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Terror attack in Brussels

Indeed, having the Donald in the White House is really gonna improve everything. LOL

Donald Trump Featured In New Terrorist Recruitment Video

Presidential candidate Donald Trump is featured in a new recruitment video from the terrorist group Al-Shabab, according to numerous experts. Evan Kohlmann, analyst with NBC News and Chief R&D Officer for the private intelligence firm FlashPoint was one of the first to identify the new video:

A new video from al-Shabab in Somalia shows Donald Trump calling for a ban on Muslims and warns "basic human rights do not apply" in the US.

— Evan Kohlmann (@IntelTweet) January 1, 2016

Al-Shabab is an “an al-Qaeda-linked militant group based in Somalia.” It is best known for its deadly attack on a mall in Kenya in September 2003. Kohlmann, however, says Trump appearance in the video signifies his larger utility for the broader jihadist movement.

The new Shabab video featuring @realDonaldTrump appears clear evidence jihadists hope to use him to specifically solicit American recruits.

— Evan Kohlmann (@IntelTweet) January 1, 2016

I'm not a Trump fan as you know but do you think we ought to select our president based on who the jihadis like best?
The Entire contention of Europe needs to re-think their immigration policies. In the past people immigrated to seek new opportunities and embrace a new culture. This group wants to take over, and sometimes uses terrorism. Germany I hear is very angry with their Chancellor for taking in those supposedly innocent Syrian refugees.

Part of the rationale, so I've read, is that Europe's birthrate has been below the replacement rate for decades especially in Germany, and the leadership is looking down the road at a worker shortage. Of course I would argue that if your economies were better and it didn't cost so friggen much to live there, people might have more kids. That doesn't stop the Muzzies however. I read a long time ago that at present birth rates France will be a Muslim majority country by 2050. The average European married couple has a bit more than once child per family while the Muzzie average is eight.

Merkel's party just lost big in the midterms and I'd say her chances of getting reelected are between slim and none and Slim just left town.
Islam is full of radical conservatives... The only things they have in common with liberal policy is an absurd hatred of All other religions... It amazes me that the dems like them and the repubs hate them ... Like many issues its like polar opposite of what one would expect in a way
Islam is full of radical conservatives... The only things they have in common with liberal policy is an absurd hatred of All other religions... It amazes me that the dems like them and the repubs hate them ... Like many issues its like polar opposite of what one would expect in a way

Like I said, Libs/Dems can always be counted on to side with 1) whoever is against America and 2) whoever the darker-skinned people are. Did you know that Muslims are anti-abortion? Anti-gay? Pro-church-and-state-being-one-in-the-same? Pro-religion-in-schools?
The opposite is true.


Many areas in the middle east have become worse under Obama. Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Lybia to name a few.

If you think it is wise to free up billions to a nation that chants death to American, threatens us and our allies verbally and burns or flags, while giving them 20+ days before an inspection and do nothing when they test long range missiles ( A violation ) , then I've got a stadium on three rivers that I'd like to sell you.

Iran funds terrorism and fights proxy wars. Even Obama's secretary of state said we are now funding terrorism, and he's right.

At what point does political interest usurp the welafre of the USA and its allies?
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So many here simply can't ascertain the difference between the Muslim faith, ie Muslims in general, and Islamic fundamentalist terrorists/terrorism such is Al Quada/ISIS. In your warped world, these two are one and the same. No sane person, liberal or conservative would ever support Islamic terrorists/terrorism. Again, it's like hating all blond people because a blond person robbed your home. Muslims around the world face the perils of the fanatics on their fringes, as much as anyone else. In fact, even more so.

"In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97% of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years."

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At what point does political interest usurp the welafre of the USA and its allies?
Having the current deal in place is better than having no deal in place. That's all I'm saying.
So many here simply can't acertain the difference between the Muslim faith, ie Muslims in general, and Islamic fundamentalist terrorists/terrorism such is Al Quada/ISIS. In your warped world, these two are one and the same. No sane person, liberal or conservative would ever support Islamic terrorists/terrorism. Again, it's like hating all blond people because a blond person robbed your home. Muslims around the world face the perils of the fanatics on their fringes, as much as anyone else. In fact, even more so.

"In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97% of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years."


