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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

We can give them Vermont.....

Nah, Vermont people who don't like it can cross the border to Canada. Oh wait, Canada takes its border seriously.

The best we can give them is organized facts, pointing out their double standards, and re-electing President Trump.

Could you imagine what this nation would look like under Hillary Clinton?
Grey Beaver on the warpath!

Elizabeth Warren formally launches 2020 presidential bid: 'This is the fight of our lives'

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., formally announced her candidacy for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination on Saturday, saying she wants to fight for "an America that works for everyone."

"This is the fight of our lives. The fight to build an America where dreams are possible, an America that works for everyone," she told supporters in Lawrence, Mass. "And that is why I stand here today: to declare that I am a candidate for President of the United States of America."

Could you imagine what this nation would look like under Hillary Clinton?

The French Revolution, the Bolsheviks, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez give us a glimpse. Her record in office refine that glimpse. Her steadfast support for perversion and infanticide sharpen the focus. Her insatiable thirst for Adrenochrome betrays her. The millions, no billions she reaped from the State Dept and actual 'collusion' with the Russians instruct us. The millions of coffins lying in empty FEMA camps give us a clue.

they need a bigger clown car!

I wonder if she started off talking about Global Warming


Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota joins Democratic race for 2020

Klobuchar, who easily won reelection to the Senate in November, announced she is joining the 2020 presidential race. She has emphasized her Midwest roots and ability to connect with people who voted for President Trump in 2016.

Three other female senators and one male senator — Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kamala D. Harris (Calif.) and Cory Booker (N.J.) — have joined the race, and others are considering it.



ha ha

Senator Klobuchar’s Staff Mistreatment Reportedly Goes Back a Decade, Includes Throwing Binders

Two more reports of Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar’s alleged maltreatment toward her staff emerged just prior to her likely presidential campaign announcement on Sunday.

According to BuzzFeed News, four former staffers claim that Klobuchar’s behavior “regularly left employees in tears.”

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they need a bigger clown car!

I wonder if she started off talking about Global Warming


Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota joins Democratic race for 2020

Klobuchar, who easily won reelection to the Senate in November, announced she is joining the 2020 presidential race. She has emphasized her Midwest roots and ability to connect with people who voted for President Trump in 2016.

Three other female senators and one male senator — Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kamala D. Harris (Calif.) and Cory Booker (N.J.) — have joined the race, and others are considering it.



ha ha

Senator Klobuchar’s Staff Mistreatment Reportedly Goes Back a Decade, Includes Throwing Binders

Two more reports of Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar’s alleged maltreatment toward her staff emerged just prior to her likely presidential campaign announcement on Sunday.

According to BuzzFeed News, four former staffers claim that Klobuchar’s behavior “regularly left employees in tears.”


Dafuq is she doing with a fire? That's carbon footprint right there.
What'll be fun is that they will have to try and out-Lefty each other for the primary and that will make the general election unwinnable. President Trump is already trolling them like a boss.
Dafuq is she doing with a fire? That's carbon footprint right there.
What'll be fun is that they will have to try and out-Lefty each other for the primary and that will make the general election unwinnable. President Trump is already trolling them like a boss.

I think if someone like Biden wins he would have the most legit shot at winning. He is up there in age so I doubt he will run. Sanders draws the crowds but not votes, warren, harris, booker are too far left. Dems need to find a young sensible moderate to have any shot, but like you said they will push each other so far left and take themselves right out of it.
I think if someone like Biden wins he would have the most legit shot at winning. He is up there in age so I doubt he will run. Sanders draws the crowds but not votes, warren, harris, booker are too far left. Dems need to find a young sensible moderate to have any shot, but like you said they will push each other so far left and take themselves right out of it.

If the Dems put up a white man they'll lose their base. It's a coalition of minorities now. This is the party who thinks white men are the main problem. They MUST nominate a person of color or a woman so my money is on Sen. Kamala Harris since she's both.
If the Dems put up a white man they'll lose their base. It's a coalition of minorities now. This is the party who thinks white men are the main problem. They MUST nominate a person of color or a woman so my money is on Sen. Kamala Harris since she's both.

Yep.....they've succeeded in demonizing White men to the point that they are completely untouchable as Presidential candidates. If they nominate one now they'll just be supporting the White patriarchy and not checking their privilege. Imbeciles.
Yep.....they've succeeded in demonizing White men to the point that they are completely untouchable as Presidential candidates. If they nominate one now they'll just be supporting the White patriarchy and not checking their privilege. Imbeciles.

As if on cue..............

Weaker candidate than Hillary’: Democrats cast deep doubt on Biden’s 2020 value

Many of these strategists say that if Biden did win the nomination, they don’t think he would have a better chance of defeating Donald Trump than other top-tier contenders such as Kamala Harris or Kirsten Gillibrand — disputing the claim from many Biden supporters that he represents the safe choice in an election when rank-and-file voters are desperate to win back the White House.

“Let’s be honest: He’s an older white guy,” said Jim Cauley, a longtime Kentucky-based Democratic strategist. “Does he connect with the base?”

“2016 is going to be felt in the Democratic Party for the next couple decades,” the source added. “There is just massive distaste for the whole Baby Boom generation.”

“Who can turn out the largest proportion of African-Americans, of Hispanics, of white women under 40, of college students?” asked Morgan Jackson, a North Carolina-based Democratic strategist. “That’s how you combat Trump’s turnout machine on non-college educated whites, who are going to turn out in record numbers.

Honestly, at this point in my life, all this concerns me but really doesn't effect me much. It's up to the next generations to protect themselves now.

As if on cue..............

