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The Dem **** Show starts tonight,

What’s disrespectful is subjective. Is it not enough to stand and remove your hat, you must also sing? I think most people are guilty of not singing. I don’t recall Villanueva signing in the Soldiers Field picture.

Most people don't sing, well, because they know they can't sing. The national anthem has quite the range. Is standing, removing your hat, and being silent for a few minutes, too much to ask? It isn't for me, but one has to live with their own action or inaction, it won't change my life.
Again, we'll chalk it up to sour grapes. Must be frustrating Americans in general don't share the ire and moral outrage we see on this board over Megan Rapinhoe's political activism.

Seems to me you must not know a lot about Rapinoe. You post a lot about her and know little. That's really what you do, posting a LOT (ad nausea) on things you know little about....

First, question for you.

Activism. Means "...the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change."

Please point me to the activist work Rapinoe does to address the problems with the police (that don't exist, a whole separate other discussion) and minorities. I'll wait.

Because this is the same **** that Krapernick did. I'd have a lot of respect for any of the kneelers if they actually backed up their words and were out IN THE COMMUNITY using their time, money and stature to work on solutions to problems. Nope. All Rapinoe and Krap do is ***** and protest. They don't do anything to fix this problem they perceive exists.

So to that I say shut your damned mouths. I do **** in my daily walk to help people. I WISH I had a platform like they have. I'd affect real change. But you stand up there in front of the world bitching and whining and then don't do any work? Shut the hell up.

And I got news for you Tibs. You may wanna read this article about Rapinoe. She brought a world of criticism to her family, her parents, her parents business.

You know so little of which you speak. Her OWN mom and dad were upset and mom criticized her method of protest, for Gods sake.


So she knelt. Without forewarning for family members, days after Kaepernick did, she became the first white athlete and first female athlete to follow his lead.

Back in Northern California, in a county that would vote 65-28 for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton that November, Denise Rapinoe's phone began "ringing off the hook." When she realized why, "it was kind of shocking for us," she recalls now. "We were pretty upset about that, her dad and I." Not upset about the subject of their daughter's protest, nor her message, she clarifies; but taken aback by her method.

"She's very patriotic," Denise says of Megan. "We're a very patriotic family. Her dad was drafted during the Vietnam War. ... Her grandfather, who lives with us, he's 94, World War II vet. My father, Korean War, suffered many injuries. I mean, we have a long family history of service to the country.

"I just said, ‘Couldn't there have been another vehicle?' That's how I felt. To [Megan], there wasn't another one at that point. She doesn't regret it. But there's been a lot of backlash."

Even locally, in a city that one summer earlier had officially declared July 21 Megan Rapinoe Day. "There was a lot of just really irate people," Denise says. She felt their ire at Jack's Bar & Grill, a famous local steakhouse and her employer for three decades. Patrons, aware that she was Megan's mother, would confront her. One longtime customer complained that pictures of Megan still adorned the restaurant's walls. Owners eventually decided to remove them, inciting controversy. Denise notes that there were also "amazing showings of support." And that some Redding residents had their eyes opened, minds changed. But the vitriol, from coast to coast, was fierce.

Rachael Rapinoe felt it almost instantly as well, even thousands of miles away in the Bernese Alps. "I was on this two-week trip, hiking, in and out of WiFi," she recalls of that momentous September Sunday. "And then all of a sudden, I started getting all these hateful, bashful emails to our company email address." The twins had founded Rapinoe SC in 2015. Business had been accelerating. And then, for nine months, their inbox was "flooded," Rachael says. The training clinic registration drop-offs and apparel sales nosedives were "immediate." "And it's taken a year and a half to build back up."

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What’s disrespectful is subjective

Yep, and it's determined by those disrespected. I'll keep harping on this point.

If a black man feels offended at me calling him the N word, he feels disrespected. I don't get to tell him "I meant that in fun." It's disrespectful.
If a veteran feels offended when someone kneels during the national anthem, then he is offended. Rapinoe doesn't get to tell him "I'm not disrespecting you."

The game doesn't work that way.

