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The Crooked Hillary Thread

I have predicted that they will talk about this situation as underlining the need to define better policies and will create a task force to do so, and almost thank Hillary for helping to bring the problems to light. They will conflate things like Powell using Gmail a few times with Hillary standing up a private email server in her ******* bathroom.

True but this report shows that new policies were in place before Hilldog took her position so she is guilty and a lying piece of trash no matter how she and the libtards try to spin it.
I will say this ... Joe Biden is not a genius. However, he is an effective politician who has made it known that he does not think of Republicans as his "enemy" and is somebody who can work reasonably well with both parties.

I could live with a Biden candidacy ...
I will say this ... Joe Biden is not a genius. However, he is an effective politician who has made it known that he does not think of Republicans as his "enemy" and is somebody who can work reasonably well with both parties.

I could live with a Biden candidacy ...

Biden is not a bad guy. He seems honest and has the moderate political skill, with a bit of a temper when pressed. In terms of trust and loving his country he towers above Clinton and Obama, and that makes him more electable.

He said he didn't have the steam to run, and when given the microphone on live issues, he's gaffe prone and mistaken. I'd rather face Clinton. She has a much higher negative rating and Trump could have a field day with her in a debate.
I want to see the media explode if it becomes a 4-man race.

I still think there's the potential for a super-right or libertarian run as a 3rd candidate and based on the way Crazy Bernie is acting, he should just say **** you to the DNC and run as the communist/independent he is as a 4th party ticket.

Hell, he might as well call his new party "Communist" and paint all his posters red. Let's get there America!

We should have:

Communist Party (Sanders)
Democratic Party (Clinton)
Nationalist Party (Trump)
Republican Party (Tea Party/Right Wing/Libertarian Cruz types)

We don't fit in two parties as Americans anymore....
Biden is not a bad guy. He seems honest and has the moderate political skill, with a bit of a temper when pressed. In terms of trust and loving his country he towers above Clinton and Obama, and that makes him more electable.

Pretty much how I view him.

Fascinating that two months ago, most were enthralled at the apparent likelihood of a brokered Republican convention, when in reality it is the Democratic race that looks like a cruise ship heading towards a massive iceberg.

Game Over: EmailGate Just Crippled the Clinton Express

Early denials from the Clinton camp tried to make the entire matter go away, insisting there was no “there” there. Once that folded in the face of massive evidence that something indeed had gone very awry with Secretary Clinton’s emails at Foggy Bottom, the excuses shifted to ones familiar to those who experienced the 1990s. Everybody does it. It’s not really a big deal. Above all, this is politically motivated. These false accusations are the machinations of a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

Such dodges held water for months among Hillary fans, aided by parts of the mainstream media which, long accustomed to running interference for the Clintons, continued to do so, attempting to muddy waters that to those familiar with laws and regulations on the handling of classified materials are actually decidedly clear.

That all fell apart yesterday with the release of the long-anticipated State Department Inspector General’s special report on how Foggy Bottom handles email records and cybersecurity. A shoe has dropped for Team Clinton—a very big shoe—and there will be no going back now.

The State IG report, weighing in at over 80 pages, is crammed full of bureaucratese yet paints an indelible and detailed portrait of things going very wrong at Foggy Bottom—especially under Hillary Clinton.

It can charitably be termed scathing, and it leaves no doubt that Team Clinton has lied flagrantly to the public about EmailGate for more than a year.

She is the worst liar ever.


Funny how the alphabet networks continue to ignore this, focusing on the "protesters" caused by a Trump speaking engagement.
I want to see the media explode if it becomes a 4-man race.

I still think there's the potential for a super-right or libertarian run as a 3rd candidate and based on the way Crazy Bernie is acting, he should just say **** you to the DNC and run as the communist/independent he is as a 4th party ticket.

Hell, he might as well call his new party "Communist" and paint all his posters red. Let's get there America!

We should have:

Communist Party (Sanders)
Democratic Party (Clinton)
Nationalist Party (Trump)
Republican Party (Tea Party/Right Wing/Libertarian Cruz types)

We don't fit in two parties as Americans anymore....

