front of your face.

Some of you refuse to open your eyes.

On a side note, could you go back and answer my questions? I give you the courtesy of a reply to yours - regardless how inane they all are.
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Creepier than 55 year old man pulling his dick out in front of a bunch of teen girls?

Hey! I told you....I was peeing! And I'm 60.

Hersheypark Announces Commitment to Allowing Men Who Identify as Women to Use Women’s Restrooms

HERSHEY, Pa. — A Pennsylvania amusement park that is a popular attraction for families with children has announced that its internal policies allow visitors and employees to use the restroom that correlates with their “gender identity.” Hersheypark officials released a statement on Friday outlining that its restroom accommodations have already been in place and will continue.

“We recognize that the more perspectives we have within our company, the more welcoming we are to all those who visit and seek employment here,” said Public Relations Manager Kathy Burrows. “In fact, our company has four core values, one of which is ‘respectful



BUT.....only respectful of those we feel certain will sue the **** out of us if we aren't.

The barrier to entry of which you speak is the symbol of a woman on an unlocked door and the societal norm that it's for women. IT'S. STILL. THERE.

Who are these men that are commonly found using the women's room now? None of the women I know are encountering them.

Just because you have thought up an apocalyptic vision of public restrooms doesn't mean it exists. People have realized this isn't a big deal and continues to do so (see Hershey Park).

People have been cowed into thinking this is "no big deal" by the sjw's. When the actual ramifications of this gender bending insanity are realized (such as the room mate situation) I predict a great hue and cry. Kinda like the aftermath of obamacare, which also was "no big deal."

So you're telling me that I could send my daughter off to college and the college would have the right to place her with a male dorm roommate? Without even being obligated to let me know in advance?

Not obligated? They're not even "permitted" to do so. This is what the imperial one has decreed. Transgender, which IS a mental illness, now trumps your rights as a parent and your ability to protect your child. The natural extension of this "logic" is that every mental illness will eventually be treated in a manner that bars you from knowing or acknowledging that it exists despite the peril in which it may place a loved one. Serial rapist on parole? Meet your daughters roomie, Dad. But don't object because the DOJ will make your life a living hell.

Tell me why the above is impossible. For that matter given the way we're "progressing" tell me why it's even implausible.

They are not actually fine with it. They have just been bullied into silence. They have been programmed in PC culture their whole lives to the point that comedians like Chris Rock has quit playing college shows because they won't laugh at anything. They don't think they are allowed to laugh.

There are some that winningly go along with it even though they personally disagree. This is because they have been convinced that the need for this is so great that they must just get used to it.

It's the same way Obamacare was passed. The vast majority were actually happy with their own coverage. Maybe they'd complain about some copays but for the most part, they were happy. That's why they kept lying about If you like your Dr, you can keep your Dr. They knew most people did not want any change for themselves. The scam was in convincing them they their neighbor was dying without healthcare and needed this change.

The same thing happens here. They first put out the notion that this is a HUGE issue that demands immediate change. Next they try to convince people it is no big deal. They won't even notice anything.

Then you read the fine print and you drop your daughter off at college and find out her roommate is a guy. And when you complain, the school will explain that by law it is your daughter who will be disciplined if she complains.



When Maddy Ralston came into this world almost 21 years ago, it was love at first sight.

I cradled her in my arms, my adopted miracle, and couldn’t stop crying. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

As she grew up, Maddy eschewed the traditional girly girl stuff. “If you get me a doll for Christmas, I’ll cut its head off,” she once admonished me.

She refused to wear the skirts in the school uniform catalogue, preferring the khaki pants. She became a full-fledged tomboy before high school. She was a stunning, blonde-blue-eyed kid, but she didn’t care. She would rather go sit for hours and fish at Sunset Park than go to the mall with other girls. She told me she wanted to be a boy.

It’s just a phase, I figured. So many women told me stories of their tomboy days.

We went shopping for clothes, and she would never go into the girls’ section. Always the boys. It wasn’t even a question.

I didn’t really care. She was my little girl, and I adored her.

The father-daughter bond was growing ever-stronger. We did everything together. I rarely missed a game, be it soccer or basketball or volleyball or flag football. We went to Europe three times, reveling in each other’s company. I loved making occasional allusions to her in my writing, calling her “The Teen.”

When she got to high school, she was bullied during her freshman year. High school girls are the worst. They whispered she was a lesbian, and I figured they were right.

I didn’t care. She was my Maddy. That’s all that mattered.

She had a boyfriend for a little while. But that didn’t last long. It didn’t feel right to her, I could tell.

Then she had a girlfriend. It lasted for awhile, but she wasn’t happy. Something wasn’t right.

Maddy never really talked about what the truth was until junior year. But somehow she had known since she was five, when she eschewed dolls and dresses.

