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The Dem **** Show starts tonight,

Quoting a small sample of fools does not make Rapinho right. She, and you, are anti American pieces of ****.

Suits you perfectly that you'd insult and berate our brave soldiers and veterans who support what Kaepernick and Rapinoe are doing. You prove over and over again it is you that hates this country and what it stands for. Shameful.
Suits you perfectly that you'd insult and berate our brave soldiers and veterans who support what Kaepernick and Rapinoe are doing. You prove over and over again it is you that hates this country and what it stands for. Shameful.

The fact that you view Rabidho and Crapperdick as heroes and icons is proof that you hate America. Actually all of your posts prove it. Stop denying it. Come out of your closet/safe space and embrace your hatred of America. We all know it’s true. You’re like the gay kid in middle school who tries to hide it by lying and acting tough. We all know it’s true.
The fact that you view Rabidho and Crapperdick as heroes and icons is proof that you hate America. Actually all of your posts prove it. Stop denying it. Come out of your closet/safe space and embrace your hatred of America. We all know it’s true. You’re like the gay kid in middle school who tries to hide it by lying and acting tough. We all know it’s true.

You prove your bigotry and idiocy several times a day on this board. It's there for all to see, right out in the open.

The fact your panties are in a bunch the second anyone who doesn't look like you or think like you raises an issue. You go straight for the jugular. You immediately attack, degrade & insult anyone who has a different political viewpoint. That is the definition of being anti-American. You loathe the principles on which America was founded. You'd deserve to have your passport revoked and your citizenship rescinded. You simply can't accept basic American, democratic principles. No wonder you are drawn to authoritarian leaders, lash out at the free press and overreact to any and all criticism of your beloved President. By all means keep doing what you do, it makes it easy to identify what a far-right bigot looks and acts like, day in and day out. Nice job, buddy!
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You prove your bigotry and idiocy several times a day on this board. It's there for all to see, right out in the open.

The fact your panties are in a bunch the second anyone who doesn't look like you or think like you raises an issue. You go straight for the jugular. You immediately attack, degrade & insult anyone who has a different political viewpoint. That is the definition of being anti-American. You loathe the principles on which America was founded. You'd deserve having your passport revoked and your citizenship rescinded. You simply can't accept basic American, democratic principles. No wonder you are drawn to authoritarian leaders, lash out at the free press and overreact to any and all criticism of your beloved President. By all means keep doing what you do, it makes it easy to identify what a far-right bigot looks and acts like, day in and day out. Nice job, buddy!

Try and disprove this factual statement: Tibs wants America to be replaced with Global Socialism. You can’t, because there are years of evidence in your own words that prove it to be true. You are on the record as adoring Obama, AntiFa, Bernie, Hillary, ***** Kamala, Kaepernick, Rabidho, Mueller, Strock, Paulsy Ford, open borders...The list could go on and on. I despise all of the people I just mentioned and all of the progressive socialist Dim candidates. I think that protesting the American flag and our Anthem is a disgusting, despicable act and I hate the people who do it. That does not make me a bigot. I don’t discriminate based on race, sex or religion, I hate them all. I celebrate the success of America every day. You whine and complain about it every day. Which one of us is truly Pro-American? It sure as **** is not you.
Try and disprove this factual statement

Pretty easy to disprove these pathetic fallacies. 1. I do not want America to be replaced by Global Socialism. 2. I do not want nor do I support open borders. 3. I welcome and celebrate the success of America. 4. I criticize the words and actions of this President when I disagree with him, which sadly, is more often than not by a wide margin.
Pretty easy to disprove these pathetic fallacies. 1. I do not want America to be replaced by Global Socialism. 2. I do not want nor do I support open borders. 3. I welcome and celebrate the success of America. .

Seriously? Ever hear of the Commandment Thou Shalt Not Lie?
Try and disprove this factual statement: Tibs wants America to be replaced with Global Socialism.

He's a commie troll Indy, his only purpose on this site is to aggravate and inflame, to spout ridiculous and subversive anti-Trump and anti-conservative rhetoric. The more people that he can engage with his vitriol, the more he takes pride in your loathing. **** him....I have no desire to participate in his sick agenda.

He's a commie troll Indy, his only purpose on this site is to aggravate and inflame, to spout ridiculous and subversive anti-Trump and anti-conservative rhetoric. The more people that he can engage with his vitriol, the more he takes pride in your loathing. **** him....I have no desire to participate in his sick agenda.


Yeah I agree. Maybe everyone (except Flog and 21Tard21) should put Tibs on ignore. That would be pretty funny.
He's a commie troll Indy, his only purpose on this site is to aggravate and inflame, to spout ridiculous and subversive anti-Trump and anti-conservative rhetoric. The more people that he can engage with his vitriol, the more he takes pride in your loathing. **** him....I have no desire to participate in his sick agenda.