We have all of those. The two establishment parties...
There is a legit Communist party in the US. There is also the very left wing Green Party, which is around 2-4% popular at any given time that is mostly a left wing democratic party.
There is the Libertarians for the moderates
And the tea party really ought to be in the constitutional party, who are strict conservatives

Game Over: EmailGate Just Crippled the Clinton Express

Early denials from the Clinton camp tried to make the entire matter go away, insisting there was no “there” there. Once that folded in the face of massive evidence that something indeed had gone very awry with Secretary Clinton’s emails at Foggy Bottom, the excuses shifted to ones familiar to those who experienced the 1990s. Everybody does it. It’s not really a big deal. Above all, this is politically motivated. These false accusations are the machinations of a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

Such dodges held water for months among Hillary fans, aided by parts of the mainstream media which, long accustomed to running interference for the Clintons, continued to do so, attempting to muddy waters that to those familiar with laws and regulations on the handling of classified materials are actually decidedly clear.

That all fell apart yesterday with the release of the long-anticipated State Department Inspector General’s special report on how Foggy Bottom handles email records and cybersecurity. A shoe has dropped for Team Clinton—a very big shoe—and there will be no going back now.

The State IG report, weighing in at over 80 pages, is crammed full of bureaucratese yet paints an indelible and detailed portrait of things going very wrong at Foggy Bottom—especially under Hillary Clinton.

It can charitably be termed scathing, and it leaves no doubt that Team Clinton has lied flagrantly to the public about EmailGate for more than a year.


Link broken...

Updated: http://observer.com/2016/05/game-over-emailgate-just-crippled-the-clinton-express/

Game Over: EmailGate Just Crippled the Clinton Express[/B]


This is also a really great part of the article:

That said, only Hillary Clinton simply refused to use government email for government work—she repeatedly denied requests from State security and IT to use state.gov email—and she systematically dodged federal regulations on electronic communications and records preservation by setting up her private email server of bathroom infamy. Damningly, while several former secretaries of state cooperated with the IG in this important investigation, Ms. Clinton refused to.

As secretary of state, Ms. Clinton attempted a novel experiment of trying to avoid using any information systems that create records that can be subject to the Freedom of Information Act. The IG report includes painful details, including how she flatly refused to use state.gov email for anything, ever, citing privacy grounds. State IT was concerned because Ms. Clinton’s work emails—all being sent via her clintonmail.com address—were winding up in the spam folders of State officials. Important information was not getting where it needed to go. She needed to use official email for official business. Except she refused.

What was so important, so sensitive that Hillary had to dodge FOIA altogether? Clearly protecting her private life—whatever that might be—was valued more highly by Ms. Clinton than actually heading the Department of State.

Then we have the repeating warnings from State officials about the incredibly vulnerable nature of her ramshackle private email system from any cybersecurity perspective. These, too, were blown off by Ms. Clinton and her staff, despite several hacking efforts that staffers were aware of. Guccifer, the Romanian hacker who illegally accessed Ms. Clinton’s email during her tour at Foggy Bottom, has just pleaded guilty, and there can be little doubt that hackers more adept than he penetrated Hillary’s communications.

Any foreign intelligence service worth its salt would have had no trouble accessing Ms. Clinton’s emails, particularly when they were unencrypted, as this column has explained in detail. Yet Hillary was more worried about the American public finding out about what she was up to via FOIA than what foreign spy services and hackers might see in her email.

What she was seeking to hide so ardently remains one of the big unanswered questions in EmailGate. Hints may be found in the recent announcement that Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, the former head of the Democratic National Committee and a longtime Clinton intimate, is under FBI investigation for financial misdeeds, specifically dirty money coming from China. In fact, Mr. McAulliffe invited one of his Beijing benefactors over to Ms. Clinton’s house in 2013. Not long after, Chinese investors donated $2 million to the Clinton Foundation.


As is their wont, Hillary’s loyal defenders are denouncing the State IG report as yet another “nothingburger,” adding with customary conspiratorial flair: “there are some real questions about the impartiality of the IG.” In this take, we are supposed to believe that the head of State’s IG office, appointed by President Obama, is a clandestine GOP operative.
I will say this ... Joe Biden is not a genius. However, he is an effective politician who has made it known that he does not think of Republicans as his "enemy" and is somebody who can work reasonably well with both parties.

