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The all encompassing Hypocrisy thread


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
Just a threat to point out any uber hypocritical political things... you know, when the republicans bring something up and the dems go ape **** over it, then later its reversedas are the positions of the people defending and bemoaning it...

Lets start with this one:
Its uber cold out... President Trump makes some stupid anti-global warming jab... every antitrumper goes nuts over his " lack of knowledge of the difference between weather and climate"
Flash back a few month to the last hurricane season... exact same sources pointing out how the massive hurricanes proved global warming is happening, while the other side scoffed at them using isolated random weather events to extrapolate larger climate facts...

Feels like either side has the same point when it aligns to their side
More proof that Libs have no sense of humor.
Everything is a crisis and we need government, their government, to fix it.
More proof that Libs have no sense of humor.
Everything is a crisis and we need government, their government, to fix it.

That's pretty much it. And more taxes. Always more. Those great forced ideas cost a lot.
Also the fact that the party line is now ALWAYS more important than if something is a good idea. Staunch followers on both sides will flat reject anything the other side proposes without even thinking about whether it might work. That's one of the many ways the country gets dumber. Because the information is irrelevant.....the party comes first.
There's all forms. This could go on for days. I'll start with this subject - sexual harrassment.

Liberals screaming...hell clamoring for Trump's impeachment because he said "Grab 'em by the p*ssy" and remaining silent about Harvey Weinstein and the like until "forced" to begin to come down on these sexual abusers and pedophiles like Spacey.

Liberals screaming and yelling about "allegations" against Donald Trump after spending decades staunchly defending Bill Clinton and subsequently Hillary's destruction of his victims.



And yet it was not a famous feminist who exposed the allegations of rape and sexual assault against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, but the male broadcaster Ronan Farrow. And he cannot have foreseen, when he published his devastating j’accuse in The New Yorker last month, that it would unleash a cascade of accusations fatal to the reputations of such erstwhile darlings of New Yorker readers as the comedian-turned-senator Al Franken, actor Kevin Spacey, comedian Louis C.K., political journalist Mark Halperin, and interviewer Charlie Rose.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Sexual harassment was supposed to be the kind of thing only Republicans did — inveterate sexists such as Donald Trump or alleged molesters of underage schoolgirls such as Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama. How very awkward that the majority of names in the New York Times list of 34 top alleged harassers are men of the left, not the right.

Awkward, but not surprising. For the Weinstein case has proved to be a moment of truth for a liberal elite that for decades has been guilty of the most egregious hypocrisy. The same Weinstein who stands accused of rape today attended the Women’s March back in January. For years, he and his ilk have been signaling their feminist virtue by day and practicing the degradation of women by night. Sadly, they have too often been enabled in their two-faced conduct by feminists who could not quite resist the allure of their power.

The same feminists who defended Bill Clinton’s behavior in the 1990s have spent their lives deriding the values of men such as Vice President Mike Pence, who in 2002 told an interviewer “that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side.”
Some more. Can't resist.

Liberals and gun control. Their famous mantra: "If it saves just one life." Yet they will stand and march to protect the right to abort babies.

Liberals and equality for women on pay. Liberals pushed the "women are paid less than men" agenda yet rallied behind Hillary Clinton to be their President, a woman who paid women on her staff up to 10 cents less than the national average for women's pay.

As SteelerLyn pointed out, Liberals and Global Warming. They scream and yell about the science when it comes to AGW, but refuse to acknowledge the science and biology involved when determining sex.

"Do not judge all Muslims by the acts of a few!" But after a mass shooting, all white people with guns are bad. When one rogue cop kills a black man, all police are bad and "police brutality" becomes a national issue (even though factually there is no problem).


This from a black Liberal female. Love it:


My problem with Liberalism is that it’s more concerned with policing people’s language and thoughts without requiring them to do anything to fix the problem. White liberal college students speak of “safe spaces”, “trigger words”, “micro aggressions” and “white privilege” while not having to do anything or, more importantly, give up anything. They can’t even have a conversation with someone who sees the world differently without resorting to calling someone a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigot and trying to have them banned from campus, or ruin them and their reputation. They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live. These same college students will espouse the joys of diversity, but will in the same breath assume you are only on campus because of affirmative action or that all black people grew up in poverty. My personal favorite is declaring with surprise how articulate a black classmate is despite the fact that we are attending the same institution of higher learning as they are.

The White Liberal culture encourages talking about diversity and shaming others for their alleged racism, but many times they themselves work in environments that are mostly white. When questioned they’ll defensively state that they promote strictly on merit....These same Liberals are quick to be against school choice, while their kids go to private or well-regarded public schools. Leaving poor black children behind in underperforming schools and providing less opportunity to improve their lives is inconsequential to keeping true to their white liberal politics. Many people are quick to espouse the political values of liberalism without having to live with the often harsh reality of those policies.

