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The Dem **** Show starts tonight,

I really don't understand how any rational adult hears these Dem candidates and thinks they just heard well thought out plans that will actually work in real life.

I understand and the person who is young and doesn't know any better being suckered. I understand the person who plans their life around getting money from the government liking the promise of more handouts.

What I don't understand at all is how any adult tax paying citizen can possibly listen to these promises and not consider how it will be paid for.

The go to answer from socialists is to cut the military and raise taxes. Putting aside that both of those are horrible ideas, even if you cut the military to zero and raised taxes to 80% on the rich, that's still not anywhere near enough to pay for free college for everyone, free Healthcare, free whatever else. It's just not.
Listen fedderone, here's how I see it. We are here and now. All you Trumpers wanna talk about is Obama, Obama, Obama. What happened then is irrelevant. Now. Talk about now. Not yesterday, today.





Donnie Deutsch said Liz would lose 48 states to Trump, by being a socialist

But I'm asking with all due respect and seriousness. I'm just trying to figure out why you say such things about Trump but not mention Obama whilst doing so regarding Russia?

Go back and look at the series of events that took place right around the election. Read about how McConnell blocked any attempt by President Obama to call out Russia for election interference. Look at Trump's position on the Russian attack on our elections, right from the very beginning. That it was fake news, that it never happened. Never confronted Putin, to this day. Look at Trump's words and actions in Helsinki. Read the Mueller report outline hundreds of contacts between Trump campaign and Russians. Look at Trump's position on Wikileaks and the hacked, stolen emails.

It's all very consistent. Any comparison between Obama and Trump on the Russian attacks on our elections is an extreme case of drawing false equivalence. Classic apples & oranges. And this remains true to this very day, this very hour. Trump has actually doubled down and has made it clear he has no problem whatsoever with foreign interference in our elections. It's what helped get him elected, he'll welcome more of the same between now and Nov 2020. It is outrageous.
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Takeaway line of the night, from Inslee: "The biggest threat to the security of the United States is Donald Trump. No question about it."

Someone buy this man a beer.

When has America's security been threatened under Trump?
I really don't understand how any rational adult hears these Dem candidates and thinks they just heard well thought out plans that will actually work in real life.

I understand and the person who is young and doesn't know any better being suckered. I understand the person who plans their life around getting money from the government liking the promise of more handouts.

What I don't understand at all is how any adult tax paying citizen can possibly listen to these promises and not consider how it will be paid for.

The problem of course is that 47% of the population pays no Federal income tax. They think taking money from the other 53% and giving it to them is a great idea.
Dems lose the big war, again

Trump Supreme Court judges rule...

Breaking News Alert: Supreme Court allows gerrymandering to continue
Go back and look at the series of events that took place right around the election. Read about how McConnell blocked any attempt by President Obama to call out Russia for election interference. Look at Trump's position on the Russian attack on our elections, right from the very beginning. That it was fake news, that it never happened.

Jesus, do you have any sense of shame?

First, Trump said that the allegation he colluded with Russia was fake news and a lie - which it was.

Second, Obama most certainly told his staff to "stand down" regarding Russian efforts to affect the election. Efforts which have gone on for more than 50 years, by the by, but apparently had no effect until 2016. Hmmm.

WASHINGTON — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

The comments by Michael Daniel, who served as White House “cyber security coordinator” between 2012 and January of last year, provided his first public confirmation of a much-discussed passage in the book, “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump,” co-written by this reporter and David Corn, that detailed his thwarted efforts to respond to the Russian attack.


Third, your obsession with Russian "interference" is laughable. What exactly did Russia do? They had bogus user names on Facebook. They published phony articles - "Hillary Murdered Vince Foster and Seth Rich." Okay, kinda-phony. That's it.

Fourth, Mueller found that the Russian efforts DID NOT - repeat, DID NOT - affect the 2016 election.

Fifth, all the Russian wrongdoing that gets your panties so wound up occurred when some other guy was President. Lessee, what's his name??

So to sum up - Trump had nothing to do with Russia's longstanding and ongoing efforts to affect elections (like our own country does as well, pal), Russia's efforts occurred under Bammy, Bammy told his own people to "stand down" on their efforts to investigate or suppress these efforts, and the phony Fakebook **** had zero effect on anything.

