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The Dem **** Show starts tonight,

Biden is done. Meanwhile, Rapinoe is still an American-hating female Kaepernick.

By all means protest. You **** on the flag? You disrespect the National Anthem? You disrespect this great nation. There's a million ways to express your political opinions. Doing it that way makes you anti-American. Sorry. It's not a debate.


Joe Biden loses support of top campaign fundraiser in Bay Area after comments on segregationists and Hyde amendment

- Former Vice President Joe Biden lost a key financial supporter after his comments on working with segregationists and flip flopping on the Hyde Amendment.
- Tom McInerney informed Biden’s team last week he can no longer back his campaign.
- “I would imagine I’m not alone,” he tells CNBC.
She is being attacked for expressing her political opinions.

Wrong again. As you have been 100% of the time on this issue. She's not being attacked FOR her opinions, it is due to HOW she expresses them. Period. You refuse to admit this or see it or both. Then again, you also hate this great land, so I'm sure you do see her as a hero and call her a Patriot, a game you're quite good at...

Wrong again. As you have been 100% of the time on this issue. She's not being attacked FOR her opinions, it is due to HOW she expresses them. Period. You refuse to admit this or see it or both. Then again, you also hate this great land, so I'm sure you do see her as a hero and call her a Patriot, a game you're quite good at...

Yeah, she quietly and respectfully takes a knee during the anthem, just like Kaepernick. And you guys blow a gasket and scream bloody murder over something so inconsequential. You act like she's burning the flag and planning to overthrow the government. You have no understanding of, or appreciation for, first Amendment rights. That is as un-American as it gets. Sorry you hate the Constitution and want to rip it to shreds when something or someone hurts your feelings.
Nice job dykes! Congrats on making the finals. I hope you get the **** kicked out of you.
Nice job dykes! Congrats on making the finals. I hope you get the **** kicked out of you.

Homophobic, bigoted, un-American, hates his country. You check off all the boxes. Nice job!
Yeah, dead wrong on all points. **** off, Hungarian.


I see you're running on fumes, out of ideas, resigned to being a one-trick pony. You lack the knowledge, insight or intelligence to have an adult conversation regarding anything of significance. So you lash out and attack, like a wounded bird with a broken beak and damaged feathers. Try to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get a grip on things. It doesn't have to be like this, that you can only have online conversations on a kindergartner's level. It's a big, bold, beautiful world out there Indy, nothing to be afraid of. You can do this, I know you can.
Yeah, she quietly and respectfully takes a knee during the anthem, just like Kaepernick. And you guys blow a gasket and scream bloody murder over something so inconsequential.

inconsequential ? She does not belong as a representative of the USA team if she continues to publicly disrespect it's anthem. She should quietly and respectfully resign her place on the team and join another team more suitable to her liking.

I'm watching the Sweden/Germany Womens World Cup match purely to get a better understanding of their tactics.....and I'm thinking the game would be so much better if they had the same uniforms as womens beach volleyball. But then I see Team USA (aka Team Butch) and quickly changed my mind. Except Sweden....Sweden needs to wear beach volleyball unis.
She does not belong as a representative of the USA team if she continues to publicly disrespect it's anthem. She should quietly and respectfully resign her place on the team and join another team more suitable to her liking.

Taking a knee as a form of solemn, silent, individual protest does not disrespect the anthem, the flag, or the country. It in fact strengthens every idea and principle the country was founded on. The hysterical backlash just shows how unhinged the right is in America.
And how does that makes her political opinion superior to anyone else?

It doesn't make her opinion superior...but gives her and other notable athletes the forum to express their political opinions..
Personally, I would prefer that all athletes focus on their performance on the field or pitch in this case..but it is their prerogative to do so if they wish,especially athletes from nations that accept and promote "freedom of speech" from their citizenry..
I would prefer if they didn't use their "star" status to promote their political beliefs, but she and others have not committed a crime in doing so..

I was just commenting on her play yesterday..
She is a very talented soccer player and team USA would not be in the position they are in without her..
I'm watching the Sweden/Germany Womens World Cup match purely to get a better understanding of their tactics.....and I'm thinking the game would be so much better if they had the same uniforms as womens beach volleyball. But then I see Team USA (aka Team Butch) and quickly changed my mind. Except Sweden....Sweden needs to wear beach volleyball unis.

Holy ****!

Do they all come from the same parents!
Taking a knee as a form of solemn, silent, individual protest does not disrespect the anthem, the flag, or the country. It in fact strengthens every idea and principle the country was founded on.

