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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )


'Not one woman got that kind of coverage': Beto backlash begins

Many Democrats see a double standard in the fanfare surrounding O’Rourke’s 2020 campaign launch.

Since announcing her 2020 run, Elizabeth Warren has dispensed three major policy proposals, held 30 campaign events and visited nearly a dozen states.

Since announcing his 2020 run, Beto O’Rourke has made one visit to Iowa, where he vaguely outlined his positions, including from atop a cafe counter.

Guess who’s getting the star treatment.

The breathless, sweeps-like cable television coverage that greeted the former Texas congressman’s first campaign events stunned and frustrated many Democratic operatives — particularly women — who viewed it as an example of the double standard at work in the historically diverse presidential field.

To them, O’Rourke, a white, male candidate had already been ordained the next sensation, his entry into the race greased by live television shots and O’Rourke-centric


and - another one, the Al Franken destroyer!

of course the hard core lefties already despise her, lol

Kirsten Gillibrand formally joins Democratic race for president

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York formally announced her candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination on Sunday, casting herself as the party’s strongest champion of reversing President Trump’s agenda.

Gillibrand, who launched an exploratory committee in January, has been campaigning for months.

But she used a formal video announcement online to draw fresh attention at a time when rivals Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris have been dominating coverage of the crowded race, along with former Vice President Joe Biden, another likely contender.


and another one

Andrew Yang is running for president. Haven't heard of him? You will soon.

Yang, an entrepreneur and veteran of the tech industry, became the latest — and, perhaps, least likely — Democratic presidential candidate to meet the requirements necessary to appear in the party’s first debate in June.

It’s quite the coup for an insurgent, little-known 44-year-old running in his first-ever campaign, and it may reveal as much about our current political juncture as it does about Yang himself. The 2016 election blindsided the establishment and blew up its ideas about who can run for office — and it also may have paved the way for another neophyte to wind up on a crowded debate stage, next to a half dozen senators and a former vice president.

Yang announced Monday that he surpassed 65,000 donors, the Democratic National Committee’s threshold for participants in the first two debates. A party official said the DNC won’t announce the slate of debaters until at least two weeks before the event.

...another neophyte to wind up on a crowded debate stage, next to a half dozen senators and a former vice president... A party official said the DNC won’t announce the slate of debaters until at least two weeks before the event.

They can't allow that. He'd shred them.
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Ha ha!

•Posted byu/News_Release_Bot
51 minutes ago
Joe Biden got tongue tied over the weekend when he was unable to properly deliver a very simple line about his decision to run for President. Get used to it, another low I.Q. individual!
and - another one, the Al Franken destroyer!

of course the hard core lefties already despise her, lol

Kirsten Gillibrand formally joins Democratic race for president

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York formally announced her candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination on Sunday, casting herself as the party’s strongest champion of reversing President Trump’s agenda.

Gillibrand, who launched an exploratory committee in January, has been campaigning for months.

But she used a formal video announcement online to draw fresh attention at a time when rivals Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris have been dominating coverage of the crowded race, along with former Vice President Joe Biden, another likely contender.



More on Bobby Francis...

For Latinos, 'Beto' O'Rourke is just another privileged white guy trying to manipulate them
Ruben Navarrette Jr., Opinion columnist Published 1:46 p.m. ET March 15, 2019 | Updated 5:36 p.m. ET March 17, 2019

O'Rourke hasn't earned the familiarity he allegedly has with Latinos. He should know that life in America's largest racial minority isn't all fiestas.

SAN DIEGO — He hasn’t earned it.

I’ve distilled it down. And that’s basically the refrain I’ve heard from dozens of Latinos who — unlike the news media, run by white liberals who are fascinated by other white liberals — refuse to go loco for Beto.

They’re concerned that Robert Francis O’Rourke, 46, who on Thursday joined an already-crowded field of 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls, is trying to put one over on Latinos by tricking them into thinking he’s one of them. Or, at the very least, they think that his strategy, or that of his handlers, is to come across to Latinos as a simpatico who connects with them the way that Bill Clinton — whom writer Toni Morrison mischievously dubbed “our first black president” — connected with African-Americans. At least until Barack Obama came along, and the Clinton machine tried, and failed, to destroy him.

So is that the deal? Is O’Rourke aiming to become America’s first Latino president?