That's your Russian obsession in a nutshell.
That's your Russian obsession in a nutshell.
Thank you for spinning the oft regurgitated Trump team talking points. Job well done. Maybe if you keep repeating them over and over, somehow they will gain traction and become true.
Breaking News Alert: Supreme Court allows gerrymandering to continue
Yay! Hip hip hooray! Who the **** cares about Americans’ constitutional rights to participate in their democracy equally & choose their representatives? **** that ****. Winner takes all, *******! Yee haw!
First Democratic debate was a good night — for Team Trump

Section 1325! Section 1325! For a few crucial minutes in the middle of the first Democratic presidential debate, Julián Castro (polling average: 0.8 percent) took over the proceedings by challenging his fellow candidates to endorse the repeal of Section 1325 of the Immigration and Naturalization Act.

What’s it about? Don’t ask.

He yelled at Beto O’Rourke about it and expressed his deep disappointment that O’Rourke wasn’t joining him in supporting the repeal of Section 1325.

O’Rourke is at 3.3 percent in the Real Clear Politics polling average, so you can see why Castro thought it was so important to nail him. If he really cuts into Beto’s support, Castro might rise to a whole 1.5 percent.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren — poll average 12.8 percent — could barely get a word in edgewise.

Later, Tulsi Gabbard (0.8 percent) got into a kerfuffle with Tim Ryan (0.6 percent) on whether we should even have gone into Afghanistan in the first place. Gabbard, who seemed to be bidding for the goth vote with her dramatic shock of gray hair, said the Taliban didn’t attack us, al Qaeda did. Ryan’s expression was like Mugatu in “Zoolander” asking if he’d been taking crazy pills.

Meanwhile, Warren — remember, with a poll average of 12.8 percent — still wasn’t getting a word in edgewise.

Thank you for spinning the oft regurgitated Trump team talking points. Job well done. Maybe if you keep repeating them over and over, somehow they will gain traction and become true.

I link to articles supporting my position.

I asked you to point to that part of the Mueller report which you claim - you, not me - proves that officials in the Trump campaign worked with (colluded with) the Russians in 2016. You have yet to do so.

So you want to have an intelligent discussion, or just repeat bullshit from HuffPo or some other **** lefty site that constitutes your "news"?
Yay! Hip hip hooray! Who the **** cares about Americans’ constitutional rights to participate in their democracy equally & choose their representatives? **** that ****. Winner takes all, *******! Yee haw!

Sooooo ... you need that lotion now?
Go back and look at the series of events that took place right around the election. Read about how McConnell blocked any attempt by President Obama to call out Russia for election interference. Look at Trump's position on the Russian attack on our elections, right from the very beginning. That it was fake news, that it never happened. Never confronted Putin, to this day. Look at Trump's words and actions in Helsinki. Read the Mueller report outline hundreds of contacts between Trump campaign and Russians. Look at Trump's position on Wikileaks and the hacked, stolen emails.

It's all very consistent. Any comparison between Obama and Trump on the Russian attacks on our elections is an extreme case of drawing false equivalence. Classic apples & oranges. And this remains true to this very day, this very hour. Trump has actually doubled down and has made it clear he has no problem whatsoever with foreign interference in our elections. It's what helped get him elected, he'll welcome more of the same between now and Nov 2020. It is outrageous.

Thank you for clarifying your line drawn in the sand unwavering loyalty to party lines bias.

Democrat President with Republican Congress - Congress' fault.
Republican President with Democrat Congress - President's fault.

I understand supporting your faction/rallying the troops/uniting to defeat a common enemy mentality.
I just don't understand not holding people/groups accountable by the same standards.

I'm against ALL forms of rape. Man on woman. Woman on man. Adult males with underage males/females. Adult females with underage males/females. The last two especially.
But I'm not going to give a pass to nor defend a rapist because we both like the Steelers.
Yay! Hip hip hooray! Who the **** cares about Americans’ constitutional rights to participate in their democracy equally & choose their representatives? **** that ****. Winner takes all, *******! Yee haw!


How do you think Dems in California were able to take control there????

