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The Climate Change Thread

Damn it, Ron, you know that's not true! (D)imbos have always been in favor or war, and warrantless searches, and suppressing speech!

Hold on ...
I remember when they were against the Patriot Act too and losing their **** over Dick Cheney checking on what library books you picked up.
Now they've got Google and FB willingly reporting on everything you do.

Lots of concern about it being hot during summer.

Have there ever been any studies on how hundreds of thousands of windmills (IE giant fans) could be changing wind patterns?

How about hundreds of thousands of solar panels possibly creating excess heat from sun rays that would have more easily dissipated if allowed to naturally hit the earth?

I'm sure those studies will be out any day now.
Lots of concern about it being hot during summer.

Have there ever been any studies on how hundreds of thousands of windmills (IE giant fans) could be changing wind patterns?

How about hundreds of thousands of solar panels possibly creating excess heat from sun rays that would have more easily dissipated if allowed to naturally hit the earth?

I'm sure those studies will be out any day now.


Lots of concern about it being hot during summer.

Have there ever been any studies on how hundreds of thousands of windmills (IE giant fans) could be changing wind patterns?

How about hundreds of thousands of solar panels possibly creating excess heat from sun rays that would have more easily dissipated if allowed to naturally hit the earth?

I'm sure those studies will be out any day now.
I like th studies of the toxic chemicals coming from EV batteries.

Have there ever been any studies on how hundreds of thousands of windmills (IE giant fans) could be changing wind patterns?

How about hundreds of thousands of solar panels possibly creating excess heat from sun rays that would have more easily dissipated if allowed to naturally hit the earth?

[Researchers check Al Gore and John Kerry's investment portfolios, double-check where the research funds are coming from]

I remember when they were against the Patriot Act too and losing their **** over Dick Cheney checking on what library books you picked up.
Now they've got Google and FB willingly reporting on everything you do.

It's only cool when they have control of it. Did you see how they flipped out when Musk bought Twitter and outed all of the illegal activity going on.

Then he became Dr.Evil to them.
That's the second time that I read of a ship ablaze because the " brand new " batteries caught fire. I believe in both instances German cars were involved.

I love when they use those kind of smokestacks when talking about air pollution… those tall ones are scrubbed stacks.. the white clouds coming out of them are 99% moisture … virtually no pollution.. the smaller ones are water cooling towers… with one exception in West Virginia, water cooling towers emit zero pollution.. just steam…

They always wait to take those pictures until the light is just right to make them appear dark and foreboding.. they are mostly harmless compared to the kind where you don’t see anything but heat coming out of it..
Today might be the first day above 90* here this year.
I'm certain everyone, including all here, will agree that the climate changes, it always has and always will, whether the human race will be around to see it or not.

But as Sarge has stated that he's over the perpetually offended, so am I over the climate change screamers, until they all begin living their lives without electricity, jet transportation, or use any form of carbon energy. The rules for thee but not for me crowd grows tiresome.
Sounds to me like your plans to migrate south have dwindled somewhat of late ?

No, although after years of seeing a half dozen job openings posted by my company in FL, as of this week there are none. I have my FL funeral director license my dad passed away almost two years ago, both my wife's parents last year, so we only stay here to take care of my mom. Now there's no jobs and housing there is getting unaffordable so mom FML again.
No, although after years of seeing a half dozen job openings posted by my company in FL, as of this week there are none. I have my FL funeral director license my dad passed away almost two years ago, both my wife's parents last year, so we only stay here to take care of my mom. Now there's no jobs and housing there is getting unaffordable so mom FML again.
Yeah, them days of cheap housing are bout gone. lotsa people moving here from all over, driving up prices and filling up restaurants. We were in Ft Liquordale a couple months back and the traffic was so bad we vowed to never go back. We like to go to Hardrock in Tampa but lately it takes an hour sitting in bumper to bumper traffic just to get out of town and then another hour to get through Ocala. My friends will have to come up here and visit me from now on. I guess the fact that we haven't had a bad storm in a few years has had an impact too. Maybe we need a good ole hurricane or two to run some of them off.

Yeah, them days of cheap housing are bout gone. lotsa people moving here from all over, driving up prices and filling up restaurants. We were in Ft Liquordale a couple months back and the traffic was so bad we vowed to never go back. We like to go to Hardrock in Tampa but lately it takes an hour sitting in bumper to bumper traffic just to get out of town and then another hour to get through Ocala. My friends will have to come up here and visit me from now on. I guess the fact that we haven't had a bad storm in a few years has had an impact too. Maybe we need a good ole hurricane or two to run some of them off.

Dunno, had a bad one last year. One FB group I'm in, people were saying that Sarasota is filling up from people who lost their homes in Ft. Myers.
Mom is 87 and kinda frail but still gets around and is determined not to die because she knows I'm leaving as soon as she does.
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Dunno, had a bad one last year. One FB group I'm in, people were saying that Sarasota is filling up from people who lost their homes in Ft. Myers.
Mom is 87 and kinda frail but still gets around and is determined not to die because she knows I'm leaving as soon as she does.
Yep, my sister lives in Cape Coral and got hit pretty hard, but they're not going anywhere, love it.

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We need to kill humanity to save humanity.

We need to kill humanity to save humanity.

S'all right, Bill Gates will make enough synthetic meat to feed everyone. Oh wait....
We need to kill humanity to save humanity.

Ahhhh the great reset. I think it's really clear what needs to be RESTORED, not reset.

A certain group of people who think their britches go on differently,their **** doesn't stink and they won't go into the same dirt everyone else goes into when they punch out the life time clock.

Got to get these folks out of power.