IF someone feels disrespected by the flag kneeling, they ARE entitled to that feeling.
What’s disrespectful is subjective. Is it not enough to stand and remove your hat, you must also sing? I think most people are guilty of not singing. I don’t recall Villanueva signing in the Soldiers Field picture.


No, you do not have to sing. To get away from the American politics, let's go back to grand ol' england to see what their take is on what Americans do/must do during the national anthem:

So what should you do when the national anthem is played?

The code states that persons present are expected to stand and face the flag, if there is one. Civilians should stand to attention with right hand over heart, while military personnel in uniform and veterans should salute throughout. A recent amendment to the code said that military personnel out of uniform could also salute.

sounds like what is taught to generations of Americans.

and the BBC cited ... the flag code

8. Respect for Flag.
No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, state flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.

(a) The flag should never be displayed with union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
(b) The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor,water, or merchandise.
(c) The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.
(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, CRS-7the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping in front of the platform, and for a decoration in general.
(e) The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way.
(f) The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling.
(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.
(h) The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying,or delivering anything.
(i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.
(j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.
(k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning
The Dims' TDS affliction has caused them to completely lose it. They are flinging themselves off of tall buildings with their inane policies. Here is a nice summary of all their battshitery. (thanks, Nolte)


Nolte: 2020 Democrat Candidates’ 21 Most Insanely Scary Proposals

This seems like a good time to round up all the batshittery we are seeing from the 2020 Democrat presidential field. What I mean by that is a tally, an accounting if you will, of all the insane proposals, the wackiest and scariest things these lunatics have promised to impose on the American people.
And I want to start with Creepy Joe Biden, because everyone keeps telling us he’s the moderate in the group, the sane one, the guy in the middle.

Yeah, no.

Government Gun Confiscation
Joe Biden: “Folks, look, and I would buy back [assault] weapons. We already started talking about that. We tried to get it done. I think it can be done. And it should be demanded that we do it. And that’s a good expenditure of money.”

As soon as Biden said, “it should be demanded that we do it,” his “buy back” program was revealed as a mandatory confiscation of the guns we law abiding Americans already own.

And can you imagine how far the government will stretch the definition of an “assault weapon” to justify this confiscation?

Ban All Guns Except Guns No One Wants
Joe Biden: “No gun should be able to be sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger. It’s within our right to do that.”

This means that Biden would ban every single gun being manufactured today, except for guns that can read a handprint, a gun that will not fire unless the registered owner’s handprint matches…

This would empty every gun shop and gun counter in America.

Jail People or False Advertising
Joe Biden: “The other thing is we can deal with these insurance companies by, number one, putting insurance executives in jail for misleading advertising.”

They guy from the “you can keep your insurance” administration wants to put people in prison if the your health care advertising is misleading.

You first, Creepy Joe.

Legalizing the Murder of a Baby After It’s Born
Every single major Democrat candidate believes abortion should be legal up until birth, this includes partial-birth abortion, where a baby outside the womb is butchered just because.

Not a single Democrat candidate has said they disagree with this sentiment expressed by Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) this year:

If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.

That is legalizing the murder of a child already born.

Slavery Reparations
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Beto O’Rourke, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, John Hickenlooper, Pete Buttigieg all support forcing American taxpayers to pay slavery reparations.

This proposal will cost us anywhere between $9 and $17 trillion — that’s “trillion” with a “T.”

And that is just reparations for slavery. Reparations for Jim Crow will be next.

Gay Reparations
Warren is openly proposing that American taxpayers pay reparations to gays and lesbians.

It wasn’t until marriage equality became law that gay & lesbian couples could jointly file tax returns—so they paid more in taxes. Our government owes them more than $50M for the years our discriminatory tax code left them out. We must right these wrongs. https://t.co/OZQcfVilSs

— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) June 23, 2019

No One Has to Pay Their Student Loans
Bernie Sanders want American taxpayers to write off $1.5 trillion — again with a “T” — in student loan debt. Just wipe it out. Disappear it.

