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The Democratic playbook. What if?

Remember this? Day ******* one. The Left didn't give Trump 5 minutes before they started to tear the country apart. They start **** then blame the opposition for the problems. They riot and burn cities then stand back and say, Look at what Trump is causing! I swear, everything right is wrong anymore. Hard work, morals, decency, civility.... all down the drain..


IMO Trump is the first president that is not a puppet
Of the globalist billionaires and the system that is entrenched worse then anyone thought.
IMO Trump is the first president that is not a puppet
Of the globalist billionaires and the system that is entrenched worse then anyone thought.

For years everyone was clamoring for a president who was not a politician. We got one and the powers that be can't f'n stand it...That ought to teach us all something, the more the establishment fumes, the better off we all are because we've all been getting screwed over by career politicians for years and they want their mojo back along with more of our tax dollars. Just look at your paychecks and see how much is taken out. Its unreal and certain to get worse. Personally I think its going to suck once we do have a career politician back in the White House.
That ought to teach us all something, the more the establishment fumes, the better off we all are because we've all been getting screwed over by career politicians for years and they want their mojo back along with more of our tax dollars. Just look at your paychecks and see how much is taken out. Its unreal and certain to get worse.

It's time, once again, due to public demand for a repeat of President Steeltime's proposed requirements/mandates for any individual running for public office:

  • Pass a qualification test, like every other person who wants to hold an important job that affects people's lives - doctor, lawyer, nurse, teacher, accountant, etc.
  • Subjects on the qualifying exam include Constitutional law, civics and economics.
  • Must have held a job in private industry or been in the military for at least 10 years.
  • That targets the professional leeches, like Biden and ... pretty much most of D.C.
  • Must write every speech himself or herself. Let's find out what YOU think, not some 25-year old speechwriter with a degree in rhetoric from Columbia.
  • Borrowing from Ron here - politician's pay is no more than twice median income for district represented.
  • Want to earn more? Raise the economy of your goddamn district.
  • No keeping the money raised via campaign contributions.
  • Leftover money given to the VA for mental health services, drug and alcohol treatment.
  • Violation of any such rule leads to execution.
  • Nahh, kidding there. Violation leads to execution. In public. Where the politician is first stripped naked before being hanged from a tree.
  • Bet that would get rid of cheating.
I'll disagree. It never came back together. The authorities just beat the nonsense out of them and ended the riots. Today, if you are a conservative, you do not deserve to live. Today, if you are a liberal, you do not deserve to live. Families are completely fractured over political ideology. There is talk of a civil war over political ideology. People have been destroying **** continuously for over 100 days and the government is letting it happen. People are practically being encouraged to hate each other over race, sexual orientation and political ideology. People are being arrested for defending themselves against people trying to kill them. Criminals are being released 15 minutes after being booked to go commit more crimes. Colleges are teaching classes about how awful white people are. News media flat out lies every damn day. I could go on.

It isn't coming back together unless one side says to the other side "You know what? You win. You are right." There will be no compromise until one side is either extinct or quits.

You gave examples of why liberals don't deserve to live, but what about Conservatives?

This isn't simply a clash of ideologies anymore, it's a clash between right and wrong, a clash between good and evil.

It appears that evil is winning.
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Post all the bullshit graphs you want. The situation that Obama walked into versus Reagan was MUCH worse. Again, I'm not saying he handled everything the way he should have but it as a HUGE undertaking and not only did they get the economy under control they stabilized it and set it up for growth. You can try all you want to make this a Republicans are better than Democrats thing all you want but the job is the job man.

Not a peep about the two terms of the Bush administration that led to the collapse which I sure you have some bullshit graphs for too to show how none of it was their fault.

The way this works is that you offer a BALANCED rebuttal and give credit where it is due and not sit here and mud sling.

The Republican congress in the 90's was fiscally efficient kept expenditures down. This is back when the President and an opposing partisan Congress could actually work together.

If you want to make excuses for Trump's handling of this pandemic I'm not even going to argue with you about that. Have at it.

You have no idea how the balanced budget happened do you.... I mean none... do you?

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You have no idea how the balanced budget happened do you.... I mean none... do you?

