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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

The dems biggest problem is that they have no core identity. They are people if color, school teachers, gay, lez, bi, trans, and everything else. Their message or their identity gets diluted because they can't be everything to everyone.
Bloomberg will be the candidate. He just released his platform, is smart enough to stay far away from the Hooker, Booker and kids short bus tour, and will be begged to get in race just before Iowa.

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I like Booker stumping on America failing to provide clean water when he completely ****** up Newark's water development oversight. He is a typical dirty politician.
“Let’s be honest: He’s an older white guy,” said Jim Cauley, a longtime Kentucky-based Democratic strategist. “Does he connect with the base?”

Exactly what I've been saying for a while. The Dems' candidate MUST be black, Hispanic, female, or some combination of all three. The only way the base would tolerate a white male candidate would be if he was gay.
Exactly what I've been saying for a while. The Dems' candidate MUST be black, Hispanic, female, or some combination of all three. The only way the base would tolerate a white male candidate would be if he was gay.

The mayor of South Bend, IN is a pole smoker. He might might make some waves at some point but it will be short-lived because he sucks and South Bend is circling the toilet bowl under his watch.
The mayor of South Bend, IN is a pole smoker. He might might make some waves at some point but it will be short-lived because he sucks and South Bend is circling the toilet bowl under his watch.

It's much easier for the GOP to pick a candidate, because it can only be a white male.
It's much easier for the GOP to pick a candidate, because it can only be a white male.

The Dems' candidate MUST be black, Hispanic, female, or some combination of all three. The only way the base would tolerate a white male candidate would be if he was gay.

or if he was for legalizing marijuana and wants to promote the climate change and gun control agenda

Hickenlooper raises over $1M within 48 hours of announcing 2020 run

Less than 48 hours after announcing he would be joining the 2020 presidential race, former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has raised over $1 million dollars for his campaign. He announced his 2020 candidacy early Monday with a campaign video that highlights his career as a two-term governor and two-term Denver mayor.

In his appeal to voters, Hickenlooper addresses recession, droughts and floods, and the mass shooting in Aurora in 2012.

"The surge of support and enthusiasm for the governor is clear," said Hickenlooper's finance director Dan Sorenson in a statement on Tuesday. "Governor Hickenlooper's record of bringing people together and delivering real results on health care, climate, and gun reform is resonating across the country." "The federal government should reclassify marijuana so it's not a schedule I narcotic"

or if he was for legalizing marijuana and wants to promote the climate change and gun control agenda

Might not be enough to keep the base's enthusiasm. They'd be forced to hold their noses and vote, kinda like we did with McCain and Romney.
Guest on Quinn's show today is predicting a Biden/Harris ticket for the same reasons as we got McCain/Palin. The old white guy to appeal to the traditional voters and the female purist who will bring votes from the base with the hope that the old white guy dies and she can take over.
Those "dream teams" are just wishful thinking, they will be deadly enemies after the primaries, lol

Never happens

VPs are never part of the scene till the conventions
It's much easier for the GOP to pick a candidate, because it can only be a white male.

I know, right?? Look how kindly you kunts treated Michael Steele, and Sarah Palin, and Liz Cheny, and Kristi Noem, and Herman Cain, and Colin Powell, and Condeleeza Rice, and Tim Scott, and Clarence Thomas, and Allen West.

******* racist and sexist Republicans defamed and lied about and broke records scumming in their accusations against those women and people of "color." Right, 21??????????????????
It's much easier for the GOP to pick a candidate, because it can only be a white male.

