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The Biden Crime Family - Exposed

People care but know they'll be ruined for taking part in any sort of demonstration. Freedom of speech has been effectively wiped away.

I know. The people now fear their government and all that it controls. One side has freedom of speech and a different set of rules. The other gets persecuted,ridiculed and slandered.

Most just want to be left alone. Soon that won't be an option. What people don't realize is the power and force of mass.

You have everything under the sun on this guy. They've had it for years.
This makes me so angry. The bidens, the media, the View....so much corruption all around. They all lie. I hate them all.

And it's in the wide open. Doesn't mean much when you're above the law and covered by federal agencies.
Hunter's business partner was just there to get life advice, discuss their fantasy football league and the latest shows on Netflix with The Big Guy.

absolutely nothing nefarious.
Joe Biden will be remembered as a climate expert and a weather expert. Now I know why so many votes were counted for him.
I'm telling, you some crazy psychic lady predicted that number 45 would see the end of American politics.

It's starting to look a lot like he did.
They no longer care. They are doing it right in front of our faces because we won't do anything.

Today, Merrick Garland announced US Attorney David Weiss as the Special Counsel looking into Hunter Biden. "Yay!" many will say. It's an utter sham. A cover up. It's blatant, outright, in-your-face corruption.
  • What makes a Special Counsel "special" is that the DOJ is stipulated to appoint a lawyer OUTSIDE of the Federal Government to be the counsel. To avoid corruption.
  • Meanwhile, Jack Smith is a DOJ employee, investigating Trump.
  • US Attorney for DE David Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden for FIVE YEARS, no indictments. He too is a DOJ employee.
  • Delaware is known as one of the more corrupt state governments in the country. Very Chicago or Philly-like.
  • Jack Smith has been investigating Trump since January. Multiple indictments already in months.
  • The tax charges and gun charges against Hunter stem from 2014 and 2015.
  • There is a statute of limitations on those charges of 5-6 years.
  • Weiss has intentionally slow-walked the investigation so as to allow those charges to be time-barred. They go poof. Hunter walks.
  • So...after getting busted by the DE judge over the corrupt Hunter sweetheart plea deal, Garland had no choice but to appoint a Special Counsel.
  • So he appoints Weiss.............as the Special Counsel..........to investigate the man he's already been investigating for 5 years.

Appointing a special council gives Garland control of everything. Any information. The flow of information. It will be controlled by Garland.

Joe and Hunter are dancing the samba.
And now watch the republicans refuse to vote to pursue the articles.

If that happens (it will) accept that they are ALL in on it. It's just a sham, meant to distract us continually.
US Govt / Organized Crime comparison chart would be interesting. No wonder we don't hear of mob boss busts anymore, they're running the operation and have been for 50-60 years or so. It's just getting more and more obvious/blatant because there's nuttin we can do about it.


Ya better get in line see, or we'll have to mess you up, see...
Robert L. Peters
Robert L. Peter's. Pedo Pete. There are more. What are they?