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The Enemy of the People Thread

Your reach on this is incredible.

If Trump indeed meant what you want to believe he meant, then why does this man with his enormous ego stand by his comment rather than slam the media that has a history of taking his statements out of context?
Like I said, he’s ultimately a coward. He wants his base to hear his dog whistle, he doesn’t want to own it though.
Like I said, he’s ultimately a coward. He wants his base to hear his dog whistle, he doesn’t want to own it though.

Are you and Tibilo sharing quivering text messages at 3:00 a.m. Hungaria time about the inevitable apocalypse if Bad Orange Man is elected?

You two queefs hated $2.39 gas, 1.8% inflation, no wars and a secure border. The current ****-storm to follow the election of a moron like Joe Biden was obvious to everybody capable of reasoning beyond that of a porcupine.
Trump didn’t say “If there are no automotive tariffs, it’s going to be a bloodbath”. He said “If I don't get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath”.

You are the problem.

Since you won't watch the C-SPAN speech, perhaps you'll read the transcript. No, we aren't hopeful. Only a moron (you) can take his comments out of context. He clearly was referencing Chinese auto-manufacturing:

[begin transcript] Mexico has taken - over a period of 30 years - 34% of the automobile manufacturing business in our country. Think of it…went to Mexico.

China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re gonna build the cars in Mexico and think - they think - that they’re gonna sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border.

Let me tell you something, to China, if you’re listening President Xi…and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal…those big monster car manufacturing plants you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re gonna get that, you’re gonna not hire Americans , and you’re gonna sell the cars to us…no. We’re gonna put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. And you’re not gonna be able to sell those cars…if I get elected

Now if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the whole…that’s gonna be the least of it…it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not gonna sell those cars. They’re building massive factories.

A friend of mine, all he…[end transcript]

3 paragraphs about cars. Cars, cars, cars, cars. The whole topic was cars. Says it will be a bloodbath [for the auto industry and economy] if he isn't elected, goes right back to cars and factories.

I'll repeat, only morons and the propaganda media can stretch far enough up their ******** to reach for the conclusion that he was discussing bloodshed. ONLY morons.

Even AltLeft Factcheck.org agrees it was taken out of context: https://www.factcheck.org/2024/03/trumps-bloodbath-comment/

“If you actually watch and listen to the section, he was talking about the auto industry and tariffs,” Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Trump’s campaign, told the Washington Post, adding that “Biden’s policies will create an economic bloodbath for the auto industry and autoworkers.”

That explanation seems the most plausible, given the context of Trump’s comments.
The Trump campaign also noted — rightly — that one of the definitions of “bloodbath,” according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is “a major economic disaster.” We did a Nexis search of TV news transcripts and found numerous instances of bloodbath being used in that way.

Who is spinning?

That's now quite clear.
41 Times Google Has Interfered in US Elections Since 2008
“Google’s massive and deliberate efforts to interfere in U.S. elections for the past 16 years is unacceptable and the biggest threat to American democracy today,” said Bozell.

...Google has repeatedly used its power to help push the most liberal candidates to electoral victory while targeting their opponents...