White Liberals have hijacked the conversation about diversity, political correctness and what topics we should be outraged about. When a terrorist attack occurs the media and liberals rightly remind us that it’s unfair to judge an entire religion by the actions of a small minority, but I haven’t heard similar unequivocal statements made in the media about the African-American community being unfairly judged by the negative actions of a few. The media lectures about intolerance of the Right, but is the first to show the mugshot of a young black suspect while showing the much more positive yearbook photo of a young white suspect. In fact the criminalization of African-Americans, especially men, has been turned into public policy in large part because of our negative portrayal in the media, which is predominantly filled with white liberal voices.

For so long, as a Black American, I have been told that the problem is Conservative Republicans. While I’ll admit they may have done little to try to improve African-American lives, they also don’t promise to every election season like the liberal elites. Instead we have given our loyalty and votes to Democrats, who paternalistically tell us they want to help us, but we have little to show for it since blacks started voting Democrat back in the 1960’s. I have never lived in a city as an adult that was run by Conservatives or Republicans, but I live in the biggest poor city in the country, Philadelphia. A city, for decades, run by liberal insiders.

While the children of our liberal contemporaries attend expensive private universities, how many black men are getting pulled into the prison system because of stop and frisk searches in these supposedly liberal cities? How many so called white liberals have really fought for those civil rights violations to be ended? My own city has a stop and frisk policy in place (even after promises of stopping it), but is also a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants. It’s ironic that the liberal elites proudly proclaim the inhumanity of deportation which could break up the families of these immigrants, but they are more than happy to justify the need to send black men and women to prison for minor infractions, thus separating the families of American citizens...

The truth is that Liberalism is about making elites feel better about themselves and their lives without requiring the underlying action of significantly improving the lives of African-Americans.


Malcolm X had this all figured out long, long ago.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Mcv2WdqPuwE" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Awkward, but not surprising. For the Weinstein case has proved to be a moment of truth for a liberal elite that for decades has been guilty of the most egregious hypocrisy. The same Weinstein who stands accused of rape today attended the Women’s March back in January. For years, he and his ilk have been signaling their feminist virtue by day and practicing the degradation of women by night. Sadly, they have too often been enabled in their two-faced conduct by feminists who could not quite resist the allure of their power.

Chris Rock once said that abortion rallies are great places to pick up women.

*profanity alert*

Where are all the leftists calling for support for the women in Iran?


Iranian Women Defy Islamic Dress Code as Anti-Government Protests Sweep Nation

Protests beginning Thursday sparked by economic unrest in Iran have quickly turned into massive demonstrations, not just against economic policy, but against the Islamist controlled government as a whole. These gatherings are the largest form of anti-government demonstrations in the middle eastern country since 2009. Citizens continued demonstrations Saturday in the cities of Teheran, Kermanshah, as well as nearly 20 other locations chanting against Iran's President Hassan Rouhani as well as the Supreme Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

What started as smaller protests against poor economic conditions, allegations of corruption, as well as the Iranian government's involvement in foreign nations has quickly engulfed Iran in the largest showing against the theocratic state in nearly a decade. Labor protests are not abnormal in Iran, but the political and religious nature of these protests have given hope to thousands, if not millions, of people that this dissent shows an opportunity for true reform in the country.

While it is not certain what the Iranian government's response will be to its citizens, the United States warned the Iranian government that the “world is watching” in a series of statements sent out by the President, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and the State Department.




oh right, they are siding with the mullahs and their hardcore Muslim regime
Also the fact that the party line is now ALWAYS more important than if something is a good idea. Staunch followers on both sides will flat reject anything the other side proposes without even thinking about whether it might work. That's one of the many ways the country gets dumber. Because the information is irrelevant.....the party comes first.

DemocRATS are made up of staunch followers. They stick together no matter what...Republicans not so much. They are made up of factions....the Rinos, the anti Trumpers, ones that reject conservatism, moderates, true conservatives...

Malcolm X had this all figured out long, long ago.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Mcv2WdqPuwE" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

" I'll have them ni@@ers voting DemocRAT for the next 200 years"- L. Johnson
" I'll have them ni@@ers voting DemocRAT for the next 200 years"- L. Johnson

LBJ, Hero of the Left.

Malcolm X is a hero of mine. He saw through reality unlike many others. He called a spade a spade. He knew the danger of White Liberals then. They are just far more nefarious and dangerous now. LBJ was one.

Democrats have kept African Americans on the plantation. They just don't see it.
DemocRATS are made up of staunch followers. They stick together no matter what...Republicans not so much. They are made up of factions....the Rinos, the anti Trumpers, ones that reject conservatism, moderates, true conservatives...

