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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

The Butt Judge is in third already, and he hasn’t done ****! I think he’ll get the nomination. It doesn’t matter that he hasn’t accomplished a damn thing for South Bend, IN. Liberal ****. The fake news media will start fluffing him in 5, 4...
Ran across this interview with Buttgag -
MIKE BARNICLE, MSNBC: Let's get back to Christ. He never saw color. He never saw a class. He had faith that people would do the right thing to -- and pray that people would do the right thing to others. I have not heard you speak about our problems with both class and color in this country. They are significant. They are deep. They are historical. Talk about that.

Just that set up is hilarious. Jesus never saw color, never saw class. So what are you going to do about our color and class problems?

MAYOR PETE BUTTIGIEG: Well, I'm the mayor of a diverse community and a largely low-income community. People may not know this because they only know about Notre Dame. We're about 40, 45 percent non-white. So we've got a lot of racial diversity. And we've got a lot of economic diversity. Our per capita income is just over $20,000 right now. Remember, we're still dealing with the legacy of having been an industrial city that saw our economy completely transform over the last 50 years.

Let's start with my color and class metrics..

They have no idea how they sound.

yep - gonna be two old white guys left standing


I’m rooting for a no holds barred brokered convention where no one has a majority. :)

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Any Democrat candidate will absolutely demolish President Trump in NY, NJ, CT, VT, MA, IL, CA, OR, and WA. Everywhere else, not so much. That's why the Dems want to get rid of the Electoral College. They know they've lost Middle America and have nothing that will play in PA, OH, MO, KS, etc.

The dims think they have Tixus and Flarda in the bag - several gagillion angry illegals in Tixus and a million new angry Puerto Ricans in Flarda. They always bring so much good to the table, don't they?
Just that set up is hilarious. Jesus never saw color, never saw class. So what are you going to do about our color and class problems?

"He had faith that people would do the right thing."

No. No, He was absolutely certain that people would do the wrong thing. Without fail.

When the media aren't lying about something they know only a little bit about, they look utterly foolish commenting on something they know nothing about.
The dims think they have Tixus and Flarda in the bag - several gagillion angry illegals in Tixus and a million new angry Puerto Ricans in Flarda. They always bring so much good to the table, don't they?

One reason why they want illegals. If they can flip Texas blue then the GOP may never win another Presidential election.
One reason why they want illegals. If they can flip Texas blue then the GOP may never win another Presidential election.

Truth. Hell, if Austin keeps going the way it's going, they won't need illegals to flip Texas.
The cities in texas are dem strongholds. The rural areas are repub.
Biden looked very old and confused when he let something slip that he's running. And he's the favorite.

oh he's got bigger problems than that

Biden ‘Uneasy’ About Potential Attacks on Son’s Shady Business Dealings

Though the New York Times reported that former Vice President Joe Biden is reportedly “95 percent committed to running for president,” Biden is hesitating entering the race because he is reportedly “uneasy” about potential attacks on his son Hunter.

“Hunter Biden’s firm signed a billion-dollar deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China just 10 days after Joe and Hunter Biden flew to China aboard Air Force Two.”

The mainstream media have all but ignored Hunter Biden’s business dealings and instead focused largely on his substance abuse problems, divorce, and relationship with his late brother Beau’s widow.

In her 2017 divorce filings, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife Kathleen accused Hunter of spending lavishly on drugs, alcohol, and hookers: “Throughout the parties’ separation Mr. Biden has created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills.”



Biden contacts resurface as issue in any 2020 presidential bid

Hunter Biden to Ukraine gas board

If Joseph Biden enters the race for U.S. president in 2020, he’ll face renewed questions about his son Hunter’s association with Ukraine’s Burisma energy company during his eight years as U.S. vice president.

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If they can flip Texas blue then the GOP may never win another Presidential election.

One hopes that the crimes of the dims will be revealed and prosecuted, and that the outrage be so great that the dims return to the Underworld from whence they came.

Otherwise, we're toast.
oh he's got bigger problems than that

Biden ‘Uneasy’ About Potential Attacks on Son’s Shady Business Dealings

Though the New York Times reported that former Vice President Joe Biden is reportedly “95 percent committed to running for president,” Biden is hesitating entering the race because he is reportedly “uneasy” about potential attacks on his son Hunter.

