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The Crooked Hillary Thread

I think Hillary should release all her medical records, her cough is getting worse
When you have the type of unprecedented outpouring of donations from millions of individuals around the country, it doesn't surprise me that there may be some administrative issues with a small percentage of them, however many hundred that may be.

Ten things that will ultimately sink Mrs. Rodham Clinton:

1. Her wall street love affair. Its the single most hated thing in the hard core left right now... insider trading, favors, total shameless pandering... the more it gets highlighted the more they see her as everything they fear in republicans

2. her brutally obvious dishonesty. She lies... often time changing her story in the same day from one extreme to the other. there are so many outright lies on video tape its almost impossible to figure out which ones are most harmful

3. Her ties to racism... one that is being utterly ignored to date... between her horrid record of supporting bad agendas like the infamous crime bill to her public affiliations and support of some of the most racist politicians in modern history, such as Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK and voted against the civil rights act, as did Mr gore sr, and her childhood hero Mr Goldwater. Her biographies try hard to paint a different picture of her views and establish her as a black rights champion, but her record speaks otherwise. All of this will come out as she tries to paint Trump as a racist with far less tangible ties to real racism

4. her potentially corrupt ties to foreign countries... she and her husband have received a lot of questionable money from places that got favorable treatment from them while in office... its finally being looked into.

5. Her disregard for national security/safety/laws ect. Mrs Clinton has, at best, acted as if her convenience superseded all of these during her time as a senator and in state. There are serious investigations coming into play because of how terribly she handles a myriad of situations

6. Her role in empowering ISIS. She had several very questionable decisions that led down the road to ISIS becoming what it is today... it wont be hard to paint her as a terrible choice to protect this country

7. Her role in covering up Bills sexual assaults... people rightfully dismiss the nonsense about Bills publicly known consensual trysts, but there were a ton of sexual harassments and assault allegations that were swept under the rug by the media and Hillary played a large role in protecting her husband and thus her political future in this area... it will get awfully messy here is there is any digging

8. Her attacks on Coal and industry. She risks losing the union vote completely, which will destroy her in the Midwest and Appalachia. This will be the single biggest decider in this election

9. The Clinton foundations mismanagement of funds... most notably the Haiti relief funds, but allegations of embezzlement are rampant there as well as tons of illegal donations: http://freebeacon.com/blog/the-clinton-foundation-scandals-explained/

10. Her total entanglement with the political establishment... if Trump or any third party wants to win, a single insult needs to be hurled at her early and often... "Establishment Crony". Hillary, moreso than any other of the politicians running this year embodies the idea of people in power misusing that power to get rich and keep themselves and their friends in power. This is a touch point for the Bernie crowd and will ultimately cost her millions of votes.

So there are ten hot button issues, and I left a dozen more on the cuttingroom floor, some far more serious that are less likely to be explored, like the murders and such, and some that I just don't see carrying much significant weight, like her war votes.

in any case there is a large pool of material to find negatives about her
from - http://www.eohistory.info/2013/hillaryHistory.htm

Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.


“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

She was always crooked. That's her. Read the rest of the article.
Another thing that will sink Hilldog is the fact that her "charity organization" pays their women way less than men. I believe the number was either 28% or 38% less than men. Not good since the only reason she is in the race is because she is a woman.
And that too is another one of my problems with Trump (among many others). That he is so devisive and controversial, so far 'out there' with his hairbrain proposals, lack of general knowledge and experience, he's pissed so many people off with his asshat comments, that in the end millions will vote for Hillary that wouldn't have otherwise, regardless of all the negativity surrounding her. Trump basically whitewashes Hillary, makes her serious issues seem less serious, turns her warts into mere pimples. Trump's unelectability as far as the whole electorate is concerned gives Hillary a shoo in to the White House. In the end, if that's what it is - Hillary vs. Trump, she will come out looking like an angel that saved the country from the Trump scourge. And it sucks, because she's undeserving. The Democrats deserve better than Hillary, the Republicans deserve better than Trump. Which really sucks for the country as a whole. But regardless how much you guys hate Hillary here on this board, regardless how much she's loathed by conservatives and those on the right, she will be viewed as the lesser of two evils in a general election.