Although these men and women entered into these loans voluntarily and promised to pay them back; although untold millions of American have already repaid student loans or worked their way through college or chose to forgo college to avoid debt, Bernie wants it all erased as though it never happened.

Worse still, it will not be the businesses who benefited from these student loans (universities) eating the debt, it will be law abiding taxpayers.

Right behind Bernie, offering less extreme (but still extreme) forgiveness programs, are Gillibrand, Warren, Harris, Booker, and Klobuchar.

Taxpayers Paying for Abortions
Every single Democrat candidate, including “moderate” Joe Biden, is in favor of ending the longstanding Hyde Amendment that made it illegal for the government to force taxpayers to pay for abortion.

Eliminating Every Americans Private Insurance
Sanders, Warren, and Harris (depending on which day you ask her) want to outlaw our private insurance and force us all into a once-size-fits-all Medicare for All government scheme.

Health Insurance Coverage for Illegal Aliens
The question at last week’s debate was not whether or not we should offer illegal aliens health care. Of course, we should help anyone who is sick or injured…

No, the question was whether or not various government health insurance programs should cover illegal immigrants and every single Democrat candidate raised their hand, including “moderate” Joe Biden.

Forced Busing
Although busing was wildly unpopular in the 1970s, although both black and white parents resented having their kids bused for an hour to a school outside their own neighborhood, Kamala Harris has promised to bring forced busing back.

Abolish the Electoral College
So far, Warren, Harris, O’Rourke, Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Booker, and Gillibrand want the electoral college banished.

Joe Biden has remained silent.

Abolishing the electoral college shifts all political power to the population centers of America, the deep blue cities, and renders most red states absolutely powerless in the choice of president.

Pack the Supreme Court with Left-Wing Judges
If elected president, Harris, Warren, and Gillibrand want to get their way on the Supreme Court simply by adding more left-wing justices — you see, that way they win every decision!

Decriminalizing Illegal Border Crossing
Every single Democrat, including “moderate” Joe Biden, is in favor of decriminalizing entering American illegally, which is the definition of open borders.

No longer would it be a crime to enter our country without going through the legal process, no longer would it be a crime to enter our country to scoop up all that free health insurance.

Oh, and…

End Deportations of Illegal Immigrants
Every single Democrat candidate, including “moderate” Joe Biden, would end the deportation of illegal immigrants who have not been found guilty of a violent crime.

Basically, our borders will be open to billions looking for free welfare benefits, drivers licenses, and health insurance.

Taxpayers Fund Abortions for Biological Men Who Believe They are Women
Julián Castro (D): “A trans female, is poor, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the right to exercise that right to choose. And so I absolutely would cover the right to have an abortion.”

Castro would “cover” the right for a biological man, who cannot get pregnant, to have an abortion.

Not one Democrat on that debate stage said a word opposing the madness of taxpayers paying for what exactly…? A staged abortion to make some male lunatic feel more like a woman?

Guaranteed Income
Harris wants the federal government to send every household earning less than $100,000 (!) per year $6,000 in free government cash per year, just because…

Andre Yang wants to send everyone $1,000 a month.

Tax Increases for All Americans
Every Democrat candidate, including “moderate” Joe Biden, has promised to raise every Americans taxes by repealing Trump’s across the board tax cut.

Trump’s tax cut reduced the taxes on every American paying taxes — that means a repeal increases our taxes.

Tax Rates as High as 77 Percent
Sanders is proposing a death tax of 77 percent while Bill de Blasio is proposing a 70 percent income tax rate.

Allowing the Son of Sam and Boston Marathon Bomber to Vote
Bernie Sanders wants to allow everyone in prison to receive ballots so they can vote, this would include everyone: the Son of Sam, the Boston Marathon Bomber, Dylann Roof, Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber, and, if they were still alive, Charles Manson and Timothy McVeigh.

