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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

Yeah, Webb too.

If Shultz could win states and prevent anyone from reaching 270, the election would be thrown into the House.

Shultz is 90% Democratic and is only a threat to win Blue states. He would also a more significant percentage out of people who would have voted Democratic if he was out of the race.

While Schultz might only get 5-10 of the vote nationally, however 80-90% voting for him would have gone Democratic is he was not in the race.

This means Trump can win states he lost in 2016 ( like New Hampshire ) and would have more of a buffer on the state he won in 2020 by a narrow margin.

On a scale of 1-10, this is at least a " 7 " regarding danger to Democrats if he runs. I'm telling you, Democrats are hitting an early panic button. Instead of focusing on whatever front runner they might have, they are already playing defense. Shultz must have collaborated with the Russians!!!
Schultz went on to say: “The way I’ve come to this decision is, I believe that if I ran as a Democrat, I would have to say things that I know in my heart I do not believe, and I would have to be disingenuous.”

I'm finding it hard not to like this guy with quotes like that.
He won't last long

Schultz deletes tweet of column calling Warren 'fauxcahontas' and Harris 'shrill'

Howard Schultz, the former Starbucks CEO who has floated an independent run at the White House, deleted a tweet Wednesday in which he praised a column that insulted other 2020 contenders.

In the now-deleted tweet, Schultz linked to a piece that called Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) “shrill” and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) “fauxcahontas,” a reference to her claims of Native American heritage.

“Thank you @Rogerlsimon for a thoughtful analysis of what’s possible. #ReimagineUS,” Schultz tweeted, along with a link to “Howard Schultz Could Actually Win the Presidency,” from PJ Media.

“Current frontrunner Kamala Harris is far from reassuring,” Roger L. Simon writes in the column. “She’s a shrill (see the Kavanaugh hearings) quasi-socialist promising pie in the sky — Medicare-for-all, debt-free college, guaranteed pre-K, minimum basic income, confiscatory taxes — and she’s just getting started. Bernie and others will soon be following suit. Fauxcahontas already has, competing in a game of socialist one-upmanship.”

I like Shultz more every day. He's speaking the truth to the left, and they can't mute him. All they are doing is pointing the spotlight on him, which works just fine as none of their losers exiting the clown car can stand out at this point.

I think Shultz is a middle of the road type of Democrat, not this crazy socialists type.
I like Shultz more every day. He's speaking the truth to the left, and they can't mute him. All they are doing is pointing the spotlight on him, which works just fine as none of their losers exiting the clown car can stand out at this point.

I think Shultz is a middle of the road type of Democrat, not this crazy socialists type.

I want the dims to nominate an extreme left socialist psycho, not a moderate. If they do then the libtard will split votes with Shultz, easily handing Trump the win. Payback for Ross Perot.
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Schultz is also going to highlight the 21 trillion national debt and current 1 trillion annual deficit. He will likely be like Perot
illustrating the problem. Can't wait to see if anyone (Repub, Dem, Indep.) has a legitimate solution.
I could easily see Dems taking back Penn, Wisconsin, Michigan and Schultz taking some Western states Washington, Colorado and nobody reaching 270.

I could also see Schultz make a run just to get into the debates and seeing that he can't win, jump out before the election and endorse the Dem candidate.
This fella could bring an interesting new dimension to our political spectrum. I am interested in hearing more of what he has to say. Factor in that he isn't really a politician and that's huge bonus points in my book. Hell, that's what I like most about Trump.
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Schultz is a classic limousine liberal. Not that interesting. Doesn't take a strong spine or great intelligence to oppose obviously (to normal people) ridiculous positions.
Schultz is a classic limousine liberal. Not that interesting. Doesn't take a strong spine or great intelligence to oppose obviously (to normal people) ridiculous positions.

Aside from Trump, for anyone aspiring to be in politics to even oppose the insanity of the Left and not be a staunch Conservative Republican is almost unheard of. Normal people who aren't in politics are often more in the middle in their views, but in politics, you are either one or the other if you want to survive.
This fella could bring an interesting new dimension to our political spectrum. I am interested in hearing more of what he has to say.

He doesn't know the price of Cheerios off the top of his head though. There are governors endorsing infanticide but forget that, he doesn't know the price of Cheerios!
He doesn't know the price of Cheerios off the top of his head though. There are governors endorsing infanticide but forget that, he doesn't know the price of Cheerios!

Well he was the CEO of freaking Starbucks. When is the last time he went grocery shopping for himself do you think?
I don't know the price of Cheerios. I don't know the price of anything at the grocery store. When I have to go there, I just get the stuff on the list and check out.
Well he was the CEO of freaking Starbucks. When is the last time he went grocery shopping for himself do you think?

I don't know the price of Cheerios. I don't like cereal. Maybe he doesn't either.
Trump already has a label for Joe Biden, he's still the fav

This is the problem with career politicians, Joe Biden can't bring himself to move on. The best is behind him, he made his cash, but he just can't give it up.
If you have been in Gov't more than 10 years, you should be considered toxic.

Won't happen.
One ad with that image kills him. They would do it. Republicans won't.
Only a hard left candidate will bring out Democrat voters. Kamala, mooch will get the votes. Biden won't. He's too white.
Only a hard left candidate will bring out Democrat voters. Kamala, mooch will get the votes. Biden won't. He's too white.

The hard left doesn't run the party yet, they are just a loud minority. Bernie filled stadiums too, but was slaughtered when it came to winning delegates in the primaries.

They are looking for a rock star to bring out the young voters, but those never show up on election day!
