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The Dem **** Show starts tonight,

I don't care what some pro athlete feels like doing during the anthem, before a game. It's not a raging, burning issue for me. .

I am terribly offended by what this woman does, You have horrible reactions to Trump behavior, like this weekend, and I can't believe you can't see how he is trolling the media.

How do we get beyond this?
“You can’t win without white people on your team. That’s science right there.”

Not to interrupt your pointless outrage, but what sport would you be talking about?
I am terribly offended by what this woman does, You have horrible reactions to Trump behavior, like this weekend, and I can't believe you can't see how he is trolling the media. How do we get beyond this?

We probably have different sets of expectations in judging the behavior of the President and that of a pro sports player. Not sure how we get beyond it, grabbing a beer and talking Steelers football could help.
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Disrespect a human that didn’t take five deferments, served his country, fought in war, was taken prison and tortured: OK

Disrespect the flag or anthem: ************!!!!

Spare me your phony patriotic outrage.
Based on his punch-to-the-gut reaction to Kaepernick & Rapinoe, Tim must be bouncing off the walls in fits of anger seeing Trump disrespect the flag. He does it often at his rallies, grabbing the American flag like a hooker around the waist. Comes naturally to him, no doubt. Pretty disturbing, if you ask me, treating the flag like a rag doll. Not sure what the protocol is for the President as far as inappropriate touching of our sacred flag. Perhaps after he's gone they'll add a few paragraphs to the personal conduct code.



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We probably have different sets of expectations in judging the behavior of the President and that of a pro sports player. Not sure how we get beyond it, grabbing a beer and talking Steelers football could help.

You and me....no prob.
What about the country? There's a Bad Moon Risin.
In my opinion kneeling or whatever is disrespectful especially overseas. I think there are better ways to protest. However several veterans or current service members say they take no issue with people protesting during the anthem. If people who are fighting or have fought for our freedom don't have a problem, I feel they have much more say on the subject than anyone else
I'm pretty sure there are plenty of veterans/service members who are offended by the kneelers.
I figure if you are representing the nation, you are representing the nation. Not just the gay or black people. I mean, if this nation is so awful, it seems you would have an issue even pulling that jersey on to represent such a fascist, oppressive nation. Funny though, she doesn’t have much of an issue cashing checks from that awful, fascist, oppressive nation. Protest if you want, no skin off my back. Comes off as hypocritical in my view.
I figure if you are representing the nation, you are representing the nation. Not just the gay or black people. I mean, if this nation is so awful, it seems you would have an issue even pulling that jersey on to represent such a fascist, oppressive nation.

This nation is so terrible. It is so bad, that people of color are risking life and limb to get here. This systemic racism is so bad, that Jussie Smolette had to hire two black guys to oppress him. Things are so bad here, that celebrities, who said they would leave the country if Trump was elected, are still here...unfortunately.

Sure, bad **** happens, but this belief that this country has these systemic problems is just not supported by the facts.
Beg to differ on whether or not Megan Rapinoe is disrespecting the flag and the anthem. In my view someone taking a knee in silent protest for a personal or political cause on the sideline of a playing field is not an act of raging anti-patriotism which should set off fire alarms and be screamed to the mountain tops.

As I've said before, and as I'm sure will need to say it again...you're anti-American. You want a different America. You hate her as she is.

Oh, sure you'll come back and say again No I don't, I'm a Patriot, blah blah blah.

But we already know about your definition of Patriots and such. Yours is a warped world.


I, and the rest of those who honor America, her flag, and her anthem, will respect. And when we differ with America, we will address those issues properly - at the polls, protests, working through legal means, etc. Not by being petulant, disrespectful, and offensive.

Yeah, you love America Tibs...all the way from Hungary, posting memes like this...

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It's shameful how you exploit veterans and the military, to suggest someone sticking up for 1st amendment rights is somehow insulting and demeaning to servicemen. You're really something special, Tim.

You're a useless piece of **** Tibsy...stay over there across the pond and we here in America will all be a lot better off. We already have more than our share of commie trolls and anti- American ******** like you to deal with, and that goes for your uncle too.

I figure if you are representing the nation, you are representing the nation. Not just the gay or black people. I mean, if this nation is so awful, it seems you would have an issue even pulling that jersey on to represent such a fascist, oppressive nation. Funny though, she doesn’t have much of an issue cashing checks from that awful, fascist, oppressive nation. Protest if you want, no skin off my back. Comes off as hypocritical in my view.

Post of the week.

I'm sure Tibs will have some illogical spin to this, but you bring up a tremendous point. The hypocrisy of the Left. While Tibs silently jerks off to the thought of purple haired Rapinoe kneeling while the Anthem plays, he and other progressives forget this hypocrisy.

What you write about is much like the Liberals screaming about Capitalism, how horrible it is, while they use their iPhones and benefit in 1,000 ways from Capitalism, forgetting they depend upon it. All the occupy protests, sleeping in tents and sleeping bags made by Capitalists, using phones and the internet and cellular driven by Capitalism. The irony is comical there.

