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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

The ***** is in.

Breaking News

Sen. Kamala Harris announces she is running for president in 2020
California Sen. Kamala Harris announced Monday that she is running for president, joining a fast-growing crowd of Democrats jumping into the 2020 race.

This is going to be so great to watch. Who is going to go fullest libtard for the honor of getting crushed by Trump?
The ***** is in.

Breaking News

Sen. Kamala Harris announces she is running for president in 2020
California Sen. Kamala Harris announced Monday that she is running for president, joining a fast-growing crowd of Democrats jumping into the 2020 race.

This is going to be so great to watch. Who is going to go fullest libtard for the honor of getting crushed by Trump?

The most condescending, hateful ***** in politics. Oh goody.
The ***** is in.

Breaking News

Sen. Kamala Harris announces she is running for president in 2020
California Sen. Kamala Harris announced Monday that she is running for president, joining a fast-growing crowd of Democrats jumping into the 2020 race.

This is going to be so great to watch. Who is going to go fullest libtard for the honor of getting crushed by Trump?

Willy Browns former mistress is running. So is Fauxcahontas. So is Gillibrand. I wonder if that crazed jazz hands Muppet Corey Booker is going to run?
Dems will have the same policy to run on since Reagan's days, Fix The Growing Deficit the Republicans Created. Going over a trillion this year while at full employment.
Dems will have the same policy to run on since Reagan's days, Fix The Growing Deficit the Republicans Created. Going over a trillion this year while at full employment.


You don't fix deficits with more spending on vote buying programs.
Tax cuts that don't come from reduced spending are vote buying programs. And that is the only economic policy Republicans seem to know,
thus we are 20 trillion in debt.
Dems will have the same policy to run on since Reagan's days, Fix The Growing Deficit the Republicans Created. Going over a trillion this year while at full employment.


And how exactly are these Democrats (Socialists) going to fix the growing deficit? By implementing free healthcare and education for all?

And it's absolutely hilarious how you lefties get concerned about spending when it's convenient for you. Good entertainment.
Tax cuts that don't come from reduced spending are vote buying programs. And that is the only economic policy Republicans seem to know,
thus we are 20 trillion in debt.

You have a better shot at doing it that way than you do increasing the tax rates to 70% and sending the economy into a depression and continuing to spend like drunk sailors on shore leave.
The most condescending, hateful ***** in politics. Oh goody.

The most important question, what part of her mixed heritage will she deny so she can be black like Obama?

Jamaican from her Jamaican father, Indian from her Indian mother and American by accident of geography.

Not a coincidence that she chose MLK Day to announce.

Anyone who has darker skin than Trump will be golden. Any attempt to criticize them will result in screams of “RACISM!”

Her previous top achievement, Willie Brown’s Kleenex.

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Tax cuts that don't come from reduced spending are vote buying programs. And that is the only economic policy Republicans seem to know,
thus we are 20 trillion in debt.
Kamala Harris wants free college for people earning less than $125K/yr., assistance for non-tuition cost, and gov. subsidized school loans.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The plan:<br>✅Free college tuition for those making < 125K/yr<br>✅Provide assistance for non-tuition costs<br>✅Lower student loan interest rates</p>— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) <a href="https://twitter.com/KamalaHarris/status/863109913454792707?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 12, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Tell us again about buying votes and the cause the debt. LOL.
She's black and a woman, she instantly rockets to the top of the Dems preferred presidential candidates
Though part Indian, none of it seems to shine through. Most Jamaicans seem pretty laid back. She doesn't seem laid back either. Where did she get her "hate" from?
Every Democrat candidate has the same platform. Will skin color decide the candidate?
She's black and a woman, she instantly rockets to the top of the Dems preferred presidential candidates

The Dem thought process works like this. Their last winning Presidential candidate was a black guy. Then they nominated a woman who lost, but not by much. So if we nominate someone who's black AND a woman then surely we'll win.
The Democrats' Nomination Contest Promises Great Fun for Conservatives

This may be the election cycle where we watch identity politics destroy itself live on stage. It'll be the greatest show on earth.

With multiple declared candidates, the 2020 election season is now underway. And there couldn't be more hype for the forthcoming Democratic primaries, which will feature candidates with plenty of flaws trying desperately to prove their woke credentials.

Orville Redenbacher better start paying his employees overtime because our nation is about to experience an unprecedented demand for popcorn.

The Democratic battlefield will be trip-wired with all types of language policing. The televised debates are going to be pile-ons with every candidate trying to boost their woke points to unimaginable heights. Every single minority, from one-legged black Polynesians to transgender Hispanic paraplegics, will be invoked in an encomium to diversity. Candidates who don’t stick straight to the progressive line will find themselves on the receiving end of the Twitter mob, or, worse, being tagged in a critical post by social-media queen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

By the end, Miracle Whip-white Kirsten Gillibrand will be claiming Sally Hemings as a distant ancestor and fabulist Cory Booker will admit to feeling like he sometimes has ovaries and can grok female pain once a month.

