The correct response is QBR.
The correct response is QBR.
The correct response is QBR.
Global warming is rayciss."QBR" is copyrighted.
Be aware, "QBO" is awaiting such protection.
Fizuck you Saul Goodman is public domain and fair use."QBR" is copyrighted.
Be aware, "QBO" is awaiting such protection.
Fizuck you Saul Goodman is public domain and fair use.
Global warming is rayciss.
I'm thinking of changing my last name on FB to "Based".I'd like to think that if the likes of Carlin, Kinison and Pryor were alive today, they'd be giving a big FU to the artificially offended.
View attachment 11139
I'm thinking of changing my last name on FB to "Based".
Flog got a new hat?
Saw this EV article by Scotty and thought it was good info. We gonna get them, like it or not.
What does she mean "change/transform" the economic model?
Sounds like a global distribution of wealth scheme to me.
Christiana Figueres Quotes
Appointed Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in July 2010
- This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution. That will not happen overnight and it will not happen at a single conference on climate change, be it COP 15, 21, 40 - you choose the number. It just does not occur like that. It is a process, because of the depth of the transformation.
Christiana Figueres
- This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history.
Christiana Figueres
Yep, kinda like the Myron Cope syndrome......lolI like this guy's videos but, I can't take his voice for very long.