But after Democrats took a devastating loss in the 2016 election...election interference became part of its mission. As one Google executive let slip ...the company was working to actively “prevent[] the next Trump situation.”
  • In 2008, Google endorsed the radical, young Sen. Obama and censored support for Sen. Clinton. Journalist Simon Owens reported at the time that the tech giant suspended the accounts of writers who wrote pro-Clinton blogs critical of Obama. “[N]early all of [the censored bloggers] had three things in common,” Owens wrote. “Most were pro-Hillary Clinton blogs, all were anti-Barack Obama, and several were listed on justsaynodeal.com, an anti-Obama website.”
  • Google allowed users to smear then-leading GOP candidate for president Rick Santorum. Google refused to correct a “Google bomb” that smeared Santorum. ..The Big Tech company previously claimed that it had ended the popular internet pranks and had even corrected the issue when it impacted the White House’s webpage for Obama...when Santorum’s team brought the issue to Google’s attention, the platform flat-out refused to resolve it...
  • In 2016, Google employed both its algorithm and its “partners” to push Clinton over the finish line. One study by SourceFed found that Google’s algorithm excluded potentially damaging autofill results for searches inquiring about Clinton’s alleged crimes and possible indictment during her scandalous tenure as Secretary of State. Google hid her flaws and suggested that users search for things like “Hillary Clinton crime reform” and “Hillary Clinton India” but didn't do the same for other searches for candidates like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Google worked with “partners” to bolster Latino votes, in the hopes of propping up Clinton, according to internal emails uncovered by Tucker Carlson. A leaked email chain showed one employee explaining how Google made a “silent donation” by working with its partner Voto Latino to pay for Latino voters to get rides to the polls in “key states.” The tech giant also “helped them create ad campaigns to promote the rides.” These and similar methods of election interference and censorship likely contributed to the 2.6 million votes that Google shifted in 2016, according to Robert Epstein.
Shortly after the election, at a company-wide meeting, Google’s CFO Ruth Porat promised Google employees that the company would use its “great strength and resources and reach” to advance its leftist values.
  • Researchers uncovered clear evidence of election interference in 2018. Research showed Google’s “significant pro-liberal bias” would be “enough, quite easily, to have flipped all three congressional districts in Orange County from Republican to Democrat.” Indeed, all three flipped blue. That same election cycle, Google labeled “Nazism” as one of the California GOP’s ideologies when users searched for the political party. AllSides, a firm that rates news outlets for political bias, found that just five percent of the stories that Google linked on its Google News homepage came from right-leaning media outlets. In turn, the platform pushed 15 times as much content from media outlets that AllSides identifies as left-leaning. Similarly, a search in the News tab for “Trump” displayed more than seven times as much content from media outlets that AllSides labels as left than those it deems as from the right on the first page of results.
  • In 2020, Google picked its favored and disfavored candidates and continued its biased censorship spree. During the 2020 Democratic primary, The tech giant disabled then-presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard’s Google Ads account just as she became the most searched candidate following the first Democratic Party primary debate. The tech giant was also accused of blocking GOP fundraising emails from reaching users’ inboxes and sending out “go vote” reminders only to Democrats. These, and similar methods of election interference, likely contributed to the at least six million votes that Google shifted in 2020, according to research.
  • In 2022, Google placed its thumb on the scale by censoring candidates in key races, and it continued censoring media. An MRC Free Speech America study found that Google buried 83 percent of the Republican campaign websites for the most competitive Senate races. Ten of the 12 candidates did not make the top 6 search results and 7 did not appear on the first page of search results at all. MRC Free Speech America examined how Google treated 10 politicians known for criticizing Big Tech... Researchers found that Google buried the campaign websites of all 10 politicians and seven of them did not appear at all on the first page of the results. MRC Free Speech America analyzed searches conducted in Georgia during the 2022 Senate run-off race between Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) and Herschel Walker (R). Google’s results favored Warnock in a swing precinct where greater proportions of undecided voters likely reside. The platform scrubbed Walker’s website from the first page of results altogether. AllSides also once again found Google News bias in 2020. The firm found that 61 percent of the stories included on the Google News homepage linked to leftist media outlets. Meanwhile, only three percent linked to right-leaning media outlets–a 20 to 1 disparity.
    • The 2024 election cycle is upon us, and Google has already begun interfering. Google buried the campaign websites for every significant opponent of incumbent President Joe Biden (RFK, Jr. plus 15 Republican candidates). When searching for “Republican presidential campaign websites,” Google returned Democrat Mariane Williamson, but not former President Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and others.) Google's AI Gemini (formerly Bard) has refused to answer prompts questioning two of Biden’s biggest weaknesses: the president’s mental health and the ongoing border crisis. The chatbot instead suggested the queries were election-related, which they are. “Elections are a complex topic with fast-changing information,” Gemini claimed in response. "To make sure you have the latest and most accurate information, try Google Search.”
  • You can read the full study here: [open the doc to see the full report embedded]
This is a losing issue for you. You are totally delusional, and perhaps that explains your absolute arrogance in your steadfast opinions, when any rational individual would step back, look at the information presented in it's entirety, and come to a different conclusion. But no, you present snippets, mold them into your ideology, and present them as truthful facts. StupidAss is a well deserved moniker indeed.
😂 You make it out like I, and I alone, called Trump out on this.

Snippets (which by definition are small)

1 Trump tells crowd protesting his election loss that they need to fight like hell to keep their country.

2 Crowd riots and storms capital resulting in BLOODSHED

3 Trump ignores pleas from his staff and advisors to call off rioting

4 Trump praises insurrectionist rioters as being unbelievable patriots

5 Trump says if he’s not elected their will be BLOODSHED
Ain't this special?

"That's different." /Flogtard

BREAKING: Joe Biden THREATENED Bernie Sanders with a “BLOODBATH” in the 2020 Primary. This is disqualifying and terrifying.