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I do. George H. W. Bush passed the deficit reduction bill in 1990. Conservatives HATED that bill. That bill did more to reduce the deficit than Clinton 1993 budget. But Clinton didn't just tear it apart either. Once Bush lost the election many thought Clinton would track to expenditures like the Obama administration did when they came into the White House. He did not. Clinton was a scumbag but he was also a very astute politician. The same can be said for Richard Nixon. But I digress.

The Contract With America era Republicans did a lot to keep the country fiscally efficient. They pushed for small business incentives that were actually relevant. They were actually reaching out to middle class families at this point and saw a lane to help secure a stable and sustainable workforce. Much more so than the Democrats were pushing in the 1980s. These budgets weren't the usual trickle down garbage that was being pushed during the Reagan administration. Those policies are short sighted and they may cure a recession in the short term but as were seeing now once you lose your workforce then you're in trouble. 90's era Republicans do not get nearly enough credit for their work for middle class people. They also cut taxes on investments and inheritance and a whole number of other incentive based taxes but they also introduce incentive based kickbacks for people who were willing to WORK. To start businesses.

Back to Clinton.....

Clinton accepted the idea of a balanced budget. Once the surplus happened the Republican Congress wanted to squander it away with high stakes tax cuts. Clinton wanted to pay off the national debt with it. The Republican Congress refused that. Clinton pivoted and after much back and forth signed the Balanced Budget Act of 97 which was a compromise that saw some of the money go to CHIP while Medicare got cut and capital gains tax got cut among other things. The surplus also was a projection. It wasn't cash in hand indefinately. It never is. It's speculative. Once you have it you have to act quickly because anything can happen to balloon the deficit more as we saw with 9/11, the recession, and Covid.

There hasn't been a balanced budget since 2002. The Bush era tax cuts were the beginning of that and then once Obama took over there was no way with a majority that they were going to not push expenditures. Both approaches were bad for the country in the long run.
I do. George H. W. Bush passed the deficit reduction bill in 1990. Conservatives HATED that bill. That bill did more to reduce the deficit than Clinton 1993 budget. But Clinton didn't just tear it apart either. Once Bush lost the election many thought Clinton would track to expenditures like the Obama administration did when they came into the White House. He did not. Clinton was a scumbag but he was also a very astute politician. The same can be said for Richard Nixon. But I digress.

The Contract With America era Republicans did a lot to keep the country fiscally efficient. They pushed for small business incentives that were actually relevant. They were actually reaching out to middle class families at this point and saw a lane to help secure a stable and sustainable workforce. Much more so than the Democrats were pushing in the 1980s. These budgets weren't the usual trickle down garbage that was being pushed during the Reagan administration. Those policies are short sighted and they may cure a recession in the short term but as were seeing now once you lose your workforce then you're in trouble. 90's era Republicans do not get nearly enough credit for their work for middle class people. They also cut taxes on investments and inheritance and a whole number of other incentive based taxes but they also introduce incentive based kickbacks for people who were willing to WORK. To start businesses.

Back to Clinton.....

Clinton accepted the idea of a balanced budget. Once the surplus happened the Republican Congress wanted to squander it away with high stakes tax cuts. Clinton wanted to pay off the national debt with it. The Republican Congress refused that. Clinton pivoted and after much back and forth signed the Balanced Budget Act of 97 which was a compromise that saw some of the money go to CHIP while Medicare got cut and capital gains tax got cut among other things. The surplus also was a projection. It wasn't cash in hand indefinately. It never is. It's speculative. Once you have it you have to act quickly because anything can happen to balloon the deficit more as we saw with 9/11, the recession, and Covid.

There hasn't been a balanced budget since 2002. The Bush era tax cuts were the beginning of that and then once Obama took over there was no way with a majority that they were going to not push expenditures. Both approaches were bad for the country in the long run.

For all of your rambling about bills & acts to sound like you’re an SME and commentary/opinion....

Clinton wanted to pay off the national debt?

That’s comical and quite impossible.

Let’s make this simple. The baby boomers were at their peak earning years and 3 huge innovation bubbles occurred: internet, home PC, mobile phones.