If Rapinoe was truly a hero, like Tibs believes she is...her protest would be legitimate. If the flag offends, why does she wear it? Why does she play for a team named USA? If she truly, truly, truly is offended by America and the Anthem, shouldn't she go all the way by not putting on the jersey and playing for the USA?

Hypocrites. Yet another perfect example.


How can she stand to wear this offensive jersey with USA and the flag on it?
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Can't we trade her to another team?

72 countries where homosexuality is illegal


1 Algeria
2 Burundi
3 Cameroon
4 Chad
5 Comoros
6 Egypt
7 Eritrea
8 Ethiopia
9 Gambia
10 Ghana
11 Guinea
12 Kenya
13 Liberia
14 Libya
15 Malawi
16 Mauritania
17 Mauritius
18 Morocco
19 Namibia
20 Nigeria
21 Senegal
22 Sierra Leone
23 Somalia
24 South Sudan
25 Sudan
26 Swaziland
27 Tanzania
28 Togo
29 Tunisia
30 Uganda
31 Zambia
32 Zimbabwe

Asia, including the Middle East

33 Afghanistan
34 Bangladesh
35 Bhutan
36 Brunei
37 Indonesia
38 Iran
39 Iraq
40 Kuwait
41 Lebanon
42 Malaysia
43 Maldives
44 Myanmar
45 Oman
46 Pakistan
47 Palestine/Gaza Strip
48 Qatar
49 Saudi Arabia
50 Singapore
51 Sri Lanka
52 Syria
53 Turkmenistan
54 United Arab Emirates
55 Uzbekistan
56 Yemen


57 Antigua & Barbuda
58 Barbados
59 Dominica
60 Grenada
61 Guyana
62 Jamaica
63 St Kitts & Nevis
64 St Lucia
65 St Vincent & the Grenadines


66 Cook Islands
67 Kirbati
68 Papua New Guinea
69 Samoa
70 Solomon Islands
71 Tonga
72 Tuvalu

I was just in Jamaica and saw several openly gay couples..
Not just on the resort but in town from locals also...

Weed = legal
Life partner choice = illegal

I guess if you smoke weed all your life..it’s all good..
If the flag offends, why does she wear it? Why does she play for a team named USA? If she truly, truly, truly is offended by America and the Anthem, shouldn't she go all the way by not putting on the jersey and playing for the USA?

I realize this far exceeds your limited scope of comprehension, but just for a moment ponder the thought that the flag doesn't offend her, nor does the anthem, nor does anything having to do with this great country of ours. She is simply protesting some tenet or policy of this current administration that she doesn't agree with. She is trying to bring awareness to a social issue or cause which is important to her. That is her right as an American who loves her country, the flag, the national anthem. Someone who loves everything about America besides the bloated jackass currently residing in the WH.

Nah, never mind, a thought like that is surely incomprehensible to you. Don't even know why I try.
I realize this far exceeds your limited scope of comprehension, but just for a moment ponder the thought that the flag doesn't offend her, nor does the anthem, nor does anything having to do with this great country of ours. She is simply protesting some tenet or policy of this current administration that she doesn't agree with. She is trying to bring awareness to a social issue or cause which is important to her. That is her right as an American who loves her country, the flag, the national anthem. Someone who loves everything about America besides the bloated jackass currently residing in the WH.

Nah, never mind, a thought like that is surely incomprehensible to you. Don't even know why I try.

I’m not sure she knows what her cause is. She has changed it three or four times.
And if she loved everything about America, why is she protesting?
I’m not sure she knows what her cause is. She has changed it three or four times.

As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter what her cause is. She could be raising awareness to get crosswalks painted on major roads and highways to ensure safe passage for snails. That's her prerogative.

When the national anthem comes on, I take off my hat if I'm wearing one, stand at attention, put my hand on my heart and listen to it all the way through. As I've done all my life, that's how I was raised. I don't kneel in protest, or sip on my beer, or talk over it, or continue munching on chips or whatever. The fact some athletes decide to silently, peacefully protest before, during or after the anthem doesn't raise my ire. I understand it's not meant to disrespect the flag, or the country, or the troops, or anything like that. I can wrap my head around the idea people have a right to do such a thing and frankly, I don't give two ***** about it. And as far as the military and servicemen, the ones I've spoken to have said yup, that's exactly what they fight for, to allow people to enjoy their Constitutional rights. That is what makes America the greatest country on earth.

So go Megan Rapinoe, keep kicking *** and taking names. Go Team USA!
Some athlete taking a knee during the anthem has nothing to do with Constitutional rights, and I'm sure anyone would have a tough time finding anyone in the military saying that they fight so that some athlete can take a knee during the anthem. It's a nonsensical justification, and it's hard to believe that you believe it when you say it.
Some athlete taking a knee during the anthem has nothing to do with Constitutional rights, and I'm sure anyone would have a tough time finding anyone in the military saying that they fight so that some athlete can take a knee during the anthem. It's a nonsensical justification, and it's hard to believe that you believe it when you say it.