How many female or minority candidates have the Democrats elected?
Long time readers may remember that back in 2008 I said that Bomma may well be the last black President we have because he'd **** things up (he did) and most voters would say "Remember what happened the last time we elected a black guy". A truly qualified and brilliant black man like Dr. Alan Keyes, who I voted for in the 2000 and 2004 primaries, wouldn't have a chance since Barry pissed in the pool.
How many female or minority candidates have the Democrats elected?
Long time readers may remember that back in 2008 I said that Bomma may well be the last black President we have because he'd **** things up (he did) and most voters would say "Remember what happened the last time we elected a black guy". A truly qualified and brilliant black man like Dr. Alan Keyes, who I voted for in the 2000 and 2004 primaries, wouldn't have a chance since Barry pissed in the pool.

I would've voted for Ben Carson if he had won the nomination. Then again I would've voted for Lyme disease over Hillary.
Read Bloomberg's article on Bloomberg (the same unbiased news giant that trashes Trump daily) about not being a candidate: it is a campaign platform. He will stay off the Hooker/Booker/pot/trash bus and come in late next fall as the saviour. They will be begging for him, and he will act "presidential" throughout, showing up and speaking on Democrat center-left issues to set the steal of the middle from Trump.

Bread and circuses for 6-9 months, attempt to get Trump in open twitter mudslinging, then along comes Mr. Billionaire classy, not the female minority everyone was hoping for, but the guy with all the credentials to take on Trump.

When one hand is waving, energetic, etc. best to watch the quiet hand as it is doing the real work.

Why would you believe what any politician said in an election campaign.

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Read Bloomberg's article on Bloomberg (the same unbiased news giant that trashes Trump daily) about not being a candidate: it is a campaign platform. He will stay off the Hooker/Booker/pot/trash bus and come in late next fall as the saviour. They will be begging for him, and he will act "presidential" throughout, showing up and speaking on Democrat center-left issues to set the steal of the middle from Trump.

Bread and circuses for 6-9 months, attempt to get Trump in open twitter mudslinging, then along comes Mr. Billionaire classy, not the female minority everyone was hoping for, but the guy with all the credentials to take on Trump.

When one hand is waving, energetic, etc. best to watch the quiet hand as it is doing the real work.

Why would you believe what any politician said in an election campaign.

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I can see that happening but I don't know that the Dem base and much of their fundraising would be excited about 1) a white guy, 2) a centrist, and 3) a rich guy. Bloomberg does not have the idealogical purity that the Dem base currently demands. What will probably happen is that the Dems will nominate a true believer who checks all the identity politics boxes like Harris, they're excited as ****, then their candidate goes down in flames with President Trump winning 45 or so states. They will have lost but it's the Dem Party's only chance at getting back to a level of sanity.
They have another great white hope

How Jay Inslee can win the Dem nomination

Inslee just as liberal as Elizabeth Warren.

"... when voters see his work on climate change along with a laundry list of progressive achievements, it’ll be enough to become the nominee."

"As governor of Washington, Inslee has built a record of economic growth for which he credits his progressive policies. Among those policies are a minimum wage that is more than 50 percent higher than the federal one, a family leave policy1 that allows some workers to take up to three months of paid leave for a medical condition or to care for a new child or ailing family member, and a law that requires workers to receive equal pay and career advancement opportunities regardless of gender."

On his signature issue, Climate Change .... "he advocates for clean fuel standards to reduce emissions from vehicles. He wants to revamp the U.S. electrical grid with a 100 percent clean power plan like the one he’s pushing for in his state of Washington, make buildings “net zero” emissions with stringent building codes, and promote alternative energy with subsidies."

Read Bloomberg's article on Bloomberg (the same unbiased news giant that trashes Trump daily) about not being a candidate: it is a campaign platform. He will stay off the Hooker/Booker/pot/trash bus and come in late next fall as the saviour. They will be begging for him, and he will act "presidential" throughout, showing up and speaking on Democrat center-left issues to set the steal of the middle from Trump.

Bread and circuses for 6-9 months, attempt to get Trump in open twitter mudslinging, then along comes Mr. Billionaire classy, not the female minority everyone was hoping for, but the guy with all the credentials to take on Trump.