Tax revenues were extremely high. The “Bob Hope” Generation was significantly smaller—Government spending on Medicare was significantly less than it is today (consider the 45 year olds in 2000 are 65 now and need for that funding was already a known shortfall years ago)

For all your talk of Government Acts; there is always loopholes that are exploited, closed, changed & cycle begins again. It all comes down to consumer spending and revenues generated from sales, property and income taxes.

Not to mention we are reserve currency for world thus we can create money without hyper inflation

So, you still don’t know about balanced budget

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For all of your rambling about bills & acts to sound like you’re an SME and commentary/opinion....

Clinton wanted to pay off the national debt?

That’s comical and quite impossible.

Let’s make this simple. The baby boomers were at their peak earning years and 3 huge innovation bubbles occurred: internet, home PC, mobile phones.

Tax revenues were extremely high. The “Bob Hope” Generation was significantly smaller—Government spending on Medicare was significantly less than it is today (consider the 45 year olds in 2000 are 65 now and need for that funding was already a known shortfall years ago)

For all your talk of Government Acts; there is always loopholes that are exploited, closed, changed & cycle begins again. It all comes down to consumer spending and revenues generated from sales, property and income taxes.

Not to mention we are reserve currency for world thus we can create money without hyper inflation

So, you still don’t know about balanced budget

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

It probably feels like that to you because I'm not just saying "this side good......this side bad". The bubbles were a huge factor in what happened in the budget but that wasn't the question. It was how did the budget get balanced. I answered the question and with context.
And Steel Shinin has nary a peep to my long reply. One would think, as a decent human, he'd step up to the plate and say "makes sense, we should hold both sides accountable for being decent."


I guess his view is just like the Left's...only Conservatives should be held to a higher standard and Orange Man Bad (OMB).

https://www.steelernationforums.com...aybook-What-if&p=749061&viewfull=1#post749061. <---a map in case you get lost
Mine just arrived this week. I'd prefer there was a way to clip it inside the waistband but I will try to work something out.

The baton, pepper spray or stun gun, Ron? Lol. That Vipertek box holds a 40k-volt human-collapsing & debilitating shock I hope I never have to use. I honestly hate confrontation, real physical confrontation, because it only just brings out the worst/angriest in us.

Nothing wrong with a good healthy debate over ideas, political philosophies, religion etc., but we're way past that point.
I agree with this. This **** should have been put down with force a LOOOOONG time ago. But it has been allowed to fester and grow and every day that passes makes it more difficult to get that horse back in the barn. The most frustrating thing about this is that politicians are being derelict in their primary responsibility to protect ALL of the citizens of this nation, but if I defend myself, at least in this climate, I am likely to be prosecuted. And the criminals are basically allowed to walk with impunity.

That's what I'm afraid of too. **** is so upside down I keep thinking I'm in a nightmare I'm going to wake up from.
Mine just arrived this week. I'd prefer there was a way to clip it inside the waistband but I will try to work something out.

BTW think I understand your post a little more now, and the baton, even at it's shortest point, is 10 inches long (hard to conceal, and in California I'm not even sure if it's legal); I haven't taken it out in public yet. The stun gun holster I had to 'modify' a bit so it's quicker & easier to draw b/c if it really got bad, I wouldn't have a chance to even use it as it came.

Hate living in a state you can't conceal carry, but that's the reality we have to live with at this point.
And Steel Shinin has nary a peep to my long reply. One would think, as a decent human, he'd step up to the plate and say "makes sense, we should hold both sides accountable for being decent."


I guess his view is just like the Left's...only Conservatives should be held to a higher standard and Orange Man Bad (OMB).

https://www.steelernationforums.com...aybook-What-if&p=749061&viewfull=1#post749061. <---a map in case you get lost

I wasn't going to even bother with that. But **** it. There has been an issue with the behavior of politicians in the country for years and especially recently as the country has become more polarized. You can try and make this a tit for tat thing but it's not. Not with with it being all the way at the top.

The President has used language and acted in ways that are vastly beneath this office. You can deflect all you want. But this is as bad as it's ever been as far as that goes. Bill Clinton was a scumbag but outside of openly cheating on his wife and ******* in the Oval Office he wasn't openly advocating violence, harassing the press, denigrating fellow party members and kicking people in the *** on the way out of his cabinet and circle. The list is long. His petulant tweeting. His dog whistling. He's a despicable person. He's unfit for this office and this goes way beyond partisanship.