I believe in everything that I say and write. Expand your horizons Davenport, there are many shades of gray on most all these issues.

I know full well there are plenty of counter examples, that many people in the military are offended and pissed off about it, but I'll post a sampling of opinions to show that when you write it's a 'nonsensical justification' you're missing the mark.

Rocio Serna U.S. Army veteran

In the military, taking a knee is a symbol of taking a break, in a manner where you still don’t lose your fighting stance. You stand ready at all times. We don't sit on our bottoms, we don't lie down. We take a knee, because we're always ready. When I saw Kaepernick initially, my first instinct was [it invoked] the military. I didn’t know at the time that he had some guidance from Nate Boyer, a former Green Beret. But at that moment, I didn’t take any disrespect. I felt it was tactical. I knew there was a reason behind it, but at the time I didn’t understand what it was.

William Lyles Green Beret veteran

I was disappointed [when I first saw Kaepernick take a knee], and maybe disagreed with it. But I wouldn't say I had a huge reaction. That's the great thing about America: we can all stand up for something we believe in, protest in any way we see fit. I definitely feel there needs to be some conversation. There needs to be some meaningful change. I think there's ways to go about it. Right now, I think it's become divisive. There's got to be a better way to bring people together.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My grandpa is a 97 year-old WWII vet & Missouri farmer who wanted to join w/ those who <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TakeaKnee?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TakeaKnee</a>: "those kids have every right to protest." <a href="https://t.co/LurCj7SLUB">pic.twitter.com/LurCj7SLUB</a></p>— Brennan Gilmore (@brennanmgilmore) <a href="https://twitter.com/brennanmgilmore/status/911960316220764160?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 24, 2017</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I’m a vet and I’ll <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TakeaKnee?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TakeaKnee</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VeteransForKaepernick?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VeteransForKaepernick</a> <a href="https://t.co/1861Wvnee0">pic.twitter.com/1861Wvnee0</a></p>— Jean Valjean Ralphio (@comradejedi) <a href="https://twitter.com/comradejedi/status/912059209432354818?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 24, 2017</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I didn’t serve to defend America’s systems of white supremacy and police brutality. Solidarity with <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TakeTheKnee?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TakeTheKnee</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VeteransForKaepernick?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VeteransForKaepernick</a> <a href="https://t.co/sTk7v7imtg">pic.twitter.com/sTk7v7imtg</a></p>— Tim 🌿🕊🐊 (@timtakestime) <a href="https://twitter.com/timtakestime/status/912054292101697538?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 24, 2017</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To anyone saying <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TakeAKnee?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TakeAKnee</a> is disrespectful to veterans I have something to say. You don't care about Veterans! <br>A Thread <a href="https://t.co/ZuU0xzDFvU">pic.twitter.com/ZuU0xzDFvU</a></p>— 🇺🇸Ⓙⓞⓝ Ⓞⓣⓣ🇺🇸 (@OriginalJLP) <a href="https://twitter.com/OriginalJLP/status/912302979738464256?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 25, 2017</a></blockquote>
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"He is exercising his constitutional right, and I'm glad that he's doing it," Benjamin Starks, a veteran of both the Navy and the Army Reserve, told Business Insider in September 2016.

"I can tell you, speaking for three generations of my family, it is PRECISELY for men like Kaepernick, and his right to peacefully protest injustice, that we were willing to serve," said Michael Sands, a Green Beret who is the son of a World War II veteran and father of an Army officer who served in Afghanistan. "Want to respect the American flag? Then respect the ideals for which it stands. Bullying language and calling peaceful protesters 'sons of *******' who should be fired aren't among them."


As a retired military officer, I offer my support to the men who choose to kneel as a protest against racial injustice and police brutality. The National Football League’s decision to fine teams whose players kneel during the national anthem is not about patriotistm; it is about profit.

When I was commissioned into service, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. I didn’t get to pick and choose which parts of the Constitution or whose rights and freedoms I supported and defended. This included the rights of bigots, white supremacists and others to assemble in the town square, call me a terrible racial slur and tell me that this is not my country.

If I could defend their rights, I can also support the football players who kneel as a protest against racial injustice and police brutality. They are not anti-military, nor are they attacking police officers or advocating violence against them; they are simply standing up (or kneeling, in this case) for their convictions.

Michael E. Waters, Elmore, Ala.

https://www.latimes.com/opinion/readersreact/la-ol-le-nfl-national-anthem-kneel-20180527-story.html<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.d753e00c3e838c1b2558149bd3f6ecb8.html?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.steelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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Quoting a small sample of fools does not make Rapinho right. She, and you, are anti American pieces of ****.