When one hand is waving, energetic, etc. best to watch the quiet hand as it is doing the real work.

Why would you believe what any politician said in an election campaign.

Well considered and presented. But I think there are two things missing from this equation - Tom Perez and 'is Merica ready for a Jew President?'.

Perez is driving the dim bus. He is far more radical than DWS, and with all due respect to the damage she's done to the Republic, she's a piker compared to Perez. He's effectively a Sandinista, commie through and through. I won't go into depth here, but if you're interested in Perez and what he's all about, look here.

Bloomberg is everything you've stated, and more. He would have an appeal in the center. Which is among the reasons why Perez would object. Bloomberg is everything Perez and the left hate. Perez absolutely LOVES AOC, Omar and the other two wackjobs. He's ready to give the party to them. They are the agents of change he needs to drive his agenda. Bloomberg isn't.

With the real anti-semitism that exists in both parties, do you think the dims could rile up enough of their base to vote for a Jew? I realize that Bernie is Jewish, but they don't see Bernie as anything other than a socialist. Yes, they are that dim. Who do you think the dims are going to go for - Michael Bloomberg, Jewish New York billionaire media mogul, or Bernie Sanders, Vermont hippie socialist icon? Their behavior suggests the Bern.
Dems will nominate a true believer who checks all the identity politics boxes like Harris.

If Inslee can make some headway on a crowded stage in the debates, I can see him moving up the ranks, he speaks their tongue

Jay Inslee Officially Launches Historic 2020 Bid Centered On Climate Change

“I’m running for president because I’m the only candidate who will make defeating climate change our nation’s No. 1 priority.”

In a video that opens with shots of storm clouds gathering over the Seattle skyline, Inslee, 68, vowed to transition the nation to 100 percent renewable electricity and generate “millions of good paying jobs” in “every community across America.”

I find this hilarious

The Bernie-Hillary Feud Is Bleeding Into 2020

Some top Democrats won’t stop picking at the scabs of 2016, making others in the party nervous about an intra-party bloodletting that could hurt their chances of defeating President Trump next year.

Bernie Sanders’ first weeks as a 2020 candidate have been marked by a series of flare-ups between his supporters and Hillary Clinton’s old network. Bernie Bros and #StillWithHer partisans snipe back and forth online. Former Clinton aides have fueled that fight, pushing negative stories about Sanders to reporters. The betrayal and distrust on both sides continues to cut deep, and the tension only seems to be growing.

Both Clinton and Sanders allies say unity is what they want — but they’re quick to blame the other side for undercutting those efforts.

“These Bernie supporters are basically acting like it’s spring of 2016. And Sanders has often said that he has the ability to organize and move these people, yet he doesn’t stand up and tell them to cut the ****,” former Clinton aide Adam Parkhomenko. “Everyone’s saying ‘let’s stick together,’ and they are literally some of the most vicious and nasty people online.”

Go Bernie Bots Go!

Bernie Sanders-Style Politics Are Defining 2020 Race, Unnerving Moderates

IOWA CITY — The sharp left turn in the Democratic Party and the rise of progressive presidential candidates are unnerving moderate Democrats who increasingly fear that the party could fritter away its chances of beating President Trump in 2020 by careening over a liberal cliff.

Two months into the presidential campaign, the leading Democratic contenders have largely broken with consensus-driven politics and embraced leftist ideas on health care, taxes, the environment and Middle East policy that would fundamentally alter the economy, elements of foreign policy and ultimately remake American life.

Led by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a democratic socialist who is the top candidate in the race at this early stage, many vocal leaders in the party are choosing to draw lessons from liberal victories in 2018 rather than the party’s breakthroughs in moderate suburban battlegrounds that delivered Democratic control of the House.

These progressive Democrats risk playing into Mr. Trump’s hands — he has repeatedly branded them “socialists” — yet they argue that their ambitious agenda can inspire a voter revolt in 2020 that elects a left-wing president.