edit - and for those that may point to current polls showing how close Hillary-Trump are nationally, just wait what happens if Bernie drops out and gives Hillary his full support. That is the game changer, given how strong his candidacy has been, which has basically split the Democrats' vote in half up until now. Once there is only one candidate who's facing Trump, things will coalesce and it will be overwhelming. And no, the exit polls in WV showing Bernie supporters leaning towards Trump is not indicative of what would happen nationally. All it will take is Bernie waking up one morning and deciding to side with Hillary unequivocally, and asking his supporters to do the same. And that will cause a seismic shift in support towards her. I'm still not convinced the Democratic race is over, things could still go south for Hillary in a bad, bad way over the next few weeks and months.
Last edited:
And that too is another one of my problems with Trump (among many others). That he is so devisive and controversial, so far 'out there' with his hairbrain proposals, lack of general knowledge and experience, he's pissed so many people off with his asshat comments, that in the end millions will vote for Hillary that wouldn't have otherwise, regardless of all the negativity surrounding her. Trump basically whitewashes Hillary, makes her serious issues seem less serious, turns her warts into mere pimples. Trump's unelectability as far as the whole electorate is concerned gives Hillary a shoo in to the White House. In the end, if that's what it is - Hillary vs. Trump, she will come out looking like an angel that saved the country from the Trump scourge. And it sucks, because she's undeserving. The Democrats deserve better than Hillary, the Republicans deserve better than Trump. Which really sucks for the country as a whole. But regardless how much you guys hate Hillary here on this board, regardless how much she's loathed by conservatives and those on the right, she will be viewed as the lesser of two evils in a general election.

edit - and for those that may point to current polls showing how close Hillary-Trump are nationally, just wait what happens if Bernie drops out and gives Hillary his full support. That is the game changer, given how strong his candidacy has been, which has basically split the Democrats' vote in half up until now. Once there is only one candidate who's facing Trump, things will coalesce and it will be overwhelming. And no, the exit polls in WV showing Bernie supporters leaning towards Trump is not indicative of what would happen nationally. All it will take is Bernie waking up one morning and deciding to side with Hillary unequivocally, and asking his supporters to do the same. And that will cause a seismic shift in support towards her. I'm still not convinced the Democratic race is over, things could still go south for Hillary in a bad, bad way over the next few weeks and months.

I see it as the exact opposite. Trump doesnt have the track record Hillary does so when push comes to shove Hillary is going to look worse than ever... Tibs i understand you are a hardcore leftist, and many of them will vote hillary or not vote at all, but in my neck of the woods they are 99% blue collar democrats and while the women are all voting hillary, none of the dudes are... I just dont see any republican voting hillary... the vast majority of sanders people arent voting for her, and the unions arent voting for her. Once the "Destroy the republican party by voting in Trump" movement catches on, i fear the worse for the next 4 years...
Ten things that will ultimately sink Mrs. Rodham Clinton:

1. Her wall street love affair. Its the single most hated thing in the hard core left right now... insider trading, favors, total shameless pandering... the more it gets highlighted the more they see her as everything they fear in republicans

2. her brutally obvious dishonesty. She lies... often time changing her story in the same day from one extreme to the other. there are so many outright lies on video tape its almost impossible to figure out which ones are most harmful

3. Her ties to racism... one that is being utterly ignored to date... between her horrid record of supporting bad agendas like the infamous crime bill to her public affiliations and support of some of the most racist politicians in modern history, such as Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK and voted against the civil rights act, as did Mr gore sr, and her childhood hero Mr Goldwater. Her biographies try hard to paint a different picture of her views and establish her as a black rights champion, but her record speaks otherwise. All of this will come out as she tries to paint Trump as a racist with far less tangible ties to real racism

4. her potentially corrupt ties to foreign countries... she and her husband have received a lot of questionable money from places that got favorable treatment from them while in office... its finally being looked into.

5. Her disregard for national security/safety/laws ect. Mrs Clinton has, at best, acted as if her convenience superseded all of these during her time as a senator and in state. There are serious investigations coming into play because of how terribly she handles a myriad of situations

6. Her role in empowering ISIS. She had several very questionable decisions that led down the road to ISIS becoming what it is today... it wont be hard to paint her as a terrible choice to protect this country

7. Her role in covering up Bills sexual assaults... people rightfully dismiss the nonsense about Bills publicly known consensual trysts, but there were a ton of sexual harassments and assault allegations that were swept under the rug by the media and Hillary played a large role in protecting her husband and thus her political future in this area... it will get awfully messy here is there is any digging

8. Her attacks on Coal and industry. She risks losing the union vote completely, which will destroy her in the Midwest and Appalachia. This will be the single biggest decider in this election

9. The Clinton foundations mismanagement of funds... most notably the Haiti relief funds, but allegations of embezzlement are rampant there as well as tons of illegal donations: http://freebeacon.com/blog/the-clinton-foundation-scandals-explained/

10. Her total entanglement with the political establishment... if Trump or any third party wants to win, a single insult needs to be hurled at her early and often... "Establishment Crony". Hillary, moreso than any other of the politicians running this year embodies the idea of people in power misusing that power to get rich and keep themselves and their friends in power. This is a touch point for the Bernie crowd and will ultimately cost her millions of votes.