Dems are just whining now because they can't squeeze any more district seats in blue counties

oh yeah, this has been going on since 1802, the Supremes were wise to steer clear of local politics
The problem of course is that 47% of the population pays no Federal income tax. They think taking money from the other 53% and giving it to them is a great idea.

They also don't understand basic economics. I guess they just aren't teaching it anymore. The government cannot create wealth or grow the economy (the latest attempt being Obama's failed stimulus package).. It's never happened. You can't regulate, penalize and tax job creators and expect more jobs and better wages. It doesn't work like that.
Tibs of course is appalled at potential Russian fake news stories that might affect a few votes ...

And is perfectly fine with Fakebook, YouLose and Goolag intentionally suppressing conservative views and sites that might help conservatives in 2020. Fine with that. Nooo problem. Nothing to see here.

"But, but, but, but, but ... only lunatic fringe." /s Tibs

Sure. People like Steven Crowder, Marc Rubin, Diamond & Silk. Wow, raving lunatics, one and all.

Genuine manipulation of information by monopolies to favor lefties and that has an actual effect? No worries.

Russian troll sites with stories about Hillary being unable to stand and having no effect as the stories are among millions and basically ignored?

But I'm not going to give a pass to nor defend a rapist.
Totally agree. Not sure how the GOP and evangelicals have been able to look past the 17 credible allegations against Trump for sexual assault, including rape. Blows the mind.
Totally agree. Not sure how the GOP and evangelicals have been able to look past the 17 credible allegations against Trump for sexual assault, including rape. Blows the mind.

Hah, this is great. A palpable sign of worry about the blundering imbeciles on display last night. Bring out the sexual assault allegations that worked so well in 2016. Yeah, that's the ticket.
We dont need any more bible thumpers or neocon conservatives on the Trump Train to win again. We got the independents making money now!

Cant wait for Sleepy Uncle Joe to stuff more feet in his mouth again tonight, Bernie all fired up to rip him wide open!

We dont need any more bible thumpers or neocon conservatives on the Trump Train to win again. We got the independents making money now!

Cant wait for Sleepy Uncle Joe to stuff more feet in his mouth again tonight, Bernie all fired up to rip him wide open!


I tried watching yesterday, but realized I had moved to an infomercial about a vacuum cleaner that was more honest and informative than the collection of assclowns on display last night.
I tried watching yesterday.

I'll fill u in on the results



NBC News analysis declares Donald Trump the winner of first Democratic debate

NBC News analyst declared President Trump the winner of the first Democratic presidential debate of the 2020 election cycle.

Author and reporter Jonathan Allen expressed surprise that Trump emerged "largely unscathed" as the field of 10 candidates mostly avoided direct attacks on him.

Allen said the Democrats seemed more focused on positioning themselves furthest to the left to win over primary voters, rather than appealing to the swing voters that decided the 2016 election.

"For long stretches, it seemed, they completely forgot about the man who has been at the center of pretty much every discussion among Democrats for the last two-plus years — the man they're competing to take on next year. The obvious reason: The motivation to beat each other was, on this night, more urgent than defeating Trump — a life-or-death moment for some of their campaigns. Trump was the chief beneficiary of that dynamic"


God what a stupid poll. Is that from Breitbart or some Russian site? Stormfront, 4chan, gatewaypundit or some other far-right, fringe site you glean your info from?

LOL, I should have guessed, the ******* drudge report. So the far-right drudge report loonies view Gabbard as the winner of the Democrats' first debate. Tells you everything you need to know. Hilarious.

"The conservative Drudge Report's instant poll shows Rep. Tulsi Gabbard as the biggest winner of the first night of the 2020 Democratic presidential debates."
Totally agree. Not sure how the GOP and evangelicals have been able to look past the 17 credible allegations against Trump for sexual assault, including rape. Blows the mind.

Great deflection.
Perhaps they hang in the same circle of liberals and main stream media personnel that look past the credible allegations against Chris Matthews, Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Al Franken, John Conyers, Bill Clinton, Douglas Wilder, etc....

Thank you for AGAIN proving my point that you maintain the narrow view that your side is pristine clean and can do no wrong and the other side is always awful and can do no right.
This is why our country fails.