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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

Go Bernie Go!

Bernie: ‘My Opponents’ Want Black, White, Gay, Latino or Women Candidates ‘Regardless of What They Stand For’
Clinton not ruling out running in 2020: report

CNN White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny said Sunday on CNN's "Inside Politics" that Clinton told people "as recently as this week" that she isn't "closing the doors to the idea of running in 2020."

"I’m told by three people that as recently as this week, she was telling people that look, given all this news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying 'look, I'm not closing the doors to this,'" Zeleny said.


I am really looking forward to the Democrat primary. What a bizarre bunch.
Can AOC get on someone's ticket as VP? Could you see it? Kamala Harris/AOC. The left would turn out in droves for that pair.
It's only gonna get funner...3rd Party!

Democrats Worry A Howard Schultz Presidential Bid Would Only Help Trump

The former Starbucks CEO is considering a White House run as an independent.

Top Democrats say they fear that an independent presidential run in 2020 by billionaire former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz would serve mainly to siphon off enough voters from the Democratic nominee to help hand President Donald Trump a second term.

“I do share that concern, if he did run... it would provide Trump with his best hope for getting re-elected,” former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, who recently announced his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Can AOC get on someone's ticket as VP? Could you see it? Kamala Harris/AOC. The left would turn out in droves for that pair.

It might but she's not old enough. You have to be at least 35.
Let the Wars begin!


Elizabeth Warren admits 'process was rigged'

She's talking about the process leading up to the 2016 election and how Hillary Clinton took Bernie Sanders' DNC nomination.


Will Bernie run as a Dem or independent? If he runs as IND they may as well hand the presidency back to Trump.
Will Bernie run as a Dem or independent? If he runs as IND they may as well hand the presidency back to Trump.

He might have to. The Dems are a bunch of hypocrites but they'd never go as far as nominating an old white man. Next candidate MUST be a minority or female. Kamala Harris is both so my money is on her.
It's only gonna get funner...3rd Party!

Democrats Worry A Howard Schultz Presidential Bid Would Only Help Trump

The former Starbucks CEO is considering a White House run as an independent.

Top Democrats say they fear that an independent presidential run in 2020 by billionaire former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz would serve mainly to siphon off enough voters from the Democratic nominee to help hand President Donald Trump a second term.

“I do share that concern, if he did run... it would provide Trump with his best hope for getting re-elected,” former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, who recently announced his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”


Bah ha!!!!

“Howard Schultz doesn’t have the ‘guts’ to run for President! Watched him on @60Minutes last night and I agree with him that he is not the ‘smartest person.’ Besides, America already has that! I only hope that Starbucks is still paying me their rent in Trump Tower!” Trump tweeted Monday morning.
Will Bernie run as a Dem or independent? If he runs as IND they may as well hand the presidency back to Trump.

It's way more complicated than that, there might be 3,4,5 Independents running, plus a 30 horse field of regular Dems in the primary race!

Former Obama WH adviser Bill Burton is joining Howard Schultz's team

Obama WH adviser Bill Burton is joining Howard Schultz’s team as a top aide and communications strategist, per two people familiar with the hire



the more the merrier!


Marianne Williamson@marwilliamson

Join me tonight as I formally announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president.



Tulsi Gabbard says she's running for president

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) said she has decided to run for president in 2020.

"I have decided to run and will be making a formal announcement within the next week," she told CNN's Van Jones in an interview

"There are a lot of reasons for me to make this decision"

Last edited:

Howard Schultz Rips Kamala Harris for Backing Medicare for All: 'That's Not American'

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is out promoting a new book and talking about a presumptive run for President as an Independent candidate.

During a Tuesday morning appearance on CBS Morning, Schultz was asked about a potential political foe Kamala Harris and did not demur in his reply.

Host Norah O’Donnell challenged previous comments that Schultz made on 60 Minutes in which Schultz ostensibly compared Democrat’s proposal for universal health care to a border wall.

Schultz recalled a clip previously aired of Senator Harris supporting Medicare for all by saying “she wants to abolish the insurance industry.”

“That’s not correct. That’s not American,” Schultz claimed, adding “What’s next? What industry are we going to abolish next? The coffee industry?”

Obama didn't double the national debt, it was baked in from Bush. The 2009 fiscal deficit was the largest in history at 1.4 trillion. That was based on the last budget passed under Bush.
When you inherit something that large it takes awhile to bring down. The last President's effects don't end on the day they walk out of the White House. The reality since Reagan is deficits
steadily increase under Republican administrations and steadily decline under Democratic administrations.

Fact, Obama accumulated more debt than ALL other Presidents combined!

#build the wall. Declare a national emergency now, and list the official crimes against USA citizens by illegal aliens in the backdrop. In fact, why not play like Democrats? Have the family of the slain cop at the hands of an illegal alien invited to the state of the union speech, and produce 100's of online videos of the victim's stories! BOOM.

Just do it. And any time a Decmoract argues this isn't necessary cite the data on the USA victims, and say how you dare, and also remind them Democrats voted for border security and a long fence in 2006.

Howard Schultz Rips Kamala Harris for Backing Medicare for All: 'That's Not American'

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is out promoting a new book and talking about a presumptive run for President as an Independent candidate.

During a Tuesday morning appearance on CBS Morning, Schultz was asked about a potential political foe Kamala Harris and did not demur in his reply.

Host Norah O’Donnell challenged previous comments that Schultz made on 60 Minutes in which Schultz ostensibly compared Democrat’s proposal for universal health care to a border wall.

