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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

The Democrats will have to have a person of color as their nominee. Otherwise they will not get a big enough turnout at the polls.
The Democrats will have to have a person of color as their nominee. Otherwise they will not get a big enough turnout at the polls.

The only way at this point they can credibly nominate a white candidate is if he or she is gay or transgender. Unfortunately for them, Bruce/Kaitlyn Jenner is a Republican.
And why has the media not carried any stories about the lady from Hawaii that is running? I suppose she isn't hard left enough. All the buzz is about Kamala Harris, Booker, Warren. Harris might have enough financial support but her "angry black woman" schtick does not appeal to all Democrats. Only the angry black women. She will not get a big enough turn out at the polls to beat Trump.
The only way at this point they can credibly nominate a white candidate is if he or she is gay or transgender.

u put too much trust in what the loud young libs think, the DNC is gonna have its hands full

Bernie Sanders Is Officially Running For President Again

Sen. Bernie Sanders has confirmed that he is seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

"I wanted to let the people of the state of Vermont know about this first, and what I promise to do is, as I go around the country, is to take the values that all of us in Vermont are proud of — a belief in justice, in community, in grassroots politics, in town meetings — that's what I'm going to carry all over this country."



Grouchy old white guys, still the face of the Socialist Democrat Party.

And why has the media not carried any stories about the lady from Hawaii that is running? I suppose she isn't hard left enough. All the buzz is about Kamala Harris, Booker, Warren. Harris might have enough financial support but her "angry black woman" schtick does not appeal to all Democrats. Only the angry black women. She will not get a big enough turn out at the polls to beat Trump.

Fathead Stacy Abrams, who could not even win her election in 2018 with a supposed blue wave thinks noncitizens who live here should be able to vote. Did you hear that?

The left is unmasked.

Sanders is now running, currently age 77. While I loathe Sanders politics, he stands out in the field like a rose in a garbage dump, because at the very least he has class. Most of the Democratic field does not.
Whether he runs or not Bloomberg has already pledged 500 million to defeat Trump.
Whether he runs or not Bloomberg has already pledged 500 million to defeat Trump.

I know, and thankfully (D)umbasses constantly whine about money corrupting politics.

But not $500 million from one guy, that would never corrupt a politician.

The Ben debates ought to fun. It looks like they really will all try to go farther left than the last person that spoke. There will be a lot of **** pulled out of their ***** on stage with cameras rolling.
How are they ever going to have a Democratic Primary debate?

I remember thinking how asinine the Republican debates were with 10 people on the stage. What, are the Dems going to have 30 people? It's a joke.
Sanders is now running, currently age 77. While I loathe Sanders politics, he stands out in the field like a rose in a garbage dump, because at the very least he has class. Most of the Democratic field does not.

There you go being racist again.

I just trolled a Dem friend on FB (me and her are cool), she said something about Bernie, one of her friends said she's sick of old white men running things, so I agreed and said they need to nominate a woman or minority to maintain credibility and enthusiasm of the base and ideally we need Sen. Harris who is both. Trolling like a boss. :biggrin1:
Hilarious, the hardline lefties now hate Bernie, it doesn't get any better


When asked by VPR’s Bob Kinzel about concerns that he no longer best represents “the face of the new Democratic Party,” Sanders, 77, said:

“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age,” Sanders said. “I mean, I think we have got to try to move us toward a non-discriminatory society which looks at people based on their abilities, based on what they stand for.”

Those is fightin’ words for the left. Bernie is going to end up road kill in the middle of the left’s four-way intersectionality.



I think he's just in it for the cash from rubes like tibs that will donate him money for his new lake house


Bernie Sanders Bests Kamala Harris' First-Day Donor Total in Four Hours

In just over the first four hours of his 2020 presidential campaign, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) had already raised money from 42,000 donors, a total that bested the number Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) had hit in the first full day of her campaign.

The campaign estimated that Sanders had raised $1.2 million in three-and-a-half hours on Tuesday.

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Running for Prez has more to do with raising money, than anything else. Kamala Harris, with her Silicon Valley overlords, has the advantage.

I saw a little video someone took of people standing out in the cold waiting to get into one of her rallies in New Hampshire. I really hope she gets crushed before she can make any substantial waves, that phony having any sort of executive power is a really scary thought.

Oh and isn't it funny how her and Jussie were best buds (apparently), and she was trying to get her anti-lynching legislation through, and then the "lynching" attack occurred?
And for God's sake, isn't a lynching considered a federal hate crime already?
“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age,” Sanders said. “I mean, I think we have got to try to move us toward a non-discriminatory society which looks at people based on their abilities, based on what they stand for.”

Judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin is racist.

Someone once said.
Look for Joe Biden to get into the mix! Gaffe-prone Joe likes to spar and run his mouth against opponents, so I say let him exposes the socialists and give us some material to use for later.

While the Democratic field is weak, there is a lot of danger as to what some of them are for.

My guess is the never Trump people will vote for him over the Socialists.
Elizabeth Warren Comes Clean: ‘I Am Not a Person of Color’

This 'flies in the face' of the evidence, so to speak....


Is there a 'brown face' thread to stick this in?
How are they ever going to have a Democratic Primary debate?

The candidates will not be allowed to speak, and instead will simply hold up signs setting forth their views. The camera pans around, and BAM!!


Debate over.
Which of the socialist's candidates will be the first to donate 70% of their campaign raised money to the less fortunate candidates?
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Dems platform! Get yur Dems platform here!

Warren, Harris back reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris (Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), who are both running for president, have reportedly said they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery.

The New York Times reported Thursday that Harris affirmed her support for reparations in a statement after agreeing last week with a radio host that reparations are necessary.

"We have to be honest that people in this country do not start from the same place or have access to the same opportunities," Harris said in the statement. "I’m serious about taking an approach that would change policies and structures and make real investments in black communities." Warren has also said that she supports reparations.

Dems platform! Get yur Dems platform here!

Warren, Harris back reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris (Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), who are both running for president, have reportedly said they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery.

The New York Times reported Thursday that Harris affirmed her support for reparations in a statement after agreeing last week with a radio host that reparations are necessary.

"We have to be honest that people in this country do not start from the same place or have access to the same opportunities," Harris said in the statement. "I’m serious about taking an approach that would change policies and structures and make real investments in black communities." Warren has also said that she supports reparations.


Im sure giving some inner city crackheads "reparations" will turn their life around
"I’m serious about taking an approach that would change policies and structures and make real investments in black communities." Warren has also said that she supports reparations.

What was the 30 trillion we pissed down ratholes, er, excuse me, 'invested' in the 'Great Society' other than reparations? They spend $20K a year to 'educate' a kid in Baltimore and the kids collectively couldn't spell 'cat' if you spotted them the 'a' and the 't'. Even with prompts.

Im sure giving some inner city crackheads "reparations" will turn their life around

It'll accelerate their demise.
Everyone but whitey gets reparations!

Elizabeth Warren opens door to reparations for Native Americans

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Friday evening that Native Americans should be “part of the conversation” on reparations, showing a willingness to expand the debate over whether minority groups that have faced discrimination should be financially compensated by the federal government.

Warren is one of four Democratic presidential hopefuls who have said in recent days that they’re open to providing some type of reparations to African Americans who are descendants of people who were enslaved in the United States, although they’ve offered varying levels of details about how the goal would be achieved.

Everyone but whitey gets reparations!

In as much as 196,817,552 of the 329,671,000 people within these here borders are 'non-hispanic white', that would seem to be a flawed political strategy.