You guys are really something else. You'd think there doesn't exist anywhere in America such a thing as a Democratic voter, or a liberal, a progressive. These concepts are completely foreign to you, as if it comes from a strange, far away universe. You wouldn't for a second ponder the fact Hillary Clinton received three million more votes than Trump in 2016, or that Democratic voters showed up strong in the midterms, reclaiming the House. You'd think we never had any liberal, Democratic Presidents such as Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman or Kennedy. All of this is a mirage, it never existed and doesn't exist today.

Yes, anyone who has liberal, progressive political views must be a troll, that's their only reason for existing. No possible way anyone could be a Democrat, or a liberal, or a progressive and enjoy discussing politics on a board like this. It's simply impossible. Alas, they must be communist trolls paid by Soros' evil, global Jewish cabal in an effort to take over the planet.

You have it all figured out SteelChip, you've cracked the code, grab yourself a well-deserved beer. You're a generational talent without equal, a modern day genius operating on a whole different level.

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Suits you perfectly that you'd insult and berate our brave soldiers and veterans who support what Kaepernick and Rapinoe are doing. You prove over and over again it is you that hates this country and what it stands for. Shameful.

Other than angering a segment of the country that didn't have anything to be angry about, what did the knee protest truly accomplish? I don't think it was awareness because it became about the flag, not the issue at hand.
You prove your bigotry and idiocy several times a day on this board. It's there for all to see, right out in the open.

The fact your panties are in a bunch the second anyone who doesn't look like you or think like you raises an issue. You go straight for the jugular. You immediately attack, degrade & insult anyone who has a different political viewpoint. That is the definition of being anti-American. You loathe the principles on which America was founded. You'd deserve to have your passport revoked and your citizenship rescinded. You simply can't accept basic American, democratic principles. No wonder you are drawn to authoritarian leaders, lash out at the free press and overreact to any and all criticism of your beloved President. By all means keep doing what you do, it makes it easy to identify what a far-right bigot looks and acts like, day in and day out. Nice job, buddy!

i just appreciate the irony of a leftist person accusing others of attacking and trying to silence dissenting opinions.
Other than angering a segment of the country that didn't have anything to be angry about, what did the knee protest truly accomplish? I don't think it was awareness because it became about the flag, not the issue at hand.

it got weakling Goodell to give the players a social justice slush fund. But in terms of moving their alleged issues forward, it hurt that effort. But they got cash money.

Funny how all these SJW players, like Malcolm Jenkins claim they want prison reform and Trump has actually done something on that issue unlike Obama, yet these players won;t even go to the white house.

These protests are the newest fashion accessory for most of these players. The new fake eyeglasses.
To get back to the point of the thread, there is not a single serious candidate on the Dem side. They all agree with the following

open borders
free healthcare for illegals
driver's licenses for illegals
expanding medicare for everybody and getting rid of private insurance

If they ever left their liberal enclaves, they'd know those positions are only supported by a small minority of people.

They should also realize that with social media, you can't just say one thing then say the opposite a week later and not get called out on it. Or maybe they can if Google, Facebook, and YouTube are going to ban anything negative on the Dems.
Pretty easy to disprove these pathetic fallacies. 1. I do not want America to be replaced by Global Socialism. 2. I do not want nor do I support open borders. 3. I welcome and celebrate the success of America. 4. I criticize the words and actions of this President when I disagree with him, which sadly, is more often than not by a wide margin.

I guess you shouldn't vote for a Democrat then.
For me and a bunch like me, the real issue is lost and may never be addressed again, it's just not politically advantageous. Pretty sad for those of us with youngin's that are going to suffer the eventual consequences. Global warming enthusiasts that are predicting Armageddon don't hold a candle to the real financial apocalypse that's coming. I'm too old to see the real damage but when it comes I feel for my grandkids and the burden that will fall to them.


I can't even find a $22T image, $17T is the latest image I could find


We got nobody...nobody in Washington that cares either.

I'll defend Tibs on one aspect of this. He's correct in that there are some vets who support Kaepernick. That doesn't mean it's a lot or even a few. Percentage-wise, I have no idea how to find that on a national basis. Closer to home, I have two uncles who served. One is suffering from the effects of Agent Orange when he was in Vietnam. The other did not go to the Vietnamese jungle to fight. The other uncle saw his fair share of combat/military action (Korea) - but doesn't discuss it.

One is a solid Democrat and cannot stand the Republican Party. I'd imagine he'd support Rapinoe and Kaepernick
One can't stand the Democratic Party and wouldn't vote Blue if he had to. He'd likely change the channel if Megan or Colin were on the TV.

They disagree on the border issue, as one lives 30 miles from the border and the other lives 1000+ from the border. Of course, one served on the Border Patrol and the other worked in a union at International Harvester.

When they talk politics, it's much like this board. A lot of yelling, screaming, finger pointing, etc.