The Dems have their factions too but they stick together better as a party. Dems kicked Labor to the curb 30 years ago to side with the Greenies, which cost millions of union jobs, but union leadership and many of the rank and file still blindly support them. Hell, I'm old enough to remember when the Dems were the protectionist party and the GOP were free traders.
More proof that Libs have no sense of humor.

Wait. The whole world is making fun of Trump and you guys cry “Not funny! Not funny!” and it’s liberals who don’t have a sense of humor?

Not everyone can be the laugh riot Mike Pence is.
Wait. The whole world is making fun of Trump and you guys cry “Not funny! Not funny!” and it’s liberals who don’t have a sense of humor? Not everyone can be the laugh riot Mike Pence is.
LOL Trog, now that's funny. Trump has been a laughing stock like none other for over a year now, in a sad, pathetic kind of way. This board ripped previous presidents apart but is bloody serious now that Trump is in office. The slighest amount of criticism - or humor - is met with waves of indignity. But liberals 'have no sense of humor' That statement right there is funny. Laugh out loud funny.
Doesn't bother me. Trump has a sense of humor, of course he also hits back, which drives the Libs crazy. I get laughs every day. :lol:
Of course the Leftys often forget that humor requires at least a little bit of truth in order to be funny and that's where they drop the ball.
Based on the receptions the President has gotten in the Middle East and Asia, I believe there is more respect than for Obama. The **** show that is Western Europe today is practically irrelevant these days.

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Happy New Year! Let's keep this going.



"[Liberals] portray themselves as open-minded members of society, but their tones quickly change when someone disagrees with them politically. Dare to disagree with a liberal and you will often be faced by an intolerant, uncaring and sometimes even violent person.

A group of Trump supporters at the University of California-Berkley’s #March4Trump were quickly thrown into the middle of this liberal hypocrisy when attempting to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights. Several of the Trump supporters ended up being assaulted, including an elderly man who collapsed to the ground, and a free speech sign and flags were photographed being burned.

... unfortunately, what happened at Berkeley serves as just another example of liberals claiming to be proponents of diverse thoughts and beliefs, while never actually following the tolerant words and ideas that they consistently preach."


"[Liberals] claim that Russian Ambassador Kislyak meeting with Attorney General Sessions was a heinous offense, but never mention the fact that seven Democratic senators met with Ambassador Kislyak in 2013 or that the Ambassador frequently visited the Obama White House."
"Building a border wall has gone from the rational stance of both Obama and Clinton to the Nazi dictum of the GOP."

In 2006 Senator Obama supported the Fence Act.

Other Democrats who voted in favor of the Fence Act now questioned the morality of Trump implementing it, including Senator Ron Wyden, who called it “divisive” and “polarizing.”

In the House, one Texas Democrat called it a “racist reaction to a racist myth,” another bluntly wrote a letter telling Trump to “take your border wall shove it up your ***.”

These are not quite the same bipartisan cheers that were heard when Congress passed the bill, nor a decade before that when President Clinton spoke in the strongest terms about securing the border in his 1995 State of the Union address.


The Democratic Party is changing; there is no question about that. But the most significant shifts might be their collective amnesia about the party’s recent past, and their zombie-like belief that all of the president’s actions are somehow trumpeting the Apocalypse.

"If you listen to Democratic politicians and gay-rights activists, Donald Trump is the most anti-LGBT president in our nation’s history...mainstream liberal news sites are publishing op-eds on Trump’s soon-to-be built death camps for gays … seriously.

But the vitriol and harsh rhetoric to which the left saves for Trump is somewhat hypocritical given two facts.

The first is that he has positioned himself as the most pro-LGBT candidate in the Republican Party’s history, even going as far as bucking the GOP on the controversial “bathroom bills.” The second is that many of the most prominent champions of the Democratic Party have also similarly evolved in their positions on the issue.

Barack Obama spent the first twelve years of his public life citing his Christian faith as justification for his non-support of same-sex marriage, and ran for president as a declaredly traditional marriage candidate.

Similarly, Hillary Clinton was publicly against gay marriage for at least a decade before flipping in 2013, potentially just to appease future primary voters.

Yes, there was disappointment among Democrats in the positions these leaders took. Clinton was even spoofed by SNL for it. But where were the rallies, name-calling, and venomous hatred? Where was the fear of death camps?


The answer is that partisanship blinded their displeasure, just as it continues to with respect to Trump’s travel and immigration ban...no similar outrage emanated from the same crowds when Obama implemented a similar refugee pause, or when 90 percent of his drone strikes resulted in civilian deaths in many of the same countries now banned.

Even when President Obama earned the distinction of deporting more immigrants than any other president before him...he was never attacked with the same jackboot and brownshirt descriptors that have been become mainstream in popular left-leaning publications.


Media, politicians, pundits and the public all most reject this form of political discourse, both for its outrageously incendiary and insulting false equivalence, and for its hypocritical application to people with broadly similar positions.

