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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

Everything is going according to plan

N.H. polling has ‘old white guys’ leading Dem pack as party elders worry about Left-wing lurch

The Democratic Party establishment is about to experience the same kind of internal warfare the GOP faced in 2010 and beyond with the rise of the so-called “Tea Party” movement, and it’s liable to have a deleterious effect on the party in 2020.

The rising “Democratic Socialist” faction has only just begun to flex its muscle, having won a few seats during the November midterms but clearly looking to capitalize on those gains in 2020 and beyond. Its members are feisty, defiant, fiercely suspicious of the Democratic hierarchy, and champing at the bit to shed the last vestiges of political moderation and take the party full Marxist.

And to that end, several of the party’s declared 2020 presidential contenders are clearly ready to adopt that economic model because their campaigns have stuck gauged the political winds and they are convinced that’s the direction their party is headed, thanks in large part to the popularity of the Democratic Socialist faction.

But the party’s Marxist newbies are going to be upset by who the young Marxist Millennials are choosing: A couple of establishment white guys, at least according to early polling in New Hampshire, an early primary state.



Bring on the socialists! Make them louder, lol

It's on

Sanders has early lead over Warren in battle of the left

The Bernie Sanders vs. Elizabeth Warren primary is on.

The run-up to their presidential announcements sparked concern on the left that having both of them in the race would split the activist base and clear the way for a more moderate nominee. Now that they’re both in, the competition between the two promises to be one of the more intriguing subplots of the primary.

Sanders starts out indisputably ahead. Bolstered by the grassroots army he amassed in 2016, the Vermont senator easily outraised Warren in the first 24 hours of their campaigns.

He’s far ahead of her in the polls, too, trailing only former Vice President Joe Biden, who hasn’t announced whether he’ll run.


Senator Cory Booker, former mayor of Newark, announced run for president in the 2020 election. The first New Jerseyan to do so in more than a generation.

Booker timed his announcement on the first day of Black History Month to maintain a sense of unity and pride with his campaign.

Booker will now be among the most diverse group of Democratic contenders running for the presidency. The contenders include Booker, Kamala Harris (California), Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Tulsi Gabbard, Julian Castro, who worked under Obama, as well as Pete Buttigieg, current mayor of Indiana.


Senator Cory Booker, former mayor of Newark, announced run for president in the 2020 election. The first New Jerseyan to do so in more than a generation.

Booker timed his announcement on the first day of Black History Month to maintain a sense of unity and pride with his campaign.

Booker will now be among the most diverse group of Democratic contenders running for the presidency. The contenders include Booker, Kamala Harris (California), Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Tulsi Gabbard, Julian Castro, who worked under Obama, as well as Pete Buttigieg, current mayor of Indiana.


Umm... didn't Chris Christie -- born in Newark, NEW JERSEY -- run for President in 2016?
Umm... didn't Chris Christie -- born in Newark, NEW JERSEY -- run for President in 2016?

Look. 'News' isn't about facts. It's about how it makes us feel. Its about advancing an agenda through 'the narrative', telling stories, if you will. As left as New Jersey is, it's surprising that they let 'The first New Jerseyan to do so in more than a generation.' out of the bag. That's a serious hit to NJ's cred. And pointing out that Christie ran messes up the image they've so carefully 'crafted' for him...

I don't think the issue is about "how far left" the candidate is. I just don't see how any of these "new" candidates are likable at all.

To me its always been about Biden and Sanders. As much as the democrats/media wants to sell this as some progressive wave, politics (both sides) are too slow moving and conservative for this.

2020 will end up being a "redo" for the Democrats vs. 2016. The truth is had Biden run or had Sanders gotten a fair shake from the DNC, either might be in office right now. And a lot of moderate democrats feel that way and will vote for them in the primary as a "do-over".

In all honesty, this crazy race-democrat, socialist obsessed wing of the democrats in congress is going to die on the vine, just as the old Tea Party crowd is pretty much dead on the right. The crazy obstructionists show up for BOTH parties when they are in the minority. That's just how it works.

But in national elections and the way our primary system is set up, those wack jobs normally get exposed on the national stage and fade away.

Sanders is a socialist, but to America he is still that crazy pot smoking, harmless hippie uncle that still thinks the issues of 1960 are relevant. Joe Biden is even more harmless.

This country does not want another earthquake as a candidate like Trump. That was a once in a generation thing. The pendulum will swing back into "safe" mode very soon. Either this election cycle or the next.
Go Bernie!

Lefties are flipping out, lol

Bernie Sanders Praises Trump Summit with Kim Jong Un: 'That is a Very Good Thing'

2020 Democratic primary hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders offered rare praise for Donald Trump, as the president meets with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.

Blitzer brought up the summit, taking place this week in Hanoi, Vietnam, to ask Sanders whether he would meet with the North Korean dictator were he president.

“See, now, after all of the nasty things I said about Trump, let me say a good thing here, all right?” Sanders began. “Is I think — look, nuclear weapons in the hands of a brutal, irresponsible dictator is a bad idea, and if Trump can succeed, in fact, through face-to-face meetings with Kim Jong Un and rid that country of nuclear weapons, that is a very good thing.”