The Democrats’ dramatis personae is a veritable list of timebombs ready to explode and offend the hypersensitive liberal dispensation. The list of charges: Joe Biden’s rakish hands; Beto O’Rourke’s campaign staffer’s rape accusation; Elizabeth Warren’s appropriation of a minority identity; the recently uncovered sexual harassment settlement of one of Kamala Harris’s top aides; multiple sexual harassment allegations on Bernie Sanders’s 2016 campaign; Cory Booker admitting to once groping a blotto girl; Kirsten Gillibrand railroading Al Franken out of the Senate; Julián Castro palming off delinquent mortgages to Wall Street hedge funds.

No Democrats who wants to win are going to ignore the baggage strapped to their competitors, especially when the TV cameras are rolling. There will be accusations bandied about, casually at first, then more seriously as the primaries slog on.

Better still, each and every one of these vulnerabilities will be exploited by the Insulter-in-Chief in his inimical style. I’m not a certified financial advisor, but I’d buy Twitter stock now in anticipation of Trump live-tweeting the Democratic debates.

Heaven help us if the polling is correct and Vice President Biden ends up as the frontrunner. Just picture it now: a septuagenarian straight white Catholic male accepting the presidential mantle of the diversity party. America may still yet see a return of anti-papist bigotry not seen since Mark Twain’s day; history, indeed, does sometime rhyme.

With the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus now shuttered, the Democratic primaries can freely assume the title of the greatest show on earth. If the Democratic National Committee were smart, it’d charge a price of admission to watch. Then again, if the DNC were that fiscally far-sighted, they’d have invested more resources in Wisconsin last time around. And we’d all be denied the thrill of watching identity politics eat itself on a Des Moines stage.

My guess at the Dem ticket at the moment would be Biden/Harris. Experience & diversity.

The only thing that fixes the US fiscal problems is what Clinton & Obama Admins did. Obama inherited a 1.4 trillion deficit from Bush and he whittled 1 trillion off of that deficit
by gradually raising some taxes, cutting and freezing some spending, and making some investments in the economy that would stimulate growth.
Obama inherited a 1.4 trillion deficit from Bush and he whittled 1 trillion off of that deficit
by gradually raising some taxes, cutting and freezing some spending, and making some investments in the economy that would stimulate growth.

All while raising the federal deficit by $9 Trillion.
My guess at the Dem ticket at the moment would be Biden/Harris. Experience & diversity.

The only thing that fixes the US fiscal problems is what Clinton & Obama Admins did. Obama inherited a 1.4 trillion deficit from Bush and he whittled 1 trillion off of that deficit
by gradually raising some taxes, cutting and freezing some spending, and making some investments in the economy that would stimulate growth.

Obama doubled the national debt. None of his **** grew anything but the debt. The idiot admitted that he had no idea how to bring mfg jobs back and suggested a magic wand was needed.
“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it," Obama said.

"He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.”
Obama didn't double the national debt, it was baked in from Bush. The 2009 fiscal deficit was the largest in history at 1.4 trillion. That was based on the last budget passed under Bush.
When you inherit something that large it takes awhile to bring down. The last President's effects don't end on the day they walk out of the White House. The reality since Reagan is deficits
steadily increase under Republican administrations and steadily decline under Democratic administrations.
Obama didn't double the national debt, it was baked in from Bush. The 2009 fiscal deficit was the largest in history at 1.4 trillion. That was based on the last budget passed under Bush.
When you inherit something that large it takes awhile to bring down. The last President's effects don't end on the day they walk out of the White House. The reality since Reagan is deficits
steadily increase under Republican administrations and steadily decline under Democratic administrations.
Buuusshhh. LOL.


Bernie Sanders set to announce 2020 presidential run

Two sources with direct knowledge of his plans told Yahoo News that Sanders, an independent and self-described “democratic socialist,” plans to announce his presidential bid imminently. While Sanders has been mulling a bid for months, one of the sources said he was emboldened by early polls of the race that have consistently showed him as one of the top candidates in a crowded Democratic primary field. In particular, the source said Sanders was heartened to see numbers indicating he is one of the leading candidates among African American and Latino voters, two groups he was perceived as struggling with in 2016.

The source also alluded to a spate of recent polls that show Sanders as the most popular politician in the country. They attributed Sanders’ strength in the polls to the base and name recognition he built with the prior presidential bid.

“What the senator has this time that he didn’t have last time is he is the most popular elected official in the country right now,” the source said. “That’s light years away from 2016 when very few people knew who he was.”


Bernie Sanders set to announce 2020 presidential run

Of course.
Still, if I were Bernie I'd stay away from Arkansas, Fort Marcy Park, and private planes.