Lower Voting Age to 16
Yang is in favor of lowering the voting age to 16, as is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

So there it is, y’all…

By the time this primary is over, Democrats will make it mandatory for every American who lives in a state that voted for Donald Trump to give away our guns to a couple getting gay-married so they can force us to bake their wedding cake while we sign over our health insurance coverage to illegal aliens as our kids disappear forever on a bus headed to wherever Dylann Roof voted for them to attend school.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.
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I heard that Rabidho got benched. Nice move, coach.

just didnt start the game. not a big deal in this spirited boys high school soccer game.
No, he’s just smart enough to realize that people disrespecting the flag has absolutely no impact on his life, why should he let it anger him?

Um, he hates Trump with every fiber of his being. Has Trump had any actual impact on his life?
so the top 5 dems only have about 50%. That leaves alot of votes out there. When the field narrows where do they go? I think Biden will be in trouble
so the top 5 dems only have about 50%. That leaves alot of votes out there. When the field narrows where do they go? I think Biden will be in trouble

Biden was never going to be the nominee. The Dims have spent at least the last ten years demonizing white men, so there is no way, no way, their candidate will be a white man. Unless he's gay, which is why Buttgag is in the race. It could be Harris and Buttgag. I called Harris a long time ago.

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"Harris calls for federally mandated busing"

Oh yeah, that will win her the nomination!

NOTHING will turn liberal suburban soccer moms against her faster than saying you will have their precious snowflakes bused 2 hours a day to some inner city dump school or have mobs of feral kids bused into theirs

EVERYBODY hates busing
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"Harris calls for federally mandated busing"

Oh yeah, that will win her the nomination!

NOTHING will turn liberal suburban soccer moms against her faster than saying you will have their precious snowflakes bused 2 hours a day to some inner city dump school or have mobs of feral kids bused into theirs

EVERYBODY hates busing

But the govt knows best. Now sit down, shut up, and do what the smart people who went to the right schools tell you.

Where is there a predominantly white school in Philly, Detroit, Chicago, or L.A. that you're going to bus black students to? Be a damn long bus ride.
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Wow. The ***** really is incompetent. It's like they're all sitting in a room brainstorming how they can piss off American citizen taxpayers the most. Unbelievable.
Yep, this is what I've been saying...

Charles Hurt: Hatred of Trump Rooted in ‘Contempt’ for ‘Regular American People’

Antipathy towards President Donald Trump across the news media is rooted in a broader “contempt” of “regular American people,” determined Charles Hurt, Washington Times opinion editor and Breitbart News columnist, offering his remarks in a Monday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
“[Donald Trump] represents all of these Americans that I grew up with, and that I live with, and that I know,” said Hurt, reflecting on his upbringing. “This hot visceral contempt that these people have in the media for Donald Trump is not about Donald Trump,” said Hurt, reflecting. “They hate these people that I know. They hate these people that I live with and that I grew up with.”

Left-wing and partisan Democrats news media figures harbor “contempt for Americans who work every day, provide for their families every day, help out their neighbors every single day, [and] who go to church,” added Hurt. “You can feel their contempt for these people, and you can sense it in everything they do.”

Hurt expressed his support for representative government in America. “My faith, my belief is in regular American people,” he declared. Democrats and the broader left, noted Hurt, reject the premise of government legitimacy being predicated on consent from the governed. “I have no qualms whatsoever about leaving the American people in charge, and that’s what these people want to undo,” he added. “They want to undo that.”

“Regular American people [are] the only reason America is what it is,” determined Hurt.

The Democrat Party’s leadership stands opposed to America’s founding and core principles, said Hurt. “They hate America. They hate what it stands for.”
"Harris calls for federally mandated busing"

Oh yeah, that will win her the nomination!

NOTHING will turn liberal suburban soccer moms against her faster than saying you will have their precious snowflakes bused 2 hours a day to some inner city dump school or have mobs of feral kids bused into theirs

EVERYBODY hates busing

Because it worked so well the first time.
Wow. The ***** really is incompetent. It's like they're all sitting in a room brainstorming how they can piss off American citizen taxpayers the most. Unbelievable.

I said this years ago. As a former Californian, I was exposed to her stupidity much more regularly than the rest of the nation, heard her speak, talked to friends in the AG Department about her, and found out that she "earned" her position by ******* Willie Brown, but is just ******* stupid. Mediocre student from a second-rate law school who sucked her way to the top.