People like people who like donuts.

but not Socialists

64 percent say Democratic Party supports socialism, says poll

Sixty-four percent of respondents said that they believe the Democratic Party backs such an economic system, while 36 percent believe the party is opposed to socialism, the poll found.

The finding comes amid an ongoing debate among Democrats over whether the party should throw its support behind sweeping policy proposals, like a single-payer healthcare system or raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

President Trump in his State of the Union address earlier this week warned of a creeping socialism in the United States in what appeared to be a preview of an attack line he could use in his reelection campaign.

64 percent say Democratic Party supports socialism, says poll




Kamala Harris said when she was in college she smoked weed and listened to Tupac and Snoop Dogg. They hadn't recorded anything yet when she was in college. Admitting you once smoked pot is not enough, we have our first candidate who smoked so much weed she could hear music from the future.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi could only offer tepid support to the Green New Deal as the resolution's provisions became spelled out to the public Monday. For starters, it would commit the country to getting rid of all flatulent cows. The Women of the View declared they regard this as a personal attack.
Kamala Harris said when she was in college she smoked weed and listened to Tupac and Snoop Dogg. They hadn't recorded anything yet when she was in college. Admitting you once smoked pot is not enough, we have our first candidate who smoked so much weed she could hear music from the future.

Anybody see this?

Kamala Harris’ Father Admitted She Is Descended From Slave Owners

Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ father recently rebuked her for using the stereotype that Jamaicans like those in her family smoke marijuana.

It turns out that Harris’ father Donald Harris made a startling admission in an essay he wrote entitled “Reflections of a Jamaican Father” which was published at Jamaica Global Online:

“My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born

Anybody see this?

Kamala Harris’ Father Admitted She Is Descended From Slave Owners

Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ father recently rebuked her for using the stereotype that Jamaicans like those in her family smoke marijuana.

It turns out that Harris’ father Donald Harris made a startling admission in an essay he wrote entitled “Reflections of a Jamaican Father” which was published at Jamaica Global Online:

“My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born

Yep. Vinnie had it in another thread.

That just might become awkward

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Kamala Harris calls for decriminalizing sex work

Well I think it makes sense that she be the face of that movement............................................................ if you will.
Wait...is she saying free bj's for everyone? Wow, she is even farther left than AOC. But it will all be over in 12 years.
The Democrats' current playbook is in fact a damn-near exact duplicate of Gibbons' five reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire:

  • First: The rapid increase of divorce, with the undermining of the sanctity of the home, which is the basis of society.
  • Second: Higher and higher taxes; and the spending of public money on bread and circuses.
  • Third: The mad craze for pleasure, sports becoming every year more exciting and more brutal.
  • Fourth: The building of gigantic armies to fight external enemies, when the most deadly enemy, the decadence of the people, lay within.
  • Fifth: The decay of religion; faith fading into mere form, losing touch with life, and becoming impotent to guide it.


The only revision I would make is that the (D)'s army consists of the endless litany of government officials, police, tax collectors, etc.
The Democrats' current playbook is in fact a damn-near exact duplicate of Gibbons' five reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire:

  • First: The rapid increase of divorce, with the undermining of the sanctity of the home, which is the basis of society.
  • Second: Higher and higher taxes; and the spending of public money on bread and circuses.
    [*]Third: The mad craze for pleasure, sports becoming every year more exciting and more brutal.
  • Fourth: The building of gigantic armies to fight external enemies, when the most deadly enemy, the decadence of the people, lay within.
  • Fifth: The decay of religion; faith fading into mere form, losing touch with life, and becoming impotent to guide it.


The only revision I would make is that the (D)'s army consists of the endless litany of government officials, police, tax collectors, etc.

Can someone please tell Roger Goodell that it's ok to tackle.
Ya know, every day the dims go farther and farther into the slime. Now we got creepy Joe Biden apologizing for calling Pence a " decent guy" .

Why you ask ?

Why naturally, because Pence is a decent Christian man with morals and a proper upbringing...of course. Can't have that **** around here no more...ya hear ?

Biden responds to criticism over calling Pence 'a decent guy'

The comment lit up social media, with critics of Pence demanding that Biden reassess his opinion. Pence's stance on homosexuality, including opposing same-sex marriage legislation, has earned him strong opponents among the LGBTQ community.

Actress and former New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon (D) tweeted, "@JoeBiden you’ve just called America’s most anti-LGBT elected leader 'a decent guy.' Please consider how this falls on the ears of our community."



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easier to read here

This is how it will go

The Dems’ Radical Left is going to unleash Antifa on any of the Old Guard who stray from their new party line.

Joe Biden calls VP Pence 'a decent guy' then backtracks after leftists rage

Former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday described current Vice President Mike Pence as “a decent guy,” but then quickly backtracked following criticism from actress Cynthia Nixon.

Biden made the comment while speaking at an event in Omaha, Nebraska. The remark provoked a quick backlash online from left-wingers.

Biden, who is expected to run for president, grovelled like a dog before the leftist onslaught


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