If a Democrat would have called Covid a ****** "Republican hoax" there would have been much hell to pay and rightfully so. That's such dangerous language and behavior.

You can't compare what the average person says or does or even a Senator to the standard that the President should adhere to. Republicans spent years being portraying themselves as the party of decency and decorum and now you're out here embracing this *******.

When General Mattis came down on him you even found a way to try and deflect that. Good luck with that. Reelection or not. Trump is a sorry excuse for this office regardless of his so called "accomplishments".

I get you're upset man. I don't disagree with you about how ****** the back and forth has become and how disrespected Bush was and how disgusting people have acted but to condone it in this office is wrong.
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I agree with this. This **** should have been put down with force a LOOOOONG time ago. But it has been allowed to fester and grow and every day that passes makes it more difficult to get that horse back in the barn. The most frustrating thing about this is that politicians are being derelict in their primary responsibility to protect ALL of the citizens of this nation, but if I defend myself, at least in this climate, I am likely to be prosecuted. And the criminals are basically allowed to walk with impunity.

Time to move to the good ole Sunshine State Sarge.....


On Monday, ( 9/21 ) Ron DeSantis, governor of the Sunshine State unveiled the "Combating Violence, Disorder, and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act" . The proposed legislation appears to be aimed at both deterring rioters and looters and protecting law enforcement against punitive action for defending themselves and public order, as well as non-police citizens acting in self-defense.

In terms of deterring the rioters, the legislation would target violent assemblies, destruction of monuments, blocking of public roadways, and harassing of citizens.

Specifically, the bill, if adopted by the legislature ;

* Would make it a third-degree felony to be a part of an assembly of seven or more people causing damage or injuring people or to obstruct traffic and block motorists during an unpermitted demonstration.

* Protect motorists from any liability for death or injury to the mob members if the individual is clearly fleeing to safety

* The bill ups the ante against those who topple monuments by making such an offense a second-degree felony under state law. It also criminalizes participation in disorderly assemblies targeting citizens at restaurants or other public places.

* In an effort to target those organizing the rioting, this bill would slap the funders and organizers of violent riots with state RICO charges.

As a way of deterring more liberal localities within Florida that might tacitly bless the violence and fail to protect citizens, the DeSantis proposal would defund those cities that defund the police. Also, rather than debating ending sovereign immunity for police, his bill would end sovereign immunity for government officials who fail to protect the people by allowing victims of the rioters to sue the government when it is grossly negligent in protecting lives and property.

Yep....and not a minute too soon.

Bill Clinton was a scumbag but outside of openly cheating on his wife and ******* in the Oval Office he wasn't openly advocating violence
Willie Brown's mistress says we need violence.
Kamala Harris is branded 'ignorant' for praising BLM protests and calling them 'essential' just three days after two cops were shot during Louisville riots
PUBLISHED: 23:01 EDT, 25 September 2020 | UPDATED: 03:24 EDT, 26 September 2020

Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has come in for criticism after saying that protests against racial injustice, including those by the Black Lives Matter group are 'essential for the evolution of our country' - with some online branding her 'ignorant'.

Senator Harris D-Calif. made the comments during the NAACP's national convention in which she was interviewed for more than one hour and come just three days after two police officers were shot and injured during rioting in Louisville.

The shooting came after a grand jury's decision not to charge the officers who shot and killed Breonna Taylor. One of the officers involved was charged with wanton endangerment for shooting into a neighboring apartment.

'Nothing that we have achieved that has been about progress, in particular around civil rights, has come without a fight, and so I always am going to interpret these protests as an essential component of evolution in our country - as an essential component or mark of a real democracy.

steel shinin said:
You can't compare what the average person says or does or even a Senator to the standard that the President should adhere to. Republicans spent years being portraying themselves as the party of decency and decorum and now you're out here embracing this *******.
Yeah, and keep getting our ***** kicked in the House and Senate. Been waiting all my life for a Republican President who hits back. I love it.
You can try and make this a tit for tat thing but it's not. Not with with it being all the way at the top.