I don’t think I even listened very well when Maddy told me a few years ago she was really a male inside, that she was transgender. Sure, you are, I thought. It’s just a phase, I was certain.

After all, the kid has been through a lot. Her mother had died. She had to switch schools. She had no idea who she was.

But the truth was I had no idea. Or I was in denial.

Slowly but surely, I have come to not just accept it but to embrace it. I have learned a lot about transgender issues through my job. I have read a bit.

But I don’t want to talk about bathrooms or locker rooms. I don’t want to debate the public policy issues in North Carolina or whether the president was right to sue. There will be plenty of time for that.

My first instinct, as ever, has been to protect my child, to make sure Maddy is safe and happy. That’s all most parents ever want for their children.

Life is difficult as it is. But with so much ignorance out there breeding so much fear, so much visceral recoiling from the concept of transgenderism, I fear this will make Maddy’s life that much harder.

So many people I know and respect spout off about the issue, on social media, even in person, because they don’t know about Maddy. They don’t know the reality. They don’t know, so I cut them slack.

They will come around. Only the hateful ones won’t.

Maddy already has experienced some of it on campus. She has been called “an abomination of God,” been told her mother killed herself because she was ashamed of her, that she is “going to burn in hell.”

It must be unimaginably excruciating to hear such things. I feel boiling rage when she tells me.

I admit I sometimes still have a hard time with it all. I look around the house, see the pictures of me with my little girl and my eyes fill with tears. But those memories are forever, and Maddy told me not to take them down, that she cherishes those, too.

Last year, Maddy began talking about transitioning, about having surgery. And about six months ago, Maddy began taking testosterone to begin the process of becoming who she really is.

This week, Maddy went to court, bravely told a judge why she wanted to be a male and wanted her birth certificate changed, too. After the hearing, when it was finally real, when he called me, I don’t think I have ever heard my kid sound so happy. And he wanted the story told.

When I get home later this week, I will see someone officially named Jake Ralston for the first time. And one thing I know for certain: It will be love at first sight.

Lovely story. Lovely. WTF's it got to do with this thread?
Situations like this are one of the many ripple effects we will see down the line. You being forced to speak the way they want you to speak, or be fined. A deliberate incursion on Freedom of Speech. We live in dark times.

By accepting these edicts and laws, we capitulate and hand even more power over to the Government. This is the danger of this whole transgender thing. It isn't about them, never was. It isn't about their feelings or their rights, it never was. It's a smoke screen many are falling for because they've preyed on your sympathies (like terrorists do - Let the Syrians in!) in order to get you to open your doors and let down your guard. This "cause" is allowing New York to pass laws like this that limit your speech and tell you how to think.

Tip. Of. The. Iceberg.

After transgenders, it will be something else. But this will be the precedent - fining, firing, even maybe jailing people for not using the proper pronoun when addressing someone. From there, using the next cause celebre, a precedent will be set. "Oh yes we can force you to speak certain ways." Before long, we have thought police.


You can be fined for not calling people ‘ze’ or ‘hir,’ if that’s the pronoun they demand that you use

That’s the official legal guidance from the New York City Commission on Human Rights:

The NYCHRL [New York City Human Rights Law] requires employers[, landlords, and all businesses and professionals] to use an [employee’s, tenant’s, customer’s, or client’s] preferred name, pronoun and title (e.g., Ms./Mrs.) regardless of the individual’s sex assigned at birth, anatomy, gender, medical history, appearance, or the sex indicated on the individual’s identification.

Most individuals and many transgender people use female or male pronouns and titles. Some transgender and gender non-conforming people prefer to use pronouns other than he/him/his or she/her/hers, such as they/them/theirs or ze/hir. [Footnote: Ze and hir are popular gender-free pronouns preferred by some transgender and/or gender non-conforming individuals.] …

Examples of Violations

a. Intentional or repeated refusal to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun or title. For example, repeatedly calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” after she has made clear which pronouns and title she uses …

Covered entities may avoid violations of the NYCHRL by creating a policy of asking everyone what their preferred gender pronoun is so that no individual is singled out for such questions and by updating their systems to allow all individuals to self-identify their names and genders. They should not limit the options for identification to male and female only.

So people can basically force us — on pain of massive legal liability — to say what they want us to say, whether or not we want to endorse the political message associated with that term, and whether or not we think it’s a lie.

We have to use “ze,” a made-up word that carries an obvious political connotation (endorsement of the “non-binary” view of gender). We have to call people “him” and “her” even if we believe that people’s genders are determined by their biological sex and not by their self-perceptions — perceptions that, by the way, can rapidly change, for those who are “gender-fluid” — and that using terms tied to self-perception is basically a lie. (I myself am not sure whether people who are anatomically male, for example, but perceive themselves as female should be viewed as men or women; perhaps one day I’ll be persuaded that they should be viewed as women; my objection is to being forced to express that view.) We can’t be required to even display a license plate that says “Live Free or Die” on our car, if we object to the message; that’s what the court held in Wooley v. Maynard (1978). But New York is requiring people to actually say words that convey a message of approval of the view that gender is a matter of self-perception rather than anatomy, and that, as to “ze,” were deliberately created to convey that a message.