I could live with a Biden candidacy ...

Biden is purely on the globalist bankers team. Anyone that's neck deep in the CFR is. He would sell out Americans in a heart beat, making him a traitor, just like Crooked Hill and Barry.

Biden is as main stream as they come. If this country is rejecting main stream candidates, I see no way he goes anywhere. Sanders and his followers will burn cities down if the Dems pull **** at the convention.
Biden is as main stream as they come. If this country is rejecting main stream candidates, I see no way he goes anywhere. Sanders and his followers will burn cities down if the Dems pull **** at the convention.

He is bought and paid for by the globalist bankers. I don't know if that makes him "mainstream" or not.
Biden is a more useful idiot than clinton. Russia, china and the saudis approve.
It's starting. Here is the headline of this crap - ‘No!’: Anchor Chris Wallace Fiercely Pushes Back Against Democrat’s Clinton Email Claim During Tense Interview
“Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace pushed back forcefully when Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) compared Hillary Clinton’s use of private email to that of former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

“I do want to get back to the point that I wanted to finish…that is the comparison with Secretary Powell is—“ Schiff began.

“No! I’m sorry,” Wallace interrupted. “Hillary Clinton is running for president. Colin Powell is not running for president. The rules in 2004 were completely different. They’re completely different guidelines.”

Wallace said the guidelines about email use was repeatedly strengthened prior to Clinton’s time as secretary of state.

“Hillary Clinton was operating in a different world. Can we please stay to the issue of what Hillary Clinton did or didn’t do and not talk about Colin Powell?” the anchor added.

When Schiff tried to push back, Wallace claimed that Powell is “irrelevant” in the case of Clinton’s private email scandal.

Under the guise of protest, Wallace is allowing the conflation of Powell using his personal account a few times for unclassified business emails with Clinton setting up a private email server in her bathroom to handle top secret communications. Hey Chris, the right response is "That isn't remotely the same thing!". ******* smug prick Chris Wallace.

I want to see the media explode if it becomes a 4-man race.

I still think there's the potential for a super-right or libertarian run as a 3rd candidate and based on the way Crazy Bernie is acting, he should just say **** you to the DNC and run as the communist/independent he is as a 4th party ticket.

Hell, he might as well call his new party "Communist" and paint all his posters red. Let's get there America!

We should have:

Communist Party (Sanders)
Democratic Party (Clinton)
Nationalist Party (Trump)
Republican Party (Tea Party/Right Wing/Libertarian Cruz types)

We don't fit in two parties as Americans anymore....

George Carlin was not just a comedian. He was a brilliant man on social observation. Carlin used to say you have the illusion of choice. While I can see the difference on issues every year I think his point on the illusion becomes larger. You have to watch this. The illusion of choice is around the 3:40 mark


These days a candidate's positions are best defined by his largest donors and gigantic corporations.

Personally, I think foreign donations should not be accepted in USA Politics, and this lavish gifts.
Hillary supporters are ******* clueless. and hopeless.

Poll: Half of Americans Think Hillary Should Still Run If Charged

Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/americans-hillary-run-charged/2016/05/31/id/731537/#ixzz4AMQnc8Tm

Some 50 percent of Americans say Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton should continue her campaign for the presidency even if she is charged with a felony in connection with her use of a private e-mail server while she was secretary of state, according to Rasmussen Reports.
This despite the fact that nearly two-thirds of likely voters believe that Clinton did indeed break the law in the scandal, according to the poll.

The survey was taken after the State Department's Office of Inspector General report said that Clinton knowingly broke department regulations by using her private e-mail server for official duties, including those that were top secret.

Other details of the poll include:

71 percent of Democrats say she should continue her presidential campaign if indicted, 46 percent of unaffiliated agree, while among Republicans it is only 30 percent.
40 percent of all voters say the e-mail issue makes them less likely to vote for Clinton, while 48 percent say it will have no impact on their choice.
65 percent say it is likely that Clinton broke the law, while only 30 percent say it is unlikely.
Only 30 percent give Clinton a good or excellent grade for her handling of questions on the issue, while 49 percent say her performance is poor.

The survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted on May 29-30 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.