Schultz recalled a clip previously aired of Senator Harris supporting Medicare for all by saying “she wants to abolish the insurance industry.”

“That’s not correct. That’s not American,” Schultz claimed, adding “What’s next? What industry are we going to abolish next? The coffee industry?”


I am 100% for Howard Schultz. He's a lefty but speaks the truth on their shortcomings and can destroy them. The media is already after him. Punk mother F'ers on 60 minutes acted like the DNC and brought up his faith in hopes the racist and Muslims in the party DQ him because he's Jewish.

They did the same thing to Bernie Sanders. I wish Jewish Americans would wake up and change sides politically speaking. That would make Florida a forever red state and put New York into play. If the Dem's lose New York, they won't win any Presidental elections for at least a decade.
Libs are having a shitfit, Schultzie getting a lot of airtime

MSNBC: Harris and Warren are "extremists"

Chuck Todd's show: Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are "extremists" and Howard Schultz is a centrist.

Michelle Obama is likely preparing for a 2020 presidential run and could enter the race under favorable circumstances, asserts Rush Limbaugh.

The talk radio host also believes that should the former First Lady throw her hat in the ring, she would instantly overshadow other prominent hopefuls such as Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and Howard Schultz.

“If Michelle Obama runs, then [it’s] ‘Kamala who?’ and ‘Joe who?’ and ‘Howard who?’ and ‘all the rest of them who?’” Limbaugh said. “I do believe that she’s thinking about it.”


Well it would completely suck *** if she won, but the consolation prize would be watching Hillary go insane.
I like Schultz so far. I'm not voting for him over Trump right now, but I'm listening. And he's not taking a lot of bullshit from the media, trying to pigeon hole him and catch him on some bad, one-sentence sound bite (which is all they do now).

I think the guy is pretty smart, is a moderate at heart, is a capitalist. That can't do our country any real harm. He'd learn all the rest.
I like Schultz so far. I'm not voting for him over Trump right now, but I'm listening. And he's not taking a lot of bullshit from the media, trying to pigeon hole him and catch him on some bad, one-sentence sound bite (which is all they do now).

I think the guy is pretty smart, is a moderate at heart, is a capitalist. That can't do our country any real harm. He'd learn all the rest.

He's a lefty, just not as much of a socialist as the Berntard or Kamaltoe.
I like Schultz so far. I'm not voting for him over Trump right now, but I'm listening. And he's not taking a lot of bullshit from the media, trying to pigeon hole him and catch him on some bad, one-sentence sound bite (which is all they do now).

I think the guy is pretty smart, is a moderate at heart, is a capitalist. That can't do our country any real harm. He'd learn all the rest.

I'm for moderate Democrats to stop out the sudden surge of socialism within their party, and might even register as a Democrat to help prevent it! I'd pick Shultz ( or Bloomberg ) over ANY Democrat, but do not be fooled, Schultz is for social engineering, climate control and is very much anti-big business regarding taxes.

Schultz has the luxury to say anything without having to worry much about the Democratic baggage that is attached to it, and he has a lot of money to spend on his campaign. In a crowded field, having money early in the race can make a big difference.

Can Schultz win states in the general election? I will say YES, especially if the Democrats pick a minority far left type. The states I think he would do well it is in the Pacific North West ( Washington an Oregon ) Minnesota and Vermont. All blue states. Combined these four states are worth 32 elecrtioal votes. Assuming he could win just Washinton and Oregon alone, that's 19 electoral votes, and pretty much show stopper for Democrats to obtain 270 electoral votes.

Look at it this way; Trump won the 2016 Presidential election 306 to 232.

Take away WA and OR, and Clinton drops 213...meaning not even a flip of PA and WI could save them!

Go Howard go!
If Shultz could win states and prevent anyone from reaching 270, the election would be thrown into the House.
All u Hillary lovers won't like this...

John Podesta says Hillary Clinton is not running in 2020, rejects reports as 'media catnip'

The Democratic 2020 primaries just became a little less crowded.

John Podesta on Tuesday refuted reports that Hillary Clinton is considering a bid to challenge President Trump in the next general election.

“Media catnip,” the former Clinton campaign chairman told the Daily News

Sens. Kamala Harris of California, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts have announced their campaigns to run against Trump, as has Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro.

Clinton’s 2016 primary challenger Bernie Sanders is rumored to be seriously considering a 2020 run. Former Vice President Joe Biden and ex-Mayor Mike Bloomberg are also mulling the matter.

Schultz has the luxury to say anything without having to worry much about the Democratic baggage that is attached to it, and he has a lot of money to spend on his campaign. In a crowded field, having money early in the race can make a big difference.

He is providing what we need, a twitter psychodrama infighting war by the Dems! LOL

Howard Schultz Blames Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for His Decision to Run as Independent

Billionaire former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says he can’t run for president as a Democrat because he doesn’t like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal to slap a 70-percent marginal tax rate on income above $10 million. Schultz revealed Sunday that he’s “seriously considering” running for president as an independent.

In an interview with CNBC Monday night, he shed some light on why he feels he would not run as a Democrat: Because he could end up having to argue for massive taxes on the super-rich like himself.

“I respect the Democratic Party. I no longer feel affiliated because I don't know their views represent the majority of Americans. I don't think we want a 70 percent income tax in America,” he said. Ocasio-Cortez's idea to tax earnings over $10 million at 70 percent has wide support, according to polls—a recent Hill-HarrisX survey found that 59 percent of voters back it.

Schultz went on to say: “The way I’ve come to this decision is, I believe that if I ran as a Democrat, I would have to say things that I know in my heart I do not believe, and I would have to be disingenuous.”