So there are ten hot button issues, and I left a dozen more on the cuttingroom floor, some far more serious that are less likely to be explored, like the murders and such, and some that I just don't see carrying much significant weight, like her war votes.

in any case there is a large pool of material to find negatives about her

In many ways, Clinton is, even more, an American than Obama, and that's saying a lot. Like Bill renting out the Lincoln Bedroom, Hillary is taking millions in donations to the " Clinton foundation " from Arab producing nations and Iran, who in many cases despise the USA.

Since 2001, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates gave as much as $40 million to the Clinton Foundation

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article24782695.html#storylink=cpy

Wait, here a soruce that claims 100 million

A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton received at least $100 million from autocratic Persian Gulf states and their leaders, potentially undermining Democratic presidential candidate Hillary’s claim she can carry out independent Middle East policies

OMG, not I see why the deal with IRAN was made. They stuffed Clinton's pockets. Just imagine if any of this on her unsecure email server.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/05/11/e...-gave-bill-hillary-100-million/#ixzz48XscFWoS
And that too is another one of my problems with Trump (among many others). That he is so devisive and controversial, so far 'out there' with his hairbrain proposals, lack of general knowledge and experience, he's pissed so many people off with his asshat comments, that in the end millions will vote for Hillary that wouldn't have otherwise, regardless of all the negativity surrounding her. Trump basically whitewashes Hillary, makes her serious issues seem less serious, turns her warts into mere pimples. Trump's unelectability as far as the whole electorate is concerned gives Hillary a shoo in to the White House. In the end, if that's what it is - Hillary vs. Trump, she will come out looking like an angel that saved the country from the Trump scourge. And it sucks, because she's undeserving. The Democrats deserve better than Hillary, the Republicans deserve better than Trump. Which really sucks for the country as a whole. But regardless how much you guys hate Hillary here on this board, regardless how much she's loathed by conservatives and those on the right, she will be viewed as the lesser of two evils in a general election.

edit - and for those that may point to current polls showing how close Hillary-Trump are nationally, just wait what happens if Bernie drops out and gives Hillary his full support. That is the game changer, given how strong his candidacy has been, which has basically split the Democrats' vote in half up until now. Once there is only one candidate who's facing Trump, things will coalesce and it will be overwhelming. And no, the exit polls in WV showing Bernie supporters leaning towards Trump is not indicative of what would happen nationally. All it will take is Bernie waking up one morning and deciding to side with Hillary unequivocally, and asking his supporters to do the same. And that will cause a seismic shift in support towards her. I'm still not convinced the Democratic race is over, things could still go south for Hillary in a bad, bad way over the next few weeks and months.
You must be joking trying to talk about divisiveness. The Dems and this administration are the most divisive in my lifetime and it isn't even close.
And that too is another one of my problems with Trump (among many others). That he is so devisive and controversial, so far 'out there' with his hairbrain proposals, lack of general knowledge and experience, he's pissed so many people off with his asshat comments, that in the end millions will vote for Hillary that wouldn't have otherwise, regardless of all the negativity surrounding her. Trump basically whitewashes Hillary, makes her serious issues seem less serious, turns her warts into mere pimples. Trump's unelectability as far as the whole electorate is concerned gives Hillary a shoo in to the White House. In the end, if that's what it is - Hillary vs. Trump, she will come out looking like an angel that saved the country from the Trump scourge. And it sucks, because she's undeserving. The Democrats deserve better than Hillary, the Republicans deserve better than Trump. Which really sucks for the country as a whole. But regardless how much you guys hate Hillary here on this board, regardless how much she's loathed by conservatives and those on the right, she will be viewed as the lesser of two evils in a general election.

I disagree. We pretty much get what we deserve.

This nation has elected stupid, corrupt ****** for two generations. Politicians promise **** that no sentient being could ever believe some political hack could provide - child care!! Health care!! Food, housing, etc.!!!

So we have two candidates that would never have made it out of the minor league of politics in the 1950's and 1960's. Both are burdened by serious flaws and past transgressions. But hey, Hillary keeps promising more free ****, and that never fails, right?