And this is why the problem will continue. You. You're the reason. And millions more like you who can't see.

You ask for decency but won't demand it from both sides.
You, who will allow the Left's spokespeople to preach violence and hate and not call them out for it.
You permit Maxine Waters and Ilhan Omar and Madonna and countless others to get away with their violent rhetoric because you don't care to speak up about it.

But you WILL blame Donald Trump....

Where this BEGAN matters - the beginning, the evolution, and why we are where we are today. You ignore it. You gloss right over "what led to Donald Trump" which is really the cancer. You treat the disease...not the symptom. You're only honed in on the symptom.

You can't see....

If you truly wanted a better world, you'd hold all accountable. You clearly don't want that and like the media and the Left, you offer a hall pass to 3 decades of hateful, violent, disrespectful rhetoric from the Left as "no big deal."

You're the problem.

PS...can you find the post, anywhere, where I deflected anything General Mattis said about him? Pretty sure that's the first time I've ever typed "Mattis" on this site? I'll wait.
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And this is why the problem will continue. You. You're the reason. And millions more like you who can't see.

You ask for decency but won't demand it from both sides.
You, who will allow the Left's spokespeople to preach violence and hate and not call them out for it.
You permit Maxine Waters and Ilhan Omar and Madonna and countless others to get away with their violent rhetoric because you don't care to speak up about it.

But you WILL blame Donald Trump....

Where this BEGAN matters - the beginning, the evolution, and why we are where we are today. You ignore it. You gloss right over "what led to Donald Trump" which is really the cancer. You treat the disease...not the symptom. You're only honed in on the symptom.

You can't see....

If you truly wanted a better world, you'd hold all accountable. You clearly don't want that and like the media and the Left, you offer a hall pass to 3 decades of hateful, violent, disrespectful rhetoric from the Left as "no big deal."

You're the problem.

PS...can you find the post, anywhere, where I deflected anything General Mattis said about him? Pretty sure that's the first time I've ever typed "Mattis" on this site? I'll wait.

I'm not the problem man. I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. I thought they were both dangerous for this country.

But Trump is something else entirely. Hillary was and is a sham, shrill, and an abject hypocrite. I'm not even going to get into that because she's not the President, but she'd be on her way out for sure if she was.

None of the people you named are the President. That's the conversation were having. I don't condone this kind of rhetoric from anyone.

I've been as critical as anyone of the Democratic party an their role in getting this man elected. They basically campaigned for him. I'm shocked it took someone this long to go to the midwest and reveal how much of a failure the Democratic party has been there the last 30 years policy wise. That was always there for the taking. The Republicans in the 90's started to figure that out then they pivoted to Wall Street bootlicking.

There are plenty of Republican voters who embrace hate and hate speech as well. Who are literally in hate groups. It's a sad deal that Republicans have had to make to keep their base. Only a few have come out and staunchly separated themselves from that.

There's a lot that lead to this. Not just "lefties" being disrespectful and rude. The problem is people only want to see it from their side and can only speak from their pain and hurt about it. I've been there. I'm still there in a lot of ways. I try very hard not to let that take me to a place where I'm ever ok seeing innocent people being targeted and hurt. I'm here now because I want to try and understand and to show some solidarity. I will not condone what is happening in the White House though.

I never said any of this is not big deal from the left. You said that. That's your anger. And that's why you can condone a person like Donald Trump. There's hitting back and then there's what he's doing and it's shameful.

Very respectable people have come out and denounced his behavior and his tactics. The list is looooooooooooong. They understand how far this has gone and what it is doing to people.

Trump may have contributed to an entire generation of young voters associating conservatives with hate. That's awful. They don't even see the Republican party as much as they see this jackass.

If you're so angry that you want to continue with this man and his unhinged bullshit then fine. I'm not sure if this is some kind of revenge tour for you or something but in the meantime a lot of people who have nothing to do with it are being hurt. Americans. From all walks of life. While he's getting back at the "libtards" and the "elites" and the "swamp" he's also putting American citizens in danger and targeting people who whether they support him or not are his responsibility. People are more divided than ever because of this man.

