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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

They're trying to market Mayor Buttplug as a centrist. It's not true. He's as much of a socialist as the others. He wants to get rid of the electoral college and has admitted that he doesn't like capitalism. He'll be yesterday's news soon and will run (unsuccessfully) for Governor of Indiana. And South Bend is a shithole city. His only "qualifications" are that he's young, gay and socialist.
They're trying to market Mayor Buttplug as a centrist. It's not true. He's as much of a socialist as the others. He wants to get rid of the electoral college and has admitted that he doesn't like capitalism. He'll be yesterday's news soon and will run (unsuccessfully) for Governor of Indiana. And South Bend is a shithole city. His only "qualifications" are that he's young, gay and socialist.

I saw the clip’s of people harassing him about his homosexuality. Go with that! It will gain support and momentum! Oh, and what’s your opinion of Trump’s New York City?
I saw the clip’s of people harassing him about his homosexuality. Go with that! It will gain support and momentum! Oh, and what’s your opinion of Trump’s New York City?

Yeah, the buttplug moniker may be too much. Go with the more familiar references...

I saw the clip’s of people harassing him about his homosexuality. Go with that! It will gain support and momentum! Oh, and what’s your opinion of Trump’s New York City?

When was Trump the mayor of NYC? I must have missed that...
They're trying to market Mayor Buttplug as a centrist. It's not true..

They trying to market him as the all white gay version of Obama

gay and married to a man? Just like Obama! Lololol

I think the other 30 Dems will fight him off if he tries to run as a centrist, he is the fawning medias newest darling though
I saw a clip of Sanders town hall on Fox. It showed them asking who in audience had employer paid healthcare, most people raised their hand.
Then they asked who would give that up to get Medicare for All. Almost all the same hands went up. Republicans don't seem to realize most
people are getting fed up with this screwed up Healthcare system.

A case in point, a few months ago we were visiting relatives in FL, my wife who is pregnant and experienced bleeding and pain, so we had to go to emergency
room for check-up and ultra sound. We were there for about 2.5 hours mostly sitting in the waiting area, she had an ultra sound to make sure baby was OK and
saw a nurse practitioner for about 10 minutes. The hospital billed our insurance company $6,500. We only had a co-pay of $250, but the charges were absolutely
ridiculous. We didn't even get to see a real MD. And my mother last month had a food poisoning episode and had to take an ambulance to the emergency room.
The ambulance service billed my parents $2,500 for a 4 mile ride. Many people are experiencing similar incidents and realizing the Healthcare system is completely
out of control.
And my mother last month had a food poisoning episode and had to take an ambulance to the emergency room.
The ambulance service billed my parents $2,500 for a 4 mile ride.

Under a government run system, you would be lucky if a ambulance would even show up. Just look at the sad shape the VA is in.
That's great, but I wish he would have called him Creepy Uncle Joe.

He’s well aware of the stories about him going into the dressing room at the Miss Teen Universe Pageant and the pictures of Ivanka sitting on his lap. Perhaps you’ve forgotten?
Under a government run system, you would be lucky if a ambulance would even show up. Just look at the sad shape the VA is in.
The imaginary government program solves this, until it doesn/t, which then shows that more government is required, until that doesn't fix it either, which then shows that more government is required...
I saw a clip of Sanders town hall on Fox. It showed them asking who in audience had employer paid healthcare, most people raised their hand.
Then they asked who would give that up to get Medicare for All. Almost all the same hands went up. Republicans don't seem to realize most
people are getting fed up with this screwed up Healthcare system.

You do realize that Fox let in a large number of Bernie supporters for this town hall, don't you? Unlike the CNN crowd.
throw another log on the fire

19th Democrat set to enter presidential field with Massachusetts congressman Seth Moulton

A three-term Massachusetts congressman is poised to join the crowded Democratic presidential field - after he was spotted making a campaign advertisement in his hometown.

Seth Moulton would be the 19th Democrat to throw his hat in the ring if he beats Joe Biden to the punch - and if the former vice-president announces first, he would be the twentieth.

Moulton, a former Marine Corps officer who served in Iraq, will focus his campaign on foreign policy, national security and defense.

In his campaign for Congress he ran on 'bringing a new generation of leadership to Washington,' and at 40 would be one of the younger Democratic candidates vying for the party's nomination.

Only two other candidates of the 18 so far – Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, 38, and Buttigieg, 37 – are younger than Moulton.

Here's a good one...

Geraldo Rivera is shilling for Bernie!

Old @BernieSanders made positive impression on #FoxNewsTownHall. He's ruffled & ancient, but feisty & strong in a fit old man way. He has strength w a motivated base-Has raised a ton of cash second only to @realDonaldTrump-Scared the hell out of @HillaryClinton & Won 23 primaries

Go Bernie!

Take down those centrists

Democrats agonizing over Sanders' momentum for 2020

Mainstream Democrats are increasingly worried that their effort to defeat President Donald Trump in 2020 could be complicated by Sanders, in a political scenario all too reminiscent of how Trump himself seized the Republican nomination in 2016.

How, some Democrats are beginning to ask, do they thwart a 70-something candidate from outside the party structure who is immune to intimidation or incentive and wields support from an unwavering base, without simply reinforcing his “the establishment is out to get me” message — the same grievance Trump used to great effect?

