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The disintegration of Europe continues…more migrant rape attacks in Germany


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Apr 20, 2014
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Migrants in Germany poured into a carnival and started raping young women and attacking police.

17-year-old festival goer held down by three Afghan migrants


The so-called “asylum seekers” invaded the Volksfest in Baden-Wuerttemberg over the weekend, committing three sexual assaults on Friday alone and more throughout the festivities.

One of the victims was a 17-year-old girl who was held down by three Afghan migrants, according to police. The police also believe there’s more rape victims who have not yet reported the crimes.

“We hope that further possible victims or witnesses report to us,” said a police official in nearby Aalen. Additionally, around 1,000 youths gathered at Schorndorf Castle near the festival grounds and chunked bottles at visitors and police.

The situation so bad that German police were forced to admit the suspects arrested included Muslim migrants, a fact they normally try to conceal from the public. “The violence towards the police was frightening,” an official stated, adding that it was unheard of until now.

This appears to be Fake News, could you link a reliable news source reporting this.
Translate it yourself, *****

Krawalle und sexuelle Übergriffe auf Volksfest

Am Samstag soll laut Polizei eine 17-Jährige von drei Asylbewerbern aus Afghanistan am Po begrapscht worden sein. In der Nacht zu Sonntag randalierten mehr als 1000 Personen. Der Migrantenanteil in der Gruppe lag unter 50 Prozent.

Nach Krawallen und sexuellen Übergriffen auf einem Volksfest in Schorndorf (Rems-Murr-Kreis) hat die Polizei eine ernüchternde Bilanz gezogen.

„Die Gewalt gegenüber den Beamten war erschreckend”, sagte ein Polizeisprecher am Montag über die Vorfälle am Wochenende. Es sei üblich, dass sich während des Volksfests viele Jugendliche träfen – doch die Aggression gegenüber der Polizei sei neu. Als Hauptproblem nannte der Sprecher den Alkoholkonsum der Jugendlichen.

Sexuelle Belästigung und Po-Grapscher

Auf dem Volksfest war es am Wochenende zu Krawallen und sexuellen Übergriffe gekommen. Am Samstag wurde nach Polizeiangaben eine 17-Jährige von drei Asylbewerbern aus Afghanistan festgehalten und am Po begrapscht. Bereits am Vorabend waren drei Fälle sexueller Belästigung gemeldet worden. In einem Fall wurde ein Iraker als Verdächtiger ermittelt. Während des Festes wurden den Angaben zufolge zudem mehrere Körperverletzungen angezeigt.

In der Nacht zum Sonntag versammelten sich laut Polizei bis zu 1000 junge Leute im Schlosspark der Stadt und randalierten, viele davon mit Migrationshintergrund. Der Anteil von Migranten innerhalb der Gruppe habe allerdings unter 50 Prozent gelegen, sagte ein Sprecher.

Im weiteren Verlauf der Nacht zogen den Ermittlern zufolge mehrere Gruppe von jeweils 30 bis 50 Menschen durch die Innenstadt. Die Polizei musste nach eigenen Angaben zahlreiche Verstärkungskräfte aus den umliegenden Landkreisen in Schorndorf zusammenziehen, um dem „massiven Aggressionspotenzial” begegnen zu können.

Bad ****'s been definitely going down in Germany. Who let these animals into the country?


Report: Hundreds of boys abused at German choir school


At least 547 members of a prestigious Catholic boys' choir in Germany were physically or sexually abused between 1945 and 1992, according to a report released Tuesday.

Allegations involving the Domspatzen choir in Regensburg, which was run for 30 years by Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI's elder brother, were among a spate of revelations of abuse by Roman Catholic clergy in Germany that emerged in 2010. In 2015, lawyer Ulrich Weber was tasked with producing a report on what happened.

The report said that 547 boys at the Domspatzen's school "with a high degree of plausibility" were victims of physical or sexual abuse, or both. It counted 500 cases of physical violence and 67 of sexual violence, committed by a total of 49 perpetrators.