And they talk politics a lot.

Yet at the end of the day, they realize they're still brothers.

I never served, but see disrespecting the flag in any manner as an equivalent to spitting on the soldiers who came back from Vietnam. I also see it as disrespecting all this country does for other it's own people as well as those in other countries. I also see it as the equivalent to desecrating the graves of fallen soldiers who gave their lives so we could be free. Being free does 100% allow you to go about desecrating a grave - even though the act itself is illegal. Desecrating a grave shows the world who you are - just as disrespecting the flag of the country you're from or represent.

To be blunt, though, Megan Rapinoe is doing this for her own spotlight. Nothing more. If she were truly as supportive as she claims to be of her reason(s) for disrespecting the flag by kneeling, she's turning her back on the ultimate way to get her cause(s) in the spotlight and acted upon. Say one of her causes was "to get painted crosswalks for snails" ... what other venue would she have to express this and get action on it than meeting with the President of the United States of America? She could very well have had the ultimate opportunity to meet with the POTUS and discuss what she stands for. Maybe even sway him to personally paint these crosswalks for snails.

Instead, she's made her own opinion and is using the graves of fallen soldiers as her pulpit to stand on the American flag and command the spotlight.

I'll be glad when her 15 minutes of fame is over.
Hammer them

For 2020 Democrats, It’s ‘Ignore The Economy, Stupid’

How do Democrats sell their policies when the economy is doing well and unemployment is at 50-year lows? By avoiding the subject. At least, that’s what Democrats did during the two nights of debating.

The very first question asked in the first debate, by Savannah Guthrie, was about whether the Democrats’ far-left agenda would risk the economic growth we’ve been enjoying.

“Seventy-one percent of Americans say the economy is doing well, including 60% of Democrats,” she said. “What do you say to those who worry this kind of significant change could be risky to the economy?”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the first to answer, pretended not hear the question. Instead, she went on a rant about how the economy is “doing great for a thinner and thinner slice at the top.” But if that were true, why are six in ten of her fellow Democrats happy with the way things are going? No one bothered to ask her that.

A word cloud of the debates shows that “economy” barely got mentioned over the two nights. Democrats talked almost as much about guns as they did jobs.

I neither support nor oppose these national anthem protests. While I can see both nobility and hypocrisy in these protests, I am truly indifferent. In the grand scheme of things, it just doesn’t matter that much.
Tibs, because I grow weary of hearing
Hillary Clinton received three million more votes than Trump in 2016
without the proper contextual background to show what that even means, I did the work.

Hillary Clinton walked out of California with nearly 4.5 million more votes than Trump. THIS is why we desperately need the electoral college.

New York gave her another 1.75 million vote advantage. (Electoral College anyone?)

The other 3 bastions of democratic voting, WA, OR and CO added over 500,000, 200,000 and 100,000 to her advantage respectively.

Altogether these 5 states gave her nearly a 7 million vote advantage in the popular election. (6,883,628) What this tells us is that if we DIDN'T have the electoral vote, we wouldn't need a vote at all because ultimately New York and California have the population to elect our president every single time simply based on numbers.

Indeed, when you look at the actual numbers, Hillary lost HUGE in virtually every other state to the point that the mega states that gave her such a huge advantage were cut more than in half by the rest of the country voting against Clinton.

Don't come out with the whole "popular vote" crap. It's a HUGE red herring argument. As a country we NEED the electoral college and how it actually demonstrates the will of the people across the entire country.
And allow me to jump ahead on your rebuttal...

Texas gave Trump just over 800,000 votes over Clinton. However the ENTIRE VOTING POPULATION for Texas was barely greater than the number of votes Hillary WON BY in California.

Florida, (the other BIG STATE) only gave Trump a 113,000 vote lead in the "general election" and once again, Florida's ENTIRE VOTING POPULATION was only about 1 million more people than Hillary won by in California.

What the numbers ultimately show is what the big board demonstrated during the election. Sure - Hillary won the population states she really wanted in NY and CA, and she won some traditionally democratic states in OR, WA, and CA. However she lost practically EVERY OTHER STATE. And given the voting populations in the other states, she really lost badly.

So please. STOP with the popular vote crap. The popular vote is just about the most skewed, asinine argument in politics.
Hey wig, I used that as an example that there are more liberals and Dems around than what's represented on this board. SteelChirp seems to be suggesting that I'm a paid troll since I'm a liberal who posts on a Trump-heavy board like this. So I was using the fact 65,844,954 Americans voted for Hillary as an example that Libs and Dems actually do exist and aren't a figment of the imagination. Even if on this board, that seems to be the case.

Anyway, by posting that, I wasn't trying to make any further points regarding the outcome of the election, or the electoral college, popular vote, etc. It was to make a specific point about the overall number of progressives and liberals around the country.