What a load of ****.
I wonder what Hope Solo would do to this anti american purple haired player?
She is a great soccer player...

Awesome performance yesterday...

did you hear what she said?

‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

“You can’t win a championship without gays on your team. That’s science, right there!"



Wait until the transgender “women” show up. That’ll really prove it, science.

oh wait,

“You can’t win without white people on your team. That’s science right there.”
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Who said her opinions are superior? She is being attacked for expressing her political opinions. To the gulags with her! String 'er up! How dare someone speak out against Herr Kommandant?!

Well, if that's the case, then here is my opinion. Her actions are a slap in the face to the country she is representing, and no one is saying string her up. She should be embarrassed, but I suppose no one is anymore.
did you hear what she said?

‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

“You can’t win a championship without gays on your team. That’s science, right there!"



Wait until the transgender “women” show up. That’ll really prove it, science.

oh wait,

“You can’t win without white people on your team. That’s science right there.”

No didn't hear that...

But as I said...they wouldn't be where they are without her on the team..

I think her success has more to do with her commitment to the sport, being gifted athletically, and her desire to succeed..
Taking a knee as a form of solemn, silent, individual protest does not disrespect the anthem, the flag, or the country. It in fact strengthens every idea and principle the country was founded on. The hysterical backlash just shows how unhinged the right is in America.

Bullshit....you are sounding more like the unhinged left that you so idol every day. Ya disrespectful commie troll *******.


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/cough... now that's funny.

Yeah, she quietly and respectfully takes a knee during the anthem, just like Kaepernick. And you guys blow a gasket and scream bloody murder over something so inconsequential.

And thank you for proving my points from earlier today.

The flag means something. It means a LOT.

It is not inconsequential. Not in the least. In fact, kneeling during the anthem or in the face of the flag is in fact direct disrespect for this country, for its veterans, for those who died defending the country.

The fact that you don't get this doesn't surprise. You find it ok to equate AntiFA to those who perished at D-Day.

Taking a knee as a form of solemn, silent, individual protest does not disrespect the anthem, the flag, or the country.

Say I look at an Italian and call him a wop and he gets offended, am I allowed to say to him "I meant that respectfully, you know, as a term of endearment. I'm not disrespecting you." Who, in this equation, gets to determine offense? The person delivering the message or the person receiving it? Of course, if the Italian is offended that I called him a wop, then he is offended and I should try to respect him going forward and not use the word.

The same holds true for the flag and kneeling during the anthem. Rapinoe and Kaepernick and athletes and raving Liberals such as yourself can't tell us "not to be offended." Just like I can't tell an Italian not to be offended if I call him a wop. We are offended when they kneel. Veterans are. True Patriots are offended. Because it is in fact disrespectful. Offense taken as it should be. And Rapinoe et al can't tell us not to be offended. It simply doesn't work that way. They don't get to re-define the game and tell us not to be offended.

Of course they have that 1st Amendment right. They cannot however tell us not to be offended. Because what they are doing is incredibly and dangerously offensive to those who've served and those families who have relatives who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

As we were all offended when you so casually disrespected those who died on D-Day.

It's like America and her servicemen and women are all a joke to you.
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They cannot however tell us not to be offended.

No man, nobody's telling you not to be offended. Just pointing out how ******* sensitive you are. It's your decision to overreact however you want, to every little thing that bothers you. Who cares if an athlete takes a knee during a pre-game anthem to protest? How does that actually hurt or affect you?

I don't care what some pro athlete feels like doing during the anthem, before a game. It's not a raging, burning issue for me. You read all this bullshit intent into it, how everyone wants to stomp on the flag, hate on veterans, disrespect the troops and cops. You're seeing things that aren't there. You are the definition of being reactionary. The sensationalism is over the top. You project stuff into an argument that simply isn't there.

If Rapinoe wants to tell Trump to **** off, so be it. What's it to you? Rapinoe is a proud, openly gay, liberal, female soccer player, and strongly disagrees with the President's views. So what? How is that infringing on your personal space or feelings? She's opinionated, says what's on her mind, so what? Because you disagree with her? Because she doesn't want to meet Trump at the WH? She'll have plenty of company with all the other pro athletes skipping that cherished WH visit cause they think Trump is a ****.

Kaepernick and Rapinoe can do whatever the **** they want. It's a free country. Until folks like you get your way and then what? Have people rounded-up and arrested for not saluting the flag? For not standing straight enough during the anthem, not being patriotic enough?