Actually, we differentiate between them quite well. I would counter that the Left wants to lump all of the Muslims (radical to normal) into the normal bucket. Your side continues to act as if the small % that are radical aren't really a problem. "If we just keep treating them with respect, the problem will go away." The problem is getting worse, not better.

The religion teaches death to its opponents. Therefore, there will always be radicals who will do the rest of us harm. That's not a point of contention.

So we should deal with the radicals, vs. appeasing them. Liberals today will not deal with them.

It's really that simple.

We need leadership that will deal with them.
According to the article I posted it seems if you follow the Koran as written you should be violent. It is only through interpretation that it becomes a "peaceful" religion.
Exact same thing can be said about the Bible. It's all about interpretation. Fanatical muslims take the more omnious parts of the Koran literally. Thank God a similar group hasn't surfaced that did the same with some of the passages in the Bible.
Actually, we differentiate between them quite well. I would counter that the Left wants to lump all of the Muslims (radical to normal) into the normal bucket. Your side continues to act as if the small % that are radical aren't really a problem. "If we just keep treating them with respect, the problem will go away." The problem is getting worse, not better.
I have never acted as if radical Islam is not a problem. Check anything I've ever posted here, I've always been opposed to Islamist terrorism and want them destroyed.

So we should deal with the radicals, vs. appeasing them. Liberals today will not deal with them. It's really that simple. We need leadership that will deal with them.

That sounds great, but that's not what Trump is preaching. He is specifically lumping together all Muslims, not just focusing on the radicals. I'm 100% for going after radical muslims in every which way. Unfortunately, that's not what Trump is calling for.
All i have to say is that there are radical buddist terrorists.. Who hate muslims... The world is a screwed up place
I have never acted as if radical Islam is not a problem. Check anything I've ever posted here, I've always been opposed to Islamist terrorism and want them destroyed.

That sounds great, but that's not what Trump is preaching. He is specifically lumping together all Muslims, not just focusing on the radicals. I'm 100% for going after radical muslims in every which way. Unfortunately, that's not what Trump is calling for.

Until you can tell which is which you lump them in the same damn pile. That is nothing more than common sense. Instead of opening up our borders and saying come on in. Can you tell me how you go about going after the radical ones ? Ask them for a show of hands?
That sounds great, but that's not what Trump is preaching. He is specifically lumping together all Muslims, not just focusing on the radicals. I'm 100% for going after radical muslims in every which way. Unfortunately, that's not what Trump is calling for.

I'm fine with it. We have to make life difficult enough for the nonviolent majority that they rein in the lunatics. Besides, we are a sovereign nation and can let in or not let in whoever we damn well please. We have no obligation to let in everyone who wants to come here. Oh, you can't study medicine or engineering back in your third world shithole? Too ******* bad.

I can't just waltz into Italy and live there and apply for a job. They won't let me. Believe me, I've checked.
Exact same thing can be said about the Bible. It's all about interpretation. Fanatical muslims take the more omnious parts of the Koran literally. Thank God a similar group hasn't surfaced that did the same with some of the passages in the Bible.

No, the exact same thing cannot be said about the Bible when talking about non-believers.
Until you can tell which is which you lump them in the same damn pile. That is nothing more than common sense. Instead of opening up our borders and saying come on in. Can you tell me how you go about going after the radical ones ? Ask them for a show of hands?
I agree. On that same note, let's round up all caucasian, Christian Americans until we can weed out which ones are KKK members ready to murder, lunatic far-righters on the verge of shooting up a school or a church, or crazed fanatics ready to blow up an abortion clinic. Otherwise, how can you go about going after the radical ones? Ask them for a show of hands?
I agree. On that same note, let's round up all caucasian, Christian Americans until we can weed out which ones are KKK members ready to murder, lunatic far-righters on the verge of shooting up a school or a church, or crazed fanatics ready to blow up an abortion clinic. Otherwise, how can you go about going after the radical ones? Ask them for a show of hands?

So who has the KKK shot up lately? The radical ones that is?

Muslim to Jihad is not Christians to KKK. Weird comparison.
So who has the KKK shot up lately? The radical ones that is?
Max, the Charleston church shooting comes to mind. And under KKK I mean white supremacists at large, not neccessarily just the group itself.