“Hunter Biden’s firm signed a billion-dollar deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China just 10 days after Joe and Hunter Biden flew to China aboard Air Force Two.”

The mainstream media have all but ignored Hunter Biden’s business dealings and instead focused largely on his substance abuse problems, divorce, and relationship with his late brother Beau’s widow.

In her 2017 divorce filings, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife Kathleen accused Hunter of spending lavishly on drugs, alcohol, and hookers: “Throughout the parties’ separation Mr. Biden has created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills.”



Biden contacts resurface as issue in any 2020 presidential bid

Hunter Biden to Ukraine gas board

If Joseph Biden enters the race for U.S. president in 2020, he’ll face renewed questions about his son Hunter’s association with Ukraine’s Burisma energy company during his eight years as U.S. vice president.


Sounds like they're grooming Hunter to take the mantle. He checks all their boxes.
The cities in texas are dem strongholds. The rural areas are repub.
Yeah Georgia is no gimme anymore either. That idiot Stacy Abrams almost won here and Donald only beat Hillary by 5%.
Creepy Uncle Joe getting outed already!


Al Franken him out of the race!

Former Democrat State Senator Accuses Biden Of Sexual Harassment

Former Nevada Democrat state Sen. Lucy Flores accused former Vice President Joe Biden of sexual misconduct in a piece she wrote about a 2014 encounter she had with him that left her "mortified," saying she had "never experienced anything so blatantly inappropriate and unnerving before."

Flores, a former member of Bernie Sanders’ political group Our Revolution, says that the incident happened as she was about to go on for a rally just days before the upcoming elections were held.

"Just before the speeches, we were ushered to the side of the stage where we were lined up by order of introduction," Flores wrote. "As I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to make my case to the crowd, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. 'Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?'"

"I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified," Flores continued. "He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. ... I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me."

"I had never experienced anything so blatantly inappropriate and unnerving before," Flores said, adding, "he made me feel uneasy, gross, and confused."




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oops, that's not gonna make the base happy


Could Pete Buttigieg become the first millennial president?

The Mayor of South Bend, Indiana recently turned 37 and looks even younger, but his exploratory campaign is picking up steam

“Donald Trump got elected because, in his twisted way, he pointed out the huge troubles in our economy and our democracy,” Buttigieg says. “At least he didn’t go around saying that America was already great, like Hillary did.”

Pete Buttigieg, in an interview with KQED in San Francisco, spoke at length about coastal elitism, arguing that he often finds himself "pointing out that things look a little different in rural communities, industrial communities like mine."

Buttigieg (pronounced BOOT-edge-edge) is more than a fresh face. He's the nation's first openly gay presidential candidate whose husband travels with him and is introduced at every stop. He's also a former Rhodes scholar, a military veteran who served in Afghanistan and as if that weren't enough he's also fluent in seven languages, including Norwegian.



Attack Hillary AND the elitist city snobs? oh my
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One hopes that the crimes of the dims will be revealed and prosecuted, and that the outrage be so great that the dims return to the Underworld from whence they came.

Otherwise, we're toast.

Word is out that they have a plan to counter that outrage.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A number of Democrats have proposed changes to the structure of government that they think would help them win, such as lowering the voting age to 16, abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and changing how Senate seats are allocated. Now, though, some of the Democratic presidential hopefuls are attacking the heart of the matter: what they call an “outdated Constitution” that sometimes “allows Republicans to be elected.”

“The election of Trump exposed a fundamental flaw in the Constitution,” Senator Elizabeth Warren said at a campaign rally. “Everyone said Hillary was supposed to win, but she didn’t. And we’re afraid that in the future, maybe Democrats won’t win again. We can't allow that.”

Warren and numerous other Democrats have proposed an amendment to the Constitution that will state that only Democrats are allowed to win elections, a proposal they say will increase election “fairness.”

“When I think about someone other than a Democrat being elected,” said Senator Cory Booker, “it makes me so mad.” He then raised his fists and shook them, a gesture indicating he was mad. Candidate Beto O’Rourke also spoke out for the proposed amendment, though all he got out was, “It’s a great--” before skateboarding into a tree and quickly fleeing the scene of the incident.