O'Rourke goes AWOL on immigration policy

Por favor. Please. Speaking as a Mexican-American, let me spare you the suspense: That zapato won’t fit. Sorry, Beto, you’re no Bill Clinton.

What actual Latinos tell me is that they resent the presumptuousness of this supposed familiarity we’re told Beto feels with a community that he has done, at best, a mediocre job of representing when he had the chance.

For instance, at a time when Latinos feel under siege by ethnocentrism and anti-immigrant demagoguery, where was O’Rourke on the explosive immigration issue during his three terms in the House of Representatives? Judging from the comments by lawmakers who served with him, it appears he was in hiding.

But hey, let’s cut the guy some slack for going AWOL when Latinos needed him. O’Rourke hails from the border city of El Paso, Texas. Where would anyone encounter immigrants in a place like that?

The Democrat is also criticized for not reaching out to Latino voters in Texas during his Senate race last year against incumbent Ted Cruz, perhaps thinking he had them in the bag and so he could take them for granted.

One Mexican-American professor who teaches at a university in San Diego, echoing a critique leveled by Cruz and many others, was bothered that the politician called himself "Beto." He said it seems O'Rourke is taking advantage of his nickname to pretend to be something he’s not.

Another professor and lawyer, who is Panamanian-American, said O'Rourke hasn't lived the life of a Hispanic man. As a white male, his life was easier (as he himself acknowledges). And it still is.

A Mexican-American woman who works in public relations told me O'Rourke seems condescending. Given his privilege, it is irritating that he seems to pretend that he knows and understands what bothers a demographic he’s not part of.
Beto's manipulative moniker

The Beto backlash reminds of the idea of stolen valor, the righteous outrage felt by combat veterans when others who didn’t see action claim medals they don’t deserve.

You see, being a member of America’s largest minority — especially in the Trump era — isn’t all fiestas and churros. And if you haven’t had your ticket punched, you don’t get to take the ride.

Now let’s deal with this business about the name. Who, or what, gave birth to the legend of Beto?

Robert Francis prefers to be called by that name, and he and his army of supporters — the Beto bots — swear it has nothing to do with politics. They even point to the fact that O’Rourke seems to have first gotten tagged with the moniker when he was a child, showing off a photo of him as a boy wearing a sweatshirt with the name “Beto” on it.

What they appear not as eager to talk about, however, is the fact that Patrick O’Rourke — Robert Francis’ father — once explained that he was the one who gave his son the nickname in the first place and the reason had a lot to do with politics, as well as geography. According to The Dallas Morning News, the patriarch reasoned that if his son ever ran for office in El Paso, the odds of being elected in that largely Mexican-American city were far greater with a name like Beto.

When told of his father’s words, O’Rourke shrugged them off, calling his father “farsighted.”

I’d use different words, like cynical and dishonest and manipulative.

It's certainly not respectful to assume people can be so easily fooled. And, as any real Latino can tell you, respect goes a long way in our community. O’Rourke should take the time to get to know us better. If he did, more Latinos might have a better impression of him.
Biden looked very old and confused when he let something slip that he's running. And he's the favorite. His lack of stamina and age make him unfit to serve. Call it for what it is.

Meanwhile, Sanders fell in his bathroom and required stitches.

These two would be 78 years old if elected, and no sure bet to serve out the full term.
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Biden looked very old and confused when he let something slip that he's running. And he's the favorite. His lack of stamina and age make him unfit to serve. Call it for what it is.

Meanwhile, Sanders fell in his bathroom and required stitches.

These two would be 78 years old if elected, and no sure bet to serve out the full term.

GW Bush used to jog with the Secret Service during his time in the White House.

Old and Older might have the USSS accompany them as they do this:

From the Beto information:

"O’Rourke, who launched his 2020 presidential campaign Thursday, also reportedly wrote several disturbing pieces under the “Psychedelic Warlord” pseudo, including one in which the narrator fantasized about using his vehicle to run over children."

Give the guy credit, he actually pursued his dreams.


Bobby Francis' 'writings' pale (no pun) to those of hussein's. Remember 'Pop' from 'Dreams of my Father'?