Where do I get my extra $2,500 saved on health insurance????

edit - and for those that may point to current polls showing how close Hillary-Trump are nationally, just wait what happens if Bernie drops out and gives Hillary his full support. That is the game changer, given how strong his candidacy has been, which has basically split the Democrats' vote in half up until now. Once there is only one candidate who's facing Trump, things will coalesce and it will be overwhelming.

For crying out loud, Tibs, that's not how polls work.

The polls don't ask, "Whom do you support among Trump, Clinton and Sanders??" The polls in question ask about Trump vs. Clinton or Trump vs. Sanders.
Oh those crazy Clintons -
Bill Clinton’s foundation doled out $2 million to a power company partly owned by a wealthy blond divorcée — who some say is the frequent visitor to his home nicknamed “Energizer.”

The “commitment” to Julie Tauber McMahon’s firm from the Clinton Global Initiative was placed on its 2010 conference agenda at Clinton’s urging, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

The initiative “commits $2 million to support the work of Energy Pioneer Solutions, a company founded to deliver energy savings to communities in rural America,” said a 2010 statement from the charity.

Clinton even went to bat for the company when it came to lobbying for federal funds. He helped steer an $812,000 federal grant to it by endorsing the funds via then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu, the Journal said.

McMahon owns 29 percent of Energy Pioneer Solutions, which was given the money to make people’s homes more energy-efficient.

“Energizer” reportedly timed her arrivals and departures around Hillary Clinton’s schedule.

from - http://nypost.com/2016/05/13/clinton-charity-gave-2m-to-company-owned-by-bills-friend/

Who the **** wants any of these hillbillies back in any position of power, other than these "energizer" types?
I'm trying to find one person who likes her, and haven't yet. How on earth is she one of our two choices, when no one in this country (other than special interests) even likes her at all?
I'm trying to find one person who likes her, and haven't yet. How on earth is she one of our two choices, when no one in this country (other than special interests) even likes her at all?

How bad is this ****? Ross ******* Perot would improve the candidate choice.

Jesus, James Stockdale would improve the field.
Another thing that will sink Hilldog is the fact that her "charity organization" pays their women way less than men. I believe the number was either 28% or 38% less than men. Not good since the only reason she is in the race is because she is a woman.

The number is 38%. Hillary Clinton is all about the war on women. Until they rat out her husband for sleeping with them, then she publicly destroys them like vermin. Or until they work for her, where they are worse off than if they were in the free market.
This one's a beauty. Hillary, hero of 50% of the public. Crook. Plain and simple. She is considered a 'viable' candidate by many on this board.


The Clinton Business Model . . .
A case study in what to expect from a Hillary Presidency.

Democrats are starting to ask if Hillary Clinton could lose to Donald Trump, and one reason they should worry appeared on page one of the Journal on Friday. Our news colleagues tell the story of how Bill Clinton used the nonprofit Clinton Global Initiative to funnel private money to a company owned by friends of Bill and Hillary.

The Clinton Global Initiative—a program of the nonprofit Clinton Foundation—greased the wheels in 2010 for a Canadian businesswoman, Kim Samuel, to make a $2 million financial commitment to a green-energy company, Energy Pioneer Solutions. The company was founded in 2009 by Scott Kleeb, a Democrat who ran and lost twice for Congress in Nebraska and had a 29% stake in the company—according to 2009 documents cited by the Journal.

Another 29% was owned by Julie Tauber McMahon, a close friend and neighbor of the Clintons in Chappaqua, New York. Five percent was owned by Andrew Tobias, the Democratic National Committee treasurer, and another 5% by former Rhode Island Democratic Party chairman Mark Weiner. Both of the latter are also longtime Clinton friends.

The story makes clear that the financial transaction was facilitated mainly by Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, the Journal reports that Messrs. Weiner and Tobias have each donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation, the nonprofit that Bill and Hillary have used to promote their public image and employ their political aides and friends between election campaigns. Mr. Weiner owns a company that has provided products for Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaigns.

Clinton Foundation spokesman Craig Minassian is spinning this as “common practice” and “mission-driven investing.” But the law says nonprofits, which are exempt from most taxation, aren’t supposed to act on the financial behalf of for-profit businesses. Whatever Energy Pioneer’s good intentions about energy efficiency, its purpose is to make money for these friends of Bill and Hill.