5 Trump says if he’s not elected their will be BLOODSHED

How many pages are you going to take this out of context? As stated, only a MORON at this point would still insist he meant what YOU think he meant.

Hell, even Pat McAfee and ESPN know the score. But you don't. None of us are surprised at your idiocy and your pride in persistently demonstrating it publicly.

You are the problem.


I'll be damned, even more context unfolds.

Chinese Auto Executive: ‘Bloodbath’ Coming for American Auto Industry

He Xiaopeng, the CEO of XPeng Motors, predicts a “bloodbath” against America’s auto industry with the help of cheap China-made electric vehicles (EVs).

Over the weekend, former President Donald Trump was campaigning in Vandalia, Ohio, when he warned that without fierce new United States tariffs on China-made EVs, the American auto industry will face “a bloodbath for the country” with jobs lost and industry offshored.

“We’re going to put a 100 percent tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected,” Trump said. “Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole, that’s going to be the least of it, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that’s going to be the least of it.”

Trump’s remark mimicked comments made by Xiaopeng in a letter to XPeng employees obtained by CNBC last month. Xiaopeng suggested that “a bloodbath” is coming for the American auto industry this year.

China seeks to deliver a “brutal knockout round” against its Western competitors, including the U.S., in the global EV market, Xiaopeng said.
😂 You make it out like I, and I alone, called Trump out on this.

Snippets (which by definition are small)

1 Trump tells crowd protesting his election loss that they need to fight like hell to keep their country.

2 Crowd riots and storms capital resulting in BLOODSHED

3 Trump ignores pleas from his staff and advisors to call off rioting

4 Trump praises insurrectionist rioters as being unbelievable patriots

5 Trump says if he’s not elected their will be BLOODSHED
Well, as far as this forum goes, yes, you are the only one.

As for your numbered comments, they clearly follow your skewed ideology with little rational thought behind them.
By the way, no one here takes you seriously, and I have a feeling no one anywhere does.
Ain't this special?

"That's different." /Flogtard

BREAKING: Joe Biden THREATENED Bernie Sanders with a “BLOODBATH” in the 2020 Primary. This is disqualifying and terrifying.

That's why this is so insanely stupid. There are examples of politicians and members of the media promising bloodbaths dozens of times in the past.
You are the problem.

Since you won't watch the C-SPAN speech, perhaps you'll read the transcript. No, we aren't hopeful. Only a moron (you) can take his comments out of context. He clearly was referencing Chinese auto-manufacturing:

[begin transcript] Mexico has taken - over a period of 30 years - 34% of the automobile manufacturing business in our country. Think of it…went to Mexico.

China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re gonna build the cars in Mexico and think - they think - that they’re gonna sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border.

Let me tell you something, to China, if you’re listening President Xi…and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal…those big monster car manufacturing plants you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re gonna get that, you’re gonna not hire Americans , and you’re gonna sell the cars to us…no. We’re gonna put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. And you’re not gonna be able to sell those cars…if I get elected

Now if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the whole…that’s gonna be the least of it…it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not gonna sell those cars. They’re building massive factories.

A friend of mine, all he…[end transcript]

3 paragraphs about cars. Cars, cars, cars, cars. The whole topic was cars. Says it will be a bloodbath [for the auto industry and economy] if he isn't elected, goes right back to cars and factories.

I'll repeat, only morons and the propaganda media can stretch far enough up their ******** to reach for the conclusion that he was discussing bloodshed. ONLY morons.

Even AltLeft Factcheck.org agrees it was taken out of context: https://www.factcheck.org/2024/03/trumps-bloodbath-comment/

That's now quite clear.
😂 Well if a Trump campaign spokesman and Republican Senator say so…
Trump didn’t say “If there are no automotive tariffs, it’s going to be a bloodbath”. He said “If I don't get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath”. Who is spinning?
I will ask again, are you really this ******* stupid? You can’t be or you wouldn’t remember to breathe. That means you are being willfully ignorant. Anyone with even a 1/4 of a brain can listen to the whole thing and know exactly what he meant, and it isn’t the outright lie you are claiming. JFC man stop being the caricature of all that is wrong with the left.
Last edited:
How many pages are you going to take this out of context? As stated, only a MORON at this point would still insist he meant what YOU think he meant.