Sitting in his seat, a seat broad and broken
In, sprinkled with ashes,
Pop switches channels, takes another
Shot of Seagrams, neat, and asks
What to do with me, a green young man
Who fails to consider the
Flim and flam of the world, since
Things have been easy for me;
I stare hard at his face, a stare
That deflects off his brow;
I’m sure he’s unaware of his
Dark, watery eyes, that
Glance in different directions,
And his slow, unwelcome twitches,

Fail to pass.
I listen, nod,
Listen, open, till I cling to his pale,
Beige T-shirt, yelling,
Yelling in his ears, that hang
With heavy lobes, but he’s still telling
His joke, so I ask why
He’s so unhappy, to which he replies…
But I don’t care anymore, cause
He took too damn long, and from
Under my seat, I pull out the
Mirror I’ve been saving; I’m laughing,
Laughing loud, the blood rushing from his face
To mine, as he grows small,
A spot in my brain, something
That may be squeezed out, like a
Watermelon seed between
Two fingers.
Pop takes another shot, neat,
Points out the same amber
Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and
Makes me smell his smell, coming
From me
; he switches channels, recites an old poem
He wrote before his mother died,
Stands, shouts, and asks
For a hug, as I shrink, my
Arms barely reaching around
His thick, oily neck, and his broad back; ‘cause
I see my face, framed within
Pop’s black-framed glasses
And know he’s laughing too.

Sounds like some kind of fluid exchange goin' on dare.

Never the less, such writings have never precluded a dim from being president.
The Dems are hyping this rockstar fetish wish for another Kennedy, but it won't be enough

He will have to convince voters on his own

I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine...you filthy democrats, Beto is no Jack Kennedy.

No, I didn't really know Jack Kennedylol.
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This just keeps gettin' better and better.

Report: Biden Advisers Consider Stacey Abrams as Running Mate


Advisers for former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign-in-waiting are debating whether to name failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as his running mate, a Thursday report says.

Abrams, who delivered the Democrat Party’s official response to President Donald Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address, recently launched Fair Fight Action, a group aimed at combatting voter suppression. In a federal lawsuit against Georgia officials, the group accused the state of grossly mismanaging its election system.

Reports of Biden naming Abrams as his out-of-the-gate vice president choice also come as Biden is reaching out to big-money donors hoping to secure contributions ahead of officially entering the race. The Wall Street Journal reported this week that the 76-year-old is concerned he may not be able to match the initial fundraising numbers of fellow 2020 candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former Rep. Beto O’Rouke (D-TX), who raised $5.9 million and $6.1 million, respectively.

$200K in debt and owes $54K to the IRS, maybe she can help Mad Maxine with her House Financial Services Committee.


Stacy Abrams? And yet the Dems screamed that Sarah Palin was unqualifed.....
Stacy Abrams? And yet the Dems screamed that Sarah Palin was unqualifed.....

Unqualified ?? She ran for Governor of the State of Georgia, what more do ya want ? She only lost because of the racist incompetence of the voting commission. Seems they curtailed early voting , err they ah, well she lost and she don't like it.

Abrams, in her lawsuit, is aggrieved that Georgia curtailed the period for early voting. She sponsored the change.

Hollywood studios plan boycott of production in the state for not electing Abrams governor.

How do I boycott a loser politician?

Stacy Abrams? And yet the Dems screamed that Sarah Palin was unqualifed.....

Abrams was a loud-mouthed politician backed by Oprah Winfrey who simply will not play well outside of the urban areas with a heavy African American population.

On Facebook, my Democratic friends are a house dived among the never-ending candidates that keep jumping out of the clown car. It's a very weak group. A bad VP pick will make whoever emerges even weaker.

My main concern is this. Most Democrats will vote for anyone over Trump, but what if that person is a socialist, who's anti-gun, going to appoint more supreme court justices to " expand the Supreme Court, in favor of abolishing the electorical college, and for the green deal? Will they still vote for that person just because he's not Donald Trump? I fear so.

If anyone of these loons becomes President with the above ideas, The United States as we know it will be gone, and it won't take long for the economy to crash, and the United States to fade as a world power.
My main concern is this. Most Democrats will vote for anyone over Trump, but what if that person is a socialist, who's anti-gun, going to appoint more supreme court justices to " expand the Supreme Court, in favor of abolishing the electorical college, and for the green deal? Will they still vote for that person just because he's not Donald Trump? I fear so.

Any Democrat candidate will absolutely demolish President Trump in NY, NJ, CT, VT, MA, IL, CA, OR, and WA. Everywhere else, not so much. That's why the Dems want to get rid of the Electoral College. They know they've lost Middle America and have nothing that will play in PA, OH, MO, KS, etc.
yep - gonna be two old white guys left standing