After spending a lot of time on the bottom.
well, she descends from slave owners...


SLAVE REGISTERS FROM LONDON Name The Slaves Kamala Harris’ Ancestor Owned

Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris is descended from Irish slave owner Hamilton Brown, the namesake of Brown’s Town in Jamaica, who recruited massive numbers of Irish migrants to Jamaica to work on his sugar plantations after the British empire abolished slavery.

Kamala Harris’ father Donald Harris wrote an essay entitled “Reflections of a Jamaican Father” for Jamaica Global Online, in which he made a startling admission (emphasis added):

“My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).”

Harris’ father’s passage ends

Hamilton Brown was not only a slave owner, but also an engineer of mass Irish migration to Jamaica after the British empire abolished slavery in 1834.

Jamaican Family Search recorded: “Hamilton Brown owned several plantations over the years 1817 to about 1845. According to the 1818 Almanac which can be found on this site, (Jamaican Family Search) , he was the owner of Minard (128 slaves) which he must have acquired from its previous owner (John Bailie) in 1815 or later. The number of slaves on this estate approximates the number of slaves in one of the registers attributed to his ownership (124 slaves). The other register (86 slaves) cannot be assigned to any estate, although he is listed in Almanacs for subsequent years as owning several, (Antrim, Grier Park, Colliston, Little River, Retirement and Unity Valley).”

Here is a full accounting of the slaves owned by Hamilton Brown, according to the National Archives in London, as of June 28, 1817 in the parish of St. Ann in Jamaica:


Names of all Males to precede names of females


Age African or creole Remarks
1 Apollo Negro 45 African –
2 Jein Negro 40 African –
3 Sambo Negro 40 African –
4 Cicero Negro 30 African –
5 St???e Negro 45 African –
6 Chance Negro 44 African –
7 Clendin Negro 42 African –
8 Jamaica Negro 32 African –
9 Apollo Negro 32 African –
10 Montague Negro 38 African –
11 Jack Negro 30 African –
12 Mark Negro 32 African –
13 Ned Negro 36 African –
14 Sharper Negro 40 African –
15 Ceasar Negro 38 African –
16 John Negro 30 African –
17 Charles Negro 35 African –
18 Oxford Negro 35 African –
19 Hannibal Negro 32 African –
20 ??ill Negro 30 African –
21 Dick Negro 35 African –
22 Duke Negro 32 African –
23 Nelson Negro 34 African –
24 Robert Negro 30 African –
25 George Negro 35 African –
26 Prince Negro 40 African –
27 Henry Negro 38 African –
28 Hamilton Negro 28 African 4
29 Tom Jack Negro 40 African –
30 Neal Negro 34 African –
31 Luke Negro 28 African –
32 Bel Negro 25 African –
33 ????? Negro 33 African –
34-39 missing – – – –
– – – PAGE 89 –
40 Charles Negro 16 Creole –
41 London Negro 11 Creole –
42 Nelson Negro 10 Creole son of Juddy
43 Jamaica Negro 10 Creole son of Evey
44 ?Seny Negro 8 Creole son of Juddy
45 Virgil Negro 8 Creole son of Love
46 Tom Negro 4 Creole son of Juddy
47 Joab Negro 3 Creole son of Lucky
48 Harper Negro 3 Creole son of Love
49 Jack Negro 2 Creole son of Lucy
50 James Negro 2 Creole son of Tamer
51 Sambo Negro 2 Creole son of Evey
52 Dick Negro 1 Creole son of Nanny
53 Charles Negro 1 Creole son of Nelly
54 Hugh Negro 5mos Creole son of Maria
55 Sam Negro 4mos Creole son of Gift
56 George Negro 6mos Creole son of Flance
FEMALES – – – –
1 Pheba Negro 50 African –
2 Love Negro 42 African –
3 Juddy Negro 40 African –
4 ?Floramel ?Meromel Negro 40 African –
5 Flora Negro 38 African –
6 Lucy Negro 40 African –
7 Maria Negro 40 African –
8 Laura Negro 30 African –
9 Evey Negro 30 African 5
10 Olive Negro African –
11 Lucky Negro 28 African –
12 Venus Negro 32 African –
13 Rachel Negro 30 African –
14 ?Betsy Negro 27 African –
15 Juliet Negro 48 African –
16 Hellen Negro 40 African –
17 Nanny Negro 27 African –
18 Nelly Negro 28 African –
19 Gift Negro 25 African –
20 Jeane Negro 33 African –
21 Milly Negro 32 African –
22 Industry Negro 13 Creole –
23 Margaret Negro 10 Creole Daughter of Juddy
24 Nancy Negro 4 Creole Daughter of Tamer
25 Mary – 4 Creole Daughter of Evey
– – – PAGE 90 –
26 Peggy Negro 3 Creole Daughter of Flora
27 Sarah Negro 2 Creole Daughter of Nanny
28 ? Hanna Negro 6mos Creole Daughter of Tamer
29 Hellen Negro 5mos Creole Daughter of Milly
30 Nelly Negro 2 Creole Daughter of ?Floramel ?Meromel