LOL Trog, now that's funny. Trump has been a laughing stock like none other for over a year now, in a sad, pathetic kind of way. This board ripped previous presidents apart but is bloody serious now that Trump is in office. The slighest amount of criticism - or humor - is met with waves of indignity. But liberals 'have no sense of humor' That statement right there is funny. Laugh out loud funny.

Now you are just making **** up. Say something funny, and we will laugh.
As far as the original topic of this thread, a few examples of clear-cut hypocrisy we've seen lately.

- lambasting a President for playing golf then warmly applauding his successor who's played 50x the amount of golf
- lambasting a President for using executive orders then openly supporting his successor for issuing 50x the number of executive orders
- the right crying about fake news in the media yet a recent study shows that the majority of fake news is pro-Trump and is mainly read and shared by Trump supporters
- claiming Washington is corrupt and dishonest, yet gratuitously accepting a sitting President constantly lying to the American people. According to one report, Trump told over 1,600 verifiable lies in his first year (and counting).
- claiming Washington DC is corrupt and the 'swamp needs to be drained', yet sitting by idly as Trump packed his cabinet with Wall St. insiders and lobbyists.
- claiming to respect police, law enforcement and the rule of law yet giddy with joy when the President openly disparages the FBI and Justice Dept.
- the ultimate hypocricy is Trump and his supporters using the age old (Soviet) tactic of whataboutism. All criticism is viewed soley through the narrow prism of '...but, but Hillary/Obama" etc.
As far as the original topic of this thread, a few examples of clear-cut hypocrisy we've seen lately.

- lambasting a President for playing golf then warmly applauding his successor who's played 50x the amount of golf
- lambasting a President for using executive orders then openly supporting his successor for issuing 50x the number of executive orders
- the right crying about fake news in the media yet a recent study shows that the majority of fake news is pro-Trump and is mainly read and shared by Trump supporters
- claiming Washington is corrupt and dishonest, yet gratuitously accepting a sitting President constantly lying to the American people. According to one report, Trump told over 1,600 verifiable lies in his first year (and counting).
- claiming Washington DC is corrupt and the 'swamp needs to be drained', yet sitting by idly as Trump packed his cabinet with Wall St. insiders and lobbyists.
- claiming to respect police, law enforcement and the rule of law yet giddy with joy when the President openly disparages the FBI and Justice Dept.
- the ultimate hypocricy is Trump and his supporters using the age old (Soviet) tactic of whataboutism. All criticism is viewed soley through the narrow prism of '...but, but Hillary/Obama" etc.

characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
"hospitalization for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia"
based on or having faulty judgment; mistaken.
"their delusional belief in the project's merits never wavers"
And examples of hypocrisy from this very board:

- TimSteelerfan (and others) demanding respectful and decent behavior yet not raising his voice a single time over the years when other posters (not on his side of the aisle) are openly ridiculed, cursed at and disparaged. That includes personal insults and slanderous comments. The message here kids, it's okay to be vile, crass and crude as long as we're the ones who do it.
- it's rare as a blue moon that any news is posted here if it's a crime or terrorist act committed by a non-Muslim. Over the holidays we had several instances like this, the nutjob in Houston that was amassing weapons in a hotel room and the Trump supporter that shot a hundred rounds at police officers, killing one, in Colorado this past Sunday. For some reason, news like this is rarely posted here.
- any act commited by a Muslim terrorist anywhere in the world has to be condemned within 6-8 hours by liberals on the board or we're labeled terrorist-loving, card-carrying ISIS members. It is what it is.
- any post by a liberal on the board has to include footnotes, multiple cross references, disclaimers and other proof of verified, non-partisan content. Right wing posters are free to litter the board with half-assed posts from alt right blogs & breitbart without even a whiff of verifiabilily or credibility.
- the anti-Obama sentiment on this board was raw, consistant and in your face for the better part of eight years. Nobody thought twice about disparaging a sitting President and doing so 24/7. Now that the shoe's on the other foot, criticism of Trump is met with condemnation and outrage. Those that don't agree with Trump or his policies are deemed anti-American, communists and the like. If you don't support Trump you can't possibly love your country. How the world turns.
- the board has hundreds and hundreds of pro-Trump (and anti-Clinton/Obama) memes, cartoons and pictures posted without hesitation, 365 days a year. Any liberal-minded, anti-Trump cartoon, meme or picture is immediately scoffed at as childish and out of place and the mental well-being of the poster is called into question.
- on a board with probably no more than 5-10% liberal members, somehow it's the libs that are the aggressors and bullies on the board. lol

Look, I know the score. I'm not complaining one bit. I know what to expect, been posting here for over a decade. Just pointing out some of the hypocrisy that is a part of the fabric here. It's out in the open, for all to see.
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