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The Elephant in the room reads it ugly head again

Don't understand. We just spent three days talking about the flag issue in this forum. What's the difference? Serious question. I don't post that often.

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You post where you want to you have that right. and this has been about race from the beginning, I don't buy for one moment that this is all about police issues. You have black people protesting white privilege IE black lives matter leaders telling white people to give their houses to the people of color, you have white people protesting black people and you have both protesting the NFL. I personally say let people do and say what ever the **** they want as long as they don't cross 2 lines. first no violence, and second don't disrespect those that have fought and died to give you that privilege. Who cares if someone calls you a cracker or a redskin or a wop, spic or nigger. they are just words. It's not your problem they have these issues it's theirs.

Everyone just needs to toughen the **** up, haven't y'all ever heard the whole sticks and stones thing. I don't ever get mad that someone calls me a redskin or Indian, or what ever, all I ever feel is pity for them for being so damn ignorant. Just like BLM telling whites they owe them something for something they had no part of, I feel sorry for them for their ignorance.
You post where you want to you have that right. and this has been about race from the beginning, I don't buy for one moment that this is all about police issues. You have black people protesting white privilege IE black lives matter leaders telling white people to give their houses to the people of color, you have white people protesting black people and you have both protesting the NFL. I personally say let people do and say what ever the **** they want as long as they don't cross 2 lines. first no violence, and second don't disrespect those that have fought and died to give you that privilege. Who cares if someone calls you a cracker or a redskin or a wop, spic or nigger. they are just words. It's not your problem they have these issues it's theirs.

Everyone just needs to toughen the **** up, haven't y'all ever heard the whole sticks and stones thing. I don't ever get mad that someone calls me a redskin or Indian, or what ever, all I ever feel is pity for them for being so damn ignorant. Just like BLM telling whites they owe them something for something they had no part of, I feel sorry for them for their ignorance.

Spot on Warrior. Spot on
Crappy thing to say period. He certainly going to pay for those remarks. I have to agree with Warrior 100%. People do need to toughen the **** up. When I first moved to the south from the north. I had people calling me cracker,peckerwood, damn Yankee, whitey, white oy..ect.. It was a trip for me and I honestly never gave a ****. I just thought of them as dumb ***** stuck in the 1860's. Just don't touch me and we're good.
Crappy thing to say period. He certainly going to pay for those remarks. I have to agree with Warrior 100%. People do need to toughen the **** up. When I first moved to the south from the north. I had people calling me cracker,peckerwood, damn Yankee, whitey, white oy..ect.. It was a trip for me and I honestly never gave a ****. I just thought of them as dumb ***** stuck in the 1860's. Just don't touch me and we're good.

I have never actually experienced racism first hand tbh.
Went to GA for college. I'm a dark hispanic, going to the south I was expecting to be called beaner/spic etc.
Never happened. I learned about southern hospitality from the start.

Here in ABQ, a lot of my friends are very senile towards mexicans. We tend to have a high immigrant populace, you'd be surprised how wild American born hispanics are towards mexicans etc.

I've been called names here in ABQ. **** doesn't bother me at all. Life's too damn short to put up with BS.
The older I get, the more I realize not everyone is gonna agree with my beliefs and that's fine
Yeah well I didn't like it. Hey Paul you racist piece of **** go **** yourself. God I hate ignorant pieces of ****.

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I'm going to say this. If anyone calls me the N word - there are going to be consequences and repercussions. Period.

I've worn this tough skin crap all my life and it's comments like the fire chief that will cause me to gladly lose my senses.

Sick of the off colored jokes and requests to just ignore another person's ignorance.

This elephant better not come my way...

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We are definately living in troubled times and I PRAY for all those in need, pro or con of the devision of humanity. warrior42 said it quite well, toughen up !!!! Don't be a contributor and let things roll off.

Salute the nation
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My Gf is mexican and adopted by white parents. 2 of her other brothers were also adopted by the same parents. She has other siblings in Texas and they hate me / bash me and give my gf a hard time cause i am white. I have never said a word to them in any form. Most of them speak broken English, don't work, are in and out of jail, but yet i am the evil white person. Its just pure ignorance and some people of all cultures or races will never move on.
When I was in like 3rd grade I went to a school that was 99% black, and I got the **** kicked out of me daily, it was so bad that the few white kids that went there were glad I was there so they were left alone. I got two things from it, first thing was I learned to fight and got really good at it, good enough that after the 4th grade no one ****** with me again. second was I learned that name calling didn't mean **** as long as you didn't put hands on me.

I grew up in Battle Creek MI in a pretty much black neighborhood, as a result of that most of my friends were black, and the people I still trust the most are black, my sons god father is black, and yes I have used the word nigger in anger before, I have also heard my black friends use the words honky or white ************. You know what we are still all friends and we still all love each other. Sometimes anger gets the best of any of us and we say things we really don't mean and regret later especially when we're mad enough to use words to try and hurt someone.

The real problem is we have a younger generation that is full of **** and doesn't know their *** from a whole in the ground. I don't understand how my generation could come so far in race relations but now we ave a younger generation that has no ******* clue about their real history screaming about slavery. WTF
That fire chief is a ********. It is a football game. If football, even Steelers football, brings you to that point of ignorance, I recommend a hobby. You know, like sucking a glock. It is a football game. ****.
I have thick skin people can call me what they wish. Doesn't mean I won't find something to irritate you with. I get more mad at seeing the racists . Whatever color I have no use for the pond scum of the earth. So yeah say something to me you will get a snide comment. Say something racist to my black brother? I am getting a piece of that ***. Very protective of my friends and family. I don't hate color but I damn sure hate ignorance.

Sent from my XT1635-01 using Steeler Nation mobile app
I'm going to say this. If anyone calls me the N word - there are going to be consequences and repercussions. Period.

I've worn this tough skin crap all my life and it's comments like the fire chief that will cause me to gladly lose my senses.

Sick of the off colored jokes and requests to just ignore another person's ignorance.

This elephant better not come my way...

Sent from my SM-G935P using Steeler Nation mobile app

what if I call you that but hand you an ice cold beer????

I'm a Texan, born and raised.....I was raised to judge others by their character not their skin color. That word has no place in our society.....
I'm going to say this. If anyone calls me the N word - there are going to be consequences and repercussions. Period.

I've worn this tough skin crap all my life and it's comments like the fire chief that will cause me to gladly lose my senses.

Sick of the off colored jokes and requests to just ignore another person's ignorance.

This elephant better not come my way...

Sent from my SM-G935P using Steeler Nation mobile app

Sorry but it doesn't sound to me like your skin is all that tough if a word can turn you to violence. You know why the late 70's thru the 90's seemed so much better when it came to race relations, because people were letting it die. now it's in everything we see hear and read. I feel sorry for you if you think a word is worth a life. I'm starting to feel like you're one of those sad individuals that wants a race war. Let me tell you something my friend no one wins that one.
Two words I will and have never used: the N and C-word. They are ugly words. Never been a problem for me. It only takes one person to tell me it's offensive. Done. Out of my vocabulary.

btw, there's no place for ignorant people. End of story. Glad that asshat was let go.
Two words I will and have never used: the N and C-word. They are ugly words. Never been a problem for me. It only takes one person to tell me it's offensive. Done. Out of my vocabulary.

the word my is offensive to me......