At the choir's pre-school, "violence, fear and helplessness dominated" and "violence was an everyday method," it said.

"The whole system of education was oriented toward top musical achievements and the choir's success," the report said. "Alongside individual motives, institutional motives — namely, breaking the will of the children with the aim of maximum discipline and dedication — formed the basis for violence."

The report's authors said that they checked the plausibility of 591 potential victims' cases.

The choir was led from 1964 to 1994 by Benedict's brother, the Rev. Georg Ratzinger.

Ratzinger has acknowledged slapping pupils after he took over the choir, though such punishments were commonplace in Germany at that time. He also said he was aware of allegations of physical abuse at the elementary school and did nothing about it, but he was not aware of sexual abuse.

The report faulted Ratzinger "in particular for 'looking away' or for failing to intervene."

It also cited criticism by victims of the Regensburg diocese's initial efforts to investigate past abuse. It said that the bishop at the time the allegations surfaced, Gerhard Ludwig Mueller, bears "clear responsibility for the strategic, organizational and communicative weaknesses" of those efforts.

Cardinal Mueller became the head of the Vatican's doctrine office in 2012. Pope Francis recently removed him from that job.

Current Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer has already announced plans to offer victims compensation of between 5,000 and 20,000 euros ($5,730 and $22,930) each by the end of this year.
Bad ****'s been definitely going down in Germany. Who let these animals into the country?


Report: Hundreds of boys abused at German choir school


Ahh yes Tibs, everyone see the genius of this idea. No one is witnessing the downfall and corruption of Europe as we once knew it. Europe is crawling with terrorists and migrants who rape and kill. Your idea is that letting in more is good policy. Magically the Unicorn Fairy will make everything right and happy again if we all just love one another.

That is **** you simply cannot make up.

Ahh yes Tibs, everyone see the genius of this idea. No one is witnessing the downfall and corruption of Europe as we once knew it. Europe is crawling with terrorists and migrants who rape and kill. Your idea is that letting in more is good policy. Magically the Unicorn Fairy will make everything right and happy again if we all just love one another.

That is **** you simply cannot make up.


See? See? White people did it too! Typical Lib response. When a non-white non-Christian non-Jewish person commits a crime, we must quickly find a white, Christian, or Jewish person who did the same thing. In the name of fairness, of course.
Look at these so-called "refugees!" Not even any Syrians there, just economic migrants from Africa, looking to live free on the EU taxpayers dime.

Europe should ban welfare and public housing access for all migrants for the first three years after arrival and watch the flood of so-called "asylum seekers" dry up overnight


Hungary was right about the migrant crisis

Imagine, then, what it feels like to live on the Italian island of Lampedusa, to have welcomed with aching hearts the thousands of refugees who washed up on its shores after the 2011 Arab uprisings, and to have shared the meagre infrastructure, so poor that pregnant locals have to take the long ferry ride to Sicily for a check-up. Then to be abandoned by the European Union and the Italian government, as the Mediterranean route became the chief entry path into the Continent for the desperate of sub-Saharan Africa.

Now the Lampedusans have turfed out their mayor Giusi Nicolini who, decked with international prizes, had joined Angela Merkel as the champion of an open, liberal Europe. The locals want a mayor who will say to the world that the island can no longer cope; that Merkel’s “welcome culture” no longer works for them.

In Denmark, the centre-left Social Democrats have been making overtures to the anti-immigrant Danish People’s Party. The Social Democrats even backed the (rarely used) jewellery law, whereby police were allowed to seize the jewellery of immigrants to pay for their stay.

Suddenly, it seems as if the Hungarian model for dealing with immigration — widely condemned as a violation of civilised European values — was ahead of its time. Some 400,000 migrants travelled through the Balkans and across the Serbian border into Hungary in 2015. They were on their way westwards, drawn by Angela Merkel’s offer of an open Germany, and very quickly Hungary felt overwhelmed. Tough police units were filmed beating back the foreigners and Hungary was cast as the ugly face of Europe.