Hell, even Pat McAfee and ESPN know the score. But you don't. None of us are surprised at your idiocy and your pride in persistently demonstrating it publicly.

You are the problem.


View attachment 12324
Pat McAfee! 😂 Buddy of Aaron Rodgers, soon to be VPOTUS candidate.
All you need to know about this topic is the following.

Biden tells conservative Americans, "You better have F-15's and nuclear weapons" to take on the government, arrests political opponents, Chinese spy-lover Swalwell tells Americans they better comply with inane gun laws because "we have nuclear weapons."

Tibilo and Dr. Flogstain:


Trump refers to bloodbath of American auto industry if Dementia Joe "re-elected."

Tibilo and Dr. Flogstain:

😂 You make it out like I, and I alone, called Trump out on this.

Snippets (which by definition are small)

1 Trump tells crowd protesting his election loss that they need to fight like hell to keep their country.

2 Crowd riots and storms capital resulting in BLOODSHED

3 Trump ignores pleas from his staff and advisors to call off rioting

4 Trump praises insurrectionist rioters as being unbelievable patriots

5 Trump says if he’s not elected their will be BLOODSHED
that's a lot of words for saying "I'm not the only idiot, because the people who spoon feed my opinion to me are also idiots."
All you need to know about this topic is the following.

Biden tells conservative Americans, "You better have F-15's and nuclear weapons" to take on the government, arrests political opponents, Chinese spy-lover Swalwell tells Americans they better comply with inane gun laws because "we have nuclear weapons."

Tibilo and Dr. Flogstain:


Trump refers to bloodbath of American auto industry if Dementia Joe "re-elected."

Tibilo and Dr. Flogstain:

His brain is programmed to the far left’s main stream media.
There is no comprising with this one
😂 You make it out like I, and I alone, called Trump out on this.

Snippets (which by definition are small)

1 Trump tells crowd protesting his election loss that they need to fight like hell to keep their country.

Jaime Raskin, Ted Lieu, and your hero, Dementia Joe, all promising to "fight like hell":

2 Crowd riots and storms capital resulting in BLOODSHED

Mainly of the protesters, three of whom were killed, and at least one murdered.

3 Trump ignores pleas from his staff and advisors to call off rioting

Except when he repeatedly told the protesters to "go home now," you mean? Other than that, you mean? And other than him telling protesters, "stay peaceful"? Other than that, you mean, right???

Article Proves Dr. Flogstain A Decrepit Lying Liar Telling Lies About His Lies

4 Trump praises insurrectionist rioters as being unbelievable patriots

You simpering dolt, you moron, you imbecile, NONE OF THE PROTESTERS WAS CHARGED WITH INSURRECTION. And damn right, protesting obvious voting fraud and a joke election of a dementia-ridden grifter was patriotic.


5 Trump says if he’s not elected their will be BLOODSHED

"Their will"? As in, "their hopes" or "their desires"?

Or are you too stupid to know the difference between "there will be" and "their will"?

We have already schooled your sorry *** on the moronic "bloodshed" claim. I'd tell you to take a hike, but I would never do that to your poor dog.
I may have to re-think my lambasting of Dr. Flogstain, walking champion. Turns out Bad Orange Man directly encouraged violent protests on January 6. Look what he tweeted!!!!

Thirty minutes later, Trump tweeted again, saying, “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

hey, @Steeltime - considering you're an alleged lawyer (ammalamps chaser), would it be possible to distort these quotes to mean something other than inviting them to a quilting bee or a lemonade stand ran by children?

We’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.
you push back on them...
hey, @Steeltime - considering you're an alleged lawyer (ammalamps chaser), would it be possible to distort these quotes to mean something other than inviting them to a quilting bee or a lemonade stand ran by children?


Wow, those comments are overtly inciting violence. Amazing that stupid Orange Man thinks he can get away with ...

[Told who made comments]

😂 Well if a Trump campaign spokesman and Republican Senator say so…

GREAT reply Flogtard. 🤦‍♂️

An extreme AltLeft factcheck site (remember, you LOVE those sites) even disagrees with you.

The transcript is there. You know and your crooked media knows his comments were about the auto industry. And you are A-OK with the lie being spun and broadcast endlessly.

You are the problem.