He's **** on everyone who's left his White House on the way out. The man is such a petulant, insecure blowhard.

I'm sure you think how he's handled this pandemic has been fine too.

There's no point in me pointing it all out here. It's out there. You've heard it all I'm sure. You're living it it RIGHT NOW. This isn't some big secret. Trump will tell you himself. It's whether you condone it or not. Partisanship be damned. This man isn't even a Republican. He's a grifter.
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As I said - you can't see.

"Silence is Violence."

You won't denounce it, you're part of the problem. Period.

You're not about to gaslight me man. Stop it. I did denounce it. I will denounce it here.

It's wrong if ANYONE does it but it's the most wrong if the President does. That office carries more weight and influence. Not just here but in the world as well.

You said you think it's ok if this is how it is because people had it coming.

Well here it is then.

We'll see how it plays out.

I want to make sure I'm vocal about how much I DON'T condone it.

I remember when Bush was in office and I was just out of high school and I joined in on all that bullshit with disrespecting the President. My Dad got sick around 2003 and passed away in 2006 and we had a lot of conversations about this during that time but one of the last conversations we had was about respect. He was just basically saying whether you agree or not you gotta carry yourself better than that. Or else you're willing to allow anything at some point because you've made your neighbor the enemy. He asked me would I hurt someone if given the chance. If someone put me in a room with a guy with a Bush shirt on would I run up and just punch them in the face without talking to them. Because I'm likely never going to be in a room with Bush. And if I was I should shake his hand and show him some respect. He said that man has earned his respect. He's been through things I will never understand. Agree with him or not. He asked me if I've ever felt personally attacked by the President. I said no. He understood that this situation is as much about what we feel we have to accept as much as it is about what we don't. But the line has always been respect. He said if the line is crossed there then all bets are off. But if not then we start there. Always. He saw how I had been acting and speaking and it wasn't how he raised me. It's easy to let your emotions get you to the point where you're either apathetic to something or you give in and are tolerant of something you shouldn't be. Both aren't productive.
I want to make sure I'm vocal about how much I DON'T condone it.

Thanks for finally saying it. Your opening salvo omitted it.

It's wrong if ANYONE does it but it's the most wrong if the President does.

Wholly disagree. You omit the volume. You point to one man, the President. The Left, en masse, has preached violence since 2016. That COLLECTIVE voice is far louder than the Presidents. From BLM to celebrities (Madonna, et al) to college professors across the nation, to politicians like Maxine extolling her followers to confront Conservatives, there has been a UNIVERSAL growing voice calling for violence that is far louder (and accepted) than the President's voice.

I also can't come up with a quote where the President has asked for or encouraged violence. I can fill 40 pages here with Leftist leaders across all spectrums - Hollywood to MSM to politicians - doing so.
I also can't come up with a quote where the President has asked for or encouraged violence. I can fill 40 pages here with Leftist leaders across all spectrums - Hollywood to MSM to politicians - doing so.

Nope, you won't even see crazy random right wingers encouraging violence towards leftists on social media. Know why? Because their ***** are thrown off the platform immediately and all their **** is deleted. Understandably so......HOWEVER, Leftists are not only permitted to make statements encouraging violence, they are pretty much encouraged to do it. They are free to do it at their leisure. It's not only random fucktards....it's media figures and high profile celebrities along with random leftist fucktards. No consequences. There's no comparison between the two.
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And to all of this I say it took a man like Trump to stand up to this ****, to let it roll off of his back and continue on with his purpose. Any other 'politician' would be browbeat in to their safe space licking their wounds. Trump isn't a 'politician' in the sense of the word that he lets them put him in that place. And boy do they hate it.
Nope, you won't even see crazy random right wingers encouraging violence towards leftists on social media. Know why? Because their ***** are thrown off the platform immediately and all their **** is deleted. Understandably so......HOWEVER, Leftists are not only permitted to make statements encouraging violence, they are pretty much encouraged to do it. They are free to do it at their leisure. It's not only random fucktards....it's media figures and high profile celebrities along with random leftist fucktards. No consequences. There's no comparison between the two.

Yep and they control our institutes of higher learning.