“I do not want to see the country drifting towards a situation where lower-skilled work would only be carried out by foreigners,” he says. “We ourselves have to do the work required to keep our economy going, from scrubbing toilets to nuclear science.”

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More pure love from Islam. Stupid ******* German politicians still trying to get over the guilt of world war 2 by doing bullshit like this. They get what they deserve i suppose.
Bad ****'s been definitely going down in Germany. Who let these animals into the country?

I hear 'ya, Tibs. I have previously written that I stopped attending Catholic masses and donating money to the church when this disgusting child rape **** became public. Same with my dad.

So when can we expect a similar response from the Muslim community regarding the disgusting stories about endemic rape of white women in Western Europe because they are not people and deserve to be raped?
I hear 'ya, Tibs. I have previously written that I stopped attending Catholic masses and donating money to the church when this disgusting child rape **** became public. Same with my dad.
So when can we expect a similar response from the Muslim community regarding the disgusting stories about endemic rape of white women in Western Europe because they are not people and deserve to be raped?
I don't know and don't really care what the Muslim community does. What I do know is all criminals, rapists and otherwise, be they locals, migrants, refugees, tourists, priests need to be rounded up and prosecuted. I agree the situation in some parts of Europe are sketchy and dangerous in immigrant communities. As they are in large inner cities around the world. The most dangerous parts of Budapest have basically zero migrants, but plenty of thugs, drug dealers and rapists. The most common form of assault here is kidnapping and raping intoxicated women. Some that are drugged at bars or parties. I have two teenage daughters. It's true I wouldn't let them go on their own to various parts of Europe due to dangers posed by ******-in-the-head Muslim immigrants. But would I let them got to Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis or South Central LA? Would they be safe from rape and assault attending a frat party or living in the dorms at basically any University on either side of the pond? Would they be safe attending a summer festival here in Hungary with zero migrants or Muslims in attendance? Or taking swimming lessons at the local pool? Or summer camp? The answer, sadly is no. This does not diminish or sugarcoat the real problem and danger posed by criminals in immigrant communities. But it does show what happens when certain segments of society are isolated and magnified 100x over. I'll stop '******** on this thread' now so Spike can get back to his usually scheduled programming.
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I don't know and don't really care what the Muslim community does. What I do know is all criminals, rapists and otherwise, be they locals, migrants, refugees, tourists, priests need to be rounded up and prosecuted. I agree the situation in some parts of Europe are sketchy and dangerous in immigrant communities.
The basic problem is that western European governments don't enforce their existing laws when it comes to Muslims, in the name of political correctness.
I don't know and don't really care what the Muslim community does.

But you should. When hundreds of Muslim immigrants grope, molest and even rape hundreds of girls and women in Cologne, Germany - estimates run as high as a thousand - and the Muslim community does not immediately criticize that behavior and take steps to see it does not happen again, then it seems as if the community is okay with the behavior.

Like the Catholic church, and ignoring child rape and transferring the pedophile priests. That is why the church wound up paying hundreds of millions of dollars to the victims and launched a housecleaning.

Why should we expect less of the Muslim community?

But it does show what happens when certain segments of society are isolated and magnified 100x over.

I don't think the issue can be dismissed as hysteria, when we have videos of immigrants - dozens - groping women, getting into altercations, numerous stories about Muslim immigrants targeting European women, thousands of incidents of touching and grabbing and groping, and where countries like Sweden have seen the incidence of rape rise dramatically along with the number of Muslim immigrants allowed into the country.

This is a problem. A societal problem. How significant is the problem? That is certainly worthy of discussion. However, dismissing the problem as being "magnified 100x over" is basically the Catholic church's position in 1987. "Oh, a few bad priests, no big deal."

Yes, it was a big deal. A very big deal. And not admitting and confronting the issue simply works to perpetuate the problem.
Merkel is a cancer on Germany.

If there's an upside it is that right-wing anti-immigrant parties are gaining traction in Europe.