Even more curious, details about the Energy Pioneer investment were stripped from the CGI website a few months later. The Clinton Foundation says this was done at the request of the Canadian investor—Ms. Samuel—but the Journal quotes sources who say the information was hidden “to avoid calling attention to Mr. Clinton’s friendship” with Ms. McMahon. You don’t have to be Ken Starr to understand that motivation.

The Clinton Foundation is now promising to revamp its disclosure policy, but we have seen this duck and cover before. The Foundation also failed to post details of contributions it received from foreign governments and businesses while Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State—until those donations were exposed in media reports last year.

There’s more. The Journal reports that Mr. Clinton also talked to then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu about a federal grant for Energy Pioneer. Mr. Chu says he doesn’t recall the conversation, but his department gave the company $812,000 in taxpayer funds in 2010.

The Energy Department had no comment on the Journal story, perhaps because Pioneer Energy isn’t doing well. The company lost at least $600,000 in its first 18 months, according to Energy Department audits. And the Journal reports that Mr. Kleeb recently “laid off most of his staff, closed his offices, sold a fleet of trucks and changed his business strategy.”

What we have here is a crystalline illustration of the Clinton political business model. Stretch the nonprofit laws to help political friends, who help the Clintons in return. Use political influence to leverage cash from government for a supposedly virtuous cause that is also a for-profit venture. Then when this sleazy deal-making is exposed, claim that everybody does it and hope the media give them another pass.

Voters can’t be sure of what they’ll get if they vote for Mr. Trump this fall, but they certainly do know what they’ll be getting if they vote for Mrs. Clinton. More crony capitalism, ethical corner-cutting and self-serving political deals.
We are just gettin' started with the crooked Clinton s. . Bad Bernie's not pointin' to her sleazy stuff but I'll betcha a nickle that Trump's boys are busy writtin' chapter and verse.

The news media is also starting to get more involved.

A Wall Street Journal report this week is bringing renewed scrutiny of the Clinton Global Initiative, founded by her husband, and raising questions about whether Clinton would be able to disengage from the tangled personal and business ties of former President Bill Clinton and the family's foundation. A Republican-led House committee is aiming to release its report on the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, in July, as both party conventions are getting underway. The FBI, meanwhile, is working to conclude an investigation into her use of a private e-mail server while she was secretary of state.

"This kind of stuff isn't going away any time soon, and I hope the campaign is going to move aggressively to deal with it in the most transparent way possible," said Jim Manley, a Democratic strategist and former top communications adviser to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.

We are just gettin' started with the crooked Clinton s. . Bad Bernie's not pointin' to her sleazy stuff but I'll betcha a nickle that Trump's boys are busy writtin' chapter and verse.

If Ball-less Bernie put up more of a fight he might be closer to actually winning - but he's old and weak and is afraid to mix it up, too bad.

His batshit crazy supporters are doing us enough good though!

The Dems are melting down!

Nevada Dem convention devolves into chaos; Sanders supporters boo Boxer

Tensions were high at the Democratic convention in Nevada Saturday, with Bernie Sanders supporters demanding delegate recounts, booing Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and causing other disruptions, according to local media reports.

Sanders supporters were angry over a voice vote that adopted a set of temporary convention rules as the permanent rules, according to the Las Vegas Sun.

And supporters also reacted angrily to the count of delegates attending the convention, which put Clinton at an advantage.

Boxer, a Hillary Clinton supporter, said among booing from the crowd “the future of the country is at stake. When you boo me, you’re booing Bernie Sanders. Go ahead. You’re booing Bernie Sanders.”



Hahahahahaha - you go Bernie bots!

Here's that puke Tapper framing up Hillary's private email server use as nothing criminal, under the guise of a penetrating fact check.
“Clinton did not provide the State Department with the emails from her private server until 21 months after she left office,” Tapper said, adding that a federal judge said the former secretary of state “failed to follow government policy on preserving federal records.”

Another expert described the fact that Clinton used her private server to store sensitive information exclusively as “inconsistent with long-established policies and practices … governing all federal agencies.”

“In the end,” Tapper said, “Clinton’s exclusive use of her private email server for the people’s business was definitely unusual, it was definitely discouraged and she did not comply with government regulations when it came to preserving government records.”
- from http://www.allenbwest.com/michellej...cked-hillarys-email-claims-look-what-it-found

Not sure why some conservative columnists are endorsing this crap. It's obviously the start of the narrative. Something like "She went outside the lines, and really underlined some gaps in our processes, so we are forming a task force to get better policies in place to protect information vital to the security of Americans."