Muslim to Jihad is not Christians to KKK. Weird comparison.
True, I went a bit overboard to try to make a point. I agree it was a bad analogy to set those side-by-side like that.
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Tibs, do you honestly think the mass emigration of Muslims to Europe has on balance been a positive, or a negative influence? In terms of security, economics, human rights, tolerance, etc. Do you see these areas where clusters of Arabs live as places people want to go and want to live? Where most people are treated with dignity and respect? Sure, not all of them are terrorists...and some of them are probably nice people. Are the largely Muslim communities that have sprung up in various places in sync with modern western values of liberty and equality? Or are they areas dominated by people who want to take those countries backward? Just ask yourself that question.
Until you can tell which is which you lump them in the same damn pile. That is nothing more than common sense. Instead of opening up our borders and saying come on in. Can you tell me how you go about going after the radical ones ? Ask them for a show of hands?

Maybe you could put a muslim patch on their clothes to identify them:


And I'm sure that some Germans had 'reasons' for suspecting some Jews of being enemies of state - so they decided to round them all up and start exterminating them regardless of any guilt.
Tibs, do you honestly think the mass emigration of Muslims to Europe has on balance been a positive, or a negative influence? In terms of security, economics, human rights, tolerance, etc. Do you see these areas where clusters of Arabs live as places people want to go and want to live? Where most people are treated with dignity and respect? Sure, not all of them are terrorists...and some of them are probably nice people. Are the largely Muslim communities that have sprung up in various places in sync with modern western values of liberty and equality? Or are they areas dominated by people who want to take those countries backward?
The Muslim communities that sprung up in places like Brussels and Paris (and elsewhere) have been there for decades. Do I think it's a good thing that they haven't assimilated? No, I don't think that's a good thing.

The current - past half year or so - wave of migrants are 85-90% war refugees fleeing places like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. I know, as I saw them first hand camping out at the train station three minutes from my place back in July. These were mostly women and children, with a smattering of young men. So without a doubt there is a refugee crisis in Europe, with no end in sight. Surely there are radicals/terrorists that may try to sneak in amongst the refugees. But not really, as most of those radicalized Muslims have EU passports and simply fly in and out of European airports at will. At this stage, most migration has been halted, with hordes of people now accumulating in Turkey and Greece, unable to make their way north. It is a crisis, it needs to be dealt with and I don't think the EU has figured out how to handle it.

What you seem to be implying, that the current "mass emigration of Muslims to Europe" is the reason Muslim fanatics/terrorists have taken over neighborhoods throughout Europe. That is innacurate. Why that was allowed to happen is a question for Euro politicians in the 70's & 80's to answer, as it predates the current migration/refugee crisis.

A larger question is why aren't those EU citizens flying to and from places like Syria, Turkey, Iraq under more scrutiny? Why isn't there a wait & hold process for these individuals at the airports? The Paris terrorists made their way in and out of Brussels airport multiple times (same airport where the bombs went off today). Why aren't these people being questioned? It blows my mind really. Much more of a relevent question than the the percieved danger posed by thousands of migrant families trying to reach Europe.

Same goes for the radical Imans preaching at mosques throughout Europe. And their followers. These are the communities from which these radical muslims come from. They're not just now trying to get into Europe, they've been here for decades. It is an utter failure of intelligence and police work, that these 'cells' have not been uncovered and dismantled.
That sounds great, but that's not what Trump is preaching. He is specifically lumping together all Muslims, not just focusing on the radicals. I'm 100% for going after radical muslims in every which way. Unfortunately, that's not what Trump is calling for.

no. he's not. he's saying we need to close the borders to not allow ANYONE from that area over here until we can figure out what is going on and how to PROPERLY vet people.
the same government that cries that we have to do more in regards to the 2nd Amendment has zero issue allowing foreign peoples with very little to no paperwork to prove who they are into this country.

the hypocrisy is astounding.
I agree. On that same note, let's round up all caucasian, Christian Americans until we can weed out which ones are KKK members ready to murder, lunatic far-righters on the verge of shooting up a school or a church, or crazed fanatics ready to blow up an abortion clinic. Otherwise, how can you go about going after the radical ones? Ask them for a show of hands?

We have laws to to punish people that break laws here. That doesn't mean you leave the door open for any Muslims to enter our country freely. How many people have to die before you thick headed liberals see that.