Hamilton Brown officially swore to the authenticity of this record, stating:

“I Hamilton Brown do swear that the above list and return consisting of two sheets is a true perfect and complete list and return, to the best of my knowledge and belief in every particular therein mentioned of all and every slaves possessed by me as owner, considered as most permanently settled, worked and employed in the Parish of Saint Ann on the twenty Eight day of June One thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen without fraud, deceit or evasion So help me God.

Sworn before me this twenty fourth day of September 1817”

Hamilton Brown’s slave owning shows up in other records, as well.

“Hamilton Brown was instrumental in the importing of several hundred labourers and their families from Ireland to Jamaica between 1835 and 1840,” according to University College London’s project “Legacies of British Slave-ownership.” The project describes Hamilton Brown as a “Major attorney and resident slave-owner in Jamaica.”

The Jamaican newspaper The Gleaner reported in July 2012 in a travel piece on Brown’s Town:

“As we struggled to stay on the narrow sidewalk, we noticed an elderly man coming our way. He had an unruly grey beard and wore spectacles with thick frames and cloudy lenses.

“Hallo! Hallo!” he said. We stopped and returned the greeting. The man gave his name as Ferly and he told us a bit about Brown’s Town.

“A good amount of Brown live here, you know,” he said. “People what name Brown pack up the place. It all coming from Hamilton Brown who the town name after. Yes man, dem teach it in school,” said Ferly, nodding.

He told us that Hamilton Brown was buried in the graveyard at the nearby Anglican Church. “But a lot of people don’t even know that. Is only long-time people like me know dem tings,” he said.”

The Gleaner passage ends
(more at link)
Black activist Tariq Nasheed has publicly cast doubt on Kamala Harris’ claim to being “Black.”
Nobody would ever call her on any of it. Well, except maybe Tariq Nasheed.
So I'm confused... if Harris gets her way with Reparations, would she OWE money or GET money?

I'm really just curious what the answer to that would be....

Tibs supports her. Maybe he will clarify how reparations would work exactly....
well, she descends from slave owners...

“Hamilton Brown was instrumental in the importing of several hundred labourers and their families from Ireland to Jamaica between 1835 and 1840,” according to University College London’s project “Legacies of British Slave-ownership.” The project describes Hamilton Brown as a “Major attorney and resident slave-owner in Jamaica.”

Waaaaaaaaaaait a second here.

I have Irish ancestry. Sounds like Harris' family imported a lot of my people to Jamaica, almost all under indentured servitude, a form of slavery.

When is Harris going to be sending me a check??
When is Harris going to be sending me a check??

A check? When is Harris gonna be cast out of the race for having kin that owned slaves. Hell, Joe Biden got roasted for saying he could work with a segregationist to get stuff done.
Waaaaaaaaaaait a second here.

I have Irish ancestry. Sounds like Harris' family imported a lot of my people to Jamaica, almost all under indentured servitude, a form of slavery.

When is Harris going to be sending me a check??

a check? that's not how she pays for stuff. she does favors. or returns them.