What’s more, according to the City, “refusal to use a transgender employee’s preferred name, pronoun, or title may constitute unlawful gender-based harassment.” The label “harassment” is important here because harassment law requires employers and businesses to prevent harassment by co-workers and patrons and not just by themselves or their own employees; this is particularly well established for harassment by co-workers, but it has also been accepted for harassment by fellow patrons. So an employer or business that learns that its employees or patrons are “refus[ing] to use a transgender employee’s preferred” pronoun or title would have to threaten to fire or eject such people unless they comply with the City’s demands. (The logic would also apply to landlords having to threaten to eject tenants who refuse to use co-tenants’ preferred pronouns or titles, but that’s less certain.)
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Lovely story. Lovely. WTF's it got to do with this thread?

If you see pre-op Jake Ralston using the men's room in NC, you're supposed to call the police. And I suppose if you see post-op Jake Ralston using the women's room, your also supposed to call the police.
If you see pre-op Jake Ralston using the men's room in NC, you're supposed to call the police. And I suppose if you see post-op Jake Ralston using the women's room, your also supposed to call the police.


But this is just another example of Trog being an ***.

No one here hates transgenders. Those on my side hate the loopholes and the risks this situation brings. And no, we don't think those risks come from Jake Ralston or the like.
Jake Ralston is fine.

Hank the Tank is not.

Jake Ralston is fine.

Steel Vanguard is not.

Jake Ralston is fine.

GCS is not.

get it?
So you're telling me that I could send my daughter off to college and the college would have the right to place her with a male dorm roommate? Without even being obligated to let me know in advance?

I can't even imagine a world where such a thing is in the realm of possibilities. Have we completely lost our ******* minds?

Assuming the analysis is accurate, the college doesn't have the right to do that, they are required to do it. No options for the college.
If you see pre-op Jake Ralston using the men's room in NC, you're supposed to call the police. And I suppose if you see post-op Jake Ralston using the women's room, your also supposed to call the police.


But this is just another example of Trog being an ***.

No one here hates transgenders. Those on my side hate the loopholes and the risks this situation brings. And no, we don't think those risks come from Jake Ralston or the like.

BUT.....to boil it down to the basest of these arguments.....yes. Because no matter how desperately we mere mortals try to twist and contort things into that which they are not, in the end a man is a man and a woman is a woman. At LEAST until the plumber is finished. Yes, as a result of that statement I fully expect more nonsense from Trog here along the lines of "See?" "See?" "You DO hate transgenders......" Because, broken record obtuseness.

But this is just another example of Trog being an ***.

No one here hates transgenders. Those on my side hate the loopholes and the risks this situation brings. And no, we don't think those risks come from Jake Ralston or the like.

I simply applied the NC law to Jake Ralston. I never mentioned hate.
I simply applied the NC law to Jake Ralston. I never mentioned hate.

are you saying Jake Ralston is a sexual predator?
how progressive of you.
Yes, as a result of that statement I fully expect more nonsense from Trog here along the lines of "See?" "See?" "You DO hate transgenders......"

Where have I accused anyone of hate? Where? You are projecting that upon yourself.

I could care less how you feel about trannies. I'm just showing how irrational, paranoid and hysterical people are being in response to the law.
are you saying Jake Ralston is a sexual predator?
how progressive of you.

That's a separate issue to you and the state of NC. Depending on the date of surgery, he/she needs to get the **** out of the other bathroom, right?
Lovely story. Lovely. WTF's it got to do with this thread?

Not all that much. Just posted it so that when we say who cares how these people feel, we remember we're talking about someone's daughter or son, who probably has enough to deal with in life without being forced to publicly"out" themselves every time they have to take a leak.
Not all that much. Just posted it so that when we say who cares how these people feel, we remember we're talking about someone's daughter or son, who probably has enough to deal with in life without being forced to publicly"out" themselves every time they have to take a leak.
just as we're talking about someone's daughter or son who probably have enough to deal with in life without being forced to accept sexual predators in the stall next to them jacking off, putting cameras in the stall or watching them between the door and stall wall.

for that matter, why not just do what del has said and make one gigantic piss hole and *******? us guys use a piss trough. you girls should have to do the same.

When Maddy Ralston came into this world almost 21 years ago, it was love at first sight.