His strength on the left gives him a real prospect of winning the Democratic nomination and could make him competitive for the presidency if his economic justice message resonates in the Midwest much as Trump’s appeals to nationalism did in 2016.

That prospect is spooking establishment-aligned Democrats, and creating tensions about what, if anything, should be done to halt Sanders.

Some in the party still harbor anger over the 2016 race, when he ran against Clinton, and his ongoing resistance to becoming a Democrat.

His critics are chiefly motivated by a fear that nominating an avowed socialist would all but ensure Trump a second term.

“There’s a growing realization that Sanders could end up winning this thing, or certainly that he stays in so long that he damages the actual winner,” said David Brock, liberal organizer


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Did Bernie register as a Democrat yet?
I’ve hated that tool ever since he duped us on Al Capone’s safe. And he got his *** kicked in Celebrity Boxing by Joey Buttafucco.

Fox is quickly becoming a liberal mouthpiece as well. Pretty soon there won't be any news worth watching. You'd think the media industry would want to just go right down the middle and attract as many viewers as possible. I guess propaganda and dreams of guiding a country full of brain dead sheep down the road to socialism/communism is too much for some to shy away from
Fox is quickly becoming a liberal mouthpiece as well. Pretty soon there won't be any news worth watching. You'd think the media industry would want to just go right down the middle and attract as many viewers as possible. I guess propaganda and dreams of guiding a country full of brain dead sheep down the road to socialism/communism is too much for some to shy away from

Yeah. Breitbart needs their own channel.
Looks like a crowd of college kids who are just looking to get their student loans paid off by the rest of us. It's not enough we paid for most of their k-12 education.

Under his system will we be paying for foreign kids to go to college here and take their education back home with them? Sort of already happens in public universities now when you think about it. The foreign kid is taking a seat of an American who would be putting his knowledge to work in the US. If he built a company here, that's additional jobs and taxes added back to our country rather than some other country.
Let them run wild

Gov. Inslee Calls for Climate Change-Only Democratic Debate

Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA), whose presidential campaign has been built on prioritizing climate change above all issues, is calling on the Democratic National Committee to host a presidential candidate debate solely on that one topic.

“This can’t be a one-off question where candidates get to give a soundbite and move on: Climate change is at the heart of every issue that matters to voters, and voters deserve to hear what 2020 presidential candidates plan to do about it,” Inslee wrote in an email to supporters, with an accompanying petition directed at the DNC. “Each 2020 nominee needs to have a concrete plan to address climate change - and we deserve to hear those plans.”

He accepts the New Green Deal as inspiration but thinks “the adults” need to be in charge. That won’t sit well with the far left wing of the party and especially the millennials who have been brainwashed to the point that AOC said the world would end in 12 years anyway as she introduced her manifesto.

Fox is quickly becoming a liberal mouthpiece as well.

That's where the money is

Dems are begging to go on fox now, LOL!

Forcing their supporters to watch Fox News!!!!



More Democrats are in talks with Fox News as Bernie Sanders town hall posts huge ratings



Sen. Amy Klobuchar to do Fox News town hall

The Minnesota senator, who’s seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, will be guest of honor at the Fox News broadcast from Milwaukee on May 8.



I don't watch any cable news unless there's a big disaster, so it don't bother me
Let them run wild

Gov. Inslee Calls for Climate Change-Only Democratic Debate

Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA), whose presidential campaign has been built on prioritizing climate change above all issues, is calling on the Democratic National Committee to host a presidential candidate debate solely on that one topic.

“This can’t be a one-off question where candidates get to give a soundbite and move on: Climate change is at the heart of every issue that matters to voters, and voters deserve to hear what 2020 presidential candidates plan to do about it,” Inslee wrote in an email to supporters, with an accompanying petition directed at the DNC. “Each 2020 nominee needs to have a concrete plan to address climate change - and we deserve to hear those plans.”

He accepts the New Green Deal as inspiration but thinks “the adults” need to be in charge. That won’t sit well with the far left wing of the party and especially the millennials who have been brainwashed to the point that AOC said the world would end in 12 years anyway as she introduced her manifesto.


I thought they said about 10 or so years ago that we would no doubt perish from the effects of climate change by now... I mean unless we gave the govt a **** ton of money to help fight it. Not sure how it worked out that we're still here. Winters are still cold, summers are still hot and other than a bunch of gray hair and a bigger belly, my life is pretty much the same as it was 10 years ago. Maybe if we raise taxes, that will help my waistline. I guess it would since I'd have less to spend on food and beer. It would make my hair grayer and probably fall out though.
Dems are begging to go on fox now, LOL!

It's the only channel where they will be seen by more than 300 people.

I thought they said about 10 or so years ago that we would no doubt perish from the effects of climate change by now... I mean unless we gave the govt a **** ton of money to help fight it. Not sure how it worked out that we're still here. Winters are still cold, summers are still hot and other than a bunch of gray hair and a bigger belly, my life is pretty much the same as it was 10 years ago. Maybe if we raise taxes, that will help my waistline. I guess it would since I'd have less to spend on food and beer. It would make my hair grayer and probably fall out though.

20 years ago Al Gore said we'd be underwater 10 years ago.