Weaker candidate than Hillary’: Democrats cast deep doubt on Biden’s 2020 value

Many of these strategists say that if Biden did win the nomination, they don’t think he would have a better chance of defeating Donald Trump than other top-tier contenders such as Kamala Harris or Kirsten Gillibrand — disputing the claim from many Biden supporters that he represents the safe choice in an election when rank-and-file voters are desperate to win back the White House.

“Let’s be honest: He’s an older white guy,” said Jim Cauley, a longtime Kentucky-based Democratic strategist. “Does he connect with the base?”

“2016 is going to be felt in the Democratic Party for the next couple decades,” the source added. “There is just massive distaste for the whole Baby Boom generation.”

“Who can turn out the largest proportion of African-Americans, of Hispanics, of white women under 40, of college students?” asked Morgan Jackson, a North Carolina-based Democratic strategist. “That’s how you combat Trump’s turnout machine on non-college educated whites, who are going to turn out in record numbers.

The Dems will probably lose again because minorities are just that...minorities. They need coalitions, which are now bumping into each other. It seems to me their strategy will boost turnout in already blue states but thanks to the damned Electoral College it won't do them any good. Howya gonna win swing states with an anti-white message? We're still 66% of the population.
The Dems will probably lose again because minorities are just that...minorities. They need coalitions, which are now bumping into each other. It seems to me their strategy will boost turnout in already blue states but thanks to the damned Electoral College it won't do them any good. Howya gonna win swing states with an anti-white message? We're still 66% of the population.

Not only that but many minorities are waking up to the fact that living in a perpetual state of victim hood is incredibly damaging and harmful for you.
Biden could run, but announce it is only for 1 term. That would eliminate some of the age question marks. Then make Harris the VP choice to make women and minorities happy.
Biden could run, but announce it is only for 1 term. That would eliminate some of the age question marks. Then make Harris the VP choice to make women and minorities happy.

My God, your intellect is dizzying.
If the Dems put up a white man they'll lose their base. It's a coalition of minorities now. This is the party who thinks white men are the main problem. They MUST nominate a person of color or a woman so my money is on Sen. Kamala Harris since she's both.

Harris wants to abolish the 2nd amendment, so her chances of winning the general election are low.

Now that Warren has no Indian DNA, she's too white. Biden is too white and too old.

I'm not sure who will win the Democrat nomination, they have no top candidate, only a never-ending group of people jumping out of a clown car.

Radicals have seized control of the Democratic Party. When Nancy Pelosi has to ask socialists Cruz to tone it down, and tellMuslim Omar to apologize for an anti-Jewish remark in congress....this party has issues. Meanwhile, Captian blackface is still a governor of a major state, and his lieutenant governor likely a me too guy after two acquisitions of sexual assault.

Trump will likely be re-elected.
“Who can turn out the largest proportion of African-Americans, of Hispanics, of white women under 40, of college students?” asked Morgan Jackson, a North Carolina-based Democratic strategist. “That’s how you combat Trump’s turnout machine on non-college educated whites, who are going to turn out in record numbers.

Can some ask Professor Morgan Jackson why Democrat's never use the term non-college educated African American's or Latino's? He sounds like a political hack to me. Professor Jackson has it wrong. Democrats need these under educated groups to turn out in record numbers to win the election.
Regarding Elizabeth Warren ... she is still too dumb to realize that Trump played her fake *** regarding the embarrassing DNA test she took, showing she had about half as much "native American" DNA as the average white guy.

As Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reveals her DNA test purporting to show she has anywhere between 0.1 percent to 1.56 percent Native American ancestry, the liberal lawmaker remains ineligible for Cherokee Nation citizenship. On Monday, Warren claimed she is vindicated after she released the findings of a DNA test which claims she is at the most 1/64th Native American and at the least, 1/1,024.

Experts with 23andMe say the average black American is nearly one percent Native American, while the average Hispanic American is 18 percent Native American. Additionally, about eighty percent of white Americans in Louisiana, for example, are at least one percent Native American.


Regarding Elizabeth Warren ... she is still too dumb to realize that Trump played her fake *** regarding the embarrassing DNA test she took, showing she had about half as much "native American" DNA as the average white guy.

As Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reveals her DNA test purporting to show she has anywhere between 0.1 percent to 1.56 percent Native American ancestry, the liberal lawmaker remains ineligible for Cherokee Nation citizenship. On Monday, Warren claimed she is vindicated after she released the findings of a DNA test which claims she is at the most 1/64th Native American and at the least, 1/1,024.

Experts with 23andMe say the average black American is nearly one percent Native American, while the average Hispanic American is 18 percent Native American. Additionally, about eighty percent of white Americans in Louisiana, for example, are at least one percent Native American.



Warren comes across as angry. People are not going to vote for an angry old bag.
Warren comes across as angry. People are not going to vote for an angry old bag.

Running for Prez has more to do with raising money, than anything else. Kamala Harris, with her Silicon Valley overlords, has the advantage. Pocahontas is just farting into the wind.

DJT already has a $100 mill war chest.
Warren comes across as angry. People are not going to vote for an angry old bag.

We saw how that worked out for Hildebeast.
Other than Trump so far Howard Schultz is the only one i can relate to. He had a town hall last night and he was able to shoot down some dem / rep ideas, but he had no real solutions either. For example he said about the green ne deal and how it was unrealistic. He said about 3000 buildings would need to be converted everyday to comply, not to mention the cost. He just said it is not possible basically.
Other than Trump so far Howard Schultz is the only one i can relate to. He had a town hall last night and he was able to shoot down some dem / rep ideas, but he had no real solutions either. For example he said about the green ne deal and how it was unrealistic. He said about 3000 buildings would need to be converted everyday to comply, not to mention the cost. He just said it is not possible basically.

That's why he'll never be the Dem nominee. He doesn't understand government. You just pass a law and make it happen.