It's shameful how you exploit veterans and the military, to suggest someone sticking up for 1st amendment rights is somehow insulting and demeaning to servicemen. You're really something special, Tim.
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If Rapinoe wants to tell Trump to **** off, so be it. What's it to you? Rapinoe is a proud, openly gay, liberal, female soccer player, and strongly disagrees with the President's views. So what?

Yep, don't care what she thinks, don't care what she says...she may. She has that right. As I said to you before (this escapes you) it's HOW. Disrespecting the flag and the anthem is insulting those who sacrificed for it, and all Patriots. Plain and ******* simple.

Kaepernick and Rapinoe can do whatever the **** they want.

Actually, they can't, to split hairs.

It's a free country. Until folks like you get your way and then what? Have people rounded-up and arrested for not saluting the flag? For not standing straight enough during the anthem, not being patriotic enough?

Jesus, you're a daft, unintelligent son of a *****. Please, go back and point out where I state it should be criminal in any way? I support their 1st Amendment rights. Stated it before. But they cannot tell me, a veteran, or ANY other American not to be offended.

What about this simple premise is so hard for your communist mind to grasp?

What they are doing is HIGHLY offensive. You can't "dictate" that it shouldn't be.

It's shameful how you exploit veterans and the military, to suggest someone sticking up for 1st amendment rights is somehow insulting and demeaning to servicemen. You're really something special, Tim.

Who posted the meme comparing AntiFA to D-Day?

Case closed.

My uncle died in the Pacific in WWII. 50% of my family have served in the military.

Do you want to talk even more about what you don't know?
No man, nobody's telling you not to be offended. Just pointing out how ******* sensitive you are. It's your decision to overreact however you want, to every little thing that bothers you. Who cares if an athlete takes a knee during a pre-game anthem to protest? How does that actually hurt or affect you?

I don't care what some pro athlete feels like doing during the anthem, before a game. It's not a raging, burning issue for me. You read all this bullshit intent into it, how everyone wants to stomp on the flag, hate on veterans, disrespect the troops and cops. You're seeing things that aren't there. You are the definition of being reactionary. The sensationalism is over the top. You project stuff into an argument that simply isn't there.

If Rapinoe wants to tell Trump to **** off, so be it. What's it to you? Rapinoe is a proud, openly gay, liberal, female soccer player, and strongly disagrees with the President's views. So what? How is that infringing on your personal space or feelings? She's opinionated, says what's on her mind, so what? Because you disagree with her? Because she doesn't want to meet Trump at the WH? She'll have to get in line behind all the other athletes skipping that cherished WH visit cause they think Trump is a ****.

Kaepernick and Rapinoe can do whatever the **** they want. It's a free country. Until folks like you get your way and then what? Have people rounded-up and arrested for not saluting the flag? For not standing straight enough during the anthem, not being patriotic enough?

It's shameful how you exploit veterans and the military, to suggest someone sticking up for 1st amendment rights is somehow insulting and demeaning to servicemen. You're really something special, Tim.

If the test of "how does it ACTUALLY hurt you" applied to everything the liberals stand for, there wouldn't be a platform left Tibs....

You really think the conservatives in this country are more restrictive than the thought police on your side? Really? Do you really think the conservatives use peer pressure and "you can't say that" more than your side Tibs? Do you really think the crazy political correctness came from conservatives in this country and not the hysterical, left-leaning media?

And now you're lecturing Tim on his "offense taken" as kneeling at the flag?

Personally, I never minded the kneeling. What pissed me off about Kapernick that I will never forget is the pig socks. That told me what he truly believed. Not his kneeling, which I think was for 90% publicity and 10% advocacy. The fact people are holding that police hating, black live matter jackass up as a hero bothers me. You standing up for him bothers me.

Police crime against black communities is a mole hill compared to black-on-black, gang violence and the problem of fatherless homes in the black community. A MOLE HILL.

So I'm going to treat it as a mole hill problem until I hear someone with respect actually hold the black community accountable for their own actions and stop blaming others. That's never going to happen of course. Your thought police on the left would never allow it.
Disrespecting the flag and the anthem

Beg to differ on whether or not Megan Rapinoe is disrespecting the flag and the anthem. In my view someone taking a knee in silent protest for a personal or political cause on the sideline of a playing field is not an act of raging anti-patriotism which should set off fire alarms and be screamed to the mountain tops.

React to it however you like. Nobody is keeping you from being outraged. God damn lesbian soccer players all up in 'yer britches.