None of the candidates have explained how they propose to get three-fourths of the states to agree with this amendment, though this has led them to point out another flaw with the Constitution: that it’s “way too hard to change when you suddenly think you have a much better idea.”

Attack Hillary AND the elitist city snobs? oh my

He's gay though, so he gets a pass from that and being a white male.
more pandering to the open borders left wingers

Kamala Harris: Congress Should Hire DACA Illegal Aliens

DACA illegal immigrants should be hired to help prepare laws for 330 million Americans, according to a draft bill introduced by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and 20 other Democratic senators. “The giant sign outside my office says ‘DREAMers Welcome Here’ because we know and value the contributions that these young people have made to their communities,” the California senator said in a Wednesday statement about the DACA job offer.

"Our nation’s DREAMers are some of our best and brightest, and it’s time they had the opportunity to get a job or paid internship on Capitol Hill."



she's a peach
Buttigieg (pronounced BOOT-edge-edge) ...

Shouldn't his last name be pronounced "butt gig"? I mean, wouldn't that be more representative?

I can see the ticket now: Beto and Butt-gig. A slugger and a plugger.
Grey Beaver can't win her own state lol

Warren places third in 2020 Massachusetts poll

Sen. Elizabeth Warren can't win a presidential popularity contest in her home state of Massachusetts.

The liberal Democrat got third place in a survey from Emerson College released Sunday.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., leads the Democratic primary field with 26% of the vote, followed by former Vice President Joe Biden at 23%.

Warren follows them with 14% of the vote, and is closely tailed by Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Ind., at 11%, former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke at 8%, and California Sen. Kamala Harris at 7%.

He's gay though, so he gets a pass from that

and a socialist

Pete Buttigieg says capitalism a threat to democracy

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said Sunday that capitalism is a potential threat to democracy, even in the United States.

"America is a capitalist society but it has to be a democratic capitalism. That is really important and it is slipping away from us. When capitalism comes into tension with democracy, which is more important?" the South Bend, Ind., mayor said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"I believe democracy is more important. When you have capitalism capturing democracy, where you have the kind of regulatory capture where powerful corporations can arrange the rules for their benefit, that's not real capitalism," he added.

Buttigieg has roughly 2.3% support, putting him in seventh place among a crowded field of candidates vying for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, according to RealClearPolitics' average of polls

Now THIS is what all Dems need to make into a core platform agenda

Booker to introduce reparations study bill in the Senate

Sen. Cory Booker is introducing a Senate bill to study reparations for African Americans — a companion bill to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's legislation on an issue that has become a litmus test for 2020 presidential hopefuls.

"I will be introducing a bill to study reparations proposals for African-Americans – the Senate companion to @JacksonLeeTX18's HR40 bill," Booker tweeted on Monday. "Our hope is this will finally begin to right the economic wrongs of persistent racism, white supremacy & implicit racial bias in our nation."

The bill, H.R. 40, by Lee (D-Texas) would create a congressional panel to study the possibility of reparations for the descendants of slaves



Ride the Trump Train!

4 more years!

4 more years!

It's official

Headline News

Democrats now have the biggest field of candidates running for the nomination in US history

California congressman Eric Swalwell joins 2020 Democratic presidential field. His positions on major issues are shared by most other Democrats running, among them support for universal healthcare, higher taxes on the wealthy and a more aggressive federal effort to fight climate change.

He is neither the youngest candidate nor the only millennial in the Democratic race — South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg is 37 — and he shares his Northern California political base with Sen. Kamala Harris, a former district attorney across the bay in San Francisco

One way he plans to stand apart is making gun control a central focus of the campaign


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It's official

Headline News

Democrats now have the biggest field of candidates running for the nomination in US history

California congressman Eric Swalwell joins 2020 Democratic presidential field. His positions on major issues are shared by most other Democrats running, among them support for universal healthcare, higher taxes on the wealthy and a more aggressive federal effort to fight climate change.

He is neither the youngest candidate nor the only millennial in the Democratic race — South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg is 37 — and he shares his Northern California political base with Sen. Kamala Harris, a former district attorney across the bay in San Francisco

One way he plans to stand apart is making gun control a central focus of the campaign

Spike, here is your opportunity to get into the game. Run baby run. I will endorse you.....probably.....for Secretary of State, that is.