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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

Read Bloomberg's article on Bloomberg (the same unbiased news giant that trashes Trump daily) about not being a candidate: it is a campaign platform. He will stay off the Hooker/Booker/pot/trash bus and come in late next fall as the saviour. They will be begging for him, and he will act "presidential" throughout, showing up and speaking on Democrat center-left issues to set the steal of the middle from Trump.

Bread and circuses for 6-9 months, attempt to get Trump in open twitter mudslinging, then along comes Mr. Billionaire classy, not the female minority everyone was hoping for, but the guy with all the credentials to take on Trump.

When one hand is waving, energetic, etc. best to watch the quiet hand as it is doing the real work.

Why would you believe what any politician said in an election campaign.

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I think I know why Bloomberg was to be president. Here is his magic working in NYC - New York City is edging toward financial disaster, experts warn.
New York City is careening closer to all-out financial bankruptcy for the first time since Mayor Abraham Beame ran the city more than 40 years ago, experts say.

As tax-fleeced businesses and individuals flee en masse, and city public spending surges into the stratosphere, financial analysts say Gotham is perilously near total fiscal disaster.

It won't happen if he's president. Everyone won't leave the U.S.!

Dems gushing over their new heartthrob

Beto O'Rourke is officially running for President in 2020

The former Congressman from El Paso Beto O'Rourke is officially running for President of the United States in 2020, KTSM in El Paso reports.

Beto will make a formal announcement Thursday morning, but he confirmed in a text to KTSM that he is going to run.


Beto O'Rourke is officially running for President in 2020

Geez, there's more Democrats running than there were Republicans in 2016. And for the same reason I think.
That tool couldn’t even win a senate seat in his own state. Loser.
He can speak very artfully and say nothing concrete or of substance. Libs will drink his kool aid. He will be a vp candidate.
The Dems are hyping this rockstar fetish wish for another Kennedy, but it won't be enough

He will have to convince voters on his own
The Dems are hyping this rockstar fetish wish for another Kennedy.

So let's check why the party of failure (live in the basement, stay on mommy's medical insurance, free ****, waaaaah!!) would admire Kennedy. Because I don't see it.

[table="width: 500, class: grid, align: left"]
[td]Socialist weenies[/td]
[td]Virulently anti-communist[/td]
[td]Love the commies!![/td]
[td]Hate the whites![/td]
[td]Hate the males!![/td]
[td]Love the LBGTVSQZDRBNMKIOPQWSC crowd!![/td]
[td]Hate the armed forces!![/td]
[td]Pro tax cut[/td]
[td]Hate tax cuts![/td]
[td]Pro capitalism[/td]
[td]Hate the capitalists!![/td]
[td]Pro America[/td]
[td]Hate America!![/td]
Camelot, they want another cult of personality to keep the young voters interested
But he is a white male despite his nickname. Thought they were the Debil.

That's why he can't win the nomination.

But, but he says he was born to do this. Tool indeed.

So did Al Gore and Hildebeast. They had no reason to be running for President except "I want to be President".
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Beto O'Rourke is officially running for President in 2020

Why, is that Mrs O'Rourke's baby boy Robert Francis? Where'd he get that silly name 'Beto'? Surely he's from better breeding than to pander to a minority with a name that would mislead them to think he's 'one of them'. Surely the dims would step back from a charlatan who'd change his name to appeal to the ignorant. Like Warren Wilhelm. Oh, wait. He's 'Bill DeBlasio'. Or 'Barack Obama'. We have no freekin idea who he or his squeeze, or who their 'offspring' are. Well, we know who the cherlins are.

Can a dim present themselves or their 'ideas' for what they are? Straight up. Why not?

Have you ever heard 'Beto' speak? That's even more insulting than the name. On his very best day, he's a caricature 'thumb press' dim cliché. His explanation for his DUI (didn't mention that he tried to leave the scene) and how he uses it to launch into 'oh boo-hoo, white privilege, poor minorities BS' is extra special slippery. He actually likes to lead with this. But when he gets off that message, he's a tool. Its unnerving to watch these creatures the dims roll out and the effect they have on the indolent. But the keep doing it and the elections are close.

Camelot, they want another cult of personality to keep the young voters interested

They want a 'Beto' to get newly minted 'citizens' interested.
The Dems are hyping this rockstar fetish wish for another Kennedy, but it won't be enough

He will have to convince voters on his own

Robert Francis, AKA Beto is the one I fear the most, not because he's a crafty politician, but because he has little record to examine and the media loves him the most.

I hope he's the first clown out of the cart.
I actaully had a dream last night that I met Beto. In that dream, I told him that my politics are so far right that I make Reagan look like Obama (partially true). I then told him we need a wall, and he lost his mind. Once he calmed down, I asked him if he had a fence around his house. He said yes. I asked him why. He said "to keep unwanted people out." I then called him a hypocrite, and he started crying. Couldn't figure out why I would call him that.

Would be great if I could really talk to this tool in person....
So what has Francis done? Can anyone list one accomplishment? What are his qualifications?
They think that because Beto ran a close race with Cruz in Texas he stands a chance.

Trump chewed up and spit out Lyin Ted like he was nothin.......but if hes the best they got.......lol
So what has Francis done? Can anyone list one accomplishment? What are his qualifications?

Well, like a Kennedy, he fled the scene of an accident, so there's that!!!
That **** needs to go viral, especially the killing kids fantasy!!!

Oh the leftist media shills will just say that he cares about the Earth and climate change so much that he wants to help by limiting the population growth. What a kind hearted enviro-friendly patriot!
Oh the leftist media shills will just say that he cares about the Earth and climate change so much that he wants to help by limiting the population growth. What a kind hearted enviro-friendly patriot!

Actually, since the left is FOR killing children, they will say he is a visionary and was ahead of his time when he wrote those fantasies!!!