I cradled her in my arms, my adopted miracle, and couldn’t stop crying. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

As she grew up, Maddy eschewed the traditional girly girl stuff. “If you get me a doll for Christmas, I’ll cut its head off,” she once admonished me.

She refused to wear the skirts in the school uniform catalogue, preferring the khaki pants. She became a full-fledged tomboy before high school. She was a stunning, blonde-blue-eyed kid, but she didn’t care. She would rather go sit for hours and fish at Sunset Park than go to the mall with other girls. She told me she wanted to be a boy.

It’s just a phase, I figured. So many women told me stories of their tomboy days.

We went shopping for clothes, and she would never go into the girls’ section. Always the boys. It wasn’t even a question.

I didn’t really care. She was my little girl, and I adored her.

The father-daughter bond was growing ever-stronger. We did everything together. I rarely missed a game, be it soccer or basketball or volleyball or flag football. We went to Europe three times, reveling in each other’s company. I loved making occasional allusions to her in my writing, calling her “The Teen.”

When she got to high school, she was bullied during her freshman year. High school girls are the worst. They whispered she was a lesbian, and I figured they were right.

I didn’t care. She was my Maddy. That’s all that mattered.

She had a boyfriend for a little while. But that didn’t last long. It didn’t feel right to her, I could tell.

Then she had a girlfriend. It lasted for awhile, but she wasn’t happy. Something wasn’t right.

Maddy never really talked about what the truth was until junior year. But somehow she had known since she was five, when she eschewed dolls and dresses.

I don’t think I even listened very well when Maddy told me a few years ago she was really a male inside, that she was transgender. Sure, you are, I thought. It’s just a phase, I was certain.

After all, the kid has been through a lot. Her mother had died. She had to switch schools. She had no idea who she was.

But the truth was I had no idea. Or I was in denial.

Slowly but surely, I have come to not just accept it but to embrace it. I have learned a lot about transgender issues through my job. I have read a bit.

But I don’t want to talk about bathrooms or locker rooms. I don’t want to debate the public policy issues in North Carolina or whether the president was right to sue. There will be plenty of time for that.

My first instinct, as ever, has been to protect my child, to make sure Maddy is safe and happy. That’s all most parents ever want for their children.

Life is difficult as it is. But with so much ignorance out there breeding so much fear, so much visceral recoiling from the concept of transgenderism, I fear this will make Maddy’s life that much harder.

So many people I know and respect spout off about the issue, on social media, even in person, because they don’t know about Maddy. They don’t know the reality. They don’t know, so I cut them slack.

They will come around. Only the hateful ones won’t.

Maddy already has experienced some of it on campus. She has been called “an abomination of God,” been told her mother killed herself because she was ashamed of her, that she is “going to burn in hell.”

It must be unimaginably excruciating to hear such things. I feel boiling rage when she tells me.

I admit I sometimes still have a hard time with it all. I look around the house, see the pictures of me with my little girl and my eyes fill with tears. But those memories are forever, and Maddy told me not to take them down, that she cherishes those, too.

Last year, Maddy began talking about transitioning, about having surgery. And about six months ago, Maddy began taking testosterone to begin the process of becoming who she really is.

This week, Maddy went to court, bravely told a judge why she wanted to be a male and wanted her birth certificate changed, too. After the hearing, when it was finally real, when he called me, I don’t think I have ever heard my kid sound so happy. And he wanted the story told.

When I get home later this week, I will see someone officially named Jake Ralston for the first time. And one thing I know for certain: It will be love at first sight.

how does allowing a man to shower with women help Maddy?
Raleigh, NC 12:34 PM

Police were called to a local Raleigh restaurant over complaints from customers and employees that someone was using an incorrect bathroom. Police were shocked when they arrived on the scene moments later. Patrolman Daniel Turnsbery, who was first on premises said "Many people were yelling and screaming that someone was in the Men's bathroom. and they needed to be removed."

When police entered the bathroom they spotted someone wearing a Patriots cap and New England Patriots polo shirt. Everything then became clear.

Under the NC state law, Tom Brady was technically prohibited from using the men’s bathroom even if he identified himself as a man.

Brady was taken into custody on the grounds of disturbing the peace amongst other small charges.

North Carolina's governor signed a controversial bill blocking cities from allowing transgender individuals to use public bathrooms for the sex they identify as -- as well as restricting cities from passing nondiscrimination laws more broadly.

House Bill 2, the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, puts in place a statewide policy that bans individuals from using public bathrooms that do not correspond to their biological sex. The bill also reserves the right to pass nondiscrimination legislation to the state government, saying state laws preempt any local ordinances.

Pat McCrory, a Republican, signed the bill Wednesday night and tweeted, "Ordinance defied common sense, allowing men to use women's bathroom/locker room for instance. That's why I signed bipartisan bill to stop it."

Tom Brady will most likely see court sometime in the coming month for this incident.
